Custom Query (8 matches)


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Status: closed (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#193 TGCC maintenance changed ksh behaviour somebody defect blocker 2.0 fixed
#194 Adapt libIGCM to handle Ergon (replacing gaya) sdipsl task blocker 2.0 fixed
#170 probleme at obelix : RunChecker and TS sdipsl defect critical fixed
#189 script_${ExeNameOut}.ksh : pb sur curie : cannot create [Text file busy] sdipsl defect major fixed
#190 On ada, use a fix to use MPI 1.2 to reduce memory usage. somebody defect major 2.0 fixed
#191 On ada delete reference to a netcdf4 library. mafoipsl enhancement major 2.0 fixed
#196 Select of model resolution omamce defect major 2.0 fixed
#181 clean libigcm_ensemble.ksh vocab : french-english mix in variable name sdipsl task minor fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.