09/11/06 09:11:26 (18 years ago)

bugfix + manage roms outputs

3 edited


  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/AUTOUR_de_XXX/buildcmd.pro

    r157 r172  
    184184      if yindex NE 0 then extra = create_struct(extra, 'yindex', yindex) 
    185185      exextra = cw_specifie_get_value(base) 
     186      tgnm = strlowcase(tag_names(exextra)) 
     187      indtmp = where(tgnm EQ 'box' OR tgnm EQ 'boxzoom', cnt) 
     188      IF cnt EQ 1 THEN BEGIN  
     189        boxextra = exextra.(indtmp[0]) 
     190        exextra = extractstru(exextra, ['box', 'boxzoom']) 
     191      ENDIF  
    186192      extra =  mixstru(exextra, extra) 
    187193      sextra = struct2string(extra) 
    342348; determination of the boxzoom's name. 
    343349  if NOT keyword_set(boxzoom) then widget_control, domainid, get_value = boxzoom 
     350  CASE n_elements(boxextra) OF 
     351    0: 
     352    1:boxzoom[5] = boxextra 
     353    2:boxzoom[4:5] = boxextra 
     354    4:boxzoom[0:3] = boxextra 
     355    5:boxzoom = [boxextra[0:3], 0, boxextra[4]] 
     356    6:boxzoom = boxextra 
     357  ENDCASE 
    344358; Writting of this one as a string 
    345359  box = '['+strtrim(boxzoom[0], 1) 
    358372      if chkstru(exextra, 'profmax') then  pmax = exextra.profmax $ 
    359373      ELSE pmax = 200 
    360       box = box+',0,'+strtrim(pmax, 1) 
     374      box = box+',0,'+strtrim(boxzoom[5] > pmax, 1) 
    361375    ENDELSE 
    362376  endif 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/AUTOUR_de_XXX/buildreadcmd.pro

    r157 r172  
    8787  if yindex NE 0 then extra = create_struct(extra, 'yindex', yindex) 
    8888  exextra = cw_specifie_get_value(base) 
    89   exextra = extractstru(exextra, ['min', 'max', 'inter', 'lct']) 
     89  tgnm = strlowcase(tag_names(exextra)) 
     90  indtmp = where(tgnm EQ 'box' OR tgnm EQ 'boxzoom', cnt) 
     91  IF cnt EQ 1 THEN boxextra = exextra.(indtmp[0]) 
     92  exextra = extractstru(exextra, ['min', 'max', 'inter', 'lct', 'box', 'boxzoom']) 
    9093  if size(exextra, /type) EQ 8 then extra = mixstru(exextra, extra) 
    9194  sextra = struct2string(extra) 
    117120  if NOT keyword_set(boxzoom) then widget_control, domainid, get_value = boxzoom 
     121  CASE n_elements(boxextra) OF 
     122    0: 
     123    1:boxzoom[5] = boxextra 
     124    2:boxzoom[4:5] = boxextra 
     125    4:boxzoom[0:3] = boxextra 
     126    5:boxzoom = [boxextra[0:3], 0, boxextra[4]] 
     127    6:boxzoom = boxextra 
     128  ENDCASE 
    118129; put boxzoom into a string 
    119130  box = '['+strtrim(boxzoom[0], 1) 
    121132     box = box+', '+strtrim(boxzoom[i], 1) 
    122133  if strpos(type, 'z') NE -1 then BEGIN 
    123       @common 
    124       min = min([gdept, gdepw], max = max) 
     134      @cm_4mesh 
     135      min = min([gdept, gdepw, boxzoom[4:5]], max = max) 
    125136      box = box+','+strtrim(floor(min), 1)+','+strtrim(ceil(max), 1) 
    126137    endif 
  • trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/AUTOUR_de_XXX/scanfile.pro

    r167 r172  
    9090  infile = ncdf_inquire(cdfid)  ; 
    91 ; find vargrid ... 
    92   IF keyword_set(grid) THEN vargrid = strupcase(grid) ELSE BEGIN 
    93     vargrid = 'T'               ; default definition 
    94     IF finite(glamu[0]) EQ 1 THEN BEGIN 
     92; name of all dimensions 
     94  namedim = strarr(infile.ndims) 
     95  for dimiq = 0, infile.ndims-1 do begin 
     96    ncdf_diminq, cdfid, dimiq, tmpname, value  
     97    namedim[dimiq] = strlowcase(tmpname) 
     98  ENDFOR 
     99; roms file? 
     100  dimidx = where(namedim EQ 'xi_rho' OR namedim EQ 'xi_u' OR namedim EQ 'xi_v' OR namedim EQ 'xi_psi') 
     101  IF dimidx[0] EQ -1 THEN BEGIN 
     102; we are looking for a x dimension with a name matching one of the following regular expression: 
     103    testname = ['longitude', 'lon', 'x', 'longitude*', 'lon*', 'x*', '*longitude*', '*lon*', '*x*'] 
     104    cnt = -1 
     105    ii = 0 
     106    WHILE cnt NE 1 AND ii LT n_elements(testname) DO BEGIN 
     107      dimidx = where(strmatch(namedim, testname[ii]) EQ 1, cnt) 
     108      ii = ii+1 
     109    ENDWHILE 
     110    CASE cnt OF 
     111      0:begin 
     112        dummy = report(['none of the dimensions name matches one of the following regular expression:' $ 
     113                        , '''longitude'', ''lon'', ''x'', ''longitude*'', ''lon*'', ''x*'', ''*longitude*'', ''*lon*'', ''*x*''' $ 
     114                        , ' => we cannot find the x dimension']) 
     115        stop 
     116      END 
     117      1:dimidx = dimidx[0] 
     118      ELSE:begin 
     119        dummy = report(['several (and not one unique) dimensions name matches the following regular expression:' $ 
     120                        , '''longitude'', ''lon'', ''x'', ''longitude*'', ''lon*'', ''x*'', ''*longitude*'', ''*lon*'', ''*x*''' $ 
     121                        , ' => we cannot find the x dimension']) 
     122        stop 
     123      ENDELSE 
     124    ENDCASE 
     125  ENDIF 
     126; roms file? 
     127  dimidy = where(namedim EQ 'eta_rho' OR namedim EQ 'eta_u' OR namedim EQ 'eta_v' OR namedim EQ 'eta_psi') 
     128  IF dimidy[0] EQ -1 THEN BEGIN 
     129; we are looking for a y dimension with a name matching one of the following regular expression: 
     130    testname = ['latitude', 'lat', 'y', 'latitude*', 'lat*', 'y*', 'eta_*', '*latitude*', '*lat*', '*y*'] 
     131    cnt = -1 
     132    ii = 0 
     133    WHILE cnt NE 1 AND ii LT n_elements(testname) DO BEGIN 
     134      dimidy = where(strmatch(namedim, testname[ii]) EQ 1, cnt) 
     135      ii = ii+1 
     136    ENDWHILE 
     137    CASE cnt OF 
     138      0:begin 
     139        dummy = report(['none of the dimensions name matches one of the following regular expression:' $ 
     140                        , '''latitude'', ''lat'', ''y'', ''latitude*'', ''lat*'', ''y*'', ''eta_*'', ''*latitude*'', ''*lat*'', ''*y*''' $ 
     141                        , ' => we cannot find the y dimension']) 
     142        stop 
     143      END 
     144      1:dimidy = dimidy[0] 
     145      ELSE:begin 
     146        dummy = report(['several (and not one unique) dimensions name matches the following regular expression:' $ 
     147                        , '''latitude'', ''lat'', ''y'', ''latitude*'', ''lat*'', ''y*'', ''eta_*'', ''*latitude*'', ''*lat*'', ''*y*''' $ 
     148                        , ' => we cannot find the x dimension']) 
     149        stop 
     150      ENDELSE 
     151    ENDCASE 
     152  ENDIF 
     154; name of all variables 
     156; we keep only the variables containing at least x, y and time dimension (if existing...) 
     157  namevar = strarr(infile.nvars) 
     158  for varid = 0, infile.nvars-1 do begin 
     159    invar = ncdf_varinq(cdfid, varid) ; what contains the variable? 
     160    if (inter(invar.dim, dimidx))[0] NE -1 AND $ 
     161       (inter(invar.dim, dimidy))[0] NE -1 AND $ 
     162       ((where(invar.dim EQ infile.recdim))[0] NE -1 OR infile.recdim EQ -1) $ 
     163    THEN namevar[varid] = invar.name  
     164  ENDFOR 
     165  namevar = namevar[where(namevar NE '')] 
     167; find vargrid for each selected variable... 
     169  listgrid = strarr(n_elements(namevar)) 
     170; default definitions 
     171  IF keyword_set(grid) THEN vargrid = strupcase(grid) ELSE vargrid = 'T' 
     172; look for values of vargrid for each variable 
     173  IF finite(glamu[0]) EQ 1 AND NOT keyword_set(grid) THEN BEGIN 
     174; for each variable, look if we in one of the case corresponding to ROMS conventions? 
     175    FOR i = 0, n_elements(namevar)-1 do begin 
     176      invar = ncdf_varinq(cdfid, namevar[i]) 
     177      tmpnm = namedim[invar.dim] 
     178; are we in one of the case corresponding to ROMS conventions? 
     179      CASE 1 OF 
     180        tmpnm[2 <(invar.ndims-1)] EQ 's_w':vargrid = 'W' 
     181        tmpnm[0] EQ 'xi_rho' AND tmpnm[1] EQ 'eta_rho':listgrid[i] = 'T' 
     182        tmpnm[0] EQ 'xi_u'   AND tmpnm[1] EQ 'eta_u'  :listgrid[i] = 'U' 
     183        tmpnm[0] EQ 'xi_v'   AND tmpnm[1] EQ 'eta_v'  :listgrid[i] = 'V' 
     184        tmpnm[0] EQ 'xi_psi' AND tmpnm[1] EQ 'eta_psi':listgrid[i] = 'F' 
     185        tmpnm[0] EQ 'xi_rho' AND tmpnm[1] EQ 'eta_v'  :listgrid[i] = 'V' 
     186        tmpnm[0] EQ 'xi_u'   AND tmpnm[1] EQ 'eta_rho':listgrid[i] = 'U' 
     187        tmpnm[0] EQ 'xi_u'   AND tmpnm[1] EQ 'eta_v'  :listgrid[i] = 'F' 
     188        ELSE:  
     189      ENDCASE  
     190    ENDFOR 
     191    empty = where(listgrid EQ '') 
     192    IF empty[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN    
     193; could we define the grid type from the file name?? 
    95194      pattern = ['GRID.', 'GRID_', 'GRID', 'UPID_', '30ID_'] 
    96195      gdtype = ['T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'F'] 
    104203        ENDFOR 
    105204      ENDFOR 
    106     ENDIF 
    107   ENDELSE 
    108 ;------------------------------------------------------------ 
    109 ; name of all dimensions 
    110 ;------------------------------------------------------------ 
    111   namedim = strarr(infile.ndims) 
    112   for dimiq = 0, infile.ndims-1 do begin 
    113     ncdf_diminq, cdfid, dimiq, tmpname, value  
    114     namedim[dimiq] = strlowcase(tmpname) 
    115   ENDFOR 
    116 ; we are looking for a x dimension with a name matching one of the following regular expression: 
    117   testname = ['longitude', 'lon', 'x', 'longitude*', 'lon*', 'x*', '*longitude*', '*lon*', '*x*'] 
    118   cnt = -1 
    119   ii = 0 
    120   WHILE cnt NE 1 AND ii LT n_elements(testname) DO BEGIN 
    121     dimidx = where(strmatch(namedim, testname[ii]) EQ 1, cnt) 
    122     ii = ii+1 
    123   ENDWHILE 
    124   CASE cnt OF 
    125     0:begin 
    126       dummy = report(['none of the dimensions name matches one of the following regular expression:' $ 
    127                       , '''longitude'', ''lon'', ''x'', ''longitude*'', ''lon*'', ''x*'', ''*longitude*'', ''*lon*'', ''*x*''' $ 
    128                       , ' => we cannot find the x dimension']) 
    129       stop 
    130     END 
    131     1:dimidx = dimidx[0] 
    132     ELSE:begin 
    133       dummy = report(['several (and not one unique) dimensions name matches the following regular expression:' $ 
    134                       , '''longitude'', ''lon'', ''x'', ''longitude*'', ''lon*'', ''x*'', ''*longitude*'', ''*lon*'', ''*x*''' $ 
    135                       , ' => we cannot find the x dimension']) 
    136       stop 
    137     END 
    138   ENDCASE 
    139 ; we are looking for a y dimension with a name matching one of the following regular expression: 
    140   testname = ['latitude', 'lat', 'y', 'latitude*', 'lat*', 'y*', 'eta_*', '*latitude*', '*lat*', '*y*'] 
    141   cnt = -1 
    142   ii = 0 
    143   WHILE cnt NE 1 AND ii LT n_elements(testname) DO BEGIN 
    144     dimidy = where(strmatch(namedim, testname[ii]) EQ 1, cnt) 
    145     ii = ii+1 
    146   ENDWHILE 
    147   CASE cnt OF 
    148     0:begin 
    149       dummy = report(['none of the dimensions name matches one of the following regular expression:' $ 
    150                       , '''latitude'', ''lat'', ''y'', ''latitude*'', ''lat*'', ''y*'', ''eta_*'', ''*latitude*'', ''*lat*'', ''*y*''' $ 
    151                       , ' => we cannot find the y dimension']) 
    152       stop 
    153     END 
    154     1:dimidy = dimidy[0] 
    155     ELSE:begin 
    156       dummy = report(['several (and not one unique) dimensions name matches the following regular expression:' $ 
    157                       , '''latitude'', ''lat'', ''y'', ''latitude*'', ''lat*'', ''y*'', ''eta_*'', ''*latitude*'', ''*lat*'', ''*y*''' $ 
    158                       , ' => we cannot find the x dimension']) 
    159       stop 
    160     END 
    161   ENDCASE 
    162 ;------------------------------------------------------------ 
    163 ; name of all variables 
    164 ;------------------------------------------------------------ 
    165 ; we keep only the variables containing at least x, y and time dimension (if existing...) 
    166   namevar = strarr(infile.nvars) 
    167   for varid = 0, infile.nvars-1 do begin 
    168     invar = ncdf_varinq(cdfid, varid) ; what contains the variable? 
    169     if (where(invar.dim EQ dimidx))[0] NE -1 AND $ 
    170        (where(invar.dim EQ dimidy))[0] NE -1 AND $ 
    171        ((where(invar.dim EQ infile.recdim))[0] NE -1 OR infile.recdim EQ -1) $ 
    172     THEN namevar[varid] = invar.name  
    173   ENDFOR 
    174   namevar = namevar[where(namevar NE '')] 
    175   listgrid = replicate(vargrid, n_elements(namevar)) 
     205      listgrid[empty] = vargrid 
     206    ENDIF  
     207  ENDIF ELSE listgrid[*] = vargrid 
    177209; time axis 
    229261          mots = str_sep(value, ' ') 
    230262          unite = mots[0] 
    231           debut = str_sep(mots[2], '-') 
     263          err = 0 
     264          IF unite NE 'seconds' AND unite NE 'hours' AND unite NE 'days' $ 
     265             AND unite NE 'months' AND unite NE 'years' THEN BEGIN 
     266            dummy = report('time units does not start with seconds/hours/days/months/years') 
     267            err = 1 
     268          ENDIF 
     269          err = err + 1 - stregex(value, '[^ ]* since ([0-9]){4}-([0-9]){2}-([0-9]){2}.*', /boolean) 
     270          IF err GT 0 THEN BEGIN  
     271            dummy = report('attribut units of time has not the good format: [^ ]* since ([0-9]){4}-([0-9]){2}-([0-9]){2}.*') 
     272            fakecal = 1 
     273            time = date0fk + lindgen(jpt) 
     274          ENDIF ELSE BEGIN  
     275            debut = str_sep(mots[2], '-') 
    233277; now we try to find the attribut called calendar... 
    235279; If no, we suppose that the calendar is gregorian calendar 
    237           if (where(attnames EQ 'calendar'))[0] NE -1 then BEGIN 
    238             ncdf_attget, cdfid, varid, 'calendar', value 
    239             value = string(value) 
    240             CASE value OF 
    241               'noleap':key_caltype = 'noleap' 
    242               '360d':key_caltype = '360d' 
    243               'greg':IF n_elements(key_caltype) EQ 0 THEN key_caltype = 'greg' 
    244               ELSE:BEGIN 
     281            if (where(attnames EQ 'calendar'))[0] NE -1 then BEGIN 
     282              ncdf_attget, cdfid, varid, 'calendar', value 
     283              value = string(value) 
     284              CASE value OF 
     285                'noleap':key_caltype = 'noleap' 
     286                '360d':key_caltype = '360d' 
     287                'greg':IF n_elements(key_caltype) EQ 0 THEN key_caltype = 'greg' 
     288                ELSE:BEGIN 
    245289;            notused = report('Unknown calendar: '+value+', we use greg calendar.')  
    246                 key_caltype = 'greg' 
     290                  key_caltype = 'greg' 
     291                END 
     292              ENDCASE 
     293            ENDIF ELSE BEGIN 
     294;        notused = report('Unknown calendar, we use '+key_caltype+' calendar.')  
     295              IF n_elements(key_caltype) EQ 0 THEN key_caltype = 'greg' 
     296            ENDELSE 
     298; BEWARE we have to get back the calendar attribute and ajust time by consequence... 
     301; We pass time in IDL julian days 
     303            unite = strlowcase(unite) 
     304            IF strpos(unite, 's', strlen(unite)-1) NE -1 THEN unite = strmid(unite, 0, strlen(unite)-1) 
     305            IF strpos(unite, 'julian_') NE -1 THEN unite = strmid(unite, 7) 
     306            case unite of 
     307              'second':time = julday(debut[1], debut[2], debut[0])+time/86400.d 
     308              'hour':time = julday(debut[1], debut[2], debut[0])+time/24.d 
     309              'day':time = julday(debut[1], debut[2], debut[0])+time 
     310              'month':BEGIN  
     311                if total(fix(time) NE time) NE 0 then $ ; we switch to days with 30d/m 
     312                   time = julday(debut[1], debut[2], debut[0])+round(time*30) $ 
     313                ELSE for t = 0, n_elements(time)-1 DO $ 
     314                   time[t] = julday(debut[1]+time[t], debut[2], debut[0]) 
     315              END 
     316              'year':BEGIN 
     317                if total(fix(time) NE time) NE 0 then $ ; we switch to days with 365d/y 
     318                   time = julday(debut[1], debut[2], debut[0])+round(time*365) $ 
     319                ELSE for t = 0, n_elements(time)-1 do $ 
     320                   time[t] = julday(debut[1], debut[2], debut[0]+time[t]) 
    247321              END 
    248322            ENDCASE 
    249           ENDIF ELSE BEGIN 
    250 ;        notused = report('Unknown calendar, we use '+key_caltype+' calendar.')  
    251             IF n_elements(key_caltype) EQ 0 THEN key_caltype = 'greg' 
     324; high frequency calendar: more than one element per day 
     325            IF max(histogram([long(time-time[0])])) GT 1 THEN fakecal = 1 ELSE fakecal = 0 
     326            date0fk = date2jul(19000101) 
     327            IF keyword_set(fakecal) THEN time = date0fk+lindgen(jpt) $ 
     328            ELSE time = long(time) 
    252330          ENDELSE 
    253 ; 
    254 ; BEWARE we have to get back the calendar attribute and ajust time by consequence... 
    255 ; 
    256 ; 
    257 ; We pass time in IDL julian days 
    258 ; 
    259           unite = strlowcase(unite) 
    260           IF strpos(unite, 's', strlen(unite)-1) NE -1 THEN unite = strmid(unite, 0, strlen(unite)-1) 
    261           IF strpos(unite, 'julian_') NE -1 THEN unite = strmid(unite, 7) 
    262           case unite of 
    263             'second':time = julday(debut[1], debut[2], debut[0])+time/86400.d 
    264             'hour':time = julday(debut[1], debut[2], debut[0])+time/24.d 
    265             'day':time = julday(debut[1], debut[2], debut[0])+time 
    266             'month':BEGIN  
    267               if total(fix(time) NE time) NE 0 then $ ; we switch to days with 30d/m 
    268                  time = julday(debut[1], debut[2], debut[0])+round(time*30) $ 
    269               ELSE for t = 0, n_elements(time)-1 DO $ 
    270                  time[t] = julday(debut[1]+time[t], debut[2], debut[0]) 
    271             END 
    272             'year':BEGIN 
    273               if total(fix(time) NE time) NE 0 then $ ; we switch to days with 365d/y 
    274                  time = julday(debut[1], debut[2], debut[0])+round(time*365) $ 
    275               ELSE for t = 0, n_elements(time)-1 do $ 
    276                  time[t] = julday(debut[1], debut[2], debut[0]+time[t]) 
    277             END 
    278           ENDCASE 
    279 ; 
    280 ; high frequency calendar: more than one element per day 
    281           IF max(histogram([long(time-time[0])])) GT 1 THEN fakecal = 1 ELSE fakecal = 0 
    282           date0fk = date2jul(19000101) 
    283           IF keyword_set(fakecal) THEN time = date0fk+lindgen(jpt) $ 
    284           ELSE time = long(time) 
    285 ; 
    286331        ENDELSE 
    287332      END 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.