03/08/13 11:00:04 (11 years ago)

Mise a jour banque de donnees

1 edited


  • geisa/web/initGeisa.jsp

    r757 r762  
    39 <div id="informationContents" class="information"> This tool allows you to draw the spectroscopic parameters in function of the wavenumber. Please select the parameters to draw your own graph. 
    40     <br> 
    41     For further information, please download the <a href="#">user manual</a>. 
     39<div id="informationContents" class="information"> This tool allows you to draw spectroscopic parameters in function of the wavenumber. Please select the parameters to draw your own graph. 
     40    <!--<br> 
     41    For further information, please download the <a href="#">user manual</a>.  --> 
    4444<div style="display:none;" id="informationGlobal" class="information"> This tool allows you to see the line positions of several molecules or isotopologues in a chosen spectral range. 
    45     <br> 
    46     For further information, please download the <a href="#">user manual</a>. 
     45    <!--<br> 
     46    For further information, please download the <a href="#">user manual</a>. --> 
    4949<div style="display:none;" id="informationComparison" class="information"> This tool allows you to compare different databases content. 
    50     <br> 
    51     For further information, please download the <a href="#">user manual</a>. 
     50    <!--<br> 
     51    For further information, please download the <a href="#">user manual</a>. --> 
    106106            <div id="axeY1Gene" class="axeY1Gene"> 
    107                 <fieldset class="options"><legend><b>Choosing line transition parameter :  </b><a href="#" TITLE="Selection of spectral parameter to draw (intensity, HWM ..etc.) according to wavenumbers. Note that, it’s possible to draw also the number of transitions when a bin-average greater than 0 is chosen (see advanced options). "><img src="resources/images/elements/index.jpeg" height="16px" width="16px"></a>  </legend> 
     107                <fieldset class="options"><legend><b>Choosing line transition parameter :  </b><a href="#" TITLE="Selection of spectral parameter to draw (intensity, HWM ..etc.) according to wavenumbers. Note that, it’s possible to draw also the number of transitions when a bin-average greater than 0 is chosen (see advanced options). "><img src="resources/images/elements/index-or.jpeg" height="16px" width="16px"></a>  </legend> 
    108108                    <div id="axeY1" class="containerInsideOptions"></div> 
    109109                </fieldset> 
    133133        <fieldset class="general"><legend><span class="fieldsetGeneralTitle">Advanced Options :</span></legend> 
    134134            <div id="transition" class="transition"> 
    135                 <fieldset class="options"><legend>  <b>Choosing vibrational transitions :  </b><a href="#" TITLE="Selection of an upper and/or a lower vibrational state related to one given molecule. The list of available states depends on the chosen molecule and on the spectral interval."><img src="resources/images/elements/index.jpeg" height="16px" width="16px"></a></legend> 
     135                <fieldset class="options"><legend>  <b>Choosing vibrational transitions :  </b><a href="#" TITLE="Selection of an upper and/or a lower vibrational state related to one given molecule. The list of available states depends on the chosen molecule and on the spectral interval."><img src="resources/images/elements/index-or.jpeg" height="16px" width="16px"></a></legend> 
    136136                    <div id="transitionValue" class="transitionValue"> 
    137137                        <div  id="transitionUpper" class="containerInsideOptions"></div> 
    145145            <div  id="meanValue" class="meanValue"> 
    146                 <fieldset class="options"><legend> <b>Parameter mean values :  </b><a href="#" TITLE="To draw average values of the selected parameter, choose a bin-average greater than 0. The bin-average is the step according to which the averages values are calculated. "><img src="resources/images/elements/index.jpeg" height="16px" width="16px"></a></legend> 
     146                <fieldset class="options"><legend> <b>Parameter mean values :  </b><a href="#" TITLE="To draw average values of the selected parameter, choose a bin-average greater than 0. The bin-average is the step according to which the averages values are calculated. "><img src="resources/images/elements/index-or.jpeg" height="16px" width="16px"></a></legend> 
    147147                    <div id="meanValue1" class="containerInsideOptions"></div> 
    148148                    <!--Pour l'onglet "Database comparison"   --> 
    155155            <div id="axeY2Gene" class="axeY2Gene"> 
    156                 <fieldset class="options"><legend>  <b>Choosing secondary line transition parameter :  </b><a href="#" TITLE="Optional option, for drawing a secondary parameter (coupled with the primary one)."><img src="resources/images/elements/index.jpeg" height="16px" width="16px"></a></legend> 
     156                <fieldset class="options"><legend>  <b>Choosing secondary line transition parameter :  </b><a href="#" TITLE="Optional option, for drawing a secondary parameter (coupled with the primary one)."><img src="resources/images/elements/index-or.jpeg" height="16px" width="16px"></a></legend> 
    157157                    <div id="axeY2Titre" class="containerInsideOptions"></div> 
    158158                    <div id="axeY2" class="containerInsideOptions"></div> 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.