03/23/16 16:11:01 (8 years ago)

Refactoring transformation code

+) On exchanging information during transformation, not only global index are sent but also local index
+) Correct a bug in distributed hash table (dht)
+) Add new type for dht
+) Clean up some redundant codes

+) On Curie
+) Every test passes
+) Code runs faster in some cases (up to 30%)

1 edited


  • XIOS/trunk/src/client_server_mapping_distributed.cpp

    r721 r829  
    33   \author Ha NGUYEN 
    44   \since 27 Feb 2015 
    5    \date 06 Oct 2015 
     5   \date 16 Mars 2016 
    77   \brief Mapping between index client and server. 
    1919CClientServerMappingDistributed::CClientServerMappingDistributed(const boost::unordered_map<size_t,int>& globalIndexOfServer, 
    2020                                                                 const MPI_Comm& clientIntraComm, bool isDataDistributed) 
    21   : CClientServerMapping(), indexClientHash_(), countIndexGlobal_(0), countIndexServer_(0), 
    22     indexGlobalBuffBegin_(), indexServerBuffBegin_(), requestRecvIndexServer_(), isDataDistributed_(isDataDistributed), 
    23     ccDHT_(0) 
     21  : CClientServerMapping(), ccDHT_(0) 
    25   clientIntraComm_ = clientIntraComm; 
    26   MPI_Comm_size(clientIntraComm,&(nbClient_)); 
    27   MPI_Comm_rank(clientIntraComm,&clientRank_); 
    28   computeHashIndex(); 
    3023  ccDHT_ = new CClientClientDHTInt(globalIndexOfServer, 
    3124                                   clientIntraComm, 
    3225                                   isDataDistributed); 
    34 //  computeDistributedServerIndex(globalIndexOfServer, clientIntraComm); 
    4839  ccDHT_->computeIndexInfoMapping(globalIndexOnClient); 
    49   indexGlobalOnServer_ = (ccDHT_->getInfoIndexMap()); 
    51 /* 
    52   size_t ssize = globalIndexOnClient.numElements(), hashedIndex; 
    54   std::vector<size_t>::const_iterator itbClientHash = indexClientHash_.begin(), itClientHash, 
    55                                       iteClientHash = indexClientHash_.end(); 
    56   std::map<int, std::vector<size_t> > client2ClientIndexGlobal; 
    57   std::map<int, std::vector<int> > client2ClientIndexServer; 
    59   // Number of global index whose mapping server can be found out thanks to index-server mapping 
    60   int nbIndexAlreadyOnClient = 0; 
    62   // Number of global index whose mapping server are on other clients 
    63   int nbIndexSendToOthers = 0; 
    64   HashXIOS<size_t> hashGlobalIndex; 
    65   for (int i = 0; i < ssize; ++i) 
    66   { 
    67     size_t globalIndexClient = globalIndexOnClient(i); 
    68     hashedIndex  = hashGlobalIndex(globalIndexClient); 
    69     itClientHash = std::upper_bound(itbClientHash, iteClientHash, hashedIndex); 
    70     if (iteClientHash != itClientHash) 
    71     { 
    72       int indexClient = std::distance(itbClientHash, itClientHash)-1; 
    73       { 
    74         client2ClientIndexGlobal[indexClient].push_back(globalIndexClient); 
    75         ++nbIndexSendToOthers; 
    76       } 
    77     } 
    78   } 
    80   int* sendBuff = new int[nbClient_]; 
    81   for (int i = 0; i < nbClient_; ++i) sendBuff[i] = 0; 
    82   std::map<int, std::vector<size_t> >::iterator itb  = client2ClientIndexGlobal.begin(), it, 
    83                                                 ite  = client2ClientIndexGlobal.end(); 
    84   for (it = itb; it != ite; ++it) sendBuff[it->first] = 1; 
    85   int* recvBuff = new int[nbClient_]; 
    86   MPI_Allreduce(sendBuff, recvBuff, nbClient_, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, clientIntraComm_); 
    88   std::list<MPI_Request> sendRequest; 
    89   if (0 != nbIndexSendToOthers) 
    90       for (it = itb; it != ite; ++it) 
    91          sendIndexGlobalToClients(it->first, it->second, clientIntraComm_, sendRequest); 
    93   int nbDemandingClient = recvBuff[clientRank_], nbIndexServerReceived = 0; 
    95   // Receiving demand as well as the responds from other clients 
    96   // The demand message contains global index; meanwhile the responds have server index information 
    97   // Buffer to receive demand from other clients, it can be allocated or not depending whether it has demand(s) 
    98     // There are some cases we demand duplicate index so need to determine maxium size of demanding buffer 
    99   for (it = itb; it != ite; ++it) sendBuff[it->first] = (it->second).size(); 
    100   MPI_Allreduce(sendBuff, recvBuff, nbClient_, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, clientIntraComm_); 
    102   unsigned long* recvBuffIndexGlobal = 0; 
    103   int maxNbIndexDemandedFromOthers = recvBuff[clientRank_]; 
    104   if (!isDataDistributed_) maxNbIndexDemandedFromOthers = nbDemandingClient * nbIndexSendToOthers; //globalIndexToServerMapping_.size(); // Not very optimal but it's general 
    106   if (0 != maxNbIndexDemandedFromOthers) 
    107     recvBuffIndexGlobal = new unsigned long[maxNbIndexDemandedFromOthers]; 
    109   // Buffer to receive respond from other clients, it can be allocated or not depending whether it demands other clients 
    110   int* recvBuffIndexServer = 0; 
    111   int nbIndexReceivedFromOthers = nbIndexSendToOthers; 
    112   if (0 != nbIndexReceivedFromOthers) 
    113     recvBuffIndexServer = new int[nbIndexReceivedFromOthers]; 
    115   std::map<int, MPI_Request>::iterator itRequest; 
    116   std::vector<int> demandAlreadyReceived, repondAlreadyReceived; 
    119   resetReceivingRequestAndCount(); 
    120   while ((0 < nbDemandingClient) || (!sendRequest.empty()) || 
    121          (nbIndexServerReceived < nbIndexReceivedFromOthers)) 
    122   { 
    123     // Just check whether a client has any demand from other clients. 
    124     // If it has, then it should send responds to these client(s) 
    125     probeIndexGlobalMessageFromClients(recvBuffIndexGlobal, maxNbIndexDemandedFromOthers); 
    126     if (0 < nbDemandingClient) 
    127     { 
    128       for (itRequest = requestRecvIndexGlobal_.begin(); 
    129            itRequest != requestRecvIndexGlobal_.end(); ++itRequest) 
    130       { 
    131         int flagIndexGlobal, count; 
    132         MPI_Status statusIndexGlobal; 
    134         MPI_Test(&(itRequest->second), &flagIndexGlobal, &statusIndexGlobal); 
    135         if (true == flagIndexGlobal) 
    136         { 
    137           MPI_Get_count(&statusIndexGlobal, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, &count); 
    138           int clientSourceRank = statusIndexGlobal.MPI_SOURCE; 
    139           unsigned long* beginBuff = indexGlobalBuffBegin_[clientSourceRank]; 
    140           for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) 
    141           { 
    142             client2ClientIndexServer[clientSourceRank].push_back(globalIndexToServerMapping_[*(beginBuff+i)]); 
    143           } 
    144           sendIndexServerToClients(clientSourceRank, client2ClientIndexServer[clientSourceRank], clientIntraComm_, sendRequest); 
    145           --nbDemandingClient; 
    147           demandAlreadyReceived.push_back(clientSourceRank); 
    148         } 
    149       } 
    150       for (int i = 0; i< demandAlreadyReceived.size(); ++i) 
    151         requestRecvIndexGlobal_.erase(demandAlreadyReceived[i]); 
    152     } 
    154     testSendRequest(sendRequest); 
    156     // In some cases, a client need to listen respond from other clients about server information 
    157     // Ok, with the information, a client can fill in its server-global index map. 
    158     probeIndexServerMessageFromClients(recvBuffIndexServer, nbIndexReceivedFromOthers); 
    159     for (itRequest = requestRecvIndexServer_.begin(); 
    160          itRequest != requestRecvIndexServer_.end(); 
    161          ++itRequest) 
    162     { 
    163       int flagIndexServer, count; 
    164       MPI_Status statusIndexServer; 
    166       MPI_Test(&(itRequest->second), &flagIndexServer, &statusIndexServer); 
    167       if (true == flagIndexServer) 
    168       { 
    169         MPI_Get_count(&statusIndexServer, MPI_INT, &count); 
    170         int clientSourceRank = statusIndexServer.MPI_SOURCE; 
    171         int* beginBuff = indexServerBuffBegin_[clientSourceRank]; 
    172         std::vector<size_t>& globalIndexTmp = client2ClientIndexGlobal[clientSourceRank]; 
    173         for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) 
    174         { 
    175           (indexGlobalOnServer_[*(beginBuff+i)]).push_back(globalIndexTmp[i]); 
    176         } 
    177         nbIndexServerReceived += count; 
    178         repondAlreadyReceived.push_back(clientSourceRank); 
    179       } 
    180     } 
    182     for (int i = 0; i< repondAlreadyReceived.size(); ++i) 
    183       requestRecvIndexServer_.erase(repondAlreadyReceived[i]); 
    184     repondAlreadyReceived.resize(0); 
    185   } 
    187   if (0 != maxNbIndexDemandedFromOthers) delete [] recvBuffIndexGlobal; 
    188   if (0 != nbIndexReceivedFromOthers) delete [] recvBuffIndexServer; 
    189   delete [] sendBuff; 
    190   delete [] recvBuff; 
    191 */ 
    192 } 
    194 /*! 
    195   Compute the hash index distribution of whole size_t space then each client will have a range of this distribution 
    196 */ 
    197 void CClientServerMappingDistributed::computeHashIndex() 
    198 { 
    199   // Compute range of hash index for each client 
    200   indexClientHash_.resize(nbClient_+1); 
    201   size_t nbHashIndexMax = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(); 
    202   size_t nbHashIndex; 
    203   indexClientHash_[0] = 0; 
    204   for (int i = 1; i < nbClient_; ++i) 
    205   { 
    206     nbHashIndex = nbHashIndexMax / nbClient_; 
    207     if (i < (nbHashIndexMax%nbClient_)) ++nbHashIndex; 
    208     indexClientHash_[i] = indexClientHash_[i-1] + nbHashIndex; 
    209   } 
    210   indexClientHash_[nbClient_] = nbHashIndexMax; 
    211 } 
    213 /*! 
    214   Compute distribution of global index for servers 
    215   Each client already holds a piece of information about global index and the corresponding server. 
    216 This information is redistributed into size_t space in which each client possesses a specific range of index. 
    217 After the redistribution, each client as well as its range of index contains all necessary information about server. 
    218   \param [in] globalIndexOfServer global index and the corresponding server 
    219   \param [in] clientIntraComm client joining distribution process. 
    220 */ 
    221 void CClientServerMappingDistributed::computeDistributedServerIndex(const boost::unordered_map<size_t,int>& globalIndexOfServer, 
    222                                                                     const MPI_Comm& clientIntraComm) 
    223 { 
    224   int* sendBuff = new int[nbClient_]; 
    225   int* sendNbIndexBuff = new int[nbClient_]; 
    226   for (int i = 0; i < nbClient_; ++i) 
    227   { 
    228     sendBuff[i] = 0; sendNbIndexBuff[i] = 0; 
    229   } 
    231   // Compute size of sending and receving buffer 
    232   std::map<int, std::vector<size_t> > client2ClientIndexGlobal; 
    233   std::map<int, std::vector<int> > client2ClientIndexServer; 
    235   std::vector<size_t>::const_iterator itbClientHash = indexClientHash_.begin(), itClientHash, 
    236                                       iteClientHash = indexClientHash_.end(); 
    237   boost::unordered_map<size_t,int>::const_iterator it  = globalIndexOfServer.begin(), 
    238                                                    ite = globalIndexOfServer.end(); 
    239   HashXIOS<size_t> hashGlobalIndex; 
     40  const boost::unordered_map<size_t,int>& infoIndexMap = (ccDHT_->getInfoIndexMap()); 
     41//  indexGlobalOnServer_ = (ccDHT_->getInfoIndexMap()); 
     42  boost::unordered_map<size_t,int>::const_iterator it = infoIndexMap.begin(), ite = infoIndexMap.end(); 
    24043  for (; it != ite; ++it) 
    24144  { 
    242     size_t hashIndex = hashGlobalIndex(it->first); 
    243     itClientHash = std::upper_bound(itbClientHash, iteClientHash, hashIndex); 
    244     if (itClientHash != iteClientHash) 
    245     { 
    246       int indexClient = std::distance(itbClientHash, itClientHash)-1; 
    247       { 
    248         sendBuff[indexClient] = 1; 
    249         ++sendNbIndexBuff[indexClient]; 
    250         client2ClientIndexGlobal[indexClient].push_back(it->first); 
    251         client2ClientIndexServer[indexClient].push_back(it->second); 
    252       } 
    253     } 
    254   } 
    256   // Calculate from how many clients each client receive message. 
    257   int* recvBuff = new int[nbClient_]; 
    258   MPI_Allreduce(sendBuff, recvBuff, nbClient_, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, clientIntraComm); 
    259   int recvNbClient = recvBuff[clientRank_]; 
    261   // Calculate size of buffer for receiving message 
    262   int* recvNbIndexBuff = new int[nbClient_]; 
    263   MPI_Allreduce(sendNbIndexBuff, recvNbIndexBuff, nbClient_, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, clientIntraComm); 
    264   int recvNbIndexCount = recvNbIndexBuff[clientRank_]; 
    265   unsigned long* recvIndexGlobalBuff = new unsigned long[recvNbIndexCount]; 
    266   int* recvIndexServerBuff = new int[recvNbIndexCount]; 
    268   // If a client holds information about global index and servers which don't belong to it, 
    269   // it will send a message to the correct clients. 
    270   // Contents of the message are global index and its corresponding server index 
    271   std::list<MPI_Request> sendRequest; 
    272   std::map<int, std::vector<size_t> >::iterator itGlobal  = client2ClientIndexGlobal.begin(), 
    273                                                 iteGlobal = client2ClientIndexGlobal.end(); 
    274   for ( ;itGlobal != iteGlobal; ++itGlobal) 
    275     sendIndexGlobalToClients(itGlobal->first, itGlobal->second, clientIntraComm, sendRequest); 
    276   std::map<int, std::vector<int> >::iterator itServer  = client2ClientIndexServer.begin(), 
    277                                              iteServer = client2ClientIndexServer.end(); 
    278   for (; itServer != iteServer; ++itServer) 
    279     sendIndexServerToClients(itServer->first, itServer->second, clientIntraComm, sendRequest); 
    281   std::map<int, MPI_Request>::iterator itRequestIndexGlobal, itRequestIndexServer; 
    282   std::map<int, int> countBuffIndexServer, countBuffIndexGlobal; 
    283   std::vector<int> processedList; 
    285   bool isFinished = (0 == recvNbClient) ? true : false; 
    287   // Just to make sure before listening message, all counting index and receiving request have already beeen reset 
    288   resetReceivingRequestAndCount(); 
    290   // Now each client trys to listen to demand from others. 
    291   // If they have message, it processes: pushing global index and corresponding server to its map 
    292   while (!isFinished || (!sendRequest.empty())) 
    293   { 
    294     testSendRequest(sendRequest); 
    295     probeIndexGlobalMessageFromClients(recvIndexGlobalBuff, recvNbIndexCount); 
    297     // Processing complete request 
    298     for (itRequestIndexGlobal = requestRecvIndexGlobal_.begin(); 
    299          itRequestIndexGlobal != requestRecvIndexGlobal_.end(); 
    300          ++itRequestIndexGlobal) 
    301     { 
    302       int rank = itRequestIndexGlobal->first; 
    303       int countIndexGlobal = computeBuffCountIndexGlobal(itRequestIndexGlobal->second); 
    304       if (0 != countIndexGlobal) 
    305         countBuffIndexGlobal[rank] = countIndexGlobal; 
    306     } 
    308     probeIndexServerMessageFromClients(recvIndexServerBuff, recvNbIndexCount); 
    309     for (itRequestIndexServer = requestRecvIndexServer_.begin(); 
    310          itRequestIndexServer != requestRecvIndexServer_.end(); 
    311          ++itRequestIndexServer) 
    312     { 
    313       int rank = itRequestIndexServer->first; 
    314       int countIndexServer = computeBuffCountIndexServer(itRequestIndexServer->second); 
    315       if (0 != countIndexServer) 
    316         countBuffIndexServer[rank] = countIndexServer; 
    317     } 
    319     for (std::map<int, int>::iterator it = countBuffIndexGlobal.begin(); 
    320                                       it != countBuffIndexGlobal.end(); ++it) 
    321     { 
    322       int rank = it->first; 
    323       if (countBuffIndexServer.end() != countBuffIndexServer.find(rank)) 
    324       { 
    325         processReceivedRequest(indexGlobalBuffBegin_[rank], indexServerBuffBegin_[rank], it->second); 
    326         processedList.push_back(rank); 
    327         --recvNbClient; 
    328       } 
    329     } 
    331     for (int i = 0; i < processedList.size(); ++i) 
    332     { 
    333       requestRecvIndexServer_.erase(processedList[i]); 
    334       requestRecvIndexGlobal_.erase(processedList[i]); 
    335       countBuffIndexGlobal.erase(processedList[i]); 
    336       countBuffIndexServer.erase(processedList[i]); 
    337     } 
    339     if (0 == recvNbClient) isFinished = true; 
    340   } 
    342   delete [] sendBuff; 
    343   delete [] sendNbIndexBuff; 
    344   delete [] recvBuff; 
    345   delete [] recvNbIndexBuff; 
    346   delete [] recvIndexGlobalBuff; 
    347   delete [] recvIndexServerBuff; 
    348 } 
    350 /*! 
    351   Probe and receive message containg global index from other clients. 
    352   Each client can send a message of global index to other clients to fulfill their maps. 
    353 Each client probes message from its queue then if the message is ready, it will be put into the receiving buffer 
    354   \param [in] recvIndexGlobalBuff buffer dedicated for receiving global index 
    355   \param [in] recvNbIndexCount size of the buffer 
    356 */ 
    357 void CClientServerMappingDistributed::probeIndexGlobalMessageFromClients(unsigned long* recvIndexGlobalBuff, int recvNbIndexCount) 
    358 { 
    359   MPI_Status statusIndexGlobal; 
    360   int flagIndexGlobal, count; 
    362   // Probing for global index 
    363   MPI_Iprobe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_DHT_INDEX_0, clientIntraComm_, &flagIndexGlobal, &statusIndexGlobal); 
    364   if ((true == flagIndexGlobal) && (countIndexGlobal_ < recvNbIndexCount)) 
    365   { 
    366     MPI_Get_count(&statusIndexGlobal, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, &count); 
    367     indexGlobalBuffBegin_.insert(std::make_pair<int, unsigned long*>(statusIndexGlobal.MPI_SOURCE, recvIndexGlobalBuff+countIndexGlobal_)); 
    368     MPI_Irecv(recvIndexGlobalBuff+countIndexGlobal_, count, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, 
    369               statusIndexGlobal.MPI_SOURCE, MPI_DHT_INDEX_0, clientIntraComm_, 
    370               &requestRecvIndexGlobal_[statusIndexGlobal.MPI_SOURCE]); 
    371     countIndexGlobal_ += count; 
     45    indexGlobalOnServer_[it->second].push_back(it->first); 
    37246  } 
    375 /*! 
    376   Probe and receive message containg server index from other clients. 
    377   Each client can send a message of server index to other clients to fulfill their maps. 
    378 Each client probes message from its queue then if the message is ready, it will be put into the receiving buffer 
    379   \param [in] recvIndexServerBuff buffer dedicated for receiving server index 
    380   \param [in] recvNbIndexCount size of the buffer 
    381 */ 
    382 void CClientServerMappingDistributed::probeIndexServerMessageFromClients(int* recvIndexServerBuff, int recvNbIndexCount) 
    383 { 
    384   MPI_Status statusIndexServer; 
    385   int flagIndexServer, count; 
    387   // Probing for server index 
    388   MPI_Iprobe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_DHT_INFO_0, clientIntraComm_, &flagIndexServer, &statusIndexServer); 
    389   if ((true == flagIndexServer) && (countIndexServer_ < recvNbIndexCount)) 
    390   { 
    391     MPI_Get_count(&statusIndexServer, MPI_INT, &count); 
    392     indexServerBuffBegin_.insert(std::make_pair<int, int*>(statusIndexServer.MPI_SOURCE, recvIndexServerBuff+countIndexServer_)); 
    393     MPI_Irecv(recvIndexServerBuff+countIndexServer_, count, MPI_INT, 
    394               statusIndexServer.MPI_SOURCE, MPI_DHT_INFO_0, clientIntraComm_, 
    395               &requestRecvIndexServer_[statusIndexServer.MPI_SOURCE]); 
    397     countIndexServer_ += count; 
    398   } 
    401 /*! 
    402   Send message containing global index to clients 
    403   \param [in] clientDestRank rank of destination client 
    404   \param [in] indexGlobal global index to send 
    405   \param [in] clientIntraComm communication group of client 
    406   \param [in] requestSendIndexGlobal list of sending request 
    407 */ 
    408 void CClientServerMappingDistributed::sendIndexGlobalToClients(int clientDestRank, std::vector<size_t>& indexGlobal, 
    409                                                                const MPI_Comm& clientIntraComm, 
    410                                                                std::list<MPI_Request>& requestSendIndexGlobal) 
    411 { 
    412   MPI_Request request; 
    413   requestSendIndexGlobal.push_back(request); 
    414   MPI_Isend(&(indexGlobal)[0], (indexGlobal).size(), MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, 
    415             clientDestRank, MPI_DHT_INDEX_0, clientIntraComm, &(requestSendIndexGlobal.back())); 
    416 } 
    418 /*! 
    419   Send message containing server index to clients 
    420   \param [in] clientDestRank rank of destination client 
    421   \param [in] indexServer server index to send 
    422   \param [in] clientIntraComm communication group of client 
    423   \param [in] requestSendIndexServer list of sending request 
    424 */ 
    425 void CClientServerMappingDistributed::sendIndexServerToClients(int clientDestRank, std::vector<int>& indexServer, 
    426                                                                const MPI_Comm& clientIntraComm, 
    427                                                                std::list<MPI_Request>& requestSendIndexServer) 
    428 { 
    429   MPI_Request request; 
    430   requestSendIndexServer.push_back(request); 
    431   MPI_Isend(&(indexServer)[0], (indexServer).size(), MPI_INT, 
    432             clientDestRank, MPI_DHT_INFO_0, clientIntraComm, &(requestSendIndexServer.back())); 
    433 } 
    435 /*! 
    436   Verify status of sending request 
    437   \param [in] sendRequest sending request to verify 
    438 */ 
    439 void CClientServerMappingDistributed::testSendRequest(std::list<MPI_Request>& sendRequest) 
    440 { 
    441   int flag = 0; 
    442   MPI_Status status; 
    443   std::list<MPI_Request>::iterator itRequest; 
    444   int sizeListRequest = sendRequest.size(); 
    445   int idx = 0; 
    446   while (idx < sizeListRequest) 
    447   { 
    448     bool isErased = false; 
    449     for (itRequest = sendRequest.begin(); itRequest != sendRequest.end(); ++itRequest) 
    450     { 
    451       MPI_Test(&(*itRequest), &flag, &status); 
    452       if (true == flag) 
    453       { 
    454         isErased = true; 
    455         break; 
    456       } 
    457     } 
    458     if (true == isErased) sendRequest.erase(itRequest); 
    459     ++idx; 
    460   } 
    461 } 
    463 /*! 
    464   Process the received request. Pushing global index and server index into map 
    465   \param[in] buffIndexGlobal pointer to the begining of buffer containing global index 
    466   \param[in] buffIndexServer pointer to the begining of buffer containing server index 
    467   \param[in] count size of received message 
    468 */ 
    469 void CClientServerMappingDistributed::processReceivedRequest(unsigned long* buffIndexGlobal, int* buffIndexServer, int count) 
    470 { 
    471   for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) 
    472     globalIndexToServerMapping_.insert(std::make_pair<size_t,int>(*(buffIndexGlobal+i),*(buffIndexServer+i))); 
    473 } 
    475 /*! 
    476   Compute size of message containing global index 
    477   \param[in] requestRecv request of message 
    478 */ 
    479 int CClientServerMappingDistributed::computeBuffCountIndexGlobal(MPI_Request& requestRecv) 
    480 { 
    481   int flag, count = 0; 
    482   MPI_Status status; 
    484   MPI_Test(&requestRecv, &flag, &status); 
    485   if (true == flag) 
    486   { 
    487     MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, &count); 
    488   } 
    490   return count; 
    491 } 
    493 /*! 
    494   Compute size of message containing server index 
    495   \param[in] requestRecv request of message 
    496 */ 
    497 int CClientServerMappingDistributed::computeBuffCountIndexServer(MPI_Request& requestRecv) 
    498 { 
    499   int flag, count = 0; 
    500   MPI_Status status; 
    502   MPI_Test(&requestRecv, &flag, &status); 
    503   if (true == flag) 
    504   { 
    505     MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_INT, &count); 
    506   } 
    508   return count; 
    509 } 
    511 /*! 
    512   Reset all receiving request map and counter 
    513 */ 
    514 void CClientServerMappingDistributed::resetReceivingRequestAndCount() 
    515 { 
    516   countIndexGlobal_ = countIndexServer_ = 0; 
    517   requestRecvIndexGlobal_.clear(); 
    518   requestRecvIndexServer_.clear(); 
    519   indexGlobalBuffBegin_.clear(); 
    520   indexServerBuffBegin_.clear(); 
    521 } 
    523 } 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.