02/05/18 13:05:48 (6 years ago)

Changed strategy for settings for output files for ORCHIDEE. Activate files, output level and output frequency are now set from orchidee.card and stomate.card. WriteFrequancy in config.card is not used any more for ORCHIDEE (SRF and SBG).

Already done in LMDZOR_v6 in [3563] and [3564]

1 edited



    r3537 r3565  
    3434        # Deactivate output files for stomate 
    3535        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 enabled .FALSE. 
     36        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 output_level 0 
    3637        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 output_freq 1mo 
    3738        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 enabled .FALSE. 
     39        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 output_level 0 
    3840        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 output_freq 1mo 
    3941    fi 
    6971    ## 2. Mangement of output and modifications of related xml files 
    71     # Set default values for sechiba1_enabled and sechiba1_freq. 
    72     # These variables are used only to modify file_def_orchidee.xml 
    73     sechiba1_enabled=.FALSE. 
    74     sechiba2_enabled=.FALSE. 
    75     sechiba1_freq=0s 
    76     sechiba2_freq=0s 
    79     # Get WriteFrenquecy for SRF (SECHIBA) from config.card 
    80     # 1 or 2 frequencies can be set in WriteFrenquecy for SRF 
    81     # The first frequency will always be used for the sechiba_history file and the  
    82     # second frequency will be used for the sechiba_out_2.nc file.  
    83     # The files are activated only if its corresponding frequency is set in WriteFrequency 
    84     ifreq=0 
    85     for frequency in ${config_SRF_WriteFrequency} ; do 
    86         case ${frequency} in 
    87             *Y|*y)  
    88                 NbYears=$( echo ${frequency} | awk -F '[yY]' '{print $1}' ) 
    89                 NbDaysYear=$( IGCM_date_DaysInYear ${year} ) 
    90                 file_enabled=.TRUE. 
    91                 file_freq=${NbYears}y ;; 
    92             *M|*m) 
    93                 NbMonths=$( echo ${frequency} | awk -F '[mM]' '{print $1}' ) 
    94                 file_enabled=.TRUE. 
    95                 file_freq=${NbMonths}mo ;; 
    96             *D|*d) 
    97                 NbDays=$( echo ${frequency} | awk -F '[dD]' '{print $1}' ) 
    98                 file_enabled=.TRUE. 
    99                 file_freq=${NbDays}d ;; 
    100             *s) 
    101                 WriteInSeconds=$( echo ${frequency} | awk -F '[s]' '{print $1}' ) 
    102                 file_enabled=.TRUE. 
    103                 file_freq=${WriteInSeconds}s ;; 
    104             HF|hf)  
    105                 file_enabled=.TRUE.  
    106                 file_freq=10800s ;; 
    107             *)  
    108                 IGCM_debug_Exit "SRF_Update " ${frequency} " invalid WriteFrequency : choose in xY, xM, xD, xs and HF"  
    109                 IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit ;; 
    110         esac 
    112         (( ifreq = ifreq + 1 )) 
    113         case ${ifreq} in 
    114             1) 
    115                 sechiba1_enabled=${file_enabled} 
    116                 sechiba1_freq=${file_freq} ;; 
    117             2) 
    118                 sechiba2_enabled=${file_enabled} 
    119                 sechiba2_freq=${file_freq} ;; 
    120         *) 
    121                 IGCM_debug_Exit "SRF_Update: It is not possible to set more than 2 output files for sechiba from config.card" 
    122                 IGCM_debug_Exit "You must correct WriteFrequancy in SRF secion in config.card." 
    123                 IGCM_debug_Exit "Adapt file_def_orchidee.xml directly if you want more output files" 
    124                 IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit ;; 
    125         esac 
    126     done 
    129     # Modify file_def_orchidee.xml file 
    130     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 enabled ${sechiba1_enabled} 
    131     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 output_freq ${sechiba1_freq} 
    132     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 enabled ${sechiba2_enabled} 
    133     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 output_freq ${sechiba2_freq} 
    134     # Use same values for sechiba1 and for sechiba3 files 
    135     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba3 enabled ${sechiba1_enabled} 
    136     IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba3 output_freq ${sechiba1_freq} 
     72    # Modify file_def_orchidee.xml file using settings from orchidee.card 
     73    # We here suppose that for each file, in orchidee.card UserChoices section, if the parameter  
     74    # output_level_filename is set, then also output_freq_filename must be set. The existance of output_freq_filename will not be checked.  
     75    # If output_level_filename=NONE or if it is not set, the corresponding file will be deactivated. 
     76    # Settings in config.card WriteFrequency are not used any more. 
     78    if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_output_level_sechiba_history} = X ] || [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_output_level_sechiba_history} = XNONE ] ; then 
     79        # output_level_sechiba_history is not set in orchidee.card or it is set to NONE. 
     80        # Deactivate the file. 
     81        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 enabled .FALSE. 
     82        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 output_level 0 
     83        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 output_freq 1mo 
     84    else 
     85        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 enabled      .TRUE. 
     86        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 output_level ${orchidee_UserChoices_output_level_sechiba_history} 
     87        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 output_freq  ${orchidee_UserChoices_output_freq_sechiba_history} 
     88    fi 
     90    if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_output_level_sechiba_out_2} = X ] || [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_output_level_sechiba_out_2} = XNONE ] ; then 
     91        # output_level_sechiba_out_2 is not set in orchidee.card or it is set to NONE. 
     92        # Deactivate the file. 
     93        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 enabled .FALSE. 
     94        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 output_level 0 
     95        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 output_freq 1mo 
     96    else 
     97        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 enabled      .TRUE. 
     98        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 output_level ${orchidee_UserChoices_output_level_sechiba_out_2} 
     99        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 output_freq  ${orchidee_UserChoices_output_freq_sechiba_out_2} 
     100    fi 
     102    if [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_output_level_sechiba_history_4dim} = X ] || [ X${orchidee_UserChoices_output_level_sechiba_history_4dim} = XNONE ] ; then 
     103        # output_level_sechiba_history_4dim is not set in orchidee.card or it is set to NONE. 
     104        # Deactivate the file. 
     105        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba3 enabled .FALSE. 
     106        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba3 output_level 0 
     107        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba3 output_freq 1mo 
     108    else 
     109        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba3 enabled      .TRUE. 
     110        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba3 output_level ${orchidee_UserChoices_output_level_sechiba_history_4dim} 
     111        IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba3 output_freq  ${orchidee_UserChoices_output_freq_sechiba_history_4dim} 
     112    fi 
    139115    # Add include of orchidee context in iodef.xml 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.