03/12/12 17:19:57 (12 years ago)

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  • ether_megapoli/trunk/web/src/ApplicationResources_en.properties

    r366 r408  
    9090data=Megapoli data 
    91 data.title=MEGAPOLI DATA 
     91data.title=Ether Data Base of the MEGAPOLI PARIS campaign in summer 2009 / winter 2009/10 
    9393data.categ2=FIXED SURFACE TYPE 
    9494data.categ3=MOBILE PLATFORM-SURFACE 
    95 data.intro0=This area is accessible for Megapoli project members only. You can ask for a login account by using 
     95data.intro0=This area is accessible for Megapoli project members only and is for access and download MEGAPOLI data. You can ask for a login account by using 
    9696data.intro1=the connection module 
    9797data.intro2=and signing 
    9898data.intro3=the data protocol. 
     100data.home.intro1=The ETHER-MEGAPOLI data base contains measurement data obtained from two intensive field campaigns, which took place in and around the Paris agglomeration during summer 2009 and winter 2009/10. The specific objective was a better quantification of primary and secondary organic aerosol sources and formation pathways in and around a tertiary type megacity located in temperate latitudes. The campaign was organized in the framework of the European FP7 MEGAPOLI project (Megacities: Emissions, urban, regional and Global Atmospheric POLlution and climate effects, and Integrated tools for assessment and mitigation 2008-2011) which intended to provide a quantitative and comprehensive description of the megacity impact on air quality and the chemical composition of the troposphere. 
     101data.home.intro2=A consortium of twenty five European and French teams has implemented state-of-the- art instrumentation at several fixed sites, mobile platforms and on two research aircrafts (SAFIRE ATR-42 aircraft during summer and PIPER AZTEC aircraft during winter). Mobile platforms were operated in and around the agglomeration (up to 200 km distance from the center). The two intensive campaign periods were between July1 and July 31 2009 and between January 15 and February 15, 2010. 
     102data.home.intro3=Data available in the Ether Data base are relative to : 
     103data.home.intro4=the chemical composition of particles, 
     104data.home.intro5=their physico-chemical properties, 
     105data.home.intro6=gas phase species concentrations, with a focus on VOC species, including also radicals and radical budget related species, 
     106data.home.intro7=meteorological variables, 
     107data.home.intro8=lidar aerosol backscatter profiles. 
     108data.home.intro9=Model simulations will be added at a later stage. <BR/>The Paris campaign and its exploitation was co-financed by several French organisms: ANR, CNRS/INSUand ADEME via the LEFE-CHAT program, and the region Ile-de-France (SEPPE).<BR/><BR/>For more information, please refer to the MEGAPOLI FP7 project website (in particular under PROJECT RESULTS / WP3 Plume Case Study) 
    100110data.upload=Data upload 
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