02/22/12 15:16:47 (12 years ago)

update with draft of aeres surf (JB)

1 edited


  • branches/bibliolocean/data/biblioref.bib

    r127 r128  
    224224  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
    225225  loceanaffectation = {ird,uvsq,cnrs}, 
    226   loceanteam = {varclim,nemo,incas,phybiocar} 
     226  loceanteam = {varclim,nemo,incas,phybiocar,surf} 
    256256  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
    257257  loceanaffectation = {ird,cnrs}, 
    258   loceanteam = {varclim,incas} 
     258  loceanteam = {varclim,incas,surf} 
    363 @UNPUBLISHED{HamonReverdinEtAl:JAOT:2011revised, 
    364364  author = {M. Hamon and {G}illes {R}everdin and P.-Y. Le Traon}, 
    365365  title = {Empirical correction on XBT fall rate and its impact on heat content analysis}, 
    366   note = {Revised}, 
    367   format = {Revised}, 
     366  note = {in press}, 
     367  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     368  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
     369  format = {in press}, 
    368370  journal = {JAOT-O}, 
    369371  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    401 @UNPUBLISHED{JardonVivierEtAL:JGR:2010revisionb, 
    402   author = {{F}ernanda {J}ardon and {F}rédéric {V}ivier and {A}ntonio {L}ourenço and {Y}annis {C}uypers}, 
    403   title = {{H}igh-frequency hydrographic observations in the {S}torfjorden, {S}valbard. {P}art II: internal waves and mixing}, 
    404   format = {in revision}, 
    405   journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, 
    406   loceanaffectation = {upmc,cnrs}, 
    407   loceanteam = {surf,ditm,phybiocar} 
    408 } 
    410 @UNPUBLISHED{JardonVivierEtAL:JGR:2011revisiona, 
    411   author = {{F}ernanda {J}ardon and {F}rédéric {V}ivier and {A}ntonio {L}ourenço and {Y}annis {C}uypers}, 
    412   title = {{H}igh-frequency hydrographic observations in the {S}torfjorden, {S}valbard. {P}art {I}: watermasses}, 
    413   format = {in revision}, 
    414   journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, 
    415   loceanaffectation = {upmc,cnrs}, 
    416   loceanteam = {surf,ditm,phybiocar} 
    417 } 
    420404  author = {{F}ernanda {J}ardon and {F}rédéric {V}ivier and {M}artin {V}ancoppenolle and {A}ntonio {L}ourenço and {P}ascale {B}ouruet-{A}ubertot and {Y}annis {C}uypers}, 
    534518  author = {{X}avier {{L}e {V}aillant} and {Y}annis {C}uypers and {P}ascale {B}ouruet-{A}ubertot and {J}érôme {V}ialard and {M}. {M}cPhaden}, 
    535519  title = {{G}eneration and propagation of near-inertial baroclinic waves during {C}irene experiment : energy fluxes and impact on vertical mixing}, 
     520  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     521  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    536522  format = {submitted}, 
    537523  journal = {{J}. {G}eophys. {R}es.}, 
    538524  loceanaffectation = {ird, upmc}, 
    539525  loceanteam = {surf, varclim,phybiocar} 
    540 } 
    542 @UNPUBLISHED{LeducleballeurEymardEtAL:QJRMS:2011inpress, 
    543   author = {{M}arion {L}educ-{L}eballeur and {L}aurence {E}ymard and {G}aëlle {{d}e {C}oëtlogon}}, 
    544   title = {{O}bservation of the marine atmospheric boundary layer in the {G}ulf of {G}uinea during the 2006 boreal spring}, 
    545   abstract = {{I}n situ, satellite and model analyses data in {A}pril-{J}uly 2006 
    546         are used to investigate the links between sea surface temperature 
    547         ({SST}) and the marine atmospheric boundary layer ({MABL}) in the 
    548         {G}ulf of {G}uinea. {T}he study region between 10°{W} and 6°{E} is 
    549         divided into three areas with different characteristics: the {N}orth 
    550         {A}rea (4.5°{N} to 1°{N}) with the wettest atmosphere and the warmest 
    551         {SST}, the {U}pwelling {A}rea (1°{N} to 4°{S}) with the strongest 
    552         {SST} decrease, and the {S}outh {A}rea (4°{S} to 8°{S}) with a drier 
    553         atmosphere and a more slowly decreasing {SST} than in the {U}pwelling 
    554         {A}rea. {T}he key zone of the air-sea interactions in this region 
    555         seems to be the {SST} front between {N}orth and {U}pwelling {A}reas. 
    556         {O}n the one hand, the study of the {MABL} on either side of the 
    557         front shows a well-mixed layer between the surface and about 500 
    558         m high, sensitive to surface variations, which gets shallower (deeper) 
    559         when the {SST} decreases (increases). {T}he {MABL} height (about 
    560         1500 m) follows the same variations but is not exactly collocated 
    561         with the {SST} variations. {O}n the other hand, the observation of 
    562         the {MABL} across the {SST} front shows a strengthening of southeasterlies 
    563         in the {S}outh {A}rea coinciding with a strong {SST} decrease in 
    564         the {U}pwelling {A}rea. {I}n the latter, the wind weakens above the 
    565         colder {SST}. {B}esides, in the {N}orth {A}rea, the wind strengthens 
    566         above the warmer {SST}. {H}owever, the wind acceleration spans from 
    567         the equator to 2°{N} in {A}pril and as far as 4°{N} in {J}une. {A} 
    568         convergence zone is observed in the vicinity of 2°{N} in {A}pril, 
    569         suggesting a convection activity there, favoured by the {SST} front.}, 
    570   affiliation = {{L}aboratoire {A}tmosphères, {M}ilieux, {O}bservations {S}patiales 
    571         - {LATMOS} - {CNRS} : {UMR}8190 - {U}niversité {P}ierre et {M}arie 
    572         {C}urie - {P}aris {VI} - {U}niversité de {V}ersailles-{S}aint {Q}uentin 
    573         en {Y}velines - {INSU} - {I}nstitut {P}ierre-{S}imon-{L}aplace - 
    574         {IPSL} - {CNRS} : {FR}636 - {IRD} - {CEA} - {CNES} - {INSU} - {U}niversité 
    575         {P}ierre et {M}arie {C}urie - {P}aris {VI} - {U}niversité de {V}ersailles-{S}aint 
    576         {Q}uentin en {Y}velines - {E}cole {N}ormale {S}upérieure de {P}aris 
    577         - {ENS} {P}aris - {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat 
    578         : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - {LOCEAN} - {IRD} 
    579         - {M}uséum {N}ational d'{H}istoire {N}aturelle : {USM}402 - {INSU} 
    580         - {CNRS} : {UMR}7159 - {U}niversité {P}ierre et {M}arie {C}urie - 
    581         {P}aris {VI}}, 
    582   audience = {internationale}, 
    583   doi = {10.1002/qj.808}, 
    584   format = {in press}, 
    585   journal = {{Q}uarterly {J}ournal of the {R}oyal {M}eteorological {S}ociety}, 
    586   keywords = {{B}oundary layer;{A}ir-sea interaction;{T}ropical {A}tlantic}, 
    587   language = {{A}nglais}, 
    588   loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    589   loceanteam = {surf}, 
    590   url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00593748/} 
    695 @UNPUBLISHED{MacKinnonAlfordEtAL:ESA:2010inpress, 
    696   author = {{J}. {A}. {M}acKinnon and {M}. {H}. {A}lford and {P}ascale {B}ouruet-{A}ubertot and {N}. {B}indoff and {S}. {G}ille and {J}. {G}irton and {M}. {C}. {G}regg and {R}. {H}allberg and {E}. {K}unze and {A}. {N}aveira {G}arabato and {H}. {P}hillips and {R}. {P}inkel and {K}. {P}olzin and {T}. {B}. {S}anford and {H}. {L}. {S}immons and {K}. {G}. {S}peer}, 
    697   title = {{U}sing global arrays to investigate internal-waves and mixing}, 
    698   note = {{H}all, {J}., {H}arrison {D}. {E}. and {S}tammer, {D}., {E}ds., {ESA} 
    699         {P}ublication WPP-306, 2010}, 
    700   address = {{V}enice, {I}taly}, 
    701   booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the "{O}ceanObs'09: {S}ustained {O}cean {O}bservations 
    702         and {I}nformation for {S}ociety" {C}onference (Vol. 2), 21-25 {S}eptember 
    703         2009}, 
    704   format = {in press}, 
    705   loceanaffectation = {cnrs,upmc}, 
    706   loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar}, 
    707   publisher = {{E}SA} 
    708 } 
    711631  author = {{E}. {M}ason and {F}rançois {C}olas and {J}.{L}. {P}elegri}, 
    790710  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
    791711  loceanaffectation = {ird,cnrs}, 
    792   loceanteam = {varclim,incas} 
     712  loceanteam = {varclim,incas,surf} 
    796716  author = {{S}imon {P}asquet and {P}ascale {B}ouruet-{A}ubertot and {G}illes {R}everdin and {A}. {T}urnherr and {L}. {S}t-{L}aurent}, 
    797717  title = {{V}alidation of fine-scale parameterization of energy dissipation in a region of strong internal tides and sheared flow, the {L}ucky-{S}trike segment of the mid-{A}tlantic ridge}, 
     718  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     719  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    798720  format = {in revision}, 
    799721  journal = {{J}. {G}eophys. {R}es.}, 
    825747  author = {{G}illes {R}everdin and {L}. {M}arié and {P}. {L}azure and {F}rancesco {d'{O}vidio} and {J}acqueline {B}outin and {P}ierre {T}estor and {N}icolas {M}artin and {A}ntonio {L}ourenço and {F}abienne {G}aillard and {A}. {L}avin and {C}. {R}odriguez and {R}. {S}omavilla and {J}. {M}ader and {A}. {R}ubio and {P}. {B}louch and {J}. {R}olland and {Y}. {B}ozec and {G}. {C}harria and {F}. {B}atifoulier and {F}. {D}umas and {S}. {L}ouazel and {J}. {C}hanut}, 
    826748  title = {{F}reshwater from the {B}ay of {B}iscay shelves in 2009}, 
     749  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     750  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    827751  doi = {10.1016/j.jmarsys.2011.09.017}, 
    828752  format = {in press}, 
    848772  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
    849773  loceanaffectation = {ird,cnrs}, 
    850   loceanteam = {varclim,incas,nemo,phybiocar} 
     774  loceanteam = {varclim,incas,nemo,phybiocar,surf} 
    941865  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    942866  loceanteam = {paleoproxus} 
    943 } 
    945 @UNPUBLISHED{ZikaLesommerEtAl:JGR:2011submitted, 
    946   author = {{J}.{D}. {Z}ika and {J}ulien {Le {S}ommer} and {C}.{O}. {D}ufour and {J}.-{M}. {M}olines and {B}. {B}arnier and {P}. {B}rasseur and {R}. {D}ussin and {D}. {I}udicone and {A}. {L}enton and {G}urvan {M}adec and {P}. {M}athiot and {R}. {M}orrow and {J}. {O}rr and {F}. d'{O}vidio and {T}. {P}enduff and {E}. {S}huckburgh and {F}. {V}ivier}, 
    947   title = {{D}estruction of the {D}eacon {C}ell by {V}ertical {E}ddy {F}luxes}, 
    948   format = {submitted}, 
    949   journal = {{J}. {G}eophys. {R}es.}, 
    950   loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    951   loceanteam = {phybiocar, varclim} 
     925  author = {{J}acqueline {B}outin and {N}icolas {M}artin and {X}iaobin {Y}in and P. Spurgeon}, 
     926  title = {First assessment of SMOS data over open ocean: part II Sea Surface Salinity}, 
     927  note = {in press}, 
     928  year = {2012}, 
     929  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     930  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
     931  doi = {10.1109/TGRS.2012.2184546}, 
     932  format = {in press}, 
     933  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing}, 
     934  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
     935  loceanteam = {surf,ditm} 
     939  author = {{J}acqueline {B}outin and {N}. {R}eul and {P}. {S}purgeon and {J}. {B}allabrera-{P}oy and {A}. {C}huprin and {C}. {G}abarro and {J}. {G}ourrion and {S}. {G}uimbard and {C}laire {H}énocq and al.}, 
     940  title = {{SMOS} first data analysis for sea surface salinity determination}, 
     941  journal = {{I}nternational {J}ournal of {R}emote {S}ensing}, 
     942  year = {2012}, 
     943  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     944  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
     945  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
     946  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar} 
    1010950  author = {{J}ean-{B}enoît {C}harrassin}, 
     1012  author = {{M}arion {L}educ-{L}eballeur and {G}aëlle {{d}e {C}oëtlogon} and {L}aurence {E}ymard}, 
     1013  title = {Influence of the sea surface temperature on the coastal rainfall in the Gulf of Guinea during boreal spring}, 
     1014  year = {2012}, 
     1015  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     1016  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
     1017  format = {in revision}, 
     1018  journal = {Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society}, 
     1019  loceanaffectation = {icnrs}, 
     1020  loceanteam = {surf,varclim} 
    10721024  author = {{N}athalie {L}efèvre and {L}iliane {M}erlivat}, 
    10761028  volume = {26}, 
    10771029  pages = {GB1009}, 
     1030  aeres20082012_team = {surf,phybiocar}, 
     1031  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    10781032  doi = {10.1029/2010GB004018}, 
    10791033  loceanaffectation = {cnrs, ird}, 
    1100   author = {{J}uliette {M}ignot and {A}lban {L}azar and {M}. {L}acarra}, 
     1054  author = {{J}uliette {M}ignot and {A}lban {L}azar and {M}aïté {L}acarra}, 
    11011055  title = {On the formation of Barrier Layers and associated vertical temperature inversions: a focus on the northwestern tropical Atlantic}, 
    11021056  journal = {J. Geophy. Res}, 
    11041058  volume = {117}, 
    11051059  number = {C2}, 
     1060  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     1061  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    11061062  doi = {10.1029/2011JC007435}, 
    11071063  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    1108   loceanteam = {varclim} 
     1064  loceanteam = {varclim,surf} 
    11281084  doi = {10.1007/s00382-011-1081-6}, 
    11291085  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    1130   loceanteam = {varclim} 
     1086  loceanteam = {varclim,surf} 
    11411097  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    11421098  loceanteam = {phybiocar} 
     1102  author = {N. Reul and J. Tenerelli and {J}acqueline {B}outin and B. Chapron and F. Paul and E. Brion and F. Gaillard and O. Archer}, 
     1103  title = {Overview of the First {SMOS} Sea Surface Salinity products Part I: Quality assessment for the second half of 2010}, 
     1104  note = {in press}, 
     1105  year = {2012}, 
     1106  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     1107  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
     1108  format = {in press}, 
     1109  journal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing}, 
     1110  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
     1111  loceanteam = {surf} 
     1115  author = {Laurent Terray and Lola Corre and Sophie Cravatte and Thierry Delcroix and {G}illes {R}everdin and Aurélien Ribes}, 
     1116  title = {Near-surface salinity as Nature's rain gauge to detect human influence on the tropical water cycle}, 
     1117  journal = {J. Climate}, 
     1118  year = {2012}, 
     1119  volume = {25}, 
     1120  pages = {58-977}, 
     1121  number = {3}, 
     1122  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     1123  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
     1124  doi = {10.1175/JCLI-D-10-05025.1}, 
     1125  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
     1126  loceanteam = {surf,ditm} 
    11661150  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    11671151  loceanteam = {phybiocar} 
     1155  author = {{X}iaobin {Y}in and {J}acqueline {B}outin and P. Spurgeon}, 
     1156  title = {Optimization of L-band sea surface emissivity models deduced from {SMOS} data}, 
     1157  note = {in press}, 
     1158  year = {2012}, 
     1159  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     1160  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
     1161  doi = {10.1109/TGRS.2012.2184547}, 
     1162  format = {in press}, 
     1163  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing}, 
     1164  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
     1165  loceanteam = {surf} 
     1169  author = {{X}iaobin {Y}in and {J}acqueline {B}outin and P. Spurgeon}, 
     1170  title = {First assessment of SMOS data over open ocean: part I Pacific Ocean}, 
     1171  note = {in press}, 
     1172  year = {2012}, 
     1173  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     1174  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
     1175  doi = {10.1109/TGRS.2012.2188407}, 
     1176  format = {in press}, 
     1177  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing}, 
     1178  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
     1179  loceanteam = {surf} 
    11811193  loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
    11821194  url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0009254111004608} 
     1198  author = {{J}.{D}. {Z}ika and {J}ulien {Le {S}ommer} and {C}.{O}. {D}ufour and {J}.-{M}. {M}olines and {B}. {B}arnier and {P}. {B}rasseur and {R}. {D}ussin and {D}. {I}udicone and {A}. {L}enton and {G}urvan {M}adec and {P}. {M}athiot and {R}. {M}orrow and {J}. {O}rr and {F}. d'{O}vidio and {T}. {P}enduff and {E}. {S}huckburgh and {F}rédéric {V}ivier}, 
     1199  title = {{D}estruction of the {D}eacon {C}ell by {V}ertical {E}ddy {F}luxes}, 
     1200  note = {submitted}, 
     1201  year = {2012}, 
     1202  aeres20082012_team = {surf, varclim}, 
     1203  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
     1204  format = {submitted}, 
     1205  journal = {{J}. {G}eophys. {R}es.}, 
     1206  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
     1207  loceanteam = {phybiocar, varclim, surf} 
     1352  author = {{S}abine {A}rnault}, 
     1353  title = {Statistical methods to "reconstruct" oceanic profiles from satellite}, 
     1354  booktitle = {Congrès "Analyses Littorales, Océaniques et Climatiques au nord du 
     1355        Golfe de Guinée"}, 
     1356  year = {2011}, 
     1357  addresse = {Cotonou, Bénin}, 
     1358  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     1359  aeres20082012_type = {confinvite}, 
     1360  date = {31 octobre- 4 novembre 2011}, 
     1361  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
     1362  loceanteam = {surf} 
    13271366  author = {{S}abine {A}rnault and I. Pujol and {J}ean-{L}uc {M}élice}, 
    13321371  pages = {319-339}, 
    13331372  number = {3-4}, 
     1373  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     1374  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    13341375  doi = {10.1080/01490419.2011.584833}, 
    13351376  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    13461387  doi = {10.1007/s00382-011-1180-4}, 
    13471388  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    1348   loceanteam = {varclim} 
     1389  loceanteam = {varclim,surf} 
    13541395  journal = {{G}lobal {B}iogeochemical {C}ycles}, 
    13551396  year = {2011}, 
     1397  volume = {25}, 
     1398  pages = {GB1005}, 
     1399  aeres20082012_team = {surf,phybiocar}, 
     1400  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    13561401  doi = {10.1029/2010GB003818}, 
    13571402  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    15711616  volume = {40}, 
    15721617  pages = {2410-2417}, 
     1618  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     1619  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    15731620  doi = {10.1175/2010JPO3957.1}, 
    15741621  loceanaffectation = {upmc}, 
    1624 @ARTICLE{FontBoutinEtAl:IJRS:2011inpress, 
    1625   author = {{J}acqueline {B}outin and {N}. {R}eul and {P}. {S}purgeon and {J}. {B}allabrera-{P}oy and {A}. {C}huprin and {C}. {G}abarro and {J}. {G}ourrion and {S}. {G}uimbard and {C}laire {H}énocq and al.}, 
    1626   title = {{SMOS} first data analysis for sea surface salinity determination}, 
    1627   journal = {{I}nternational {J}ournal of {R}emote {S}ensing}, 
    1628   year = {2011}, 
    1629   loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    1630   loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar} 
    1631 } 
    16341672  author = {{J}acqueline {B}outin and {G}illes {R}everdin and {S}imon {M}orrisset and {X}iaobin {Y}in and {A}ntonio {L}ourenço and {F}abienne {G}aillard and {J}ean {R}olland and {J}ordi {F}ont and {C}hristophe {M}aes and {P}ierre {B}louch}, 
    16631701  number = {1-4}, 
    16641702  month = sep, 
     1703  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     1704  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    16651705  affiliation = {{A}daptation et diversité en milieu marin - ADMM , {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie 
    16661706        et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - 
    17141754  language = {{A}nglais}, 
    17151755  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    1716   loceanteam = {varclim}, 
     1756  loceanteam = {varclim,surf}, 
    17171757  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00605933/} 
    1735 @ARTICLE{BrognieziKirstetterEtAL:QJRMS:2011online, 
    17361776  author = {{H}élène {B}rogniez and {P}ierre-{E}mmanuel {K}irstetter and {L}aurence {E}ymard}, 
    17371777  title = {{E}xpected improvements in the atmospheric humidity profile retrieval using the {M}egha-{T}ropiques microwave payload}, 
    17521792        improves the restitution with correlation coefficient higher than 
    17531793        0.89 throughout the troposphere.}, 
     1794  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     1795  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    17541796  affiliation = {{L}aboratoire {A}tmosphères, {M}ilieux, {O}bservations {S}patiales 
    17551797        - LATMOS , {I}nstitut {P}ierre-{S}imon-{L}aplace - IPSL , {L}aboratoire 
    17611803  language = {{A}nglais}, 
    17621804  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    1763   loceanteam = {surf}, 
     1805  loceanteam = {surf,varclim}, 
    17641806  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00655085/en/} 
    1781   author = {G. Charria and P. Lazure and B. Le Cann and A. Serpette and L. Marié and {G}illes {R}everdin and S. Louazel and A. Pichon and Y. Morel}, 
     1823  author = {Guillaume Charria and Pascale Lazure and Bernard Le Cann and Alain Serpette and {G}illes {R}everdin and Stéphanie Louazel and François Batifoulier and Franck Dumas and Annick Pichon and Yves Morel}, 
    17821824  title = {Surface layer circulation derived from subsurface Lagrangian drifters in the Bay of Biscay}, 
    17831825  note = {in press}, 
    17841826  year = {2011}, 
     1827  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     1828  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
     1829  doi = {10.1016/j.jmarsys.2011.09.015}, 
    17851830  format = {in press}, 
    17861831  journal = {J. Mar. Sys.}, 
    17961841  volume = {12}, 
    17971842  pages = {Q06020}, 
     1843  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     1844  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    17981845  doi = {10.1029/2011GC003529}, 
    17991846  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    20422089  volume = {8}, 
    20432090  pages = {8961-8998}, 
     2091  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     2092  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    20442093  loceanaffectation = {upmc}, 
    20452094  loceanteam = {surf, phybiocar} 
    20532102  volume = {39}, 
    20542103  pages = {97-113}, 
     2104  aeres20082012_team = {surf,phybiocar}, 
     2105  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    20552106  doi = {10.1016/j.ocemod.2010.12.005}, 
    20562107  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    2057   loceanteam = {surf} 
     2108  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar} 
    21322183  volume = {116}, 
    21332184  pages = {C10003}, 
     2185  aeres20082012_team = {surf,phybiocar}, 
     2186  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    21342187  doi = {10.1029/2011JC006950}, 
    21352188  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    24662519        systems. {A}ll the applications have been developed by several {F}rench 
    24672520        institutions and fully duplicated in {N}iamey, {N}iger.}, 
     2521  aeres20082012_team = {surf,varclim}, 
     2522  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    24682523  affiliation = {{G}roupe d'étude de l'atmosphère météorologique - CNRM-GAME - CNRS 
    24692524        : URA1357 - INSU - {M}étéo {F}rance - UMS 831 unité mixte de service 
    24892544  language = {{A}nglais}, 
    24902545  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    2491   loceanteam = {surf}, 
     2546  loceanteam = {surf,varclim}, 
    24922547  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00612886/en/} 
    28622917  journal = {{J}. {G}eophys {R}es}, 
    28632918  year = {2011}, 
     2919  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     2920  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    28642921  doi = {10.1029/2010JC006918}, 
    28652922  loceanaffectation = {cnrs, upmc,ird}, 
    28662923  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar,ditm} 
     2927  author = {{F}ernanda {J}ardon and {F}rédéric {V}ivier and {A}ntonio {L}ourenço and {Y}annis {C}uypers}, 
     2928  title = {{H}igh-frequency hydrographic observations in the {S}torfjorden, {S}valbard. {P}art {I}: watermasses}, 
     2929  note = {in revision}, 
     2930  year = {2011}, 
     2931  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     2932  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
     2933  format = {in revision}, 
     2934  journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, 
     2935  loceanaffectation = {upmc,cnrs}, 
     2936  loceanteam = {surf,ditm,phybiocar} 
     2940  author = {{F}ernanda {J}ardon and {F}rédéric {V}ivier and {A}ntonio {L}ourenço and {Y}annis {C}uypers}, 
     2941  title = {{H}igh-frequency hydrographic observations in the {S}torfjorden, {S}valbard. {P}art II: internal waves and mixing}, 
     2942  note = {in revision}, 
     2943  year = {2011}, 
     2944  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     2945  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
     2946  format = {in revision}, 
     2947  journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, 
     2948  loceanaffectation = {upmc,cnrs}, 
     2949  loceanteam = {surf,ditm,phybiocar} 
    30763159  pages = {129,134}, 
    30773160  number = {1}, 
    3078   loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    3079   loceanteam = {surf}, 
     3161  aeres20082012_team = {surf,varclim}, 
     3162  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
     3163  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
     3164  loceanteam = {surf,varclim}, 
    30803165  url = {http://hal-insu.archives-ouvertes.fr/insu-00648716/fr/} 
    31493234  author = {{M}aïté {L}acarra and {M}arie-{N}oëlle {H}oussais and {E}mmanuelle {S}ultan and S. R. Rintoul and {Ch}ristophe {H}erbaut}, 
    3150   title = {Summer hydrography on the shelf off Terre Adélie/George V Land based on the ALBION and CEAMARC observations during the IPY}, 
     3235  title = {Summer hydrography on the shelf off Terre Adélie/George {V} Land based on the {ALBION} and {CEAMARC} observations during the {IPY}}, 
    31513236  journal = {Polar Science}, 
    31523237  year = {2011}, 
     3424  author = {{M}arion {L}educ-{L}eballeur and {L}aurence {E}ymard and {G}aëlle {{d}e {C}oëtlogon}}, 
     3425  title = {{O}bservation of the marine atmospheric boundary layer in the {G}ulf of {G}uinea during the 2006 boreal spring}, 
     3426  journal = {{Q}uarterly {J}ournal of the {R}oyal {M}eteorological {S}ociety}, 
     3427  year = {2011}, 
     3428  volume = {137}, 
     3429  pages = {992-1003}, 
     3430  number = {657}, 
     3431  abstract = {{I}n situ, satellite and model analyses data in {A}pril-{J}uly 2006 
     3432        are used to investigate the links between sea surface temperature 
     3433        ({SST}) and the marine atmospheric boundary layer ({MABL}) in the 
     3434        {G}ulf of {G}uinea. {T}he study region between 10°{W} and 6°{E} is 
     3435        divided into three areas with different characteristics: the {N}orth 
     3436        {A}rea (4.5°{N} to 1°{N}) with the wettest atmosphere and the warmest 
     3437        {SST}, the {U}pwelling {A}rea (1°{N} to 4°{S}) with the strongest 
     3438        {SST} decrease, and the {S}outh {A}rea (4°{S} to 8°{S}) with a drier 
     3439        atmosphere and a more slowly decreasing {SST} than in the {U}pwelling 
     3440        {A}rea. {T}he key zone of the air-sea interactions in this region 
     3441        seems to be the {SST} front between {N}orth and {U}pwelling {A}reas. 
     3442        {O}n the one hand, the study of the {MABL} on either side of the 
     3443        front shows a well-mixed layer between the surface and about 500 
     3444        m high, sensitive to surface variations, which gets shallower (deeper) 
     3445        when the {SST} decreases (increases). {T}he {MABL} height (about 
     3446        1500 m) follows the same variations but is not exactly collocated 
     3447        with the {SST} variations. {O}n the other hand, the observation of 
     3448        the {MABL} across the {SST} front shows a strengthening of southeasterlies 
     3449        in the {S}outh {A}rea coinciding with a strong {SST} decrease in 
     3450        the {U}pwelling {A}rea. {I}n the latter, the wind weakens above the 
     3451        colder {SST}. {B}esides, in the {N}orth {A}rea, the wind strengthens 
     3452        above the warmer {SST}. {H}owever, the wind acceleration spans from 
     3453        the equator to 2°{N} in {A}pril and as far as 4°{N} in {J}une. {A} 
     3454        convergence zone is observed in the vicinity of 2°{N} in {A}pril, 
     3455        suggesting a convection activity there, favoured by the {SST} front.}, 
     3456  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     3457  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
     3458  affiliation = {{L}aboratoire {A}tmosphères, {M}ilieux, {O}bservations {S}patiales 
     3459        - {LATMOS} - {CNRS} : {UMR}8190 - {U}niversité {P}ierre et {M}arie 
     3460        {C}urie - {P}aris {VI} - {U}niversité de {V}ersailles-{S}aint {Q}uentin 
     3461        en {Y}velines - {INSU} - {I}nstitut {P}ierre-{S}imon-{L}aplace - 
     3462        {IPSL} - {CNRS} : {FR}636 - {IRD} - {CEA} - {CNES} - {INSU} - {U}niversité 
     3463        {P}ierre et {M}arie {C}urie - {P}aris {VI} - {U}niversité de {V}ersailles-{S}aint 
     3464        {Q}uentin en {Y}velines - {E}cole {N}ormale {S}upérieure de {P}aris 
     3465        - {ENS} {P}aris - {L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat 
     3466        : {E}xpérimentations et {A}pproches {N}umériques - {LOCEAN} - {IRD} 
     3467        - {M}uséum {N}ational d'{H}istoire {N}aturelle : {USM}402 - {INSU} 
     3468        - {CNRS} : {UMR}7159 - {U}niversité {P}ierre et {M}arie {C}urie - 
     3469        {P}aris {VI}}, 
     3470  audience = {internationale}, 
     3471  doi = {10.1002/qj.808}, 
     3472  keywords = {{B}oundary layer;{A}ir-sea interaction;{T}ropical {A}tlantic}, 
     3473  language = {{A}nglais}, 
     3474  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
     3475  loceanteam = {surf,varclim}, 
     3476  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00593748/} 
    33393480  author = {{Y}oav {L}ehahn and {F}rancesco {d'{O}vidio} and {M}arina {L}évy and {Y}ael {A}mitai and {E}yal {H}eifetz}, 
    35223663  doi = {10.1175/2010JCLI3576.1}, 
    35233664  loceanaffectation = {upmc,ird}, 
    3524   loceanteam = {varclim}, 
     3665  loceanteam = {varclim,surf}, 
    35253666  url = {http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010053437} 
    36353776  note = {In press}, 
    36363777  year = {2011}, 
     3778  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     3779  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    36373780  format = {In press}, 
    36383781  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing}, 
    37403883  number = {4}, 
    37413884  loceanaffectation = {ird,upmc}, 
    3742   loceanteam = {varclim} 
     3885  loceanteam = {varclim,surf} 
    38824025  pages = {2-6}, 
    38834026  number = {1, {AMMA} {S}pecial {I}ssue}, 
     4027  aeres20082012_team = {surf,varclim}, 
     4028  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    38844029  collaboration = {{AMMA} (African {M}onsoon {M}ultidisciplinary {A}nalyses)}, 
    38854030  doi = {10.1002/asl.320}, 
    39084053  year = {2011}, 
    39094054  volume = {38}, 
     4055  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    39104056  doi = {10.1029/2011GL048783}, 
    39114057  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    39794125  year = {2011}, 
    39804126  volume = {117}, 
     4127  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     4128  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    39814129  doi = {10.1029/2011JC007549}, 
    39824130  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    40634211  pages = {787-801}, 
    40644212  number = {6}, 
     4213  aeres20082012_team = {surf,varclim}, 
     4214  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    40654215  affiliation = {{E}quipe {P}hysique de l'{O}cean {A}ustral - DMPA , {D}épartement 
    40664216        {M}ilieux et {P}euplements {A}quatiques, MNHN , {S}ea {M}ammal {R}esearch 
    40724222  language = {{A}nglais}, 
    40734223  loceanaffectation = {mnhn}, 
    4074   loceanteam = {phybiocar}, 
     4224  loceanteam = {phybiocar,surf,varclim}, 
    40754225  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00624609} 
    41864336  doi = {10.1029/2011PA002169}, 
    41874337  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    4188   loceanteam = {varclim} 
     4338  loceanteam = {varclim,surf} 
    4341 @UNPUBLISHED{TerrayCorreEtAl:JC:2011inpress, 
    4342   author = {Laurent Terray and L. Corre and S. Cravatte and T. Delcroix and {G}illes {R}everdin and A. Ribes}, 
    4343   title = {Near-surface salinity as Nature's rain gauge to detect human influence on the tropical water cycle}, 
    4344   note = {in press}, 
    4345   year = {2011}, 
    4346   format = {in press}, 
    4347   journal = {J. Climate}, 
    4348   loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    4349   loceanteam = {surf,ditm} 
    4350 } 
    43534492  author = {Seydou B. Traoré and Agali Alhassane and Bertrand Muller and Mamoutou Kouressy and Léopold Somé and {B}enjamin {S}ultan and Pascal Oettli and Ambroise C. Siéné Laopé and Safiatou Sangaré and Michel Vaksmann and Mbaye Diop and Michael Dingkhun and Christian Baron}, 
    46134752  volume = {684}, 
    46144753  pages = {111-136}, 
     4754  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     4755  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    46154756  doi = {10.1017/jfm.2011.280}, 
    46164757  loceanaffectation = {upmc}, 
    48144955  pages = {719-742}, 
    48154956  number = {1}, 
     4957  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     4958  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    48164959  comment = {20110125 : doublon hal http://hal.ird.fr/ird-00555461/}, 
    48174960  doi = {10.3390/s110100719}, 
     5148  author = {{S}abine {A}rnault}, 
     5149  title = {North tropical Atlantic ocean circulation from altimetry and {ARAMIS} data}, 
     5150  booktitle = {Altimetry for Ocean and Hydrology}, 
     5151  year = {2010}, 
     5152  address = {Lisbonne, Portugal}, 
     5153  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     5154  aeres20082012_type = {confinvite}, 
     5155  date = {18-22 octobre 2010}, 
     5156  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
     5157  loceanteam = {surf} 
    50055161  author = {{D}amien {A}rvor and {V}incent {D}ubreuil and {J}osyane {R}onchail and {{M}argareth {S}imões {P}enello} {M}eirelles}, 
    53085464  volume = {2}, 
    53095465  address = {{V}enice, {I}taly}, 
    5310   publisher = {{E}SA}, 
     5466  publisher = {{ESA}}, 
    53115467  note = {{H}all, {J}., {H}arrison {D}. {E}. and {S}tammer, {D}., {E}ds., {ESA} 
    53125468        {P}ublication WPP-306, 2010}, 
     5469  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     5470  aeres20082012_type = {confinvite}, 
    53135471  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    53145472  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar} 
    56295787        {T}he method is then applied on actual measurements, thus evaluating 
    56305788        its feasibility.}, 
     5789  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     5790  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    56315791  doi = {10.1109/TGRS.2009.2031494}, 
    56325792  keywords = {1D variational retrieval;altimetry;coastal regions;humidity retrieval 
    56375797        techniques;}, 
    56385798  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    5639   loceanteam = {surf} 
     5799  loceanteam = {surf,varclim} 
    57895949  volume = {115}, 
    57905950  pages = {D20115}, 
     5951  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     5952  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    57915953  doi = {10.1029/2009JD012935}, 
    57925954  loceanaffectation = {ird,cnrs}, 
    61166278  pages = {23 pp.}, 
    61176279  address = {{V}enice, {I}taly}, 
    6118   publisher = {{E}SA}, 
     6280  publisher = {{ESA}}, 
    61196281  note = {{H}all, {J}., {H}arrison {D}. {E}. and {S}tammer, {D}., {E}ds., {ESA} 
    61206282        {P}ublication WPP-306, 2010}, 
    62746436  pages = {192-209}, 
    62756437  number = {1}, 
     6438  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     6439  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    62766440  doi = {10.1175/2009JTECHO670.1}, 
    62776441  loceanaffectation = {ird,cnrs}, 
    6278   loceanteam = {surf} 
     6442  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     6443  url = {http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/PAR00004656} 
    65526717  volume = {82}, 
    65536718  pages = {135-144}, 
     6719  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     6720  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    65546721  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    65556722  loceanteam = {surf, phybiocar} 
    66586825  publisher = {{H}all, {J}., {H}arrison, {D}. {E}. \& {S}tammer, {D}., {E}ds., ESA 
    66596826        {P}ublication WPP-306}, 
     6827  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     6828  aeres20082012_type = {confinvite}, 
    66606829  date = {21-25 {S}eptember 2009}, 
    66616830  doi = {10.5270/OceanObs09.cwp.51}, 
    69527121  language = {{A}nglais}, 
    69537122  loceanaffectation = {ird,cnrs}, 
    6954   loceanteam = {varclim,nemo}, 
     7123  loceanteam = {varclim,nemo,surf}, 
    69557124  url = {http://hal-insu.archives-ouvertes.fr/insu-00498320/} 
    70167185  volume = {24}, 
    70177186  pages = {GB4004}, 
     7187  aeres20082012_team = {surf,phybiocar}, 
     7188  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    70187189  doi = {10.1029/2009GB003658}, 
    70197190  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    70317202  doi = {10.1007/s00382-009-0621-9}, 
    70327203  loceanaffectation = {ird,upmc}, 
    7033   loceanteam = {surf} 
     7204  loceanteam = {varclim,surf} 
    7125 @ARTICLE{ParardLefevreEtAl:t:2010, 
    71267297  author = {{G}aëlle {P}arard and {N}athalie {L}efèvre and {J}acqueline {B}outin}, 
    71277298  title = {{S}ea water fugacity of {CO$_{2}$} at the {PIRATA} mooring at {6°S, 10°W}}, 
    71317302  pages = {636-648}, 
    71327303  number = {5}, 
     7304  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     7305  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    71337306  doi = {10.1111/j.1600-0889.2010.00503.x}, 
    71347307  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    73277500  pages = {4571-4584}, 
    73287501  number = {17}, 
     7502  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     7503  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    73297504  doi = {10.1175/2010JCLI3493.1}, 
    73307505  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    73407515  pages = {1403-1409}, 
    73417516  number = {8}, 
     7517  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     7518  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    73427519  doi = {10.1175/2010JTECHO741.1}, 
    73437520  loceanaffectation = {upmc,cnrs}, 
    74117588  year = {2010}, 
    74127589  volume = {37}, 
    7413   loceanaffectation = {mnhn}, 
    7414   loceanteam = {austral-boréal} 
     7590  loceanaffectation = {mnhn,cnrs}, 
     7591  loceanteam = {austral-boréal,surf} 
    76797856  journal = {Deep Sea Res. {I}}, 
    76807857  year = {2010}, 
     7858  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     7859  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    76817860  doi = {10.1016/j.dsr.2009.12.012}, 
    76827861  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    82118390  pages = {147-159}, 
    82128391  number = {2}, 
     8392  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     8393  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    82138394  doi = {10.1007/s00190-008-0248-3}, 
    82148395  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    83528533  doi = {10.1016/j.ocemod.2008.11.006}, 
    83538534  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    8354   loceanteam = {surf}, 
     8535  loceanteam = {surf,varclim}, 
    83558536  url = {http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010046011} 
    84658646  volume = {114}, 
    84668647  pages = {C04014}, 
     8648  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     8649  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    84678650  affiliation = {{C}entre d'étude des environnements terrestre et planétaires - {CETP} 
    84688651        - {CNRS} : {UMR}8639 - {INSU} - {U}niversité de {V}ersailles-{S}aint 
    84888671  language = {{A}nglais}, 
    84898672  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    8490   loceanteam = {surf}, 
     8673  loceanteam = {surf,varclim}, 
    84918674  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00378669/} 
    85318714  volume = {36}, 
    85328715  pages = {L13608}, 
     8716  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     8717  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    85338718  doi = {10.1029/2009GL038307}, 
    85348719  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    88469031  doi = {10.1357/002224009789051191}, 
    88479032  loceanaffectation = {ird,upmc}, 
    8848   loceanteam = {varclim,phybiocar}, 
     9033  loceanteam = {varclim,phybiocar,surf}, 
    88499034  url = {http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010046355} 
    88599044  number = {1}, 
    88609045  month = jan, 
     9046  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     9047  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    88619048  doi = {10.1175/2008BAMS2500.1}, 
    88629049  loceanaffectation = {ird,cnrs}, 
    94129599  pages = {551-570}, 
    94139600  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    9414   loceanteam = {surf}, 
     9601  loceanteam = {surf,varclim}, 
    94159602  url = {http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010048222} 
    95039690  volume = {114}, 
    95049691  pages = {C07019}, 
     9692  aeres20082012_team = {phybiocar,surf}, 
     9693  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    95059694  doi = {10.1029/2008JC005161}, 
    95069695  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    95679756  pages = {1003-1018}, 
    95689757  number = {4}, 
     9758  aeres20082012_team = {phybiocar,surf}, 
     9759  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    95699760  doi = {10.1175/2008jpo3896.1}, 
    95709761  loceanaffectation = {cnrs,upmc}, 
     10098  author = {{J}. {A}. {M}acKinnon and {M}. {H}. {A}lford and {P}ascale {B}ouruet-{A}ubertot and {N}. {B}indoff and {S}. {G}ille and {J}. {G}irton and {M}. {C}. {G}regg and {R}. {H}allberg and {E}. {K}unze and {A}. {N}aveira {G}arabato and {H}. {P}hillips and {R}. {P}inkel and {K}. {P}olzin and {T}. {B}. {S}anford and {H}. {L}. {S}immons and {K}. {G}. {S}peer}, 
     10099  title = {{U}sing global arrays to investigate internal-waves and mixing}, 
     10100  booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the "{O}ceanObs'09: {S}ustained {O}cean {O}bservations 
     10101        and {I}nformation for {S}ociety" {C}onference (Vol. 2)}, 
     10102  year = {2009}, 
     10103  address = {{V}enice, {I}taly}, 
     10104  publisher = {{ESA}}, 
     10105  note = {{H}all, {J}., {H}arrison {D}. {E}. and {S}tammer, {D}., {E}ds., {ESA} 
     10106        {P}ublication WPP-306, 2010}, 
     10107  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     10108  aeres20082012_type = {confinvite}, 
     10109  date = {21-25 {S}eptember 2009}, 
     10110  doi = {10.5270/OceanObs09.cwp.58}, 
     10111  loceanaffectation = {cnrs,upmc}, 
     10112  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar} 
    990710116  author = {{J}. {A}. {M}arengo and {J}. {B}aez and {J}osyane {R}onchail}, 
    995510164  keywords = {{S}ubpolar gyre - {G}lobal warming - {O}cean mixing - {A}tlantic overturning}, 
    995610165  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    9957   loceanteam = {surf} 
     10166  loceanteam = {surf,varclim} 
    1004010249  volume = {114}, 
    1004110250  pages = {C03010}, 
     10251  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     10252  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    1004210253  doi = {10.1029/2007JC004657}, 
    1004310254  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    1008110292  volume = {5}, 
    1008210293  pages = {379-387}, 
    10083   loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    10084   loceanteam = {surf}, 
     10294  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     10295  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
     10296  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
     10297  loceanteam = {surf,varclim}, 
    1008510298  url = {http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010048223} 
    1020310416  pages = {3057-3064}, 
    1020410417  number = {9}, 
     10418  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     10419  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    1020510420  doi = {10.1109/TGRS.2009.2020433}, 
    1020610421  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    10207   loceanteam = {surf}, 
     10422  loceanteam = {surf,varclim}, 
    1020810423  url = {http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/PAR00004047} 
    1031510530  doi = {10.1029/2009GL039617}, 
    1031610531  language = {{A}nglais}, 
    10317   loceanaffectation = {mnhn}, 
    10318   loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
     10532  loceanaffectation = {mnhn,cnrs}, 
     10533  loceanteam = {austral-boréal,surf}, 
    1031910534  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00425140/} 
    1048310698  number = {3}, 
    1048410699  month = mar, 
     10700  aeres20082012_team = {surf,austral-boréal}, 
     10701  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    1048510702  affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations 
    1048610703        et {A}pproches {N}umériques - {LOCEAN} - {IRD} : {UR}182 - {M}uséum 
    1051010727  volume = {114}, 
    1051110728  pages = {C10004}, 
     10729  aeres20082012_team = {surf,phybiocar}, 
     10730  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    1051210731  doi = {10.1029/2009JC005546}, 
    1051310732  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    1052210741  volume = {26}, 
    1052310742  pages = {2462-2473}, 
     10743  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     10744  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    1052410745  doi = {10.1175/2009JTECHO655.1}, 
    1052510746  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    1057810799  date = {02-06 février, 2009}, 
    1057910800  loceanaffectation = {ird,upmc}, 
    10580   loceanteam = {varclim} 
     10801  loceanteam = {varclim,surf} 
    10745   author = {{U}. {S}chuster and {A}. {J}. {W}atson and {N}. {R}. {B}ates and {A}ntoine {C}orbière and {M}. {G}onzalez-{D}avila and {N}icolas {M}etzl and {D}. {P}ierrot and {M}. {S}antana-{C}asiano}, 
     10966  author = {{U}. {S}chuster and {A}. {J}. {W}atson and {N}. {R}. {B}ates and {A}ntoine {C}orbière and {M}elchor {G}onzalez-{D}avila and {N}icolas {M}etzl and {D}. {P}ierrot and {M}. {S}antana-{C}asiano}, 
    1074610967  title = {{T}rends in {N}orth {A}tlantic sea-surface f{CO$_{2}$} from 1990 to 2006}, 
    1074710968  journal = {{D}eep {S}ea {R}esearch {P}art {II}: {T}opical {S}tudies in {O}ceanography}, 
    1103811259  doi = {10.1175/2009jcli3028.1}, 
    1103911260  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    11040   loceanteam = {surf}, 
     11261  loceanteam = {surf,varclim}, 
    1104111262  url = {http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010048440} 
    1130111522  pages = {45-61}, 
    1130211523  number = {1}, 
     11524  aeres20082012_team = {surf,varclim}, 
     11525  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    1130311526  affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations 
    1130411527        et {A}pproches {N}umériques - {LOCEAN} - {IRD} : {UR}182 - {M}uséum 
     11599  author = {{F}rédéric {V}ivier and D. Iudicone and F. Busdraghi and {Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark}, 
     11600  title = {Dynamics of sea-surface temperature anomalies in the Southern Ocean diagnosed from a 2D mixed-layer model}, 
     11601  journal = {Climate Dynamics}, 
     11602  year = {2009}, 
     11603  volume = {34}, 
     11604  pages = {153-184}, 
     11605  number = {2-3}, 
     11606  aeres20082012_team = {surf,austral-boréal}, 
     11607  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
     11608  doi = {10.1007/s00382-009-0724-3}, 
     11609  loceanaffectation = {cnrs,mnhn}, 
     11610  loceanteam = {surf,austral-boréal} 
    1137611614  author = {{M}. {V}ázquez-{R}odríguez and {F}. {T}ouratier and {C}laire {Lo {M}onaco} and {D}. {W}. {W}augh and {X}. {A}. {P}adin and {R}. {G}. {J}. {B}ellerby and {C}. {G}oyet and {N}icolas {M}etzl and {A}. {F}. {R}íos and {F}. {F}. {P}érez}, 
    1139311631  pages = {67-72}, 
    1139411632  number = {1}, 
     11633  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     11634  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    1139511635  doi = {10.1038/ngeo382}, 
    1139611636  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    1139711637  loceanteam = {surf} 
     11641  author = {Wilbert Weijer and Sarah T. Gille and {F}rédéric {V}ivier}, 
     11642  title = {Modal decay in the Australia-Antarctic Basin}, 
     11643  journal = {J. Phys Oceanogr}, 
     11644  year = {2009}, 
     11645  volume = {39}, 
     11646  pages = {2893-2909}, 
     11647  number = {11}, 
     11648  aeres20082012_team = {surf,austral-boréal}, 
     11649  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
     11650  doi = {10.1175/2009JPO4209.1}, 
     11651  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
     11652  loceanteam = {surf,austral-boréal} 
    12026 @CONFERENCE{BoutinLeducLeballeur:AW:2009, 
    1202712282  author = {{J}acqueline {B}outin and {M}arion {L}educ-{L}eballeur and {M}ickael {P}ardé and {M}ehrez {Z}ribi and {P}. {F}anise and {G}illes {R}everdin and {J}. {T}enerelli and {N}. {R}eul}, 
    1202812283  title = {{I}nterpretation of {CAROLS} {L}-band measurements in the {G}ulf of {B}iscay (September 2007)}, 
    1206712322  volume = {113}, 
    1206812323  pages = {C06012}, 
     12324  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     12325  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    1206912326  doi = {10.1029/2007JC004606}, 
    1207012327  loceanaffectation = {upmc,cnrs}, 
    1215312410  doi = {10.1111/j.1600-0870.2008.00343.x}, 
    1215412411  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    12155   loceanteam = {surf}, 
     12412  loceanteam = {surf,varclim}, 
    1215612413  url = {http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/PAR00003741} 
    1380114058  volume = {113}, 
    1380214059  pages = {C07009}, 
     14060  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     14061  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    1380314062  doi = {10.1029/2007JC004495}, 
    1380414063  loceanaffectation = {ird,upmc}, 
    1389014149  date = {18-22 février, 2008}, 
    1389114150  loceanaffectation = {ird,upmc}, 
    13892   loceanteam = {varclim} 
     14151  loceanteam = {varclim,surf} 
    1416414423  pages = {347-372}, 
    1416514424  number = {3}, 
     14425  aeres20082012_team = {surf}, 
     14426  aeres20082012_type = {ranga}, 
    1416614427  doi = {10.1357/002224008786176034}, 
    1416714428  loceanaffectation = {cnrs, upmc}, 
    2015120412  journal = {{SOLAS} {N}ewsletter}, 
    2015220413  year = {2005}, 
    20153   number = {1}, 
     20414  volume = {1}, 
    2015420415  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    2015520416  loceanteam = {phybiocar} 
    2181622077  doi = {10.1029/2004GL019806}, 
    2181722078  language = {{A}nglais}, 
    21818   loceanaffectation = {mnhn}, 
    21819   loceanteam = {surf,austral-boréal}, 
     22079  loceanaffectation = {mnhn,cnrs}, 
     22080  loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    2182022081  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00125013/} 
    2205922320  language = {{A}nglais}, 
    2206022321  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    22061   loceanteam = {surf}, 
     22322  loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    2206222323  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00125016/} 
    2215322414  language = {{A}nglais}, 
    2215422415  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    22155   loceanteam = {surf}, 
     22416  loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    2215622417  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00165113/} 
    2401324274  language = {{A}nglais}, 
    2401424275  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    24015   loceanteam = {surf}, 
     24276  loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    2401624277  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00125008/} 
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