02/16/12 12:35:21 (12 years ago)

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  • branches/bibliolocean/data/biblioref.bib

    r117 r118  
    44@PREAMBLE{"Bibliographie du LOCEAN"} 
     7title = {Boring algae}, 
     8journal = {Current Biology}, 
     9volume = {21}, 
     10number = {21}, 
     11pages = {R876 - R877}, 
     12year = {2011}, 
     13note = {}, 
     14issn = {0960-9822}, 
     15doi = {10.1016/j.cub.2011.09.014}, 
     16url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960982211010165}, 
     17author = {Heroen Verbruggen and {A}line {T}ribollet}, 
     18loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
     19loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
     22author={S. Goffredo and E. aroselli  and F. Mezzo  and L. Laiolo and P. Vergni and L. Pasquini  and O. Levy and F. Zaccanti  and {A}line {T}ribollet and Z. Dubinski and G. Falini}, 
     23loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
     24loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
     25format={in press}, 
     26note={in press}, 
     27title={The puzzling presence of calcite in skeletons of modern solitary corals from the Mediterranean Sea}, 
     28journal={Geochemica et Cosmochemica Acta}, 
    146 author={R. Langlois and M. M. Mills and {C}éline {R}idame and P. Croot and J. La Roche}, 
     171author={R. Langlois and M. M. Mills and {C}éline {R}idame and P. Croot and J. {{L}a {R}oche}}, 
    147172loceanaffectation = {upmc}, 
    148173loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    164 title={Nutrient control of N2 fixation in the oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea and the impact of Saharan dust events}, 
     189title={Nutrient control of {N$_{2}$} fixation in the oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea and the impact of Saharan dust events}, 
    180 author={C. Guieu and F. Dulac and K. Desboeufs and T. Wagener and E. Pulido-Villena and J.-M. Grisoni and F. Louis and {C}éline {R}idame and S. Blain and C. Brunet and E. Bon Nguyen and S. Tran and M. Labiadh and J.-M. Dominici}, 
     205author={C. Guieu and F. Dulac and K. Desboeufs and T. Wagener and E. Pulido-Villena and J.-M. Grisoni and F. Louis and {C}éline {R}idame and S. Blain and {Ch}ristian {B}runet and E. Bon Nguyen and S. Tran and M. Labiadh and J.-M. Dominici}, 
    181206loceanaffectation = {upmc}, 
    182207loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    4076   author = {{X}. {D}urrieu de {M}adron and {C}. {G}uieu and {R}. {S}empéré and {P}. {C}onan and {D}. {C}ossa and {F}. {D'{O}rtenzio} and {C}. {E}stournel and {F}. {G}azeau and {C}. {R}abouille and {L}. {S}temmann and {S}. {B}onnet and {F}. {D}iaz and {P}. {K}oubbi and {O}. {R}adakovitch and {M}. {B}abin and {M}. {B}aklouti and {C}. {B}ancon-{M}ontigny and {S}. {B}elviso and {N}. {B}ensoussan and {B}. {B}onsang and {I}oanna {B}ouloubassi and {C}hristian {B}runet and {J}.-{F}. {C}adiou and {F}. {C}arlotti and {M}. {C}hami and {S}. {C}harmasson and {B}. {C}harrière and {J}. {D}achs and {D}. {D}oxaran and {J}.-{C}. {D}utay and {F}. {E}lbaz-{P}oulichet and {M}. {E}léaume and {F}. {E}yrolles and {C}. {F}ernandez and {S}. {F}owler and {P}. {F}rancour and {J}. {C}. {G}aertner and {R}. {G}alzin and {S}. {G}asparini and {J}.-{F}. {G}higlione and {J}.-{L}. {G}onzalez and {C}. {G}oyet and {L}. {G}uidi and {K}. {G}uizien and {L}.-{E}. {H}eimbürger and {S}. {H}. {M}. {J}acquet and {W}. {H}. {J}effrey and {F}. {J}oux and {P}. {L}e {H}ir and {K}. {L}eblanc and {D}. {L}efèvre and {C}. {L}ejeusne and {R}. {L}emé and {M}.-{D}. {L}oÿe-{P}ilot and {M}. {M}allet and {L}aurence {M}éjanelle and {F}. {M}élin and {C}. {M}ellon and {B}. {M}érigot and {P}.-{L}. {M}erle and {C}. {M}igon and {W}. {L}. {M}iller and {L}aurent {M}ortier and {B}. {M}ostajir and {L}. {M}ousseau and {T}. {M}outin and {J}. {P}ara and {T}. {P}érez and {A}. {P}etrenko and {J}.-{C}. {P}oggiale and {L}. {P}rieur and {M}. {P}ujo-{P}ay and {P}ulido-{V}illena and {P}. {R}aimbault and {A}. {P}. {R}ees and {C}éline {R}idame and {J}.-{F}. {R}ontani and {D}iana {R}uiz {P}ino and {M}arie-{A}lexandrine {S}icre and {V}. {T}aillandier and {C}. {T}amburini and {T}. {T}anaka and {I}. {T}aupier-{L}etage and {M}. {T}edetti and {P}ierre {T}estor and {H}. {T}hébault and {B}. {T}houvenin and {F}. {T}ouratier and {J}. {T}ronczynski and {C}. {U}lses and {F}. {V}an {W}ambeke and {V}. {V}antrepotte and {S}. {V}az and {R}. {V}erney}, 
     4101  author = {{X}. {D}urrieu de {M}adron and {C}. {G}uieu and {R}. {S}empéré and {P}. {C}onan and {D}. {C}ossa and {F}. {D'{O}rtenzio} and {C}. {E}stournel and {F}. {G}azeau and {C}. {R}abouille and {L}. {S}temmann and {S}. {B}onnet and {F}. {D}iaz and {P}. {K}oubbi and {O}. {R}adakovitch and {M}. {B}abin and {M}. {B}aklouti and {C}. {B}ancon-{M}ontigny and {S}. {B}elviso and {N}. {B}ensoussan and {B}. {B}onsang and {I}oanna {B}ouloubassi and {Ch}ristian {B}runet and {J}.-{F}. {C}adiou and {F}. {C}arlotti and {M}. {C}hami and {S}. {C}harmasson and {B}. {C}harrière and {J}. {D}achs and {D}. {D}oxaran and {J}.-{C}. {D}utay and {F}. {E}lbaz-{P}oulichet and {M}. {E}léaume and {F}. {E}yrolles and {C}. {F}ernandez and {S}. {F}owler and {P}. {F}rancour and {J}. {C}. {G}aertner and {R}. {G}alzin and {S}. {G}asparini and {J}.-{F}. {G}higlione and {J}.-{L}. {G}onzalez and {C}. {G}oyet and {L}. {G}uidi and {K}. {G}uizien and {L}.-{E}. {H}eimbürger and {S}. {H}. {M}. {J}acquet and {W}. {H}. {J}effrey and {F}. {J}oux and {P}. {L}e {H}ir and {K}. {L}eblanc and {D}. {L}efèvre and {C}. {L}ejeusne and {R}. {L}emé and {M}.-{D}. {L}oÿe-{P}ilot and {M}. {M}allet and {L}aurence {M}éjanelle and {F}. {M}élin and {C}. {M}ellon and {B}. {M}érigot and {P}.-{L}. {M}erle and {C}. {M}igon and {W}. {L}. {M}iller and {L}aurent {M}ortier and {B}. {M}ostajir and {L}. {M}ousseau and {T}. {M}outin and {J}. {P}ara and {T}. {P}érez and {A}. {P}etrenko and {J}.-{C}. {P}oggiale and {L}. {P}rieur and {M}. {P}ujo-{P}ay and {P}ulido-{V}illena and {P}. {R}aimbault and {A}. {P}. {R}ees and {C}éline {R}idame and {J}.-{F}. {R}ontani and {D}iana {R}uiz {P}ino and {M}arie-{A}lexandrine {S}icre and {V}. {T}aillandier and {C}. {T}amburini and {T}. {T}anaka and {I}. {T}aupier-{L}etage and {M}. {T}edetti and {P}ierre {T}estor and {H}. {T}hébault and {B}. {T}houvenin and {F}. {T}ouratier and {J}. {T}ronczynski and {C}. {U}lses and {F}. {V}an {W}ambeke and {V}. {V}antrepotte and {S}. {V}az and {R}. {V}erney}, 
    40774102  title = {{M}arine ecosystems' responses to climatic and anthropogenic forcings in the {M}editerranean}, 
    40784103  journal = {{P}rogress {I}n {O}ceanography}, 
    12408   author = {{M}arie-{P}aule {J}ouandet and {S}téphane {B}lain and {N}icolas {M}etzl and {C}hristian {B}runet and {T}homas {W}. {T}rull and {I}ngrid {O}bernosterer}, 
     12433  author = {{M}arie-{P}aule {J}ouandet and {S}téphane {B}lain and {N}icolas {M}etzl and {Ch}ristian {B}runet and {T}homas {W}. {T}rull and {I}ngrid {O}bernosterer}, 
    1240912434  title = {{A} seasonal carbon budget for a naturally iron-fertilized bloom over the {K}erguelen {P}lateau in the {S}outhern {O}cean}, 
    1241012435  journal = {{D}eep {S}ea {R}esearch {P}art {II}: {T}opical {S}tudies in {O}ceanography}, 
    13819   author = {{S}téphane {B}lain and {B}ernard {Q}ueguiner and {L}eanne {A}rmand and {S}auveur {B}elviso and {B}runo {B}ombled and {L}aurent {B}opp and {A}ndrew {B}owie and {C}hristian {B}runet and {C}orina {B}russaard and {F}rançois {C}arlotti and {U}rania {C}hristaki and {A}ntoine {C}orbière and {I}sabelle {D}urand and {F}rederike {E}bersbach and {J}ean-{L}uc {F}uda and {N}icole {G}arcia and {L}oes {G}erringa and {B}rian {G}riffiths and {C}atherine {G}uigue and {C}hristophe {G}uillerm and {S}téphanie {J}acquet and {C}atherine {J}eandel and {P}atrick {L}aan and {D}ominique {L}efèvre and {C}laire {Lo {M}onaco} and {A}ndrea {M}alits and {J}ulie {M}osseri and {I}ngrid {O}bernosterer and {Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark and {M}arc {P}icheral and {Ph}ilippe {P}ondaven and {T}homas {R}emenyi and {V}alérie {S}androni and {G}éraldine {S}arthou and {N}icolas {S}avoye and {L}ionel {S}couarnec and {M}arc {S}ouhaut and {D}oris {T}huillier and {K}laas {T}immermans and {T}homas {T}rull and {J}ulia {U}itz and {P}ieter {{V}an {B}eek} and {M}arcel {V}eldhuis and {D}orothée {V}incent and {E}ric {V}iollier and {L}ilita {V}ong and {T}hibaut {W}agener}, 
     13844  author = {{S}téphane {B}lain and {B}ernard {Q}ueguiner and {L}eanne {A}rmand and {S}auveur {B}elviso and {B}runo {B}ombled and {L}aurent {B}opp and {A}ndrew {B}owie and {Ch}ristian {B}runet and {C}orina {B}russaard and {F}rançois {C}arlotti and {U}rania {C}hristaki and {A}ntoine {C}orbière and {I}sabelle {D}urand and {F}rederike {E}bersbach and {J}ean-{L}uc {F}uda and {N}icole {G}arcia and {L}oes {G}erringa and {B}rian {G}riffiths and {C}atherine {G}uigue and {C}hristophe {G}uillerm and {S}téphanie {J}acquet and {C}atherine {J}eandel and {P}atrick {L}aan and {D}ominique {L}efèvre and {C}laire {Lo {M}onaco} and {A}ndrea {M}alits and {J}ulie {M}osseri and {I}ngrid {O}bernosterer and {Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark and {M}arc {P}icheral and {Ph}ilippe {P}ondaven and {T}homas {R}emenyi and {V}alérie {S}androni and {G}éraldine {S}arthou and {N}icolas {S}avoye and {L}ionel {S}couarnec and {M}arc {S}ouhaut and {D}oris {T}huillier and {K}laas {T}immermans and {T}homas {T}rull and {J}ulia {U}itz and {P}ieter {{V}an {B}eek} and {M}arcel {V}eldhuis and {D}orothée {V}incent and {E}ric {V}iollier and {L}ilita {V}ong and {T}hibaut {W}agener}, 
    1382013845  title = {{E}ffect of natural iron fertilization on carbon sequestration in the {S}outhern {O}cean}, 
    1382113846  journal = {{N}ature}, 
    14160   author = {{A}ntoine {C}orbière and {N}icolas {M}etzl and {G}illes {R}everdin and {C}hristian {B}runet and {T}. {T}akahashi}, 
     14185  author = {{A}ntoine {C}orbière and {N}icolas {M}etzl and {G}illes {R}everdin and {Ch}ristian {B}runet and {T}. {T}akahashi}, 
    1416114186  title = {{I}nterannual and decadal variability of the oceanic carbon sink in the {N}orth {A}tlantic subpolar gyre}, 
    1416214187  journal = {{T}ellus {B}}, 
    17080   author = {{N}icolas {M}etzl and {C}hristian {B}runet and {A}. {J}abaud-{J}an and {A}lain {P}oisson and {B}ernard {S}chauer}, 
     17105  author = {{N}icolas {M}etzl and {Ch}ristian {B}runet and {A}. {J}abaud-{J}an and {A}lain {P}oisson and {B}ernard {S}chauer}, 
    1708117106  title = {{S}ummer and winter air-sea {CO$_{2}$} fluxes in the {S}outhern {O}cean}, 
    1708217107  journal = {{D}eep {S}ea {R}esearch {P}art {I}}, 
    18914   author = {{C}laire {Lo {M}onaco} and {N}icolas {M}etzl and {A}lain {P}oisson and {C}hristian {B}runet and {B}ernard {S}chauer}, 
     18939  author = {{C}laire {Lo {M}onaco} and {N}icolas {M}etzl and {A}lain {P}oisson and {Ch}ristian {B}runet and {B}ernard {S}chauer}, 
    1891518940  title = {{A}nthropogenic {CO$_{2}$} in the {S}outhern ocean: distribution and inventory at the {I}ndo-{A}tlantic boundary ({WOCE} line I6)}, 
    1891618941  journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, 
    19184 author = {{N}icolas {M}etzl and {G}. {K}ouadio and {C}hristian {B}runet}, 
     19209author = {{N}icolas {M}etzl and {G}. {K}ouadio and {Ch}ristian {B}runet}, 
    1918519210title = {{M}esures du {C}arbone {I}norganique {T}otal {D}issous et {A}lcalinité {T}otale, {C}ampagne {BIOZAIRE} {III} (Déc-03/Jan-04)}, 
    1918619211journal = {{R}apport de campagne {I}fremer}, 
    19193 author = {{N}icolas {M}etzl and {G}. {K}ouadio and {C}hristian {B}runet}, 
     19218author = {{N}icolas {M}etzl and {G}. {K}ouadio and {Ch}ristian {B}runet}, 
    1919419219title = {{M}esures du {C}arbone {I}norganique {T}otal {D}issous et {A}lcalinité {T}otale, {C}ampagne {PIRATA-FR12} (Fev-04)}, 
    1919519220journal = {{R}apport de campagne {IRD}}, 
    2206422089        to 14% of the total primary production in the mixed surface layer. 
    2206522090        {T}hese inputs of atmospheric {DIP} would promote fixation of atmospheric 
    22066         N2 that, in return, may enhance the new production in the surface 
     22091        {N$_{2}$} that, in return, may enhance the new production in the surface 
    2206722092        layer.}, 
    2206822093  affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'océanographie de {V}illefranche - {LOV} - {CNRS} : 
    23353   author = {{I}. {B}entaleb and {M}. {F}ontugne and {C}. {D}escolas-{G}ros and {C}. {G}irardin and {A}. {M}ariotti and {C}atherine {P}ierre and {C}hristian {B}runet and {A}lain {P}oisson}, 
     23378  author = {{I}. {B}entaleb and {M}. {F}ontugne and {C}. {D}escolas-{G}ros and {C}. {G}irardin and {A}. {M}ariotti and {C}atherine {P}ierre and {Ch}ristian {B}runet and {A}lain {P}oisson}, 
    2335423379  title = {{C}arbon isotopic fractionation by plankton in the {S}outhern {I}ndian {O}cean: relationship between of particulate organic carbon and dissolved carbon dioxide}, 
    2335523380  journal = {{J}ournal of {M}arine {S}ystems}, 
    23413   author = {{C}atherine {J}eandel and {D}iana {R}uiz-{P}ino and {E}lvis {G}jata and {A}lain {P}oisson and {C}hristian {B}runet and {E}dwige {C}harriaud and {F}. {D}ehairs and {D}aniel {D}elille and {M}ichel {F}iala and {C}. {F}ravalo and {J}uan {C}arlos {M}iquel and {P}ark {Y}oung-{H}yang and {Ph}ilippe {P}ondaven and {B}ernard {Q}ueguiner and {S}uzanne {R}azouls and {B}ernard {S}hauer and {P}aul {T}réguer}, 
     23438  author = {{C}atherine {J}eandel and {D}iana {R}uiz-{P}ino and {E}lvis {G}jata and {A}lain {P}oisson and {Ch}ristian {B}runet and {E}dwige {C}harriaud and {F}. {D}ehairs and {D}aniel {D}elille and {M}ichel {F}iala and {C}. {F}ravalo and {J}uan {C}arlos {M}iquel and {P}ark {Y}oung-{H}yang and {Ph}ilippe {P}ondaven and {B}ernard {Q}ueguiner and {S}uzanne {R}azouls and {B}ernard {S}hauer and {P}aul {T}réguer}, 
    2341423439  title = {{KERFIX}, a time-series station in the {S}outhern {O}cean: a presentation}, 
    2341523440  journal = {{J}ournal of {M}arine {S}ystems}, 
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