


18:13 Changeset [223] by pinsard
improvements of some *.pro
17:03 Changeset [222] by smasson
small improvement
17:00 Changeset [221] by smasson
add x/ydimname and cleaning to solve ticket:61
16:50 Changeset [220] by smasson
add gv and ggv in ps viewers list
16:44 Changeset [219] by smasson
get back to changeset:217
15:58 Changeset [218] by smasson
add gv and ggv in ps viewers list


10:47 Ticket #61 (trouble with xxx) reopened by pinsard
Sorry but the solution you gave me do not solve my problem. I have new …


15:59 Changeset [217] by smasson
minor bugfix in computegrid
11:20 Changeset [216] by smasson
include parts of ncdf_read into ncdf_read_varget. Should have no impact…


13:06 Changeset [215] by smasson
update getsaxo
12:56 Changeset [214] by smasson
update documentation
12:29 Changeset [213] by smasson
bugfix: keywords in xxx


11:47 Changeset [212] by smasson
include [yz]reverse in read_ncdf_varget
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.