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User Guide to ORCHIDEE
- Installation, compilation and basic run
- svn
- Different ways to configure simulations with libIGCM
- History/output files
- netcdf
- Code
- Debugging and profiling
- Coupling to LMDZ
- Forcing files
- Useful shellscript examples
- Q&A from orchidee-help
- Propositions for additional pages
- Archived (old pages, partly outdated, but still useful with caution)
User Guide to ORCHIDEE
This page let you to answer some problems you can meet with ORCHIDEE. You will find several tutorials explaining how to install and run the model, how to debug, etc. You can also find information among the presentations done during the Orchidee Training courses
Installation, compilation and basic run
- Prepare
- Login needed to access ORCHIDEE and work on the wiki (Last revision: 2023/01/24)
- Set up environment before first time using a new machine: obelix, ciclad, climserv, irene, jean-zay (Last revision: 2020/03/19)
- Download and compile
- Install and compile ORCHIDEE for offline use (Last revision: 2022/01/28)
- Install and compile 5 to 10 year old versions of ORCHIDEE for offline use (Last revision: 2024/06/11)
- How to install ORCHIDEE in coupled mode with LMDZ (Last revision: 2024/06/07)
- How to install ORCHIDEE on a Linux PC (Obsolete)
- More about compile methods (Last revision: 2022/01/28)
- Run
- Run a simple test case with ORCHIDEE offline using the trunk (Last revision: 2022/01/17)
- Run a simple test case with ORCHIDEE offline using ORCHIDEE_3 (Last revision: 2020/01/09)
- Run a simple test case with ORCHIDEE offline using ORCHIDEE_2_0 (Last revision: 2022/01/17)
- Run a parallel job in a batch system (example at curie, ada and obelix) without libIGCM (Last revision: 2020/03/03)
- Run a simple test using libIGCM see also section Different ways to configure simulations with libIGCM below (Last revision: 2023/11/30)
- Check list
- Step by step guidelines to prepare your simulation: configuration, input files, keywords, etc. (collective, last updated: 2020/06/01, still in progress)
- Some classic set up problems when new on a cluster (Last updated: 2024/02/12)
- ORCHIDEE tools
- Download scripts that can help with preparing boundary files and other tasks (Last updated: 2024/05/30)
- Basic use of svn Download a pdf Basic use of SVN (Last revision: 2022/01)
- Various ways to get the code of an ORCHIDEE version with svn (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
- How to create a new branch or a personal version (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
- Guidelines and help to commit on the trunk (or a branch) (Last revision: 2023/02/28)
- How to keep a branch or personal version updated with the trunk or with another version (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
- How to compare two versions of ORCHIDEE (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
- How to remove your svn passwords (Last revision: 2024/02/28)
- How to add a new svn user (SVN administrators only) (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
Different ways to configure simulations with libIGCM
- Official documentation about libIGCM by the Plateforme groupe at IPSL Climate Modelling Centre
- Introduction to ORCHIDEE configurations using libIGCM (Last revision: 2020/03/19)
- Set up environment before first time using a new machine: obelix, ciclad, climserv, irene, jean-zay (Same link as in first section)
- Manipulation of parameter files in libIGCM configurations (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
- Spinup : why, how and how long? The answer depends on the ORCHIDEE component (Last revision: 2020/04/01)
- How to loop over years with libIGCM (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
- How to prescribe the land cover? (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
- How to tell libIGCM to copy a new input file for ORCHIDEE (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
- Change atmospheric CO2 scalar value (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
- How to change the climate forcing with libIGCM? (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
- How to run with the hig hresolution routing scheme? (Last revision: 2022/07/28)
- Configuration ENSEMBLE to run ORCHIDEE at Fluxnet sites (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
- Is there a way to send all of my ORCHIDEE output files to a different location? (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
- Is there a way to specify different queues automatically with libIGCM? (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
- Classical error message: cp cannot stat (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
- Classical error message: restopenin (Last revision: 2020/03/19)
- How to reduce the disk space usage and speed up your simulations (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
History/output files
- Using XIOS
- Overview of XIOS in ORCHIDEE, Training of January 17, 2020 (Last revision: 2020/01/17)
- Using XIOS in libIGCM configurations (Last revision: 2020/03/02)
- Add a new output variable using XIOS (Last revision: 2020/03/02)
- Using IOIPSL
- How to understand the operators used to write the variables in the history files using IOIPSL (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
- How to add a variable to history files? (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
- How to install ORCHIDEE without XIOS (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
- How to find for some river discharge processing (Last revision: 2020/05/20)
- How to look at simulation output using CliMAF to produce a C-ESM-EP atlas
- How to check differences between netcdf files? (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
- How to manipulate/compare/examine netcdf files using cdo, nco or ncview? (Last revision: 2020/05/11)
- How to use ferret to change the resolution of a file? (Last revision: 2020/03/19)
- Is there something wrong with my netCDF library? (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
- How to convert a tiff map to a netcdf map (Last revision: 2024/09/11)
- Coding guidelines in ORCHIDEE (Last revision: 2020/03/19)
- How to add a new flag in ORCHIDEE? (Last revision: 2020/03/19)
- Parallelization in ORCHIDEE and how to use OpenMP (Last revision: 2020/03/19)
- Classical error message: XIOS (Last revision: 2020/03/19)
- Use doxygen to generate subroutine call graphs and offline html-form documentation (Last revision: 2022/06)
- How to run the Open Trusting (First version: 2023/06/01, you need to login to see this page)
Debugging and profiling
- Using the compiler
- How to get started debugging and compile with debug options (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
- How to find a segmentation error or a floating invalid (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
- How to find where the model is hanging?(Last revision: 2020/02/28)
- Debug a coupled LMDZOR run (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
- Using options in ORCHIDEE
- Control text output using variable PRINTLEV in run.def (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
- Set the level of internal error checking (Last revision: 2020/03/19)
- One plus One or the challenge of restartability (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
- Extract a single pixel from a large restart file (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
- Debug a coupled LMDZOR run (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
- Using additional software tools
- Debugging with IDB (Last revision: 2019/05/02)
- Debugging with Totalview (Last revision: 2019/05/02)
- Debugging with DDT Allinea Map (Last revision: 2019/05/02)
- Profiling with Valgrind (Last revision: 2019/09/19)
- Profiling with Gprof (Last revision: 2019/09/30)
- Profiling with Intel Vtune (Last revision: 2018/02/26)
- Profiling with DDT Allinea Map (Last revision: 2014/04/18)
- Profiling with Vampir? (Last revision: 2013/06/18)
Coupling to LMDZ
- How to install ORCHIDEE in coupled mode with LMDZ (Link towards same page as in first section)
- How do I set up a zoomed (and nudged) simulation (a.k.a. using a new LMDZOR grid)? (M. McGrath and someone else?)
- How to estimate the uncertainty of an LMDZOR run? (Last revision: 2020/03/19)
- What is important to know about using a new LMDZOR grid? (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
- How to verify that the climate produced by your LMDZOR run is not terrible (ATLAS & TOA)? (M. McGrath)
- How to launch a stand-alone ATLAS run to validate the climate (M. McGrath)
- How to set different output levels for the LMDZ ouput files (Y.Chen)
Forcing files
- How to run future offline simulations? (Last revision: 2020/03/19)
- How to format and how to verify atmospheric forcing files for ORCHIDEE offline driver (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
Useful shellscript examples
- How to write a shell script? (Last revision: 2020/05/11)
- How to rename many files at once? (Last revision: 2020/03/19)
- How to write a shell script to search specific files and combine them together to a single file? (Last revision: 2020/03/19)
- How to compare used_run_def files from different model versions (Last revision: 2020/02/28)
Q&A from orchidee-help
- How to use the new driver? (Last revision: 2020/06/01)
- How to impose user-defined soil parameters? (Last revision: 2020/06/01)
- How to prevent drainage losses (w/o violating mass conservation)? (Last revision: 2020/06/01)
- How to deactivate the decline of Ks with depth in hydrol.f90? (Last revision: 2020/06/01)
- Problem to run in parallel with several proc on obelix (Last revision: 2020/06/16)
- How to set up a run with routage simple (Last revision: 2022/03/17)
- How to set up a run with routage highres (Under edition: 2022/07/15)
Propositions for additional pages
- Good practices to avoid using buggy code (e.g. use debug mode, check mass conservation, check 1+1=2) : proposed by D. Goll to be inserted in each page of the Debug section
Archived (old pages, partly outdated, but still useful with caution)
- Load and compile another netCDF library for libIGCM (Last revision: 2016/11/20)
- How to set-up a preindustrial run with LMDZOR (DOFOCO)? (Last revision: 2016/11/26)
- How to set-up a present day run with LMDZOR (DOFOCO)? (Last revision: 2016/11/27)
- How to set-up a future run with LMDZOR (DOFOCO)? (Last revision: 2016/11/27)
- Where to recover or how to manually rebuild a missing history file (Last revision: 2015/03/23)
Last modified 4 weeks ago
Last modified on 2024-09-11T16:33:48+02:00
Attachments (5)
- svn10min_Ghattas_20140612.pdf (497.2 KB) - added by jgipsl 10 years ago.
(1.8 MB) -
added by fcheruy 7 years ago.
slides for the atmosphere-surface coupling presentation done at the LMDZ training course
- ddt_main_debug_arrow (186.7 KB) - added by ajornet 7 years ago.
- svn10minandORCH_20200228.pdf (350.3 KB) - added by peylin 5 years ago.
- svn10minandORCH_jan2022.pdf (358.7 KB) - added by jgipsl 2 years ago.