


14:35 Ticket #165 (Atlas pour IPSLCM6) created by omamce
Hello, Dans AA_create_se, il y a pour lancer les atlas : […] …


14:37 Changeset [954] by labetoulle
Fix typo in file name.
12:54 Changeset [953] by labetoulle
RunChecker? : use getopts built-in function to parse command line options.
11:58 Ticket #107 (RunChecker.job refactoring) closed by labetoulle
fixed: Functions moved to libIGCM_check (r952).
11:56 Changeset [952] by labetoulle
RunChecker? functions renamed and moved to libIGCM_check/libIGCM_tools.ksh …


15:54 Ticket #162 (Problem in create_se.job) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r951
15:54 Changeset [951] by sdipsl
Fix a small bug. See #162
15:02 Ticket #164 (RunChecker behaviour once problems has been solved.) created by sdipsl
When issue has been solved RunChecker? have to take that into account.
15:00 Ticket #163 (Enhance TS_Checker and SE_Checker behaviour during Simulation) created by sdipsl
Using TSC during a simulation should compute an appropriate end date …
14:48 Ticket #162 (Problem in create_se.job) created by lfairhead
In the case where the user wants to create yearly seasonal files (i.e. …


17:22 Ticket #161 (Meaningfull post-processing JobName) created by sdipsl
je me demandais si il serait possible de donner aux jobs REBUILDWRK un nom …
17:20 Changeset [950] by sdipsl
Tag libIGCM_v2.1 is mainly a consolidation release. There are not much new …


12:36 Milestone libIGCM_v2.1 consolidation completed
Tag libIGCM_v2.1 is mainly a consolidation release. There are not much new …


16:52 Ticket #140 (include libIGCM instrumentation from CEA audit) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Will create another ticket related to the exploitation of the instrumented …
16:51 Ticket #125 (libIGCM must catch JobID so as to connect computing trees and ...) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done. See r948 r949
16:44 Changeset [949] by sdipsl
obelix case. see #125
16:22 Changeset [948] by sdipsl
catch JobID to be able to connect computing trees and post-processing …


14:47 Ticket #160 (bug in IGCM_comp_GetInputRestartFiles on Ada) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r947
14:47 Changeset [947] by sdipsl
Bugfix affecting ada looking after file on gaya : must use …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.