XIOS  1.0
Xml I/O Server
 Tout Classes Espaces de nommage Fichiers Fonctions Variables Définitions de type Énumérations Valeurs énumérées Amis Macros
Aller à la documentation de ce fichier.
11 #include "algo_types.hpp"
12 #include "context.hpp"
13 #include "context_client.hpp"
14 #include "distribution_client.hpp"
15 #include "mpi_tag.hpp"
16 #include "grid.hpp"
17 #include <unordered_map>
18 #include "timer.hpp"
20 namespace xios {
22  : CGridTransformationSelector(destination, source),
23  tmpGridDestination_(destination), originalGridSource_(source),
24  tempGridSrcs_(), tempGridDests_(),
25  dynamicalTransformation_(false), timeStamp_()
26 {
27 }
30 {
31 }
39 void CGridTransformation::selectScalarAlgo(int elementPositionInGrid, ETranformationType transType, int transformationOrder)
40 TRY
41 {
42  std::vector<CScalar*> scaListDestP = gridDestination_->getScalars();
43  int scalarDstIndex = elementPositionInGridDst2ScalarPosition_[elementPositionInGrid];
44  CScalar::TransMapTypes trans = scaListDestP[scalarDstIndex]->getAllTransformations();
45  CScalar::TransMapTypes::const_iterator it = trans.begin();
47  for (int i = 0; i < transformationOrder; ++i, ++it) {} // Find the correct transformation
50  gridDestination_,
51  gridSource_,
52  it->second,
53  elementPositionInGrid,
54  elementPositionInGridSrc2ScalarPosition_,
55  elementPositionInGridSrc2AxisPosition_,
56  elementPositionInGridSrc2DomainPosition_,
57  elementPositionInGridDst2ScalarPosition_,
58  elementPositionInGridDst2AxisPosition_,
59  elementPositionInGridDst2DomainPosition_);
60  algoTransformation_.push_back(algo);
61 }
70 void CGridTransformation::selectAxisAlgo(int elementPositionInGrid, ETranformationType transType, int transformationOrder)
71 TRY
72 {
73  std::vector<CAxis*> axisListDestP = gridDestination_->getAxis();
74  int axisDstIndex = elementPositionInGridDst2AxisPosition_[elementPositionInGrid];
75  CAxis::TransMapTypes trans = axisListDestP[axisDstIndex]->getAllTransformations();
76  CAxis::TransMapTypes::const_iterator it = trans.begin();
77  for (int i = 0; i < transformationOrder; ++i, ++it) {} // Find the correct transformation
81  gridDestination_,
82  gridSource_,
83  it->second,
84  elementPositionInGrid,
85  elementPositionInGridSrc2ScalarPosition_,
86  elementPositionInGridSrc2AxisPosition_,
87  elementPositionInGridSrc2DomainPosition_,
88  elementPositionInGridDst2ScalarPosition_,
89  elementPositionInGridDst2AxisPosition_,
90  elementPositionInGridDst2DomainPosition_);
91  algoTransformation_.push_back(algo);
92 }
101 void CGridTransformation::selectDomainAlgo(int elementPositionInGrid, ETranformationType transType, int transformationOrder)
102 TRY
103 {
104  std::vector<CDomain*> domainListDestP = gridDestination_->getDomains();
105  int domainIndex = elementPositionInGridDst2DomainPosition_[elementPositionInGrid];
106  CDomain::TransMapTypes trans = domainListDestP[domainIndex]->getAllTransformations();
107  CDomain::TransMapTypes::const_iterator it = trans.begin();
108  for (int i = 0; i < transformationOrder; ++i, ++it) {} // Find the correct transformation
112  gridDestination_,
113  gridSource_,
114  it->second,
115  elementPositionInGrid,
116  elementPositionInGridSrc2ScalarPosition_,
117  elementPositionInGridSrc2AxisPosition_,
118  elementPositionInGridSrc2DomainPosition_,
119  elementPositionInGridDst2ScalarPosition_,
120  elementPositionInGridDst2AxisPosition_,
121  elementPositionInGridDst2DomainPosition_);
122  algoTransformation_.push_back(algo);
123 }
130 std::map<int,std::pair<int,int> > CGridTransformation::getElementPosition(CGrid* grid)
131 TRY
132 {
133  std::vector<CScalar*> scalarListP = grid->getScalars();
134  std::vector<CAxis*> axisListP = grid->getAxis();
135  std::vector<CDomain*> domListP = grid->getDomains();
136  CArray<int,1> axisDomainOrder = grid->axis_domain_order;
137  int scalarIndex = 0, axisIndex = 0, domainIndex = 0;
138  int nbElement = axisDomainOrder.numElements(), elementDim;
139  std::map<int,std::pair<int,int> > elementPosition;
140  for (int idx = 0; idx < nbElement; ++idx)
141  {
142  elementDim = axisDomainOrder(idx);
143  switch (elementDim)
144  {
145  case 2:
146  elementPosition[idx] = std::make_pair(elementDim, domainIndex);
147  ++domainIndex;
148  break;
149  case 1:
150  elementPosition[idx] = std::make_pair(elementDim, axisIndex);
151  ++axisIndex;
152  break;
153  case 0:
154  elementPosition[idx] = std::make_pair(elementDim, scalarIndex);
155  ++scalarIndex;
156  break;
157  default:
158  break;
159  }
160  }
162  return elementPosition;
163 }
172 void CGridTransformation::setUpGridDestination(int elementPositionInGrid, ETranformationType transType)
173 TRY
174 {
175  if (isSpecialTransformation(transType)) return;
177  if (!tempGridDests_.empty() && (getNbAlgo() == tempGridDests_.size()))
178  {
179  tempGridDests_.resize(0);
180  }
182  if (1 == getNbAlgo())
183  {
184  tmpGridDestination_ = gridDestination_;
185  return;
186  }
188  std::vector<CScalar*> scalarListDestP = gridDestination_->getScalars();
189  std::vector<CScalar*> scalarListSrcP = gridSource_->getScalars(), scalarDst;
191  std::vector<CAxis*> axisListDestP = gridDestination_->getAxis();
192  std::vector<CAxis*> axisListSrcP = gridSource_->getAxis(), axisDst;
194  std::vector<CDomain*> domListDestP = gridDestination_->getDomains();
195  std::vector<CDomain*> domListSrcP = gridSource_->getDomains(), domainDst;
197  CArray<int,1> axisDomainOrderSrc = gridSource_->axis_domain_order;
198  CArray<int,1> axisDomainOrderDst = gridDestination_->axis_domain_order;
200  std::map<int,std::pair<int,int> > elementPositionSrc = getElementPosition(gridSource_);
201  std::map<int,std::pair<int,int> > elementPositionDst = getElementPosition(gridDestination_);
203  CArray<int,1> elementOrder(axisDomainOrderDst.numElements());
204  for (int idx = 0; idx < axisDomainOrderDst.numElements(); ++idx)
205  {
206  if (elementPositionInGrid == idx)
207  {
208  int dimElementDst = elementPositionDst[idx].first;
209  int elementIndex = elementPositionDst[idx].second;
210  switch (dimElementDst)
211  {
212  case 2:
213  domainDst.push_back(domListDestP[elementIndex]);
214  break;
215  case 1:
216  axisDst.push_back(axisListDestP[elementIndex]);
217  break;
218  case 0:
219  scalarDst.push_back(scalarListDestP[elementIndex]);
220  break;
221  default:
222  break;
223  }
224  elementOrder(idx) = dimElementDst;
225  }
226  else
227  {
228  int dimElementSrc = elementPositionSrc[idx].first;
229  int elementIndex = elementPositionSrc[idx].second;
230  switch (dimElementSrc)
231  {
232  case 2:
233  domainDst.push_back(domListSrcP[elementIndex]);
234  break;
235  case 1:
236  axisDst.push_back(axisListSrcP[elementIndex]);
237  break;
238  case 0:
239  scalarDst.push_back(scalarListSrcP[elementIndex]);
240  break;
241  default:
242  break;
243  }
244  elementOrder(idx) = dimElementSrc;
245  }
246  }
248  tmpGridDestination_ = CGrid::createGrid(domainDst, axisDst, scalarDst, elementOrder);
249  tempGridDests_.push_back(tmpGridDestination_);
250 }
260 void CGridTransformation::setUpGridSource(int elementPositionInGrid)
261 TRY
262 {
263  if (!tempGridSrcs_.empty() && (getNbAlgo()-1) == tempGridSrcs_.size())
264  {
265  tempGridSrcs_.resize(0);
266  }
268  std::vector<CScalar*> scalarListDestP = tmpGridDestination_->getScalars();
269  std::vector<CScalar*> scalarListSrcP = gridSource_->getScalars(), scalarSrc;
271  std::vector<CAxis*> axisListDestP = tmpGridDestination_->getAxis();
272  std::vector<CAxis*> axisListSrcP = gridSource_->getAxis(), axisSrc;
274  std::vector<CDomain*> domListDestP = tmpGridDestination_->getDomains();
275  std::vector<CDomain*> domListSrcP = gridSource_->getDomains(), domainSrc;
277  CArray<int,1> axisDomainOrderSrc = gridSource_->axis_domain_order;
278  CArray<int,1> axisDomainOrderDst = tmpGridDestination_->axis_domain_order;
280  std::map<int,std::pair<int,int> > elementPositionSrc = getElementPosition(gridSource_);
281  std::map<int,std::pair<int,int> > elementPositionDst = getElementPosition(tmpGridDestination_);
283  for (int idx = 0; idx < axisDomainOrderDst.numElements(); ++idx)
284  {
285  if (elementPositionInGrid == idx)
286  {
287  int dimElementDst = elementPositionDst[idx].first;
288  int elementIndex = elementPositionDst[idx].second;
289  if (2 == dimElementDst)
290  {
291  CDomain* domain = CDomain::createDomain();
292  domain->domain_ref.setValue(domListDestP[elementIndex]->getId());
293  domain->solveRefInheritance(true);
294  domain->checkAttributesOnClient();
295  domainSrc.push_back(domain);
296  }
297  else if (1 == dimElementDst)
298  {
299  CAxis* axis = CAxis::createAxis();
300  axis->axis_ref.setValue(axisListDestP[elementIndex]->getId());
301  axis->solveRefInheritance(true);
302  axis->checkAttributesOnClient();
303  axisSrc.push_back(axis);
304  }
305  else
306  {
307  CScalar* scalar = CScalar::createScalar();
308  scalar->scalar_ref.setValue(scalarListDestP[elementIndex]->getId());
309  scalar->solveRefInheritance(true);
310  scalar->checkAttributesOnClient();
311  scalarSrc.push_back(scalar);
312  }
313  }
314  else
315  {
316  int dimElementDst = elementPositionDst[idx].first;
317  int elementIndex = elementPositionDst[idx].second;
318  switch (dimElementDst)
319  {
320  case 2:
321  domainSrc.push_back(domListDestP[elementIndex]);
322  break;
323  case 1:
324  axisSrc.push_back(axisListDestP[elementIndex]);
325  break;
326  case 0:
327  scalarSrc.push_back(scalarListDestP[elementIndex]);
328  break;
329  default:
330  break;
331  }
332  }
333  }
335  gridSource_ = CGrid::createGrid(domainSrc, axisSrc, scalarSrc, tmpGridDestination_->axis_domain_order);
337  tempGridSrcs_.push_back(gridSource_);
338 }
349 void CGridTransformation::computeAll(const std::vector<CArray<double,1>* >& dataAuxInputs, Time timeStamp)
350 TRY
351 {
352  if (nbNormalAlgos_ < 1) return;
353  if (!auxInputs_.empty() && !dynamicalTransformation_) { dynamicalTransformation_ = true; return; }
354  if (dynamicalTransformation_)
355  {
356  if (timeStamp_.insert(timeStamp).second) //Reset map
357  {
358  std::list<SendingIndexGridSourceMap>().swap(localIndexToSendFromGridSource_);
359  std::list<RecvIndexGridDestinationMap>().swap(localIndexToReceiveOnGridDest_);
360  std::list<size_t>().swap(nbLocalIndexOnGridDest_);
361  }
362  else
363  return;
364  }
366  CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent();
367  CContextClient* client = context->client;
369  ListAlgoType::const_iterator itb = listAlgos_.begin(),
370  ite = listAlgos_.end(), it;
373  int nbAgloTransformation = 0; // Only count for executed transformation. Generate domain is a special one, not executed in the list
374  for (it = itb; it != ite; ++it)
375  {
376  int elementPositionInGrid = it->first;
377  ETranformationType transType = (it->second).first;
378  int transformationOrder = (it->second).second.first;
379  int algoType = ((it->second).second.second); //algoTypes_[std::distance(itb, it)];
380  SourceDestinationIndexMap globaIndexWeightFromSrcToDst;
383  // Create a temporary grid destination which contains transformed element of grid destination and
384  // non-transformed elements to grid source
385  setUpGridDestination(elementPositionInGrid, transType);
387  // First of all, select an algorithm
388  if (!dynamicalTransformation_ || (algoTransformation_.size() < listAlgos_.size()))
389  {
390  selectAlgo(elementPositionInGrid, transType, transformationOrder, algoType);
391  algo = algoTransformation_.back();
392  }
393  else
394  algo = algoTransformation_[std::distance(itb, it)];
396  if ((0 != algo) &&
398  (CGenericAlgorithmTransformation::ELEMENT_MODIFICATION_WITH_DATA == algo->type()))) // Only registered transformation can be executed
399  {
400  CTimer::get("computeIndexSourceMapping").resume() ;
401  algo->computeIndexSourceMapping(dataAuxInputs);
402  CTimer::get("computeIndexSourceMapping").suspend() ;
404  // ComputeTransformation of global index of each element
405  int elementPosition = it->first;
406  bool nonDistributedActivated = CXios::getin<bool>("activate_non_distributed_transformation",false);
408  if (nonDistributedActivated && !algo->isDistributedTransformation(elementPositionInGrid, gridSource_, tmpGridDestination_) )
409  {
410  vector<int> localSrc ;
411  vector<int> localDst ;
412  vector<double> weight ;
413  int nbLocalIndexOnGridDest;
414  CTimer::get("computeTransformationMappingNonDistributed").resume();
415  algo->computeTransformationMappingNonDistributed(elementPosition, gridSource_, tmpGridDestination_,
416  localSrc, localDst, weight, nbLocalIndexOnGridDest) ;
417  CTimer::get("computeTransformationMappingNonDistributed").suspend();
419  CTimer::get("computeTransformationMappingConvert").resume();
420  nbLocalIndexOnGridDest_.push_back(nbLocalIndexOnGridDest) ;
421  int clientRank=client->clientRank ;
422  {
424  localIndexToSendFromGridSource_.push_back(tmp) ;
425  SendingIndexGridSourceMap& src=localIndexToSendFromGridSource_.back() ;
426  CArray<int,1> arrayTmp ;
427  src.insert( pair<int,CArray<int,1> >(clientRank,arrayTmp)) ;
428  CArray<int,1>& array=src[clientRank] ;
429  array.resize(localSrc.size()) ;
430  for(int i=0;i< localSrc.size();++i) array(i)=localSrc[i] ;
431  }
432  {
434  localIndexToReceiveOnGridDest_.push_back(tmp) ;
435  RecvIndexGridDestinationMap& dst=localIndexToReceiveOnGridDest_.back() ;
436  vector<pair<int,double> > vectTmp ;
437  dst.insert( pair<int,vector<pair<int,double> > >(clientRank,vectTmp)) ;
438  vector<pair<int,double> >& vect=dst[clientRank] ;
439  vect.resize(localDst.size()) ;
440  for(int i=0;i< localDst.size();++i) vect[i]=pair<int,double>(localDst[i],weight[i]) ;
441  }
442  CTimer::get("computeTransformationMappingConvert").suspend();
443  }
444  else
445  {
446  CTimer::get("computeGlobalSourceIndex").resume();
447  algo->computeGlobalSourceIndex(elementPosition,
448  gridSource_,
449  tmpGridDestination_,
450  globaIndexWeightFromSrcToDst);
452  CTimer::get("computeGlobalSourceIndex").suspend();
453  CTimer::get("computeTransformationMapping").resume();
454  // Compute transformation of global indexes among grids
455  computeTransformationMapping(globaIndexWeightFromSrcToDst);
456  CTimer::get("computeTransformationMapping").suspend();
457  }
458  if (1 < nbNormalAlgos_)
459  {
460  // Now grid destination becomes grid source in a new transformation
461  if (nbAgloTransformation != (nbNormalAlgos_-1)) setUpGridSource(elementPositionInGrid);
462  }
463  ++nbAgloTransformation;
464  }
465  }
466 }
474 TRY
475 {
476  CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent();
477  CContextClient* client = context->client;
478  int nbClient = client->clientSize;
479  int clientRank = client->clientRank;
481  // Recalculate the distribution of grid destination
482  CDistributionClient distributionClientDest(client->clientRank, tmpGridDestination_);
483  CDistributionClient::GlobalLocalDataMap& globalLocalIndexGridDestSendToServer = distributionClientDest.getGlobalLocalDataSendToServer();
485  // Update number of local index on each transformation
486  size_t nbLocalIndex = globalLocalIndexGridDestSendToServer.size();
487  nbLocalIndexOnGridDest_.push_back(nbLocalIndex);
488 // localMaskOnGridDest_.push_back(std::vector<bool>());
489 // std::vector<bool>& tmpMask = localMaskOnGridDest_.back();
490 // tmpMask.resize(nbLocalIndex,false);
492  // Find out number of index sent from grid source and number of index received on grid destination
493  SourceDestinationIndexMap::const_iterator itbIndex = globaIndexWeightFromSrcToDst.begin(),
494  iteIndex = globaIndexWeightFromSrcToDst.end(), itIndex;
495  typedef std::unordered_map<size_t, std::vector<std::pair<size_t,double> > > SendIndexMap;
496  std::map<int,int> sendRankSizeMap,recvRankSizeMap;
497  int connectedClient = globaIndexWeightFromSrcToDst.size();
498  int* recvCount=new int[nbClient];
499  int* displ=new int[nbClient];
500  int* sendRankBuff=new int[connectedClient];
501  int* sendSizeBuff=new int[connectedClient];
502  int n = 0;
503  for (itIndex = itbIndex; itIndex != iteIndex; ++itIndex, ++n)
504  {
505  sendRankBuff[n] = itIndex->first;
506  const SendIndexMap& sendIndexMap = itIndex->second;
507  SendIndexMap::const_iterator itbSend = sendIndexMap.begin(), iteSend = sendIndexMap.end(), itSend;
508  int sendSize = 0;
509  for (itSend = itbSend; itSend != iteSend; ++itSend)
510  {
511  sendSize += itSend->second.size();
512  }
513  sendSizeBuff[n] = sendSize;
514  sendRankSizeMap[itIndex->first] = sendSize;
515  }
516  MPI_Allgather(&connectedClient,1,MPI_INT,recvCount,1,MPI_INT,client->intraComm);
518  displ[0]=0 ;
519  for(int n=1;n<nbClient;n++) displ[n]=displ[n-1]+recvCount[n-1];
520  int recvSize=displ[nbClient-1]+recvCount[nbClient-1];
521  int* recvRankBuff=new int[recvSize];
522  int* recvSizeBuff=new int[recvSize];
523  MPI_Allgatherv(sendRankBuff,connectedClient,MPI_INT,recvRankBuff,recvCount,displ,MPI_INT,client->intraComm);
524  MPI_Allgatherv(sendSizeBuff,connectedClient,MPI_INT,recvSizeBuff,recvCount,displ,MPI_INT,client->intraComm);
525  for (int i = 0; i < nbClient; ++i)
526  {
527  int currentPos = displ[i];
528  for (int j = 0; j < recvCount[i]; ++j)
529  if (recvRankBuff[currentPos+j] == clientRank)
530  {
531  recvRankSizeMap[i] = recvSizeBuff[currentPos+j];
532  }
533  }
535  // Sending global index of grid source to corresponding process as well as the corresponding mask
536  std::vector<MPI_Request> requests;
537  std::vector<MPI_Status> status;
538  std::unordered_map<int, unsigned char* > recvMaskDst;
539  std::unordered_map<int, unsigned long* > recvGlobalIndexSrc;
540  for (std::map<int,int>::const_iterator itRecv = recvRankSizeMap.begin(); itRecv != recvRankSizeMap.end(); ++itRecv)
541  {
542  int recvRank = itRecv->first;
543  int recvSize = itRecv->second;
544  recvMaskDst[recvRank] = new unsigned char [recvSize];
545  recvGlobalIndexSrc[recvRank] = new unsigned long [recvSize];
547  requests.push_back(MPI_Request());
548  MPI_Irecv(recvGlobalIndexSrc[recvRank], recvSize, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, recvRank, 46, client->intraComm, &requests.back());
549  requests.push_back(MPI_Request());
550  MPI_Irecv(recvMaskDst[recvRank], recvSize, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, recvRank, 47, client->intraComm, &requests.back());
551  }
553  std::unordered_map<int, CArray<size_t,1> > globalIndexDst;
554  std::unordered_map<int, CArray<double,1> > weightDst;
555  std::unordered_map<int, unsigned char* > sendMaskDst;
556  std::unordered_map<int, unsigned long* > sendGlobalIndexSrc;
557  for (itIndex = itbIndex; itIndex != iteIndex; ++itIndex)
558  {
559  int sendRank = itIndex->first;
560  int sendSize = sendRankSizeMap[sendRank];
561  const SendIndexMap& sendIndexMap = itIndex->second;
562  SendIndexMap::const_iterator itbSend = sendIndexMap.begin(), iteSend = sendIndexMap.end(), itSend;
563  globalIndexDst[sendRank].resize(sendSize);
564  weightDst[sendRank].resize(sendSize);
565  sendMaskDst[sendRank] = new unsigned char [sendSize];
566  sendGlobalIndexSrc[sendRank] = new unsigned long [sendSize];
567  int countIndex = 0;
568  for (itSend = itbSend; itSend != iteSend; ++itSend)
569  {
570  const std::vector<std::pair<size_t,double> >& dstWeight = itSend->second;
571  for (int idx = 0; idx < dstWeight.size(); ++idx)
572  {
573  globalIndexDst[sendRank](countIndex) = dstWeight[idx].first;
574  weightDst[sendRank](countIndex) = dstWeight[idx].second;
575  if (0 < globalLocalIndexGridDestSendToServer.count(dstWeight[idx].first))
576  sendMaskDst[sendRank][countIndex] = 1;
577  else
578  sendMaskDst[sendRank][countIndex] = 0;
579  sendGlobalIndexSrc[sendRank][countIndex] = itSend->first;
580  ++countIndex;
581  }
582  }
584  // Send global index source and mask
585  requests.push_back(MPI_Request());
586  MPI_Isend(sendGlobalIndexSrc[sendRank], sendSize, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, sendRank, 46, client->intraComm, &requests.back());
587  requests.push_back(MPI_Request());
588  MPI_Isend(sendMaskDst[sendRank], sendSize, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, sendRank, 47, client->intraComm, &requests.back());
589  }
591  status.resize(requests.size());
592  MPI_Waitall(requests.size(), &requests[0], &status[0]);
594  // Okie, now use the mask to identify which index source we need to send, then also signal the destination which masked index we will return
595  std::vector<MPI_Request>().swap(requests);
596  std::vector<MPI_Status>().swap(status);
597  // Okie, on destination side, we will wait for information of masked index of source
598  for (std::map<int,int>::const_iterator itSend = sendRankSizeMap.begin(); itSend != sendRankSizeMap.end(); ++itSend)
599  {
600  int recvRank = itSend->first;
601  int recvSize = itSend->second;
603  requests.push_back(MPI_Request());
604  MPI_Irecv(sendMaskDst[recvRank], recvSize, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, recvRank, 48, client->intraComm, &requests.back());
605  }
607  // Ok, now we fill in local index of grid source (we even count for masked index)
608  CDistributionClient distributionClientSrc(client->clientRank, gridSource_);
609  CDistributionClient::GlobalLocalDataMap& globalLocalIndexGridSrcSendToServer = distributionClientSrc.getGlobalLocalDataSendToServer();
610  localIndexToSendFromGridSource_.push_back(SendingIndexGridSourceMap());
611  SendingIndexGridSourceMap& tmpSend = localIndexToSendFromGridSource_.back();
612  for (std::map<int,int>::const_iterator itRecv = recvRankSizeMap.begin(); itRecv != recvRankSizeMap.end(); ++itRecv)
613  {
614  int recvRank = itRecv->first;
615  int recvSize = itRecv->second;
616  unsigned char* recvMask = recvMaskDst[recvRank];
617  unsigned long* recvIndexSrc = recvGlobalIndexSrc[recvRank];
618  int realSendSize = 0;
619  for (int idx = 0; idx < recvSize; ++idx)
620  {
621  if (0 != (*(recvMask+idx))) // OKie, now we have a demand from non-masked index destination
622  if (0 < globalLocalIndexGridSrcSendToServer.count(*(recvIndexSrc+idx))) // check whether index source is masked
623  ++realSendSize;
624  else // inform the destination that this index is masked
625  *(recvMask+idx) = 0;
626  }
628  tmpSend[recvRank].resize(realSendSize);
629  realSendSize = 0;
630  for (int idx = 0; idx < recvSize; ++idx)
631  {
632  if (0 != (*(recvMask+idx))) // OKie, now we have a demand from non-masked index destination
633  {
634  tmpSend[recvRank](realSendSize) = globalLocalIndexGridSrcSendToServer[*(recvIndexSrc+idx)];
635  ++realSendSize;
636  }
637  }
639  // Okie, now inform the destination which source index are masked
640  requests.push_back(MPI_Request());
641  MPI_Isend(recvMaskDst[recvRank], recvSize, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, recvRank, 48, client->intraComm, &requests.back());
642  }
643  status.resize(requests.size());
644  MPI_Waitall(requests.size(), &requests[0], &status[0]);
646  // Cool, now we can fill in local index of grid destination (counted for masked index)
647  localIndexToReceiveOnGridDest_.push_back(RecvIndexGridDestinationMap());
648  RecvIndexGridDestinationMap& recvTmp = localIndexToReceiveOnGridDest_.back();
649  for (std::map<int,int>::const_iterator itSend = sendRankSizeMap.begin(); itSend != sendRankSizeMap.end(); ++itSend)
650  {
651  int recvRank = itSend->first;
652  int recvSize = itSend->second;
653  unsigned char* recvMask = sendMaskDst[recvRank];
655  CArray<size_t,1>& recvIndexDst = globalIndexDst[recvRank];
656  CArray<double,1>& recvWeightDst = weightDst[recvRank];
657  int realRecvSize = 0;
658  for (int idx = 0; idx < recvSize; ++idx)
659  {
660  if (0 != *(recvMask+idx)) // OKie, now we have a non-masked index destination
661  ++realRecvSize;
662  }
664  int localIndexDst;
665  recvTmp[recvRank].resize(realRecvSize);
666  realRecvSize = 0;
667  for (int idx = 0; idx < recvSize; ++idx)
668  {
669  if (0 != *(recvMask+idx)) // OKie, now we have a demand from non-masked index destination
670  {
671  recvTmp[recvRank][realRecvSize].first = globalLocalIndexGridDestSendToServer[recvIndexDst(idx)];
672  recvTmp[recvRank][realRecvSize].second = recvWeightDst(idx);
673  ++realRecvSize;
674  }
675  }
676  }
678  delete [] recvCount;
679  delete [] displ;
680  delete [] sendRankBuff;
681  delete [] recvRankBuff;
682  delete [] sendSizeBuff;
683  delete [] recvSizeBuff;
685  std::unordered_map<int, unsigned char* >::const_iterator itChar;
686  for (itChar = sendMaskDst.begin(); itChar != sendMaskDst.end(); ++itChar)
687  delete [] itChar->second;
688  for (itChar = recvMaskDst.begin(); itChar != recvMaskDst.end(); ++itChar)
689  delete [] itChar->second;
690  std::unordered_map<int, unsigned long* >::const_iterator itLong;
691  for (itLong = sendGlobalIndexSrc.begin(); itLong != sendGlobalIndexSrc.end(); ++itLong)
692  delete [] itLong->second;
693  for (itLong = recvGlobalIndexSrc.begin(); itLong != recvGlobalIndexSrc.end(); ++itLong)
694  delete [] itLong->second;
696 }
703 const std::list<CGridTransformation::SendingIndexGridSourceMap>& CGridTransformation::getLocalIndexToSendFromGridSource() const
704 TRY
705 {
707 }
714 const std::list<CGridTransformation::RecvIndexGridDestinationMap>& CGridTransformation::getLocalIndexToReceiveOnGridDest() const
715 TRY
716 {
718 }
726 TRY
727 {
729 }
732 }
void checkAttributesOnClient()
Definition: scalar.cpp:63
std::map< int, CArray< int, 1 > > SendingIndexGridSourceMap
const std::list< RecvIndexGridDestinationMap > & getLocalIndexToReceiveOnGridDest() const
Local index of data which will be received on the grid destination.
bool isDistributedTransformation(int elementPositionInGrid, CGrid *gridSrc, CGrid *gridDst)
MPI_Comm intraComm
Communicator of client group.
void checkAttributesOnClient()
Check attributes on client side (This name is still adequate???)
Definition: axis.cpp:508
std::list< SendingIndexGridSourceMap > localIndexToSendFromGridSource_
Local index of data to send from grid source.
enum xios::transformation_type ETranformationType
////////////////////// Définitions ////////////////////// ///
Helper class to create different transformations.
for(int iDest=0;iDest< nDest;iDest++)
CGridTransformation(CGrid *destination, CGrid *source)
#define TRY
Definition: exception.hpp:154
int clientSize
Size of client group.
Interface for all transformations.
const std::list< SendingIndexGridSourceMap > & getLocalIndexToSendFromGridSource() const
Local index of data which need sending from the grid source.
static CAxis * createAxis()
Definition: axis.cpp:261
GlobalLocalDataMap & getGlobalLocalDataSendToServer()
Return global local data mapping of client.
std::list< RecvIndexGridDestinationMap > localIndexToReceiveOnGridDest_
Local index of data to receive on grid destination.
CTransformation< CAxis >::TransformationMapTypes TransMapTypes
Definition: axis.hpp:56
void computeTransformationMappingNonDistributed(int elementPositionInGrid, CGrid *gridSrc, CGrid *gridDst, vector< int > &localSrc, vector< int > &localDst, vector< double > &weight, int &nbLocalIndexOnGridDest)
void checkAttributesOnClient()
Definition: domain.cpp:1744
virtual void selectAxisAlgo(int elementPositionInGrid, ETranformationType transType, int transformationOrder)
Select algorithm of an axis corresponding to its transformation type and its position in each element...
void suspend(void)
Definition: timer.cpp:23
#define xios(arg)
long long int Time
////////////////////// Déclarations ////////////////////// ///
Definition: duration.hpp:11
std::map< int, std::vector< std::pair< int, double > > > RecvIndexGridDestinationMap
const std::list< size_t > & getNbLocalIndexToReceiveOnGridDest() const
Number of index will be received on the grid destination.
CTransformation< CScalar >::TransformationMapTypes TransMapTypes
Definition: scalar.hpp:46
CTransformation< CDomain >::TransformationMapTypes TransMapTypes
Definition: domain.hpp:59
A context can be both on client and on server side.
void setUpGridSource(int elementPositionInGrid)
Assign the current grid destination to the grid source in the new transformation. ...
This class defines the interface for all other inherited algorithms class.
int clientRank
Rank of current client.
void computeIndexSourceMapping(const std::vector< CArray< double, 1 > * > &dataAuxInputs=std::vector< CArray< double, 1 > * >())
Compute global index mapping from one element of destination grid to the corresponding element of sou...
CGenericAlgorithmTransformation::SourceDestinationIndexMap SourceDestinationIndexMap
static CGrid * createGrid(CDomain *domain)
Instanciateurs Statiques ///.
Definition: grid.cpp:1101
void resize(int extent)
Definition: array_new.hpp:320
void resume(void)
Definition: timer.cpp:33
This class is a helper class to chose a algorithm (transformation) from the algorithm list of specifi...
Index distribution on client side.
void setUpGridDestination(int elementPositionInGrid, ETranformationType)
If there are more than one transformation, a new temporary grid will be created and it will play the ...
void computeAll(const std::vector< CArray< double, 1 > * > &dataAuxInput=std::vector< CArray< double, 1 > * >(), Time timeStamp=0)
Perform all transformations For each transformation, there are some things to do: -) Chose the correc...
void computeTransformationMapping(const SourceDestinationIndexMap &globalIndexWeightFromSrcToDest)
Compute exchange index between grid source and grid destination.
static CTimer & get(std::string name)
Definition: timer.cpp:54
This class bases on the knowledge of distribution on client side (decided by users) to calculate the ...
std::map< int, std::pair< int, int > > getElementPosition(CGrid *grid)
Find position of element in a grid as well as its type (domain, axis, scalar) and position in its own...
virtual void selectDomainAlgo(int elementPositionInGrid, ETranformationType transType, int transformationOrder)
Select algorithm of a domain corresponding to its transformation type and its position in each elemen...
void computeGlobalSourceIndex(int elementPositionInGrid, CGrid *gridSrc, CGrid *gridDst, SourceDestinationIndexMap &globaIndexWeightFromSrcToDst)
This function computes the global indexes of grid source, which the grid destination is in demand...
CDistribution::GlobalLocalMap GlobalLocalDataMap
#define CATCH
Definition: exception.hpp:155
virtual void selectScalarAlgo(int elementPositionInGrid, ETranformationType transType, int transformationOrder)
Select algorithm of a scalar corresponding to its transformation type and its position in each elemen...
static CScalar * createScalar()
Definition: scalar.cpp:43
static CGenericAlgorithmTransformation * createTransformation(ETranformationType transType, CGrid *gridDst, CGrid *gridSrc, CTransformation< T > *transformation, int elementPositionInGrid, std::map< int, int > &elementPositionInGridSrc2ScalarPosition, std::map< int, int > &elementPositionInGridSrc2AxisPosition, std::map< int, int > &elementPositionInGridSrc2DomainPosition, std::map< int, int > &elementPositionInGridDst2ScalarPosition, std::map< int, int > &elementPositionInGridDst2AxisPosition, std::map< int, int > &elementPositionInGridDst2DomainPosition)
static CContext * getCurrent(void)
Get current context.
Definition: context.cpp:2018
CContextClient * client
Concrete contex client.
Definition: context.hpp:251
std::list< size_t > nbLocalIndexOnGridDest_
Number of local index of data to receive on grid destination.
static CDomain * createDomain()
Definition: domain.cpp:66