Custom Query (116 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#64 fixed Compile error when using option netcdf4_internal on Bull Intel with mpiifort ymipsl ssenesi

In that case, with release 549, I get a 'catastrophic error' (I didn't choose that qualifier myself !) :

fcm_internal compile:C netcdf /home/gmgec/mrgu/senesis/SAVE/XIOS_mt_par/extern/netcdf4/mmapio.c mmapio.o 1 mpiicc -o mmapio.o -DUSING_NETCDF_PAR -DUSING_NETCDF_INTERNAL -I/home/gmgec/mrgu/senesis/SAVE/XIOS_mt_par/inc -ansi -diag-disable 1125 -diag-disable 279 -openmp -openmp-threadprivate compat -openmp-report2 -O3 -D BOOST_DISABLE_ASSERTS -I/home/gmgec/mrgu/senesis/SAVE/XIOS_mt_par/extern/netcdf4 -I/opt/softs/libraries/ICC13.1.4.183/hdf5-1.8.11_par/include -I/home/gmgec/mrgu/senesis/SAVE/XIOS_mt_par/extern/src_netcdf -I/home/gmgec/mrgu/senesis/SAVE/XIOS_mt_par/extern/boost/include -I/home/gmgec/mrgu/senesis/SAVE/XIOS_mt_par/extern/rapidxml/include -I/home/gmgec/mrgu/senesis/SAVE/XIOS_mt_par/extern/blitz/include -c /home/gmgec/mrgu/senesis/SAVE/XIOS_mt_par/extern/netcdf4/mmapio.c /home/gmgec/mrgu/senesis/SAVE/XIOS_mt_par/extern/netcdf4/mmapio.c(38): catastrophic error: #error directive: mmap not fully implemented: missing MAP_ANONYMOUS

#error mmap not fully implemented: missing MAP_ANONYMOUS

#63 invalid Complementing field definition by sourcing from an alternate file does not work ymipsl ssenesi

When wanting to add some field definition by sourcing an alternate file, you should be able to write :

<field_definition> <field id="default_field"domain_ref="FULL"></field_definition> <field_definition id="field_definition" src="./surfex_base.xml" />

where the content of surfex_base.xml is e.g. : <field_definition > <field id="LE" name="leprime" /> </field_definition>

This crashes XIOS with "MPI_ERR_COMM: invalid communicator" (while putting the equivalent content at the same place in the master xml file works fine)

#88 duplicate Consistency check 'ni .le. ni_glo' unrelevant for data_dim=1 and curvilinear grid ymipsl ssenesi

At node/domain.cpp l693, a test read as

      if (ni.getValue() < 0 || ibegin.getValue() < 0 )
	// || (ibegin.getValue() + ni.getValue()) > ni_glo.getValue())
              << "[ id = " << this->getId() << " , context = '" << CObjectFactory::GetCurrentContextId() << " ] "
              << "The local domain is wrongly defined,"
              << " check the attributes 'ni_glo' (" << ni_glo.getValue() << "), 'ni' (" << ni.getValue() << ") and 'ibegin' (" << ibegin.getValue() << ")");

The third condition does not make sense in the case of data_dim=1 and grid types curvilinear and regular , as each task may handle up to ni_glo*nj_glo grid cells.

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