04/23/08 11:07:27 (16 years ago)

some improvements in wiki production

9 edited


  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/makefile

    r354 r356  
    325325        awk 'sub(/ @star@ $$/,""){printf(" * %s", $$0);next};1' | \ 
    326326        sed -e "s+@star@+*+" \ 
     327        -e "s+=== idl\>+=== idl\>+" \ 
     328        -e "s+---\>+---\>+" \ 
    327329        > $@ 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/mini_notice.html

    r351 r356  
    5252</p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0101" id="fig_xxx_0101"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 1. Window xxx 1</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    54 <div class="mediaobject"><img border="0" usemap="id2572796" src="figpng/xxx_0101.png" alt="Window xxx 1" /><map name="id2572796" id="id2572796"><area shape="rect" coords="27,298,504,249" /><area shape="rect" coords="81,242,450,183" /><area shape="rect" coords="3,175,538,36" /></map><div class="calloutlist"><table border="0" summary="Callout list"><tr><td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src="images/callouts/1.png" alt="1" border="0" /></td><td valign="top" align="left"> 
     54<div class="mediaobject"><img border="0" usemap="id2572841" src="figpng/xxx_0101.png" alt="Window xxx 1" /><map name="id2572841" id="id2572841"><area shape="rect" coords="27,298,504,249" /><area shape="rect" coords="81,242,450,183" /><area shape="rect" coords="3,175,538,36" /></map><div class="calloutlist"><table border="0" summary="Callout list"><tr><td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src="images/callouts/1.png" alt="1" border="0" /></td><td valign="top" align="left"> 
    5555<p>Data file name</p> 
    5656</td></tr><tr><td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src="images/callouts/2.png" alt="2" border="0" /></td><td valign="top" align="left"> 
    6969<div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="initmethodtxt" id="initmethodtxt"></a>1.1.2. Grid initialization method</h4></div></div></div> 
    7070  <p> 
    71     For visualising grilled data, you need to <a href="./firststeps.html#load_grid" target="_top">define the grid</a> on which are located the data. By default, "automatic grid construction with initncdf.pro" is checked. This means that the grid will be defined by using the informations contained in the data file (through the IDL prodecure <span><strong class="command">initncdf</strong></span>) without needing any other auxiliary file. If you checked "grid construction with other IDL batch or procedure", this means that you don't want to use the default <span><strong class="command">initncdf</strong></span> procedure to define the grid and you will provide your own IDL procedure or the so-called IDL batch file (a file which is called by using @, see IDL documentation). 
     71    For visualising grilled data, you need to <a href="./firststeps.html#load_grid" target="_top">define the grid</a> on which are located the data. By default, <span class="guibutton">automatic grid construction with initncdf.pro</span> is checked. This means that the grid will be defined by using the informations contained in the data file (through the IDL prodecure <span><strong class="command">initncdf</strong></span>) without needing any other auxiliary file. If you checked <span class="guibutton">grid construction with other IDL batch or procedure</span>, this means that you don't want to use the default <span><strong class="command">initncdf</strong></span> procedure to define the grid and you will provide your own IDL procedure or the so-called IDL batch file (a file which is called by using @, see IDL documentation). 
    7272  </p> 
    7575  <p> 
    7676    This third part allows you to specify the name, the argument and the keywords of the routine you want to use to initialize the grid. 
    77 By default the name of the procedure is <span><strong class="command">initncdf</strong></span>, its argument will be automatically defined so you cannot change them. If you If you checked "grid construction with other IDL batch or procedure", you have to select the name of the IDL procedure or batch file and its suitable arguments and keywords. Note that if you select an IDL batch file you cannot give any parameter or keyword. 
     77By default the name of the procedure is <span><strong class="command">initncdf</strong></span>, its argument will be automatically defined so you cannot change them. If you checked <span class="guibutton">grid construction with other IDL batch or procedure</span>, you have to select the name of the IDL procedure or batch file and its suitable arguments and keywords. Note that if you select an IDL batch file you cannot give any parameter or keyword. 
    7878    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0102" id="fig_xxx_0102"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 2. Window xxx 1</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    8484    Once these two lines have been completed, click on <span class="guibutton">let's go</span>. 
    8585  </p> 
    86   <p>For example, we choose the IDL batch file "tst_initlev". Compare the result with "automatic grid construction with initncdf.pro" checked. Cf <a href="#fig_xxx_0404" title="Figure 18. temperature of the ocean at depth 125 meters without proper land/sea mask">Figure 18, “temperature of the ocean at depth 125 meters without proper land/sea mask”</a> 
     86  <p>For example, we choose the IDL batch file <code class="filename">tst_initlev</code>. Compare the result with <span class="guibutton">automatic grid construction with initncdf.pro</span> checked. Cf <a href="#fig_xxx_0404" title="Figure 18. temperature of the ocean at depth 125 meters without proper land/sea mask">Figure 18, “temperature of the ocean at depth 125 meters without proper land/sea mask”</a> 
    8787  </p> 
    9797<div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="launch_xxx_2" id="launch_xxx_2"></a>1.2. <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>/separate</code></em></code></strong></h3></div></div></div> 
    99 This is the same as the simple <a href="#launch_xxx_1" title="1.1. idl&gt; xxx"><code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span></code></strong></a> except that once the xxx window open, you will have 2 separate windows (command and plotting window) instead of one. 
     99This is the same as the simple <a href="#launch_xxx_1" title="1.1. idl&gt; xxx">Section 1.1, “<code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span></code></strong>”</a> except that once the xxx window open, you will have 2 separate windows (command and plotting window) instead of one. 
    103103<div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="launch_xxx_3" id="launch_xxx_3"></a>1.3. <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>restore = 'file.dat'</code></em></code></strong></h3></div></div></div> 
    105 In that case xxx window will open directly in the same state as it was when the file "file.dat" was created. see <a href="#restore">+++++++</a> 
     105In that case xxx window will open directly in the same state as it was when the file <code class="filename">file.dat</code> was created. see <a href="#restore">???</a>. 
    109109<div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="launch_xxx_4" id="launch_xxx_4"></a>1.4. <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em></code></strong></h3></div></div></div> 
    111 In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 'file.nc' and build the grid automatically with the IDL procedure <span><strong class="command">initncdf</strong></span>. For example: 
     111In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file <code class="filename">file.nc</code> and build the grid automatically with the IDL procedure <span><strong class="command">initncdf</strong></span>. For example: 
    112112  </p><pre class="screen"> 
    113113    <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>'Levitus98_1m_01_12_Temperature_Pot_1x1.nc'</code></em></code></strong> 
    118118<div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="launch_xxx_5" id="launch_xxx_5"></a>1.5. <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>keywd1 = 
</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>keywd2 = 
    120 In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 'file.nc', build the grid automatically with the IDL procedure <span><strong class="command">initncdf</strong></span> and use the keywords <strong class="userinput"><code><em class="parameter"><code>keywd1 = 
</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>keywd2 = 
</code></em></code></strong> in the call of <span><strong class="command">initncdf</strong></span>. For example: 
     120In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file <code class="filename">file.nc</code>, build the grid automatically with the IDL procedure <span><strong class="command">initncdf</strong></span> and use the keywords <strong class="userinput"><code><em class="parameter"><code>keywd1 = 
</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>keywd2 = 
</code></em></code></strong> in the call of <span><strong class="command">initncdf</strong></span>. For example: 
    121121  </p><pre class="screen"> 
    122122    <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>'Levitus98_1m_01_12_Temperature_Pot_1x1.nc'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>useasmask = 'votemper'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>missing_value = 31.0720</code></em></code></strong> 
    127127<div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="launch_xxx_6" id="launch_xxx_6"></a>1.6. <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>'initgrid'</code></em></code></strong></h3></div></div></div> 
    129 In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 'file.nc' and build the grid directly with the IDL procedure or batch file <span><strong class="command">initgrid</strong></span> 
     129In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file <code class="filename">file.nc</code> and build the grid directly with the IDL procedure or batch file <span><strong class="command">initgrid</strong></span> 
    130130  </p><pre class="screen"> 
    131131    <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>'Levitus98_1m_01_12_Temperature_Pot_ORCA2.nc'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>'tst_initorca2'</code></em></code></strong> 
    136136<div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="launch_xxx_7" id="launch_xxx_7"></a>1.7. <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>'initgrid'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>keywd1 = 
</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>keywd2 = 
    138 In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 'file.nc', build the grid directly with the IDL procedure <span><strong class="command">initgrid</strong></span> and use the keywords <strong class="userinput"><code><em class="parameter"><code>keywd1 = 
</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>keywd2 = 
</code></em></code></strong> in the call of <span><strong class="command">initgrid</strong></span>. 
     138In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file <code class="filename">file.nc</code>, build the grid directly with the IDL procedure <span><strong class="command">initgrid</strong></span> and use the keywords <strong class="userinput"><code><em class="parameter"><code>keywd1 = 
</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>keywd2 = 
</code></em></code></strong> in the call of <span><strong class="command">initgrid</strong></span>. 
    142142<div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="launch_xxx_8" id="launch_xxx_8"></a>1.8. <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>'file.nc'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>'initgrid'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>'arg1, arg2, 
    144 In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 'file.nc', build the grid directly with the IDL procedure <span><strong class="command">initgrid</strong></span> and use the string <strong class="userinput"><code><em class="parameter"><code>'arg1, arg2, 
'</code></em></code></strong> to specify the input arguments in the call of <span><strong class="command">initgrid</strong></span>. 
     144In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file <code class="filename">file.nc</code>, build the grid directly with the IDL procedure <span><strong class="command">initgrid</strong></span> and use the string <strong class="userinput"><code><em class="parameter"><code>'arg1, arg2, 
'</code></em></code></strong> to specify the input arguments in the call of <span><strong class="command">initgrid</strong></span>. 
    154154</p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0201" id="fig_xxx_0201"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 4. Window xxx 2</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    156 <div class="mediaobject"><img border="0" usemap="id2573385" src="figpng/xxx_0201.png" alt="Window xxx 2" /><map name="id2573385" id="id2573385"><area shape="rect" coords="4,346,122,331" /><area shape="rect" coords="136,346,409,330" /><area shape="rect" coords="6,326,55,311" /><area shape="rect" coords="88,326,243,311" /><area shape="rect" coords="263,326,407,311" /><area shape="rect" coords="2,306,433,293" /><area shape="rect" coords="2,288,436,269" /><area shape="rect" coords="2,263,267,237" /><area shape="rect" coords="20,230,388,105" /><area shape="rect" coords="1,98,434,29" /></map><div class="calloutlist"><table border="0" summary="Callout list"><tr><td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src="images/callouts/1.png" alt="1" border="0" /></td><td valign="top" align="left"> 
     156<div class="mediaobject"><img border="0" usemap="id2573460" src="figpng/xxx_0201.png" alt="Window xxx 2" /><map name="id2573460" id="id2573460"><area shape="rect" coords="4,346,122,331" /><area shape="rect" coords="136,346,409,330" /><area shape="rect" coords="6,326,55,311" /><area shape="rect" coords="88,326,243,311" /><area shape="rect" coords="263,326,407,311" /><area shape="rect" coords="2,306,433,293" /><area shape="rect" coords="2,288,436,269" /><area shape="rect" coords="2,263,267,237" /><area shape="rect" coords="20,230,388,105" /><area shape="rect" coords="1,98,434,29" /></map><div class="calloutlist"><table border="0" summary="Callout list"><tr><td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src="images/callouts/1.png" alt="1" border="0" /></td><td valign="top" align="left"> 
    157157<p>Plot type</p> 
    158158</td></tr><tr><td width="5%" valign="top" align="left"><img src="images/callouts/2.png" alt="2" border="0" /></td><td valign="top" align="left"> 
    204 </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p><span class="guisubmenu">Open:</span> to open a new file. Same procedure as during the <a href="#launch_xxx_1" title="1.1. idl&gt; xxx">launch of XXX</a>. 
     204</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p><span class="guisubmenu">Open:</span> to open a new file. Same procedure as during the <a href="#launch_xxx_1" title="1.1. idl&gt; xxx">Section 1.1, “<code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span></code></strong>”</a>. 
    205205The new file can be on a different grid, with different variables, with a different time base 
    206206</p></li><li><p><span class="guisubmenu">New XXX:</span> to open a second XXX window identical to the first one.</p></li><li><p><span class="guisubmenu">Quit:</span> to close the XXX window.</p></li></ul></div><p> 
    233233will then create a Postscript file of the figure. 
    234 </p></li><li><p><a name="restore" id="restore"></a><span class="guisubmenu">RESTORE kwd of xxx:</span> to save the xxx widget (all buttons and parameters stored in memory 
) in a binary file in order to quit xxx and relaunch it later with <a href="#launch_xxx_3" title="1.3. idl&gt; xxx, restore = 'file.dat'"><code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>restore = 'file.dat'</code></em></code></strong></a> and get exactly the same configuration.</p></li><li><p><span class="guisubmenu">Print to prompt:</span> lists in the IDL window the command history that created the last plot. Useful primarily for debugging
     235<p><a name="restore" id="restore"></a><span class="guisubmenu">RESTORE kwd of xxx:</span> to save the xxx widget (all buttons and parameters stored in memory 
) in a binary file in order to quit xxx and relaunch it later like in <a href="#launch_xxx_3" title="1.3. idl&gt; xxx, restore = 'file.dat'">Section 1.3, “<code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>restore = 'file.dat'</code></em></code></strong>”</a> and get exactly the same configuration. 
     239<span class="guisubmenu">Print to prompt:</span> lists in the IDL window the command history that created the last plot. Useful primarily for debugging
    237244<div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="flagsubmenu" id="flagsubmenu"></a>2.2.3. <span class="guisubmenu">Flag options</span> sub-menu</h4></div></div></div> 
    239     </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0205" id="fig_xxx_0205"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 8. The Flag Option menu</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    241 <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0205.png" alt="The Flag Option menu" /></div> 
    242     </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    243 </p> 
    244 <p> 
    245 </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p><span class="guisubmenu">Portrait/Landscape:</span> changes the configuration of the plot.</p></li><li><p><span class="guisubmenu">Overlay:</span> to plot contours of a different field on top the 
    246 one represented as color-filled contours. It is necessary to relaunch the entire plot to make this work!</p></li><li><p><span class="guisubmenu">Vecteur:</span> to plot a vector field on top of contours. Only 
    247 works on horizontal plots (<code class="filename">plt.pro</code>). 
     246    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0205" id="fig_xxx_0205"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 8. The <span class="guisubmenu">Flag option</span> menu</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     248<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0205.png" alt="The Flag option menu" /></div> 
     249    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
     252</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p><span class="guisubmenu">Portrait/Landscape:</span> changes the configuration of the plot.</p></li><li><p><span class="guisubmenu">Overlay:</span> to plot contours of a different field on top the one represented as color-filled contours. It is necessary to relaunch the entire plot to make this work!</p></li><li><p><span class="guisubmenu">Vecteur:</span> to plot a vector field on top of contours. Only works on horizontal plots (<code class="filename">plt.pro</code>). 
    248253As for Overlay, a relaunch of the entire plot is necessary.</p></li><li><p><span class="guisubmenu">Longitude / x index:</span> switches longitude labeling of the plot sub-domain from degrees to indexes following i.</p></li><li><p><span class="guisubmenu">Latitude / y index:</span> switches latitude labeling of the plot sub-domain from degrees to indexes following j.</p></li></ul></div><p> 
    275280<p>You can choose the variable to work on.</p> 
    277     </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0207" id="fig_xxx_0207"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 11. Example of different Variables available</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    279 <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0207.png" alt="Example of different Variables available" /></div> 
     282    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0207" id="fig_xxx_0207"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 11. Example of different variables available</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     284<div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0207.png" alt="Example of different variables available" /></div> 
    280285    </div></div><p><br class="figure-break" /> 
    299304<div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="commandtext_linear" id="commandtext_linear"></a>2.7.1. Linear calculation</h4></div></div></div> 
    301 If you want to make basic linear computation (like difference between fields, add/multiply by a constant 
). you can simply put the following commands: </p><pre class="screen">a - b</pre><pre class="screen">numb1*a</pre><pre class="screen">a + numb</pre><p> or any command with the following format </p><pre class="screen">numb1*a + numb2*b  + numb3*c 
 + numb</pre><p> where numb1, numb2, 
 correspond to numbers and a, b, c 
 will be the data to read. 
     306If you want to make basic linear computation (like difference between fields, add/multiply by a constant 
), you can simply put the following commands: <code class="literal">a - b</code><code class="literal">numb1*a</code><code class="literal">a + numb</code> or any command with the following format <code class="literal">numb1*a + numb2*b  + numb3*c 
 + numb</code> where numb1, numb2, 
 correspond to numbers and a, b, c 
 will be the data to read. 
    304309<div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="commandtext_anykind" id="commandtext_anykind"></a>2.7.2. Any kind of computation</h4></div></div></div> 
    306 If you want to make a computation more complicated than a basic linear you must put designate the data you want to read between <span><strong class="keycap">"</strong></span><span><strong class="keycap">"</strong></span> (with anything in between the "). For example: </p><pre class="screen">"a"^2</pre><pre class="screen">"a" - abs("b")</pre><pre class="screen">grad("a", 'x')</pre><p> 
     311If you want to make a computation more complicated than a basic linear you must designate the data you want to read between <span><strong class="keycap">"</strong></span><span><strong class="keycap">"</strong></span> (with anything in between the "). For example: </p><pre class="screen">"a"^2</pre><pre class="screen">"a" - abs("b")</pre><pre class="screen">grad("a", 'x')</pre><p> 
    499     </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0801" id="fig_xxx_0801"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 33. The reference frame is selected</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     504    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0801" id="fig_xxx_0801"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 33. The “<span class="quote">reference</span>” frame is selected</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    501506      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0801.png" alt="The reference frame is selected" /></div> 
    513     </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0802" id="fig_xxx_0802"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 35. The target frame is selected</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
     518    </p><div class="figure"><a name="fig_xxx_0802" id="fig_xxx_0802"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 35. The “<span class="quote">target</span>” frame is selected</b></p><div class="figure-contents"> 
    515520      <div class="mediaobject"><img src="figpng/xxx_0802.png" alt="The target frame is selected" /></div> 
    528533<div class="procedure"><ol type="1"><li> 
    530 load xxx with the command: 
     535Load xxx with the command: 
    531536  </p><pre class="screen"> 
    532537    <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code><span><strong class="command">xxx</strong></span>, <em class="parameter"><code>'Levitus98_1m_01_12_Temperature_Pot_ORCA05.nc'</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>'tst_initorca05'</code></em></code></strong> 
    545 <abbr class="abbrev">DCM</abbr> in frame 2, <abbr class="abbrev">LCL</abbr> on the plot in frame 1, to create a horizontal 
    546 zoom in frame 2.</p> 
    547 <p> 
    548 <abbr class="abbrev">DCM</abbr> in frame 3, <abbr class="abbrev">LCM</abbr> on the plot in frame 1, to create a vertical cut 
    549 in frame 3.</p> 
    550 <p> 
    551 <abbr class="abbrev">DCM</abbr> in frame 4, <abbr class="abbrev">LCR</abbr> on the plot in frame 1, to create a hovmoeller in frame 4. 
     550<abbr class="abbrev">DCM</abbr> in frame 2, <abbr class="abbrev">LCL</abbr> on the plot in frame 1 to create a horizontal zoom in frame 2.</p> 
     552<abbr class="abbrev">DCM</abbr> in frame 3, <abbr class="abbrev">LCM</abbr> on the plot in frame 1 to create a vertical cut in frame 3.</p> 
     554<abbr class="abbrev">DCM</abbr> in frame 4, <abbr class="abbrev">LCR</abbr> on the plot in frame 1 to create a hovmoeller in frame 4. 
    579 click <span class="guibutton">OK</span>, and the plot is redone. 
     582Click <span class="guibutton">OK</span>, and the plot is redone. 
    588591<div class="procedure"><p> 
    589 in frame 5, let's create the same plot as in frame 2 except we use pltv instead of plt 
     592In frame 5, let's create the same plot as in frame 2 except we use pltv instead of plt 
    590593</p><ol type="1"><li> 
    600 change plt for pltv 
     603Change plt for pltv 
    626 in the IDL window, type 
    627   </p><pre class="screen"> 
    628 <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code>domdef</code></strong> 
     629In the IDL window, type 
     630</p><pre class="screen"> 
     631 <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code>domdef</code></strong> 
    631634<p><abbr class="abbrev">DCR</abbr> to erase the problem frame. 
    633 </li><li><p>change the orientation of the plot by pressing Flag options -&gt; Portrait/Landscape. Cf <a href="#flagsubmenu" title="2.2.3. Flag options sub-menu">Section 2.2.3, “<span class="guisubmenu">Flag options</span> sub-menu”</a> 
    634 </p></li><li><p>quit XXX cleanly using <span class="guisubmenu">quit</span> from the <span class="guibutton">File</span> menu. Cf <a href="#filesubmenu" title="2.2.1. File sub-menu">Section 2.2.1, “<span class="guibutton">File</span> sub-menu”</a> 
    635 </p></li></ol></div><p> 
     637<p>change the orientation of the plot by pressing <span class="guisubmenu">Flag options</span> → <span class="guimenuitem">Portrait/Landscape</span>. Cf <a href="#flagsubmenu" title="2.2.3. Flag options sub-menu">Section 2.2.3, “<span class="guisubmenu">Flag options</span> sub-menu”</a> 
     640<p>quit XXX cleanly using <span class="guisubmenu">quit</span> from the <span class="guibutton">File</span> menu. Cf <a href="#filesubmenu" title="2.2.1. File sub-menu">Section 2.2.1, “<span class="guibutton">File</span> sub-menu”</a> 
    637644<div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Note</h3> 
    644651To clean up this memory: 
    645   </p><pre class="screen"> 
    646 <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code>ptr_free, ptr_valid()</code></strong> 
     652</p><pre class="screen"> 
     653 <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code>ptr_free, ptr_valid()</code></strong> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/mini_notice.xml

    r351 r356  
    141141<sect3 xml:id="initmethodtxt"><title>Grid initialization method</title> 
    142142  <para> 
    143     For visualising grilled data, you need to <link xl:href="./firststeps.html#load_grid">define the grid</link> on which are located the data. By default, "automatic grid construction with initncdf.pro" is checked. This means that the grid will be defined by using the informations contained in the data file (through the IDL prodecure <command>initncdf</command>) without needing any other auxiliary file. If you checked "grid construction with other IDL batch or procedure", this means that you don't want to use the default <command>initncdf</command> procedure to define the grid and you will provide your own IDL procedure or the so-called IDL batch file (a file which is called by using @, see IDL documentation). 
     143    For visualising grilled data, you need to <link xl:href="./firststeps.html#load_grid">define the grid</link> on which are located the data. By default, <guibutton>automatic grid construction with initncdf.pro</guibutton> is checked. This means that the grid will be defined by using the informations contained in the data file (through the IDL prodecure <command>initncdf</command>) without needing any other auxiliary file. If you checked <guibutton>grid construction with other IDL batch or procedure</guibutton>, this means that you don't want to use the default <command>initncdf</command> procedure to define the grid and you will provide your own IDL procedure or the so-called IDL batch file (a file which is called by using @, see IDL documentation). 
    144144  </para> 
    147147  <para> 
    148148    This third part allows you to specify the name, the argument and the keywords of the routine you want to use to initialize the grid. 
    149 By default the name of the procedure is <command>initncdf</command>, its argument will be automatically defined so you cannot change them. If you If you checked "grid construction with other IDL batch or procedure", you have to select the name of the IDL procedure or batch file and its suitable arguments and keywords. Note that if you select an IDL batch file you cannot give any parameter or keyword. 
     149By default the name of the procedure is <command>initncdf</command>, its argument will be automatically defined so you cannot change them. If you checked <guibutton>grid construction with other IDL batch or procedure</guibutton>, you have to select the name of the IDL procedure or batch file and its suitable arguments and keywords. Note that if you select an IDL batch file you cannot give any parameter or keyword. 
    150150    <figure xml:id="fig_xxx_0102"> 
    151151      <title>Window xxx 1</title> 
    160160    Once these two lines have been completed, click on <guibutton>let's go</guibutton>. 
    161161  </para> 
    162   <para>For example, we choose the IDL batch file "tst_initlev". Compare the result with "automatic grid construction with initncdf.pro" checked. Cf <xref linkend="fig_xxx_0404"/> 
     162  <para>For example, we choose the IDL batch file <filename>tst_initlev</filename>. Compare the result with <guibutton>automatic grid construction with initncdf.pro</guibutton> checked. Cf <xref linkend="fig_xxx_0404"/> 
    163163  </para> 
    177177<sect2 xml:id="launch_xxx_2"><title><prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>/separate</parameter></userinput></title> 
    179 This is the same as the simple <link linkend="launch_xxx_1"><prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command></userinput></link> except that once the xxx window open, you will have 2 separate windows (command and plotting window) instead of one. 
     179This is the same as the simple <xref linkend="launch_xxx_1"/> except that once the xxx window open, you will have 2 separate windows (command and plotting window) instead of one. 
    183183<sect2 xml:id="launch_xxx_3"><title><prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>restore = 'file.dat'</parameter></userinput></title> 
    185 In that case xxx window will open directly in the same state as it was when the file "file.dat" was created. see <link linkend="restore">+++++++</link> 
     185In that case xxx window will open directly in the same state as it was when the file <filename>file.dat</filename> was created. see <xref linkend="restore"/>. 
    189189<sect2 xml:id="launch_xxx_4"><title><prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>'file.nc'</parameter></userinput></title> 
    191 In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 'file.nc' and build the grid automatically with the IDL procedure <command>initncdf</command>. For example: 
     191In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file <filename>file.nc</filename> and build the grid automatically with the IDL procedure <command>initncdf</command>. For example: 
    192192  <screen> 
    193193    <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>'Levitus98_1m_01_12_Temperature_Pot_1x1.nc'</parameter></userinput> 
    198198<sect2 xml:id="launch_xxx_5"><title><prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>'file.nc'</parameter>, <parameter>keywd1 = &hellip;</parameter>, <parameter>keywd2 = &hellip;</parameter></userinput></title> 
    200 In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 'file.nc', build the grid automatically with the IDL procedure <command>initncdf</command> and use the keywords <userinput><parameter>keywd1 = &hellip;</parameter>, <parameter>keywd2 = &hellip;</parameter></userinput> in the call of <command>initncdf</command>. For example: 
     200In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file <filename>file.nc</filename>, build the grid automatically with the IDL procedure <command>initncdf</command> and use the keywords <userinput><parameter>keywd1 = &hellip;</parameter>, <parameter>keywd2 = &hellip;</parameter></userinput> in the call of <command>initncdf</command>. For example: 
    201201  <screen> 
    202202    <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>'Levitus98_1m_01_12_Temperature_Pot_1x1.nc'</parameter>, <parameter>useasmask = 'votemper'</parameter>, <parameter>missing_value = 31.0720</parameter></userinput> 
    207207<sect2 xml:id="launch_xxx_6"><title><prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>'file.nc'</parameter>, <parameter>'initgrid'</parameter></userinput></title> 
    209 In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 'file.nc' and build the grid directly with the IDL procedure or batch file <command>initgrid</command> 
     209In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file <filename>file.nc</filename> and build the grid directly with the IDL procedure or batch file <command>initgrid</command> 
    210210  <screen> 
    211211    <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>'Levitus98_1m_01_12_Temperature_Pot_ORCA2.nc'</parameter>, <parameter>'tst_initorca2'</parameter></userinput> 
    216216<sect2 xml:id="launch_xxx_7"><title><prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>'file.nc'</parameter>, <parameter>'initgrid'</parameter>, <parameter>keywd1 = &hellip;</parameter>, <parameter>keywd2 = &hellip;</parameter></userinput></title> 
    218 In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 'file.nc', build the grid directly with the IDL procedure <command>initgrid</command> and use the keywords <userinput><parameter>keywd1 = &hellip;</parameter>, <parameter>keywd2 = &hellip;</parameter></userinput> in the call of <command>initgrid</command>. 
     218In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file <filename>file.nc</filename>, build the grid directly with the IDL procedure <command>initgrid</command> and use the keywords <userinput><parameter>keywd1 = &hellip;</parameter>, <parameter>keywd2 = &hellip;</parameter></userinput> in the call of <command>initgrid</command>. 
    222222<sect2 xml:id="launch_xxx_8"><title><prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>'file.nc'</parameter>, <parameter>'initgrid'</parameter>, <parameter>'arg1, arg2, &hellip;'</parameter></userinput></title> 
    224 In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 'file.nc', build the grid directly with the IDL procedure <command>initgrid</command> and use the string <userinput><parameter>'arg1, arg2, &hellip;'</parameter></userinput> to specify the input arguments in the call of <command>initgrid</command>. 
     224In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file <filename>file.nc</filename>, build the grid directly with the IDL procedure <command>initgrid</command> and use the string <userinput><parameter>'arg1, arg2, &hellip;'</parameter></userinput> to specify the input arguments in the call of <command>initgrid</command>. 
    332 <listitem><para><menuchoice><guisubmenu>Open:</guisubmenu></menuchoice> to open a new file. Same procedure as during the <link linkend="launch_xxx_1">launch of XXX</link>. 
     332<listitem><para><menuchoice><guisubmenu>Open:</guisubmenu></menuchoice> to open a new file. Same procedure as during the <xref linkend="launch_xxx_1"/>. 
    333333The new file can be on a different grid, with different variables, with a different time base &hellip; 
    372372will then create a Postscript file of the figure. 
    374 <listitem><para xml:id='restore'><menuchoice><guisubmenu>RESTORE kwd of xxx:</guisubmenu></menuchoice> to save the xxx widget (all buttons and parameters stored in memory &hellip;) in a binary file in order to quit xxx and relaunch it later with <link linkend="launch_xxx_3"><prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>restore = 'file.dat'</parameter></userinput></link> and get exactly the same configuration.</para></listitem> 
    375 <listitem><para><menuchoice><guisubmenu>Print to prompt:</guisubmenu></menuchoice> lists in the IDL window the command history that created the last plot. Useful primarily for debugging&hellip;</para></listitem> 
     375<para xml:id="restore"><menuchoice><guisubmenu>RESTORE kwd of xxx:</guisubmenu></menuchoice> to save the xxx widget (all buttons and parameters stored in memory &hellip;) in a binary file in order to quit xxx and relaunch it later like in <xref linkend="launch_xxx_3"/> and get exactly the same configuration. 
     380<menuchoice><guisubmenu>Print to prompt:</guisubmenu></menuchoice> lists in the IDL window the command history that created the last plot. Useful primarily for debugging&hellip; 
    381388    <figure xml:id="fig_xxx_0205"> 
    382       <title>The Flag Option menu</title> 
     389      <title>The <guisubmenu>Flag option</guisubmenu> menu</title> 
    384391  <imageobject> 
    392399<listitem><para><guisubmenu>Portrait/Landscape:</guisubmenu> changes the configuration of the plot.</para></listitem> 
    393 <listitem><para><guisubmenu>Overlay:</guisubmenu> to plot contours of a different field on top the 
    394 one represented as color-filled contours. It is necessary to relaunch the entire plot to make this work!</para></listitem> 
    395 <listitem><para><guisubmenu>Vecteur:</guisubmenu> to plot a vector field on top of contours. Only 
    396 works on horizontal plots (<filename>plt.pro</filename>). 
     400<listitem><para><guisubmenu>Overlay:</guisubmenu> to plot contours of a different field on top the one represented as color-filled contours. It is necessary to relaunch the entire plot to make this work!</para></listitem> 
     401<listitem><para><guisubmenu>Vecteur:</guisubmenu> to plot a vector field on top of contours. Only works on horizontal plots (<filename>plt.pro</filename>). 
    397402As for Overlay, a relaunch of the entire plot is necessary.</para></listitem> 
    398403<listitem><para><guisubmenu>Longitude / x index:</guisubmenu> switches longitude labeling of the plot sub-domain from degrees to indexes following i.</para></listitem> 
    437442    <figure xml:id="fig_xxx_0207"> 
    438       <title>Example of different Variables available</title> 
     443      <title>Example of different variables available</title> 
    440445  <imageobject> 
    467472<sect3 xml:id="commandtext_linear"><title>Linear calculation</title> 
    469 If you want to make basic linear computation (like difference between fields, add/multiply by a constant &hellip;). you can simply put the following commands: <screen>a - b</screen><screen>numb1*a</screen><screen>a + numb</screen> or any command with the following format <screen>numb1*a + numb2*b  + numb3*c &hellip; + numb</screen> where numb1, numb2, &hellip; correspond to numbers and a, b, c &hellip; will be the data to read. 
     474If you want to make basic linear computation (like difference between fields, add/multiply by a constant &hellip;), you can simply put the following commands: <literal>a - b</literal><literal>numb1*a</literal><literal>a + numb</literal> or any command with the following format <literal>numb1*a + numb2*b  + numb3*c &hellip; + numb</literal> where numb1, numb2, &hellip; correspond to numbers and a, b, c &hellip; will be the data to read. 
    472477<sect3 xml:id="commandtext_anykind"><title>Any kind of computation</title> 
    474 If you want to make a computation more complicated than a basic linear you must put designate the data you want to read between <keycap>"</keycap><keycap>"</keycap> (with anything in between the "). For example: <screen>"a"^2</screen><screen>"a" - abs("b")</screen><screen>grad("a", 'x')</screen> &hellip; 
     479If you want to make a computation more complicated than a basic linear you must designate the data you want to read between <keycap>"</keycap><keycap>"</keycap> (with anything in between the "). For example: <screen>"a"^2</screen><screen>"a" - abs("b")</screen><screen>grad("a", 'x')</screen> &hellip; 
    756761    <figure xml:id="fig_xxx_0801"> 
    757       <title>The reference frame is selected</title> 
     762      <title>The <quote>reference</quote> frame is selected</title> 
    758763      <mediaobject> 
    759764  <imageobject> 
    779784    <figure xml:id="fig_xxx_0802"> 
    780       <title>The target frame is selected</title> 
     785      <title>The <quote>target</quote> frame is selected</title> 
    781786      <mediaobject> 
    782787  <imageobject> 
    807 load xxx with the command: 
     812Load xxx with the command: 
    808813  <screen> 
    809814    <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput><command>xxx</command>, <parameter>'Levitus98_1m_01_12_Temperature_Pot_ORCA05.nc'</parameter>, <parameter>'tst_initorca05'</parameter></userinput> 
    826 <abbrev>DCM</abbrev> in frame 2, <abbrev>LCL</abbrev> on the plot in frame 1, to create a horizontal 
    827 zoom in frame 2.</para> 
    828 <para> 
    829 <abbrev>DCM</abbrev> in frame 3, <abbrev>LCM</abbrev> on the plot in frame 1, to create a vertical cut 
    830 in frame 3.</para> 
    831 <para> 
    832 <abbrev>DCM</abbrev> in frame 4, <abbrev>LCR</abbrev> on the plot in frame 1, to create a hovmoeller in frame 4. 
     831<abbrev>DCM</abbrev> in frame 2, <abbrev>LCL</abbrev> on the plot in frame 1 to create a horizontal zoom in frame 2.</para> 
     833<abbrev>DCM</abbrev> in frame 3, <abbrev>LCM</abbrev> on the plot in frame 1 to create a vertical cut in frame 3.</para> 
     835<abbrev>DCM</abbrev> in frame 4, <abbrev>LCR</abbrev> on the plot in frame 1 to create a hovmoeller in frame 4. 
    873 click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>, and the plot is redone. 
     876Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>, and the plot is redone. 
    889 in frame 5, let's create the same plot as in frame 2 except we use pltv instead of plt 
     892In frame 5, let's create the same plot as in frame 2 except we use pltv instead of plt 
    903 change plt for pltv 
     906Change plt for pltv 
    937 in the IDL window, type 
    938   <screen> 
    939 <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput>domdef</userinput> 
     940In the IDL window, type 
     942 <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput>domdef</userinput> 
    946 <listitem><para>change the orientation of the plot by pressing Flag options -> Portrait/Landscape. Cf <xref linkend="flagsubmenu"/> 
    947 </para></listitem> 
    948 <listitem><para>quit XXX cleanly using <guisubmenu>quit</guisubmenu> from the <guibutton>File</guibutton> menu. Cf <xref linkend="filesubmenu"/> 
    949 </para></listitem> 
     950<para>change the orientation of the plot by pressing <menuchoice><guisubmenu>Flag options</guisubmenu> <guimenuitem>Portrait/Landscape</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Cf <xref linkend="flagsubmenu"/> 
     954<para>quit XXX cleanly using <guisubmenu>quit</guisubmenu> from the <guibutton>File</guibutton> menu. Cf <xref linkend="filesubmenu"/> 
    959966To clean up this memory: 
    960   <screen> 
    961 <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput>ptr_free, ptr_valid()</userinput> 
     968 <prompt>&promptidl;</prompt> <userinput>ptr_free, ptr_valid()</userinput> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/saxo_tracwiki.xsl

    r355 r356  
    6464<xsl:template match="d:sect2/d:title"> 
    6565 <xsl:text>&#xA;</xsl:text> 
    66  <xsl:text>=== </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/><xsl:text> ===</xsl:text> 
     66 <xsl:variable name="newtitle"> 
     67  <xsl:call-template name="replace-string"> 
     68   <xsl:with-param name="text" select="normalize-space(.)"/> 
     69   <xsl:with-param name="replace" select="'&gt;'"/> 
     70<!-- do not how to write > instead of &gt; ++. need sed features -->  
     71   <xsl:with-param name="with" select="'&gt;'"/> 
     72  </xsl:call-template> 
     73 </xsl:variable> 
     74 <xsl:text>=== </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$newtitle"/><xsl:text> ===</xsl:text> 
    6775 <xsl:text>&#xA;</xsl:text> 
    118126 <xsl:text>{{{</xsl:text><xsl:apply-templates/><xsl:text>}}}</xsl:text> 
     128<xsl:template match="d:literal"> 
     129 <xsl:text>{{{</xsl:text><xsl:apply-templates/><xsl:text>}}}</xsl:text> 
    121132<xsl:template match="d:screen"> 
    122133 <!--  
    123 we open an HTML block because it is not possible to have font effect (bold, italic) 
    124 using TracWiki 
     134we open an HTML block because it is not possible to have font effect (bold, italic) using TracWiki 
    125135 --> 
    126136 <xsl:text>&#xA;</xsl:text> 
    238248   <xsl:text>wiki:WikiStart</xsl:text> 
    239249  </xsl:when> 
    240   <xsl:when test="contains(@xl:href,'../../Tests/')"> 
    241    <xsl:text>source:/trunk/SRC/Tests/</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="substring-after(@xl:href,'../../Tests/')"/> 
     250  <xsl:when test="contains(@xl:href,'../../')"> 
     251   <xsl:text>source:/trunk/SRC/</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="substring-after(@xl:href,'../../')"/> 
    242252  </xsl:when> 
    243253  <xsl:when test="contains(@xl:href,'idldoc_html_output')"> 
     290<xsl:template match="d:caution"> 
     291 <xsl:text>&#xA;</xsl:text> 
     292 <xsl:text>&#xA;</xsl:text> 
     293 <xsl:text>'''Caution'''</xsl:text> 
     294 <xsl:text>&#xA;</xsl:text> 
     295 <xsl:text>&#xA;</xsl:text> 
     296 <xsl:apply-templates/> 
     299<xsl:template match="d:note"> 
     300 <xsl:text>&#xA;</xsl:text> 
     301 <xsl:text>&#xA;</xsl:text> 
     302 <xsl:text>'''Note'''</xsl:text> 
     303 <xsl:text>&#xA;</xsl:text> 
     304 <xsl:text>&#xA;</xsl:text> 
     305 <xsl:apply-templates/> 
    281308<xsl:template match="d:replaceable"> 
     356<xsl:template match="d:link[@linkend]">  
     357 <xsl:variable name="target" select="key('id',@linkend)[1]"/> 
     358 <xsl:text>[#</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="translate(normalize-space(//*[normalize-space(@xml:id='$target')]/d:title),' ','')"/><xsl:text>]</xsl:text> 
    329361<xsl:template match="d:xref">  
    330362  <xsl:variable name="target" select="key('id',@linkend)[1]"/> 
    331363  <xsl:text>[#</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="translate(normalize-space(//d:sect1[normalize-space(@xml:id='$target')]/d:title),' ','')"/><xsl:text> </xsl:text> <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(//d:sect1[normalize-space(@xml:id='$target')]/d:title)"/><xsl:text>]</xsl:text> 
     366<xsl:template match="d:callout">  
     367 <xsl:text>[[Image(source:/trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/images/callouts/</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="position() div 2"/><xsl:text>.png)]]</xsl:text><xsl:apply-templates/> 
     370<xsl:template name="replace-string"> 
     371<!-- from http://www.dpawson.co.uk/xsl/sect2/replace.html --> 
     372    <xsl:param name="text"/> 
     373    <xsl:param name="replace"/> 
     374    <xsl:param name="with"/> 
     375    <xsl:choose> 
     376      <xsl:when test="contains($text,$replace)"> 
     377        <xsl:value-of select="substring-before($text,$replace)"/> 
     378        <xsl:value-of select="$with"/> 
     379        <xsl:call-template name="replace-string"> 
     380          <xsl:with-param name="text" 
     382          <xsl:with-param name="replace" select="$replace"/> 
     383          <xsl:with-param name="with" select="$with"/> 
     384        </xsl:call-template> 
     385      </xsl:when> 
     386      <xsl:otherwise> 
     387        <xsl:value-of select="$text"/> 
     388      </xsl:otherwise> 
     389    </xsl:choose> 
     390  </xsl:template> 
    334392<!-- do not reproduce the followings elements --> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/wiki/FaqSaxo

    r355 r356  
    182182Yes, there are some : 
    184  * \ in {{{*.pro}}} are not written 
     184 * {{{\}}} in {{{*.pro}}} are not written 
    185185in {{{*.html}}}. 
    186 They must be escaped by an other \ or you can choose an other character. 
    188  * Search doesn't handle characters like - 
    189 and |. 
     186They must be escaped by an other {{{\}}} or you can choose an other character. 
     188 * Search doesn't handle characters like {{{-}}} 
     189and {{{|}}}. 
    191191 * Paragraphs of {{{*.pro}}} headers are shown with a proportional 
    192 font in the HTML release. 
     192font in the {{{HTML}}} release. 
    194194If you need to draw some small figure like grid cell, you can encapsulate 
    195195the block to be shown in constant font  
    197 ; &lt;fixe&gt; and 
    198 ; &lt;/fixe&gt; 
     197{{{; &lt;fixe&gt;}}} and 
     198{{{; &lt;/fixe&gt;}}} 
    200200Unfortunately, these troubles may not be fixed because the author does not 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/wiki/FirstSteps

    r355 r356  
     97    [[Image(source:/trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/images/callouts/1.png)]] 
    9898      {{{findgen}}} stands for '''f'''loat '''ind'''ex '''gen'''erator. 
     153    [[Image(source:/trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/images/callouts/1.png)]] 
    155155If needed, the name of the postscript will automatically be completed with .ps. Just hit return, if you want to use the default postscript name: {{{idl.ps}}}. 
     233    [[Image(source:/trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/images/callouts/1.png)]] 
    235235the small keyword is a 3 elements vector which defines how we divide the page and in which case we should make the plot: [number of columns, number of rows, case number]. The case numbering is starting at 1, from top to bottom and left to right. 
     238    [[Image(source:/trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/images/callouts/2.png)]] 
    240240you must put /noerase otherwise the second plot will be done in a new window. 
    259 {{{scontour}}} accepts the same keywords as {{{contour}}} (C_ANNOTATION=vector_of_strings, C_CHARSIZE=value, C_CHARTHICK=integer, C_COLORS=vector, C_LABELS=vector{each element 0 or 1}, C_LINESTYLE=vector, { /FILL | /CELL_FILL | C_ORIENTATION=degrees}, C_SPACING=value, C_THICK=vector, /CLOSED, /DOWNHILL, /FOLLOW, /IRREGULAR, /ISOTROPIC, LEVELS=vector, NLEVELS=integer{1 to 60}, MAX_VALUE=value, MIN_VALUE=value, /OVERPLOT, {/PATH_DATA_COORDS, PATH_FILENAME=string, PATH_INFO=variable, PATH_XY=variable}, TRIANGULATION=variable, /PATH_DOUBLE, /XLOG, /YLOG, ZAXIS={0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4}), including the graphics keywords (except LINESTYLE, PSYM, SYMSIZE). 
     259{{{scontour}}} accepts the same keywords as {{{contour}}} (C_ANNOTATION=vector_of_strings, C_CHARSIZE=value, C_CHARTHICK=integer, C_COLORS=vector, C_LABELS=vector{each element 0 or 1}, C_LINESTYLE=vector, { /FILL | /CELL_FILL | C_ORIENTATION=degrees}, C_SPACING=value, C_THICK=vector, /CLOSED, /DOWNHILL, /FOLLOW, /IRREGULAR, /ISOTROPIC, LEVELS=vector, NLEVELS=integer{1 to 60}, MAX_VALUE=value, MIN_VALUE=value, /OVERPLOT, {/PATH_DATA_COORDS, PATH_FILENAME=string, PATH_INFO=variable, PATH_XY=variable}, TRIANGULATION=variable, /PATH_DOUBLE, /XLOG, /YLOG, ZAXIS={0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4}), including the [#FirststepswithSAXO] (except LINESTYLE, PSYM, SYMSIZE). 
    260260      It can therefore be customized ''as much as you want''. See these short examples: 
     286  [[Image(source:/trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/images/callouts/1.png)]] 
    287287    {{{rebin}}} is used to build an array containing an alternation of 1 and 0 in order to label one contour every two contours. 
    342346New Feature 
    354358==== Formal quick look at 2D arrays: pltv ==== 
    355 {{{pltv}}} is a mix between tvplus and plt and allow you to have formal quick look of 2D arrays. 
     359{{{pltv}}} is a mix between [#FirststepswithSAXO] and [#FirststepswithSAXO] and allow you to have formal quick look of 2D arrays. 
    451455==== Load the grid from OPA meshmask file ==== 
    453   When the grid is really irregular (its abscissa and ordinate cannot be descried by a vector), loading the grid directly from the data forces us to make an approximation when computing the grid corners position and the cells size. In that case, it can be preferable to load the grid from the meshmask file created by OPA. As OPA use a Arakawa-C discretization, loading the grid from the meshmask will also define all parameters related to the U, V and F grids (glam[uv],gphi[uv], e[12][uvf]). Note that, when using a simple grid definition from the data itself (with {{{initncdf}}} or {{{computegrid}}}), adding the keyword /FULLCGRID leads also to the definition of all U, V and F grids parameters. There is the examples to load ORCA grids from OPA meshmask. 
     457  When the grid is really irregular (its abscissa and ordinate cannot be descried by a vector), loading the grid directly from the data forces us to make an approximation when computing the grid corners position and the cells size. In that case, it can be preferable to load the grid from the meshmask file created by OPA. As OPA use a Arakawa-C discretization, loading the grid from the meshmask will also define all parameters related to the U, V and F grids (glam[uv],gphi[uv], e[12][uvf]). Note that, when using a simple [#FirststepswithSAXO] (with {{{initncdf}}} or {{{computegrid}}}), adding the keyword /FULLCGRID leads also to the definition of all U, V and F grids parameters. There is the examples to load ORCA grids from OPA meshmask. 
    455459 * [source:/trunk/SRC/Tests/tst_initorca2.pro @tst_initorca2] : ORCA2 
    463467=== Horizontal plots and maps === 
    465   A quick presentation of horizontal plots and maps is shown in [source:/trunk/SRC/Tests/tst_plt.pro tst_plt]. After loading any of the grid (for example with one of the above examples). Just try: 
     469  A quick presentation of horizontal plots and maps is shown in [source:/trunk/SRC/Tests/tst_plt.pro tst_plt]. After loading any of the grid (for example with one of the [#FirststepswithSAXO]). Just try: 
    482486=== Vertical sections === 
    484   A quick presentation of vertical sections is shown in [source:/trunk/SRC/Tests/tst_pltz.pro tst_pltz]. After loading any of the grid (for example with one of the above examples). Just try: 
     488  A quick presentation of vertical sections is shown in [source:/trunk/SRC/Tests/tst_pltz.pro tst_pltz]. After loading any of the grid (for example with one of the [#FirststepswithSAXO]). Just try: 
    501505=== Hovmoellers and time series === 
    503   A quick presentation of hovmoellers and time series is shown in [source:/trunk/SRC/Tests/tst_pltt.pro tst_pltt]. After loading any of the grid (for example with one of the above examples). Just try: 
     507  A quick presentation of hovmoellers and time series is shown in [source:/trunk/SRC/Tests/tst_pltt.pro tst_pltt]. After loading any of the grid (for example with one of the [#FirststepswithSAXO]). Just try: 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/wiki/MiniNotice

    r355 r356  
    27 === idl&gt; xxx === 
     27=== idl> xxx === 
    2929    A window will open with 3 parts to consider. 
    4444Data file name 
    4747Grid initialization method 
    5050Grid initialization parameters 
    6161==== Grid initialization method ==== 
    63     For visualising grilled data, you need to [wiki:FirstSteps define the grid] on which are located the data. By default, "automatic grid construction with initncdf.pro" is checked. This means that the grid will be defined by using the informations contained in the data file (through the IDL prodecure {{{initncdf}}}) without needing any other auxiliary file. If you checked "grid construction with other IDL batch or procedure", this means that you don't want to use the default {{{initncdf}}} procedure to define the grid and you will provide your own IDL procedure or the so-called IDL batch file (a file which is called by using @, see IDL documentation). 
     63    For visualising grilled data, you need to [wiki:FirstSteps define the grid] on which are located the data. By default, automatic grid construction with initncdf.pro is checked. This means that the grid will be defined by using the informations contained in the data file (through the IDL prodecure {{{initncdf}}}) without needing any other auxiliary file. If you checked grid construction with other IDL batch or procedure, this means that you don't want to use the default {{{initncdf}}} procedure to define the grid and you will provide your own IDL procedure or the so-called IDL batch file (a file which is called by using @, see IDL documentation). 
    6565==== Grid initialization parameters ==== 
    6767    This third part allows you to specify the name, the argument and the keywords of the routine you want to use to initialize the grid. 
    68 By default the name of the procedure is {{{initncdf}}}, its argument will be automatically defined so you cannot change them. If you If you checked "grid construction with other IDL batch or procedure", you have to select the name of the IDL procedure or batch file and its suitable arguments and keywords. Note that if you select an IDL batch file you cannot give any parameter or keyword. 
     68By default the name of the procedure is {{{initncdf}}}, its argument will be automatically defined so you cannot change them. If you checked grid construction with other IDL batch or procedure, you have to select the name of the IDL procedure or batch file and its suitable arguments and keywords. Note that if you select an IDL batch file you cannot give any parameter or keyword. 
    7070      Window xxx 1 
    7777    Once these two lines have been completed, click on let's go. 
    78   For example, we choose the IDL batch file "tst_initlev". Compare the result with "automatic grid construction with initncdf.pro" checked. Cf [#LaunchingXXX Launching XXX] 
     78  For example, we choose the IDL batch file {{{tst_initlev}}}. Compare the result with automatic grid construction with initncdf.pro checked. Cf [#LaunchingXXX Launching XXX] 
    7979      Oceania at 125 meters of depth with proper grid initialization 
    86 === idl&gt; xxx, /separate === 
    88 This is the same as the simple idl&gt; xxx except that once the xxx window open, you will have 2 separate windows (command and plotting window) instead of one. 
    90 === idl&gt; xxx, restore = 'file.dat' === 
    92 In that case xxx window will open directly in the same state as it was when the file "file.dat" was created. see +++++++ 
    93 === idl&gt; xxx, 'file.nc' === 
    95 In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 'file.nc' and build the grid automatically with the IDL procedure {{{initncdf}}}. For example: 
     86=== idl> xxx, /separate === 
     88This is the same as the simple [#LaunchingXXX Launching XXX] except that once the xxx window open, you will have 2 separate windows (command and plotting window) instead of one. 
     90=== idl> xxx, restore = 'file.dat' === 
     92In that case xxx window will open directly in the same state as it was when the file {{{file.dat}}} was created. see [#LaunchingXXX Launching XXX]. 
     94=== idl> xxx, 'file.nc' === 
     96In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file {{{file.nc}}} and build the grid automatically with the IDL procedure {{{initncdf}}}. For example: 
    104 === idl&gt; xxx, 'file.nc', keywd1 = 
, keywd2 = 
    106 In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 'file.nc', build the grid automatically with the IDL procedure {{{initncdf}}} and use the keywords keywd1 = 
, keywd2 = 
 in the call of {{{initncdf}}}. For example: 
     105=== idl> xxx, 'file.nc', keywd1 = 
, keywd2 = 
     107In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file {{{file.nc}}}, build the grid automatically with the IDL procedure {{{initncdf}}} and use the keywords keywd1 = 
, keywd2 = 
 in the call of {{{initncdf}}}. For example: 
    115 === idl&gt; xxx, 'file.nc', 'initgrid' === 
    117 In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 'file.nc' and build the grid directly with the IDL procedure or batch file {{{initgrid}}} 
     116=== idl> xxx, 'file.nc', 'initgrid' === 
     118In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file {{{file.nc}}} and build the grid directly with the IDL procedure or batch file {{{initgrid}}} 
    125 === idl&gt; xxx, 'file.nc', 'initgrid', keywd1 = 
, keywd2 = 
    127 In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 'file.nc', build the grid directly with the IDL procedure {{{initgrid}}} and use the keywords keywd1 = 
, keywd2 = 
 in the call of {{{initgrid}}}. 
    129 === idl&gt; xxx, 'file.nc', 'initgrid', 'arg1, arg2, 
' === 
    131 In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file 'file.nc', build the grid directly with the IDL procedure {{{initgrid}}} and use the string 'arg1, arg2, 
' to specify the input arguments in the call of {{{initgrid}}}. 
     126=== idl> xxx, 'file.nc', 'initgrid', keywd1 = 
, keywd2 = 
     128In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file {{{file.nc}}}, build the grid directly with the IDL procedure {{{initgrid}}} and use the keywords keywd1 = 
, keywd2 = 
 in the call of {{{initgrid}}}. 
     130=== idl> xxx, 'file.nc', 'initgrid', 'arg1, arg2, 
' === 
     132In this case, the xxx window directly open the data file {{{file.nc}}}, build the grid directly with the IDL procedure {{{initgrid}}} and use the string 'arg1, arg2, 
' to specify the input arguments in the call of {{{initgrid}}}. 
    133134== Description of XXX window == 
    155156Plot type 
    164165Page layout 
    167168Variables list 
    170171Files list 
    173174Command text 
    199204If the type plt is selected, the selection of plot type 
    200205is made by mouse. Cf [#LaunchingXXX Launching XXX] 
    213  * Open: to open a new file. Same procedure as during the launch of XXX. 
     218 * Open: to open a new file. Same procedure as during the [#LaunchingXXX Launching XXX]. 
    214219The new file can be on a different grid, with different variables, with a different time base 
    227232 * Postscript: to save the plotting window in Postscript format 
    228233 * Animated gif: to create an animation of the plotting window. 
    229 The creation of an animation is only possible if none of the plots have a time axis, and if the plots are all on the same time base (calendar). On the other hand, animations of horizontal and vertical plots, with different color palettes (for those not on an X-terminal), are possible.The creation of animations has a tendency to saturate the video memory of X-terminals, crashing the entire program 
     238The creation of an animation is only possible if none of the plots have a time axis, and if the plots are all on the same time base (calendar). On the other hand, animations of horizontal and vertical plots, with different color palettes (for those not on an X-terminal), are possible. 
     242The creation of animations has a tendency to saturate the video memory of X-terminals, crashing the entire program 
    230243 * Gif: to save a gif of the plotting window. 
    231244 * IDL procedure: to save the command history that has created the plot in an IDL procedure that can be re-executed later. For example if I save the commands in {{{xxx_figure.pro}}} file, when ever I want, I can then launch a new IDL session and type: 
    259272will then create a Postscript file of the figure. 
    261  * RESTORE kwd of xxx: to save the xxx widget (all buttons and parameters stored in memory 
) in a binary file in order to quit xxx and relaunch it later with idl&gt; xxx, restore = 'file.dat' and get exactly the same configuration. 
     274 * RESTORE kwd of xxx: to save the xxx widget (all buttons and parameters stored in memory 
) in a binary file in order to quit xxx and relaunch it later like in [#LaunchingXXX Launching XXX] and get exactly the same configuration. 
    262276 * Print to prompt: lists in the IDL window the command history that created the last plot. Useful primarily for debugging
    263278==== Flag options sub-menu ==== 
    265       The Flag Option menu 
     280      The Flag option menu 
    272287 * Portrait/Landscape: changes the configuration of the plot. 
    273  * Overlay: to plot contours of a different field on top the 
    274 one represented as color-filled contours. It is necessary to relaunch the entire plot to make this work! 
    275  * Vecteur: to plot a vector field on top of contours. Only 
    276 works on horizontal plots ({{{plt.pro}}}). 
     288 * Overlay: to plot contours of a different field on top the one represented as color-filled contours. It is necessary to relaunch the entire plot to make this work! 
     289 * Vecteur: to plot a vector field on top of contours. Only works on horizontal plots ({{{plt.pro}}}). 
    277290As for Overlay, a relaunch of the entire plot is necessary. 
    278291 * Longitude / x index: switches longitude labeling of the plot sub-domain from degrees to indexes following i. 
    279  * Latitude / y index: switches latitude labeling of the plot sub-domain from degrees to indexes following j.Careful, a selected option remains selected until it is re-clicked. 
     292 * Latitude / y index: switches latitude labeling of the plot sub-domain from degrees to indexes following j. 
     296Careful, a selected option remains selected until it is re-clicked. 
    280297=== OK button === 
    281298Click on this OK button is required to make a new plot appear 
    298315=== List of variables === 
    299316You can choose the variable to work on. 
    300       Example of different Variables available 
     317      Example of different variables available 
    318335To specify in the widget part number 7 the computation you want to do on the data 
    319340In all cases bellow, the name given to a field (a, b, c, 
) is of no importance. 
    320341==== Linear calculation ==== 
    322 If you want to make basic linear computation (like difference between fields, add/multiply by a constant 
). you can simply put the following commands:  
    323 {{{ 
    324 #!html 
    325 <pre xmlns:xl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" class="screen">a - b</pre> 
    326 }}} 
    328 {{{ 
    329 #!html 
    330 <pre xmlns:xl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" class="screen">numb1*a</pre> 
    331 }}} 
    333 {{{ 
    334 #!html 
    335 <pre xmlns:xl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" class="screen">a + numb</pre> 
    336 }}} 
    337  or any command with the following format  
    338 {{{ 
    339 #!html 
    340 <pre xmlns:xl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" class="screen">numb1*a + numb2*b  + numb3*c 
 + numb</pre> 
    341 }}} 
    342  where numb1, numb2, 
 correspond to numbers and a, b, c 
 will be the data to read. 
     343If you want to make basic linear computation (like difference between fields, add/multiply by a constant 
), you can simply put the following commands: {{{a - b}}}{{{numb1*a}}}{{{a + numb}}} or any command with the following format {{{numb1*a + numb2*b  + numb3*c 
 + numb}}} where numb1, numb2, 
 correspond to numbers and a, b, c 
 will be the data to read. 
    344345==== Any kind of computation ==== 
    346 If you want to make a computation more complicated than a basic linear you must put designate the data you want to read between "" (with anything in between the "). For example:  
     347If you want to make a computation more complicated than a basic linear you must designate the data you want to read between "" (with anything in between the "). For example:  
    424425  You can restore configuration by default by pressing the Default button. 
    425   The path of the file [../../ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/AUTOUR_de_XXX/definedefaultextra.pro definedefaultextra.pro] that defines the default values for each variable names is displayed when the cursor hovers over the button Default. This file contains a case statement based on the name of the variable and defining the min, max, contour interval and other keywords that should be used as default for the specified variable. You can copy this file in your own {{{${HOME}/My_IDL/}}} directory and easily modify it to suit your favorite default values. 
     430The path of the file [source:/trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/WIDGET/AUTOUR_de_XXX/definedefaultextra.pro definedefaultextra.pro] that defines the default values for each variable names is displayed when the cursor hovers over the button Default. This file contains a case statement based on the name of the variable and defining the min, max, contour interval and other keywords that should be used as default for the specified variable. You can copy this file in your own {{{${HOME}/My_IDL/}}} directory and easily modify it to suit your favorite default values. 
    426431==== Specify the palette to be used ==== 
    427432For the color palette, you can either specify the name or go search for one among the palettes available. 
    467     Graphic with /realcont, map=[90,0,0], /ortho, cell_fill=2 keywords 
     472    Graphic with {{{/realcont, map=[90,0,0], /ortho, cell_fill=2}}} keywords 
    491496 * the middle mouse button to create vertical plots (pltz) 
    492497 * the right mouse button to create common hovmoellers for xt and yt cuts (pltt)In summary: 
    493  *       LCL---&gt;plt 
     498 *       LCL--->plt 
    507  *       LCM---&gt;pltz 
     512 *       LCM--->pltz 
    521  *       LCR---&gt;pltt 
     526 *       LCR--->pltt 
    534     If the plot selector is on something other than plt the indicated plot type is made. 
     543If the plot selector is on something other than plt the indicated plot type is made. 
    535544=== Create multiple plots on the same sheet and make them interact === 
    549558A double-click with the right button in the second frame will erase the 
    550559plot.In summary:  
    551  *       DCL---&gt;"reference" frame 
     560 *       DCL--->"reference" frame 
    558       The reference frame is selected 
     567      The "reference" frame is selected 
    565  *       DCM---&gt;"target" frame 
     574 *       DCM--->"target" frame 
    572       The target frame is selected 
     581      The "target" frame is selected 
    579  *       DCR---&gt;erase the frame 
     588 *       DCR--->erase the frame 
    588 load xxx with the command: 
     597Load xxx with the command: 
    610 DCM in frame 2, LCL on the plot in frame 1, to create a horizontal 
    611 zoom in frame 2. 
    612 DCM in frame 3, LCM on the plot in frame 1, to create a vertical cut 
    613 in frame 3. 
    614 DCM in frame 4, LCR on the plot in frame 1, to create a hovmoeller in frame 4. 
     619DCM in frame 2, LCL on the plot in frame 1 to create a horizontal zoom in frame 2. 
     620DCM in frame 3, LCM on the plot in frame 1 to create a vertical cut in frame 3. 
     621DCM in frame 4, LCR on the plot in frame 1 to create a hovmoeller in frame 4. 
    647 click OK, and the plot is redone. 
     654Click OK, and the plot is redone. 
    660 in frame 5, let's create the same plot as in frame 2 except we use pltv instead of plt 
     667In frame 5, let's create the same plot as in frame 2 except we use pltv instead of plt 
    672 change plt for pltv 
     679Change plt for pltv 
    701 in the IDL window, type 
    703 {{{ 
    704 #!html 
    705 <pre xmlns:xl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" class="screen"> 
    706 <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code>domdef</code></strong> 
     708In the IDL window, type 
     712<pre xmlns:xl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" class="screen"> 
     713 <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code>domdef</code></strong> 
    710717DCR to erase the problem frame. 
    712 change the orientation of the plot by pressing Flag options -&gt; Portrait/Landscape. Cf [#LaunchingXXX Launching XXX] 
     719change the orientation of the plot by pressing Flag options Portrait/Landscape. Cf [#LaunchingXXX Launching XXX] 
    713720quit XXX cleanly using quit from the File menu. Cf [#LaunchingXXX Launching XXX] 
    721732To clean up this memory: 
    723 {{{ 
    724 #!html 
    725 <pre xmlns:xl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" class="screen"> 
    726 <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code>ptr_free, ptr_valid()</code></strong> 
     736<pre xmlns:xl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" class="screen"> 
     737 <code class="prompt">idl&gt;</code> <strong class="userinput"><code>ptr_free, ptr_valid()</code></strong> 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/wiki/WhatisSaxo

    r355 r356  
    1818SAXO needs at least [http://www.ittvis.com/idl/ IDL] 6.0. 
    2024    SAXO can be used with the 7 minutes demo-mode (within the limitations of this mode: impossible to save data and create a file). 
  • trunk/SRC/Documentation/xmldoc/wiki/WhatsNew

    r355 r356  
    3333== Changeset 152 (2006-08-10) == 
    35 This revision includes new [../../ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/pltv.pro pltv] (a mix between {{{plt}}} and {{{tvplus}}}) plotting procedure. 
     35This revision includes new [source:/trunk/SRC/ToBeReviewed/PLOTS/DESSINE/pltv.pro pltv] (a mix between {{{plt}}} and {{{tvplus}}}) plotting procedure. 
    3737Details can be seen in [http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/saxo/changeset/152 Changeset 152]. 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.