Custom Query (116 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#84 mhnguyen ymipsl fixed abort in XIOS cause dead lock with MPI

When exception is launch from XIOS, it terminates with abort() call. It may be a mistake with MPI run under some environment since de MPI library doesn't catch the abort and transfer the information to the other MPI processes.

Try to replace abort() in exception.cpp by MPI_Abort

#86 ymipsl ssenesi fixed Allowing durations expressed as strings with the Fortran API

Model developpers would appreciate to be able to :

call xios_set_attr('field',freq_op='6h')

i.e. to benefit from the API of the same features as in xml file for expressing durations (without managing XIOS types)

I didn't find a function for converting from string to duration, which could help in this respect

#92 ymipsl ssenesi worksforme Using named constants in filters/operations

Assume you want to convert an energy flux in mass flux using an XIOS filter :

   <field id="tran"    name="tran"  unit="kg m-2 s-1"> evptr / 2.5008E+6</field>

It would be smarter to use (and re-use) a named constant, such as in :

    <variable id="coeffl"  type="float">2.5008E+6</variable>

    <field_definition id="field_definition" operation="instant" prec="4">
        <field id="tran"    name="tran"  unit="kg m-2 s-1"> evptr / coeffl </field>

However, this does not work

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