New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
user/flavoni – NEMO

Version 4 (modified by flavoni, 7 years ago) (diff)


TO DO LIST on alpha v4.0

Various issues to be solved before the beta version :[[BR]]

  • ISOMIP & OVERFLOW ==>>> do 1 experience for 1 tests (ln_zps, dynhpg, .. etc) !!NON!! because of script sette to test automatically all options of advection/diffusion schemes: loop on namelist_xxx
  • End sette script to tests and compare results (which results? max temperature? salinity? For ubs muscle : max <= max_start)
  • Test energy conserving with dynspg_explicit in CANAL (or VORTEX?)
  • Closea ==>>> after D.Storkey modification of dev_merge_2017: NEED to re-create file:

do: put nn_closea = 1 + run script in TOOLS/DOMAINcfg of Dave to generate closea_mask field, that it is added to the new file.

and then ==>>> do TEST ORCA2 in forced mode with /without closea.

N.B. leave ln_closea = .false. in tha namelist_cfg

  • Closea for eORCA1? ==>>> just verify with Christian/Julie? if for eORCA1 the domain_cfg file has closed seas, and see with them how to re-create new input files, to be able to run eORCA1 with the 4.0 alpha release
  • Do a long run of ORCA2 ==>>> gurvan tested (jannuary 9th) and after 180 timesteps code blows up (maybe ice? change nn-fsbc to 1?)
  • Create a climatology of ice to use "iceif" (sort of ocean offline) ==>>> if climatology (clem/martin) is created so keep the ice-if option, if not remove this option from the code?

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