08/29/06 14:59:46 (18 years ago)

header improvements : type of parameters and keywords, default values, spell checking + idldoc assistant (IDL online_help)

16 edited


  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/clickincell.pro

    r157 r163  
    1919;     grid (with no key_shift, ixminmesh, iyminmesh...) 
    21 ; @keyword IJ see outpus 
     21; @keyword IJ see outputs 
    2323; @keyword _EXTRA to pass extra keywords to inquad and plot (when /drawcell) 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/compute_fromreg_bilinear_weigaddr.pro

    r157 r163  
    2121; @keyword NONORTHERNLINE 
    2222; activate if you don't want to take into 
    23 ; account the northen line of the input data when perfoming the interpolation. 
     23; account the northen line of the input data when performing the interpolation. 
    2525; @keyword NOSOUTHERNLINE 
    2626; activate if you don't want to take into 
    27 ; account the southern line of the input data when perfoming the interpolation. 
     27; account the southern line of the input data when performing the interpolation. 
    2929; @param weig {out} 
    3636; @restrictions 
    3737;  - the input grid must be a "regular grid", defined as a grid for which each 
    38 ;  lontitudes lines have the same latitude and each latitudes columns have the 
     38;  longitudes lines have the same latitude and each latitudes columns have the 
    3939;  same longitude. 
    4040;  - We supposed the data are located on a sphere, with a periodicity along 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/compute_fromreg_imoms3_weigaddr.pro

    r157 r163  
    33; @file_comments 
    4 ; compute the weight and address neede to interpolate data from a 
     4; compute the weight and address need to interpolate data from a 
    55; "regular grid" to any grid using the imoms3 method 
    2222; @keyword NOSOUTHERNLINE 
    2323; activate if you don't want to take into account the northen/southern line 
    24 ; of the input data when perfoming the interpolation. 
     24; of the input data when performing the interpolation. 
    2626; @param weig {out} 
    3333; @restrictions 
    3434;  - the input grid must be a "regular/rectangular grid", defined as a grid for 
    35 ;  which each lontitudes lines have the same latitude and each latitudes columns 
     35;  which each longitudes lines have the same latitude and each latitudes columns 
    3636;  have the same longitude. 
    3737;  -  We supposed the data are located on a sphere, with a periodicity along 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/cutpar.pro

    r136 r163  
    1919; @param n {in}{required} 
    20 ; each parallelogram will be cutted in n^2 pieces 
     20; each parallelogram will be cut in n^2 pieces 
    2222; @keyword ENDPOINTS 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/cutsegment.pro

    r136 r163  
    1717; @keyword ENDPOINTS 
    18 ; see ouputs 
     18; see outputs 
    2020; @keyword ONSPHERE 
    2424; @returns 
    2525;  - default: a 3d array (2,n,p) that gives the coordinates of the 
    26 ;  middle of the cutted segments. 
     26;  middle of the cut segments. 
    2727;  - if /ENDPOINTS, a 3d array (2,n+1,p) that gives the 
    2828;  coordinates of the endpoints of the cutted segments. 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/fromirr.pro

    r157 r163  
    88; Interpolation 
    10 ; @param method {in}{required} 
     10; @param method {in}{required}{type=string} 
    1111; a string defining the interpolation method. must be 'bilinear' 
    13 ; @param datain {in}{required} 
     13; @param datain {in}{required}{type=2d array} 
    1414; a 2D array the input data to interpolate 
    16 ; @param lonin {in}{optional} 
     16; @param lonin {in}{optional}{type=2d array} 
    1717; a 2D array defining the longitude of the input data 
    19 ; @param latin {in}{optional} 
     19; @param latin {in}{optional}{type=2d array} 
    2020; a 2D array defining the latitude of the input data. 
    22 ; @param mskin {in}{optional} 
     22; @param mskin {in}{optional}{type=2d array} 
    2323; a 2D array, the land-sea mask of the input data (1 on ocean, 0 on land) 
    25 ; @param lonout {in}{optional} 
     25; @param lonout {in}{optional}{type=1d or 2d array} 
    2626; 1D or 2D array defining the longitude of the output data. 
    28 ; @param latout {in}{optional} 
     28; @param latout {in}{optional}{type=1d or 2d array} 
    2929; 1D or 2D array defining the latitude of the output data. 
    31 ; @param mskout {in}{required} 
    32 ; a 2D array, the land-sea mask of the ouput data (1 on ocean, 0 on land) 
     31; @param mskout {in}{required}{type=2d array} 
     32; a 2D array, the land-sea mask of the output data (1 on ocean, 0 on land) 
    34 ; @keyword WEIG (see ADDR) 
    35 ; @keyword ADDR 2D arrays, weig and addr are the weight and addresses used to 
     34; @keyword WEIG {type=2d array} 
     35; (see ADDR) 
     37; @keyword ADDR {type=2d array} 
     38; 2D arrays, weig and addr are the weight and addresses used to 
    3639; perform the interpolation: 
    3740;          dataout = total(weig*datain[addr], 1) 
    3942; Those keywords can be set to named variables (that are undefined or equal to 0) into which the 
    4043; values will be copied when the current routine exits. Next, they can be used to perform 
    41 ; the interpolation whithout computing again those 2 parameters. This greatly 
     44; the interpolation without computing again those 2 parameters. This greatly 
    4245; speed-up the interpolation! In that case, lonin, latin, lonout and latout are not necessary. 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/fromreg.pro

    r157 r163  
    33; @file_comments 
    44; interpolate data from a "regular/rectangular grid" to any grid. 
    5 ;   2 methods availables: bilinear and imoms3 
    6 ;   A "regular/rectangular grid" is defined as a grid for which each lontitudes lines have 
     5;   2 methods available: bilinear and imoms3 
     6;   A "regular/rectangular grid" is defined as a grid for which each longitudes lines have 
    77;   the same latitude and each latitudes columns have the same longitude. 
    1010; Interpolation 
    12 ; @param method {in}{required} 
     12; @param method {in}{required}{type=string} 
    1313; a string defining the interpolation method. 
    1414; must be 'bilinear' or 'imoms3' 
    16 ; @param datain {in}{required} 
     16; @param datain {in}{required}{type=2d array} 
    1717; a 2D array the input data to interpolate 
    19 ; @param lonin {in}{optional} 
     19; @param lonin {in}{optional}{type=1d or 2d array} 
    2020; 1D or 2D array defining the longitude of the input data 
    22 ; @param latin {in}{optional} 
     22; @param latin {in}{optional}{type=1d or 2d array} 
    2323; 1D or 2D array defining the latitude of the input data 
    25 ; @param lonout {in}{optional} 
     25; @param lonout {in}{optional}{type=1d or 2d array} 
    2626; 1D or 2D array defining the longitude of the output data 
    28 ; @param latout {in}{required} 
     28; @param latout {in}{required}{type=1d or 2d array} 
    2929; 1D or 2D array defining the latitude of the output data 
    31 ; @keyword WEIG (see ADDR) 
    32 ; @keyword ADDR 2D arrays, weig and addr are the weight and addresses used to 
     31; @keyword WEIG {type=2d array} 
     32; (see ADDR) 
     34; @keyword ADDR {type=2d array} 
     35; 2D arrays, weig and addr are the weight and addresses used to 
    3336; perform the interpolation: 
    3437;          dataout = total(weig*datain[addr], 1) 
    3639; Those keywords can be set to named variables (that are undefined or equal to 0) into which the 
    3740; values will be copied when the current routine exits. Next, they can be used to perform 
    38 ; the interpolation whithout computing again those 2 parameters. In that 
     41; the interpolation without computing again those 2 parameters. In that 
    3942; case, lonin, latin, lonout and latout are not necessary. 
    4144; @keyword NONORTHERNLINE 
     45; activate if you don't want to take into account the northern line 
     46; of the input data when performing the interpolation. 
    4248; @keyword NOSOUTHERNLINE 
    43 ; activate if you don't want to take into account the northen/southern line 
    44 ; of the input data when perfoming the interpolation. 
     49; activate if you don't want to take into account the southern line 
     50; of the input data when performing the interpolation. 
    4652; @returns 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/get_gridparams.pro

    r157 r163  
    33; @file_comments 
    4 ; 1) extract from a NetCDF file the longitude, latidude, and their dimensions 
     4; 1) extract from a NetCDF file the longitude, latitude, and their dimensions 
    55; and make sure it is 1D or 2D arrays 
    2424; 1) 
    2525; @param in1 {in}{required} 
    26 ; the name of the netcdf file 
     26; Case 1: the name of the netcdf file 
     27; Case 2: 1d or 2D arrays defining longitudes and latitudes. 
     28; Out: the variable that will contain the longitudes 
    2830; @param in2 {in}{required} 
    29 ; the name of the variable that contains the longitude in the NetCDF file 
     31; Case 1: the name of the variable that contains the longitude in the NetCDF file 
     32; Case 2: 1d or 2D arrays defining longitudes and latitudes. 
     33;         Note that these arrays are also outputs and can therefore be modified. 
     34; Out: the variable that will contain the latitudes 
    3136; @param in3 {in}{required} 
    32 ; the name of the variable that contains the latitude in the NetCDF file 
     37; Case 1: the name of the variable that contains the latitude in the NetCDF file 
     38; Case 2: the number of points in the longitudinal direction. 
    3440; @param in4 {out} 
    35 ; the number of points in the longitudinal direction 
     41; Case 1: the number of points in the longitudinal direction 
     42; Case 2: the number of points in the latitudinal direction 
    3744; @param in5 {out} 
    38 ; the number of points in the latitudinal direction 
     45; Case 1: the number of points in the latitudinal direction 
     46; Case 2: 1 or 2 to specify if lon and lat should be 1D (jpi or jpj) 
     47; arrays or 2D arrays (jpi,jpj). Note that of  n_dimensions = 1, then the 
     48; grid must be regular (each longitudes must be the same for all latitudes 
     49; and each latitudes should be the same for all longitudes). 
    4051; @param in6 {out} 
    4657; @param in8 {out} 
    4758; 1 or 2 to specify if lon and lat should be 1D (jpi or jpj) 
    48 ; 
    49 ; or 
    50 ; 
    51 ; 2) 
    52 ; @param in1 {in}{required} 
    53 ; 1d or 2D arrays defining longitudes and latitudes. 
    54 ; 
    55 ; @param in2 {in}{required} 
    56 ; 1d or 2D arrays defining longitudes and latitudes. 
    57 ; Note that these arrays are also outputs and can therefore be modified. 
    58 ; 
    59 ; @param in1 {out} 
    60 ; the variable that will contain the longitudes 
    61 ; 
    62 ; @param in2 {out} 
    63 ; the variable that will contain the latitudes 
    64 ; 
    65 ; @param in3 {in} 
    66 ; the number of points in the longitudinal direction 
    67 ; 
    68 ; @param in4 {in} 
    69 ; the number of points in the latitudinal direction 
    70 ; 
    71 ; @param in5 {in} 
    72 ; 1 or 2 to specify if lon and lat should be 1D (jpi or jpj) 
    73 ; arrays or 2D arrays (jpi,jpj). Note that of  n_dimensions = 1, then the 
    74 ; grid must be regular (each longitudes must be the same for all latitudes 
    75 ; and each latitudes should be the sae for all longitudes). 
    7760; @keyword DOUBLE 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/inquad.pro

    r157 r163  
    2727; @keyword ONSPHERE 
    28 ; to specify that the quadilateral are on a sphere and 
    29 ; that teir coordinates are longitude-latitude coordinates. In this 
     28; to specify that the quadrilateral are on a sphere and 
     29; that their coordinates are longitude-latitude coordinates. In this 
    3030; case, est-west periodicity, poles singularity and other pbs 
    3131; related to longitude-latitude coordinates are managed 
    3434; @keyword ZOOMRADIUS {default=4} 
    35 ; the zoom (circle centred on the (x,y) with a radius of 
     35; the zoom (circle centered on the (x,y) with a radius of 
    3636; zoomradius degree where we look for the the quadrilateral which 
    3737; contains the (x,y) point) used for the satellite projection 
    199 ; the point is inside the quadilateral if test eq 1 
     199; the point is inside the quadrilateral if test eq 1 
    200200; with test equal to: 
    201201;     test = ((x-x1)*(y2-y1) GE (x2-x1)*(y-y1)) $ 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/inrecgrid.pro

    r157 r163  
    99; Without loop 
    11 ; @param x1d {in}{required} 
    12 ; a 1d array, the x position on the points 
     11; @param x1d {in}{required}{type=1d array} 
     12; the x position on the points 
    14 ; @param y1d {in}{required} 
    15 ; a 1d array, the y position on the points 
     14; @param y1d {in}{required}{type=1d array} 
     15; the y position on the points 
    17 ; @param left {in}{required} 
    18 ; a 1d, monotonically increasing array, 
     17; @param left {in}{required}{type=1d monotonically increasing array} 
    1918; the position of the "left" border of each cell. 
    21 ; @param bottom {in}{required} 
    22 ; a 1d, monotonically increasing array, 
     20; @param bottom {in}{required}{type=1d monotonically increasing array} 
    2321; the position of the "bottom" border of each cell. 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/ll_narcs_distances.pro

    r136 r163  
    3636; @returns 
    37 ; a (2, n) array containing the longitude/latitude of the resultings points. 
     37; a (2, n) array containing the longitude/latitude of the resulting points. 
    3838; Values are in radians unless the keyword DEGREES is set. 
    69 FUNCTION LL_NARCS_DISTANCES, lon0, lat0, arc_dist, az, DEGREES = degs 
     69FUNCTION ll_narcs_distances, lon0, lat0, arc_dist, az, DEGREES = degs 
    7171  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/map_npoints.pro

    r136 r163  
    2525; @keyword MIDDLE 
    26 ; to get the longitude/latitude of the middle point betwen P0 and P1. 
     26; to get the longitude/latitude of the middle point between P0 and P1. 
    2828; @keyword RADIANS 
    4141; @returns 
    4242; An (np0,np1) array giving the distance in meter between np0 
    43 ; points P0 and np1 points P1. Element (i,j) of the ouput is the 
     43; points P0 and np1 points P1. Element (i,j) of the output is the 
    4444; distance between element P0[i] and P1[j]. 
    4545; If keyword /TWO_BY_TWO is given then Map_nPoints returns 
    102 Function Map_npoints, lon0, lat0, lon1, lat1, AZIMUTH = azimuth $ 
     102Function map_npoints, lon0, lat0, lon1, lat1, AZIMUTH = azimuth $ 
    103103 , RADIANS = radians, RADIUS = radius, MIDDLE = middle, TWO_BY_TWO = two_by_two 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/quadrilateral2square.pro

    r157 r163  
    2525; @param y3in  {in}{required} 
    2626; the coordinates of the quadrilateral 
    27 ; (see above for correspondance with the unit square). Can be 
     27; (see above for correspondence with the unit square). Can be 
    2828; scalar or array. (x0,y0), (x1,y1), (x2,y2) and (x3,y3) are 
    2929; given in the anticlockwise order. 
    4141; @returns 
    43 ; (2,n) array: the new coodinates (xout, yout) of the (xin,yin) point(s) after 
     43; (2,n) array: the new coordinates (xout, yout) of the (xin,yin) point(s) after 
    4444; mapping. 
    4545; If xin is a scalar, then n is equal to the number of elements of x0. 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/spl_incr.pro

    r136 r163  
    144 ; check and initialisation ... 
     144; check and initialization ... 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/spl_keep_mean.pro

    r136 r163  
    1818; a strict ascending order. 
    20 ; @param yin {in}{required} 
     20; @param yin {in}{required}{type=array} 
    2121; an array with one element less than x. y[i] represents the 
    2222; mean value between x[i] and x[i+1]. if /GE0 is activated, y must 
    86 ; check and initialisation ... 
     86; check and initialization ... 
  • trunk/SRC/Interpolation/square2quadrilateral.pro

    r157 r163  
    2323; @param x3in {in}{required} 
    2424; @param y3in {in}{required} 
    25 ; the coordinates of the quadrilateral (see above for correspondance with the 
     25; the coordinates of the quadrilateral (see above for correspondence with the 
    2626; unit square). 
    2727; Can be scalar or array. 
    3535; @returns 
    36 ; (2,n) array: the new coodinates (xout, yout) of the (xin,yin) 
     36; (2,n) array: the new coordinates (xout, yout) of the (xin,yin) 
    3737; point(s) after mapping. 
    3838; If xin is a scalar, then n is equal to the number of elements of 
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