Custom Query (116 matches)


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Results (61 - 63 of 116)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#56 ymipsl ymipsl fixed XIOS crash sometime in coupled model in server mode

When multiple context is used on MPMP code, sometime XIOS crash in server mode.

#62 ymipsl ssenesi fixed Feeding a 2D global grid with processes working 1D is not working

Attached source test1d.90 is a modified version of test_complete.f90. It reduces nj_glo to a value of 3 (instead of 100°. Next, it defines "domain_1" as being the same global domain as "domain_A", being fed by processes which work on the same 2D sub-domains as for domain_A, except that they declare themselves to Xios as being 1D sub-domains, and they provide i_index and j_index for describing the mapping of the 1D local data to the 2D global domain.

Execution results in incorrect data in field_1 (which actually receive, at some location, values from field_A at llm=3) . This may be due to misunderstanding in the API arguments in this configuration

iodef.xml and result file are also attached

#63 ymipsl ssenesi invalid Complementing field definition by sourcing from an alternate file does not work

When wanting to add some field definition by sourcing an alternate file, you should be able to write :

<field_definition> <field id="default_field"domain_ref="FULL"></field_definition> <field_definition id="field_definition" src="./surfex_base.xml" />

where the content of surfex_base.xml is e.g. : <field_definition > <field id="LE" name="leprime" /> </field_definition>

This crashes XIOS with "MPI_ERR_COMM: invalid communicator" (while putting the equivalent content at the same place in the master xml file works fine)

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