Custom Query (17 matches)


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Status: closed (17 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#269 ins_job scope jgipsl defect critical system
#273 atlas bugged on curie mafoipsl defect critical PostProcessing 2.0
#164 RunChecker behaviour once problems has been solved. somebody defect major PostProcessing
#216 documentation missing: how to run atlas in standalone sdipsl enhancement major Documentation
#262 It must be possible to add an atlas.cfg in the POST directory sdipsl enhancement major PostProcessing
#266 New metrics : LMDZ_JetLat, LMDZ_OverOceanRegions, NEMO_PCMDI, NEMO_LatBandsAndRegions, NEMO_VertLevels and ORCHIDEE_PCMDI sdipsl enhancement major PostProcessing
#267 On curie/TGCC add a reservation for 4 or 8 cores on xlarge node somebody enhancement major PostProcessing 2.0
#270 send relevant information to track project resources consumption sdipsl defect major Supervisor CORE
#272 problème de monitoring somebody defect major PostProcessing
#275 Random crash on Curie with no mail received sdipsl defect major system 2.0
#276 Add 4 levels {0,1,2,3} to drive behaviours when post-processing fails sdipsl enhancement major PostProcessing
#277 enhance error message when post processing stops Computing job sdipsl defect major PostProcessing
#278 Soucis attribut NetCDF dans fichiers SE sdipsl defect major PostProcessing
#279 Time series on Curie : cleaning not done sdipsl defect major PostProcessing
#161 Meaningfull post-processing JobName somebody enhancement minor PostProcessing
#264 Soucis SCRATCHDIR non detecté par libIGCM sdipsl defect minor system
#274 Accents ! sdipsl defect trivial system 2.0
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