
Description of the main parameters in the param file

1. Where can I find GRISLI parameter files?

1.1 Parameter files used by launching scripts

Parameter files for standard simulations are in launching_area/Master-files/Param

These parameter files are used to run the simulations corresponding to the launch scripts present in launching_area. The launching script copies the param file into the simulation's bin directory, giving it a generic name depending on the geography used (e.g. for Ant-40, the param file is anteis1_param_list.dat).

Some parameters in these param files are modified in the launching script to adjust their values. For example, the script will modify the name of the run, and the start and end year of the simulation via the sed command:

# Replacing key words:

# run spec.:
sed -i "s/RUNNAME/$namerun/" $RUNDIR"/bin/anteis1_param_list.dat"
sed -i "s/RUNTBEGIN/$tmodelbegin/" $RUNDIR"/bin/anteis1_param_list.dat"
sed -i "s/RUNTEND/$tmodelend/" $RUNDIR"/bin/anteis1_param_list.dat"

1.2 Parameter file name

Here are the names of the param files corresponding to each geography geoplace_param_list.dat. Each geoplace can be found in the paradim source file corresponding to the geography used.

  • Ant-40 : anteis1_param_list.dat
  • Ant-16 : ant16km_param_list.dat
  • Hemin-40 : hemin40_param_list.dat
  • Hemin-15 : hemin15_param_list.dat
  • Euras-40 : euras40_param_list.dat
  • Euras-20 : euras20_param_list.dat
  • Euras-10 : euras10_param_list.dat
  • Laure-16 : laure16_param_list.dat
  • Grismip6 : grismip_param_list.dat
  • Alps-1 : alps1_param_list.dat
  • Alps-2 : alps2_param_list.dat

2. Main parameters of the param file

Each parameter block is identified by a name, corresponding to a namelist in a GRISLI module.

2.1 runpar : initial-phy-2.f90

Defines the name of the experiment and the type of restart used:

&runpar                  ! nom du bloc  parametres du run

 runname      =  "Cyc-Scho"
 icompteur    =            1
 iout         =            2
 reprcptr     = "../../../Fichier-CPTR/"
 itracebug    =            0
 num_tracebug  =          163
 comment_run   = "Cycle Antarctique Schoof"
! runname      : experience name (8 caracteres)
! icompteur    : restart from a file  0 -> no, 1 -> yes, 2 -> T et Hw, 3-> Temperature only
! iout         : 1-> ascii restart file (cptr), 2 -> Netcdf restart file
! reprcptr     : restart file name
! itracebug    : 1-> debug mod
! num_tracebug : unit number for debug file
! comment_run  : short run comment

2.2 timesteps : initial-phy-2.f90

Defines the time

&timesteps                 ! bloc time steps

 tend      =   -125000.0
 tbegin    =   -126000.0
 dtmin     =   2.0000001E-03
 dtmax     =    1.000000
 dtt       =    5.000000
 testdiag  =   1.6000001E-02
! tbegin   : start time (year)
! tend     : end year
! dtmin    : minimum time step
! dtmax    : maximum time step
! dtt      : large time step
! testdiag : to adapt dynamical time step dt

2.3 topo_file : lect-geoplace_mod.f90

Defines the topo, grid and geothermal flux input files

&topo_file                                  !  input_topo
topo_ref =                                                               
topo_dep =                                                               
grid_topo =coord-Ant-40km.dat                                                                            
ghf_fich =                                                                       
! topo_ref  : topo ref isostasy
! topo_dep  : topo start file
! grid_topo : file i,j,x,y,lon,lat
! ghf_fich  : geothermal flux file
Last modified 2 months ago Last modified on 02/28/24 18:14:57