


17:37 Ticket #140 (include libIGCM instrumentation from CEA audit) created by sdipsl
Salut Sébastien, comme convenu Guillaume m'a fait passer ses scripts et …


08:57 Changeset [865] by jripsl
* repository I/O impl.


17:04 Ticket #139 (Ada : TimeSeriesChecker Broken) created by sdipsl
La manip actuelle avec les rsh bloque depuis le 27 mai avec des messages …
15:58 Changeset [864] by sdipsl
- hindcast/forecast : can apply perturbation to any component. See #89
12:06 Changeset [863] by jgipsl
Changed to have rebuild in a directory with apropriate name for curie. The …


11:26 Changeset [862] by jgipsl
Corrections for run at obelix/LSCE.
09:42 Changeset [861] by sdipsl
- correct a regression introduced by r853
09:40 Changeset [860] by sdipsl
- correct a regression introduced by r853


09:13 Changeset [859] by jripsl
* add killed/segfault detection. * database communication implementation …


19:25 WikiStart edited by sdipsl
18:57 Changeset [858] by sdipsl
Tag libIGCM_v2.0 - All post-processing steps are working on Ada - Able to …
18:32 Milestone libIGCM_v2.0 completed
- Create tag libIGCM_v2.0 - Produce packed files on TGCC storage elements, …
18:31 Ticket #62 (Problem with pack function in SPINUP configuration) closed by sdipsl
15:25 Changeset [857] by jripsl
* start database communication implementation. * add usleep( 200 000 ) in …


12:11 Changeset [856] by mafoipsl
For TimeSeries_Checker, use IGCM_sys_TestFileArchive generic function, …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.