
Climate modules

Several methods are available for forcing the GRISLI model climatically. Each method corresponds to a module, but some modules can be used for a wide range of applications. Climate modules are stored in the SOURCES/Climate_modules directory.

1. climat_forcage

  • Climate forcing with GCM climate and index time forcing file
  • Absolute or anomaly in respect of a reference climate
  • Read climate snapshot files
  • Possibility of using any snapshot you like

Exemple of a param file to use climat_forcage for a deglaciation in anomaly :

! module climat_forcage
clim_ref_file = ''
ntr           = 2
ttr_temp      = -21000, 0.
forcage_file  = '', ''
typerun       = 0
lapserate     = 0.007
rappact       = 0.11
filforc       = 'forcage-429k-quiquet-et-al_CP2013_glacial-index_Waelbroeck_AMOC.dat'
pertbmb       = 1
coefT         = 1.
coefbmb       = 10.
r_atmvar      = 0.25

Description of the individual parameters

  • clim_ref_file : reference climate file (climatology) with monthly t2m and precipitation (rain + snow)
  • ntr : number of climate GCM snapshot used
  • ttr_temp : date corresponding to each snapshot
  • forcage_file : GCM climate snapshot file with temperature, precipitation (monthly) and surface altitude
  • typerun : 1 for steady state using snap 1, 2 for steady state using snap 2, 0 for transient.
  • lapserate : vertical temperature gradient (°/m)
  • rappact : precipitation ratio to temperature change
  • filforc : name of file whith climatic perturbation through time used if typerun = 0
  • pertbmb : 0 : basal melt under ice-shelves not modified, 1 : basal melt modified
  • coeft : coeficient to modify temperature
  • coefbmb : if we modify the bmelt (pertbmb=1), we read a perturbation (based on dD, insolation, etc.) and apply this coefficient
  • r_atmvar : a ratio to account fast atmos variability between the 2 snapshots (in %: 0=>no fast var,1=>only fast var)

2. climat_InitMIP_years_perturb

Module used to run ISMIP simulations. Read an smb file with 1 or many time snapshots.

There are several ways of varying the surface mass balance:

  • fixed over time => massb_time = 0
  • apply anomalies (asmb and abmb initMIP simulations) => massb_time = 1
  • interpolation between snapshots => massb_time = 2
  • interpolation between snapshots + vertical interpolation (lapserate) => massb_time = 3

This module must be used with module no_ablation, since smb is read directly from forcing files.

! module climat_InitMIP_years_perturb_mod
smb_file           = reference climate smb file (kg/m2/an)
coef_smb_unit      = coef water to ice/year (1/910 or 1/918)
temp_annual_file   = reference climate mean annual temperature (°C)
! module climat_InitMIP_years_perturb_mod
file_smb_anom      = SMB anomalies from GCM
file_lapse         = lapse rate SMB and Tann (optionnal, used for greenland ISMIP scenarios)
coef_smb_anom_unit = coef water to ice/year (1/910 or 1/918)
nb_snap            = number of GCM snapshots
time_depart_snaps  = time of the first climate snapshot
massb_time         = 0:fixe, 1:anomalies, 2:interp snapshots, 3:snapsh+interp vert

3. climat_forcage_insolation

Module that allows GRISLI to be forced with a matrix of climate snapshots corresponding to different insolations, CO2 and ice sheet states.

! module climat-forcage-insolation_mod
filtr_t     = file with temperature 
filtr_p     = file with precip
Seuil_haut  = high surface threshold for each climate snapshot 
Seuil_bas   = low surface threshold for each snapshot
summorb     = average summer insolation for each set of orbital parameters
palier_ice  = ice surface of each climate snapshot
surf_ice    = topo file for each snapshot
palier_CO2  = CO2 level for each snapshot
orb_file    = files with orbital parameters over time 
co2_file    = file with co2 levels over time
Last modified 2 months ago Last modified on 02/29/24 14:18:22