Version 4 (modified by jpaul, 7 years ago) (diff) |
My assigned tickets
Welcome to the NEMO forge
Here you are browsing the Trac web interface of the platform sharing the collaborative development activities related to the NEMO project
How to install NEMO
TOC(user/jpaul/ModelInstall, noheading, inline, notitle, nonumbering)? #== Create your account #== Extract the NEMO code #== Extract and install XIOS #== Setup your architecture configuration file
How to create your own configuration
How to create your own Global configuration
- Duplicate an existing configuration / Duplicate with differences
- makenemo
- Viewing changing CPP keys
- Running the model
How to create your own Regional configuration
- Create your configuration
Test Cases (Option 2: Copy and modify user-defined configuration modules)
Configuration for NEMO version 4.0 (Option 1: Create and use a domain configuration file)
Reference Configurations
Advanced interface with NEMO model
Coupling with others models (OASIS, SAS,...)
Data Assimilation ()
Inputs-Outputs (XIOS)
Mesh refinement (AGRIF)
Prepocessing Tools
Data interpolation