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  • branches/bibliolocean/data/biblioref.bib

    r136 r139  
    44@PREAMBLE{"Bibliographie du LOCEAN"} 
     7  author={{S}abine {A}rnault and {J}ean-{L}uc {M}élice}, 
     8  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
     9  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     10  title={Investigation of the interannual variability of the tropical Atlantic Ocean from satellite data}, 
     11  format={Submitted}, 
     12  note={Submitted}, 
     13  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     14  aerestype = {ranga}, 
     15  journal = {{M}arine {G}eodesy}, 
     16  year = {2012}, 
    719  author = {{J}eronimo {A}lencar and {H}{R} {G}il-{S}antana and {R}. de {FN} {O}liviera and {N}icolas {D}égallier and {A}. {E}. {G}uimarães}, 
    224   author = {{J}ean-{L}ouis {D}ufresne and {M}arie-{A}lice {F}oujols and {S}ébastien {D}envil and {A}. {C}aubel and {O}livier {M}arti and {O}livier {A}umont and {Y}. {B}alkanski and {S}. {B}ekki and {H}ugo {B}ellenger and {R}achid {B}enshila and {S}. {B}ony and {L}aurent {B}opp and {P}ascale {B}raconnot and {P}atrick {B}rockmann and {P}atricia {C}adule and {F}. {C}heruy and {F}rancis {C}odron and {A}nne {C}ozic and {D}avid {C}ugnet and {N}. {de {N}oblet} and {J}ean-{P}hilippe {D}uvel and {C}hristian {É}thé and {L}aurent {F}airhead and {T}. {F}ichefet and {S}imona {F}lavoni and {P}ierre {F}riedlingstein and {J}ean-{Y}ves {G}randpeix and {L}. {G}uez and {É}ric {G}uilyardi and {D}idier {H}auglustaine and {F}rédéric {H}ourdin and {A}. {I}delkadi and {J}. {G}hattas and {S}ylvie {J}oussaume and {M}. {K}ageyama and {G}. {K}rinner and {S}onia {L}abetoulle and {A}. {L}ahellec and {M}.{P}. {L}efebvre and {F}. {L}efevre and {C}laire {L}évy and {Z}. {X}. {L}i and {J}. {L}loyd and {F}rançois {L}ott and {G}urvan {M}adec and {M}artial {M}ancip and {M}. {M}archand and {S}ébastien {M}asson and {Y}. {M}eurdesoif and {J}uliette {M}ignot and {I}. {M}usat and {S}. {P}arouty and {J}. {P}olcher and {C}. {R}io and {M}. {S}chulz and {D}. {S}wingedouw and S {S}zopa and {C}laude {T}alandier and {P}ascal {T}erray and {N}. {V}iovy}, 
     236  author = {{J}ean-{L}ouis {D}ufresne and {M}arie-{A}lice {F}oujols and {S}ébastien {D}envil and {A}. {C}aubel and {O}livier {M}arti and {O}livier {A}umont and {Y}. {B}alkanski and {S}. {B}ekki and {H}ugo {B}ellenger and {R}achid {B}enshila and {S}. {B}ony and {L}aurent {B}opp and {P}ascale {B}raconnot and {P}atrick {B}rockmann and {P}atricia {C}adule and {F}. {C}heruy and {F}rancis {C}odron and {A}nne {C}ozic and {D}avid {C}ugnet and {N}. {de {N}oblet} and {J}ean-{P}hilippe {D}uvel and {C}hristian {É}thé and {L}aurent {F}airhead and {T}. {F}ichefet and {S}imona {F}lavoni and {P}ierre {F}riedlingstein and {J}ean-{Y}ves {G}randpeix and {L}. {G}uez and {É}ric {G}uilyardi and {D}idier {H}auglustaine and {F}rédéric {H}ourdin and {A}. {I}delkadi and {J}. {G}hattas and {S}ylvie {J}oussaume and {M}. {K}ageyama and {G}. {K}rinner and {S}onia {L}abetoulle and {A}. {L}ahellec and {M}.{P}. {L}efebvre and {F}. {L}efevre and {C}laire {L}évy and {Z}. {X}. {L}i and {J}. {L}loyd and {F}rançois {L}ott and {G}urvan {M}adec and {M}artial {M}ancip and {M}. {M}archand and {S}ébastien {M}asson and {Y}. {M}eurdesoif and {J}uliette {M}ignot and {I}. {M}usat and {S}. {P}arouty and {J}. {P}olcher and {C}. {R}io and {M}. {S}chulz and {D}. {S}wingedouw and S. {S}zopa and {C}laude {T}alandier and {P}ascal {T}erray and {N}. {V}iovy}, 
    225237  title = {{C}limate change projections using the {IPSL-CM5} {E}arth {S}ystem {M}odel: {F}rom {CMIP3} to {CMIP5}}, 
    226238  format = {submitted}, 
    521 @UNPUBLISHED{LevaillantCuypersEtAl:JGR:2012submitted, 
    522   author = {{X}avier {{L}e {V}aillant} and {Y}annis {C}uypers and {P}ascale {B}ouruet-{A}ubertot and {J}érôme {V}ialard and {M}. {M}cPhaden}, 
     534  author = {{X}avier {{L}e {V}aillant} and {Y}annis {C}uypers and {P}ascale {B}ouruet-{A}ubertot and {J}érôme {V}ialard and {M}ichael {J}ames {M}cPhaden}, 
    523535  title = {{G}eneration and propagation of near-inertial baroclinic waves during {C}irene experiment : energy fluxes and impact on vertical mixing}, 
    524   aeresteam = {surf}, 
     536  aeresteam = {surf,varclim}, 
    525537  aerestype = {ranga}, 
    526   format = {submitted}, 
     538  format = {acceptable subject to revision}, 
     539  note = {acceptable subject to revision}, 
    527540  journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, 
    528541  loceanaffectation = {ird, upmc}, 
    944957  author = {{J}acqueline {B}outin and {N}icolas {M}artin and {X}iaobin {Y}in and P. Spurgeon}, 
    945   title = {First assessment of SMOS data over open ocean: part {II} Sea Surface Salinity}, 
     958  title = {First assessment of {SMOS} data over open ocean: part {II} Sea Surface Salinity}, 
    946959  note = {in press}, 
    947960  year = {2012}, 
    11771190  author = {{X}iaobin {Y}in and {J}acqueline {B}outin and P. Spurgeon}, 
    1178   title = {Optimization of L-band sea surface emissivity models deduced from {SMOS} data}, 
     1191  title = {Optimization of {L-band} sea surface emissivity models deduced from {SMOS} data}, 
    11791192  note = {in press}, 
    11801193  year = {2012}, 
    11911204  author = {{X}iaobin {Y}in and {J}acqueline {B}outin and P. Spurgeon}, 
    1192   title = {First assessment of SMOS data over open ocean: part {I} Pacific Ocean}, 
     1205  title = {First assessment of {SMOS} data over open ocean: part {I} Pacific Ocean}, 
    11931206  note = {in press}, 
    11941207  year = {2012}, 
    3274   author = {{B}. {P}raveen {K}umar and {J}érôme {V}ialard and {M}atthieu {L}engaigne and {V}. {S}. {N}. {M}urty and {M}. {J}. {M}cPhaden}, 
     3287  author = {{B}. {P}raveen {K}umar and {J}érôme {V}ialard and {M}atthieu {L}engaigne and {V}. {S}. {N}. {M}urty and {M}ichael {J}ames {M}cPhaden}, 
    32753288  title = {{T}ropFlux: {A}ir-{S}ea {F}luxes for the {G}lobal {T}ropical {O}ceans - {D}escription and evaluation against observations}, 
    32763289  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
    38353848  author = {{A}drien {M}artin and {J}acqueline {B}outin and al.}, 
    3836   title = {{S}ea {S}urface {S}alinity and L-band {R}adiometric {M}easurements in the {G}ulf of {B}iscay : {SMOS} and {CAROLS}}, 
     3849  title = {{S}ea {S}urface {S}alinity and {L-band} {R}adiometric {M}easurements in the {G}ulf of {B}iscay : {SMOS} and {CAROLS}}, 
    38373850  booktitle = {{SMOS} {S}cience workshop}, 
    38383851  year = {2011}, 
    3844 @UNPUBLISHED{MartinBoutinEtAl:IEEE:2011, 
    38453858  author = {{A}drien {M}artin and {J}acqueline {B}outin and D. Hauser and M. Pardé and M. Zribi and {G}illes {R}everdin and P. Fanise and J. Chanut and P. Lazure and J. Tenerelli and N. Reul}, 
    3846   title = {Remote sensing of sea surface salinity from CAROLS L-band radiometer in the Gulf of Biscay}, 
    3847   note = {In press}, 
    3848   year = {2011}, 
     3859  title = {Remote sensing of sea surface salinity from {CAROLS} {L-band} radiometer in the Gulf of Biscay}, 
     3860  year = {2012}, 
    38493861  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    38503862  aerestype = {ranga}, 
    3851   format = {In press}, 
    38523863  journal = {{IEEE} {T}ransactions on {G}eoscience and {R}emote {S}ensing}, 
    38533864  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    3854   loceanteam = {surf} 
     3865  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     3866  doi={10.1109/TGRS.2012.2184766}, 
     3867  volume={PP}, 
     3868  number={99}, 
     3869  pages={1 -13},  
     3870  url={http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00674077}, 
    38583874  author = {{A}drien {M}artin and {J}acqueline {B}outin and {D}anièle {H}auser and {G}illes {R}everdin and {M}ickaël {P}ardé and {M}ehrez {Z}ribi and {P}ascal {F}anise and {M}onique {D}echambre and {X}aobin {Y}in and {J}oseph {T}enerelli and {N}icolas {R}eul}, 
    3859   title = {{S}ea surface salinity and L-band radiometric measurements in the {G}ulf of {B}iscay: {SMOS} and {CAROLS}}, 
     3875  title = {{S}ea surface salinity and {L-band} radiometric measurements in the {G}ulf of {B}iscay: {SMOS} and {CAROLS}}, 
    38603876  booktitle = {IGARSS}, 
    38613877  year = {2011}, 
    38693885  author = {{A}drien {M}artin and {J}acqueline {B}outin and {D}. {H}auser and {G}illes {R}everdin and {M}ickael {P}ardé and {M}ehrez {Z}ribi and {P}. {F}anise and {J}. {T}enerelli and {N}. {R}eul}, 
    3870   title = {{L}-band brightness temperatures measured in the {G}ulf of {B}iscay in 2010}, 
     3886  title = {{L-band} brightness temperatures measured in the {G}ulf of {B}iscay in 2010}, 
    38713887  booktitle = {EGU}, 
    38723888  year = {2011}, 
    40594075  author = {{G}aëlle {P}arard}, 
    4060   title = {{E}tude des échanges air-mer de CO2 dans les tropiques en atlantique}, 
     4076  title = {{E}tude des échanges air-mer de {CO$_{2}$} dans les tropiques en atlantique}, 
    40614077  school = {{U}niversité de {P}aris {VI}}, 
    40624078  year = {2011}, 
    40704086  locean_finthese = {2011}, 
    40714087  loceanteam = {surf}, 
    4072   nationality = {F} 
     4088  nationality = {F}, 
     4089  url={http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00673734}, 
    50095026  address = {{M}arrakesh, {M}aroc}, 
    50105027  publisher = {{T}he {E}lectromagnetic {A}cademy}, 
    5011   abstract = {{The CAROLS "Cooperative {A}irborne {R}adiometer for {O}cean and {L}and 
     5028  abstract = {{T}he {CAROLS} "Cooperative {A}irborne {R}adiometer for {O}cean and {L}and 
    50125029        {S}tudies" L band radiometer was designed and built as a copy of 
    50135030        the EMIRAD II radiometer constructed by the {T}echnical {U}niversity 
    50145031        of {D}enmark team. {I}t is a fully polarimetric and direct sampling 
    5015         correlation radiometer. CAROLS is installed on board a dedicated 
     5032        correlation radiometer. {CAROLS} is installed on board a dedicated 
    50165033        {F}rench ATR42 research aircraft, in conjunction with other airborne 
    50175034        instruments. {F}ollowing initial laboratory qualifications and other 
    5018         scientific campaigns, SMOS CAL/VAL campaigns involving 22 flights 
     5035        scientific campaigns, {SMOS} {CAL/VAL} campaigns involving 22 flights 
    50195036        were carried out over {S}outh {W}est {F}rance, the {V}alencia site 
    50205037        and the {B}ay of {B}iscay (Atlantic {O}cean) in spring 2010, in coordination 
    5021         with in situ field campaigns}}, 
     5038        with in situ field campaigns}, 
    50225039  affiliation = {{C}entre d'études spatiales de la biosphère - CESBIO , {L}aboratoire 
    50235040        {A}tmosphères, {M}ilieux, {O}bservations {S}patiales - LATMOS , {I}nstitut 
    50405057  author = {{M}ehrez {Z}ribi and {M}ickael {P}ardé and {J}acqueline {B}outin and {P}ascal {F}anise and {D}aniele {H}auser and {M}onique {D}echambre and {Y}ann {K}err and {M}arion {L}educ-{L}eballeur and {G}illes {R}everdin and {N}iels {S}kou and {S}ten Søbjærg and {C}lément {A}lbergel and {J}ean-{C}hristophe {C}alvet and {J}ean-{P}ierre {W}igneron and {E}rnesto {L}opez-{B}aeza and {A}ntonio {R}ius and {J}oseph {T}enerelli}, 
    5041   title = {{CAROLS}: {A} {N}ew {A}irborne L-{B}and {R}adiometer for {O}cean {S}urface and {L}and {O}bservations}, 
     5058  title = {{CAROLS}: {A} {N}ew {A}irborne {L-band} {R}adiometer for {O}cean {S}urface and {L}and {O}bservations}, 
    50425059  journal = {{S}ensors}, 
    50435060  year = {2011}, 
    6091   author = {{G}regory {R}. {F}oltz and {J}érôme {V}ialard and {B}. {P}raveen {K}umar and {M}ichael {J}. {M}cPhaden}, 
     6108  author = {{G}regory {R}. {F}oltz and {J}érôme {V}ialard and {B}. {P}raveen {K}umar and {M}ichael {J}ames {M}cPhaden}, 
    60926109  title = {{S}easonal {M}ixed {L}ayer {H}eat {B}alance of the {S}outhwestern {T}ropical {I}ndian {O}cean}, 
    60936110  journal = {{J}ournal of {C}limate}, 
    61166133        with {A}perture {S}ynthesis), a new two-dimensional interferometer 
    61176134        designed by the {E}uropean {S}pace {A}gency ({ESA}) and operating 
    6118         at {L}-band. {T}his paper presents a summary of the sea surface salinity 
     6135        at {L-band}. {T}his paper presents a summary of the sea surface salinity 
    61196136        retrieval approach implemented in {SMOS}, as well as first results 
    61206137        obtained after completing the mission commissioning phase in {M}ay 
    66796696        predictions. {T}hese two quantities are not yet available globally 
    66806697        or with adequate temporal or spatial sampling. {I}t is recognized 
    6681         that a spaceborne {L}-band radiometer with a suitable antenna is 
     6698        that a spaceborne {L-band} radiometer with a suitable antenna is 
    66826699        the most promising way of fulfilling this gap. {W}ith these scientific 
    66836700        objectives and technical solution at the heart of a proposed mission 
    66946711        centimeters of soil over land, and to salinity in the surface waters 
    66956712        of the oceans. {SMOS} will achieve an unprecedented maximum spatial 
    6696         resolution of 50 km at {L}-band over land (43 km on average over 
     6713        resolution of 50 km at {L-band} over land (43 km on average over 
    66976714        the field of view), providing multiangular dual polarized (or fully 
    66986715        polarized) brightness temperatures over the globe. {SMOS} has a revisit 
    67266743  audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    67276744  doi = {10.1109/JPROC.2010.2043032}, 
    6728   keywords = {{I}nterferometry; {L}-band; sea surface salinity ({SSS}); soil moisture; 
     6745  keywords = {{I}nterferometry; {L-band}; sea surface salinity ({SSS}); soil moisture; 
    67296746        {S}oil {M}oisture and {O}cean {S}alinity ({SMOS}); vegetation water 
    67306747        content}, 
    74247441  author = {{M}ickael {P}ardé and {M}ehrez {Z}ribi and {P}ascal {F}anise and {M}onique {D}echambre and {J}acqueline {B}outin and {N}. {R}eul and {J}oseph {T}enerelli and {D}aniele {H}auser and {Y}. {K}err}, 
    7425   title = {{R}adio frequency interferences investigation using the airborne {L}-band full polarimetric radiometer {CAROLS}}, 
     7442  title = {{R}adio frequency interferences investigation using the airborne {L-band} full polarimetric radiometer {CAROLS}}, 
    74267443  booktitle = {{M}icrowave {R}adiometry and {R}emote {S}ensing of the {E}nvironment 
    74277444        ({M}icro{R}ad), 2010 11th {S}pecialist {M}eeting on {M}icrowave {R}adiometry 
    74407457        a threshold applied to the third and fourth {S}tokes parameters. 
    74417458        {A}ll of these methods have been applied and tested, with a {CAROLS} 
    7442         radiometer operating in the {L}-band, on data acquired during airborne 
     7459        radiometer operating in the {L-band}, on data acquired during airborne 
    74437460        campaigns made in spring 2009 over the {S}outh {W}est of {F}rance. 
    74447461        {T}he performance of each, or of two combined approaches is analyzed 
    77637780  author = {{C}. {L}. {S}abine and {M}. {H}oppema and {R}. {M}. {K}ey and {B}. {T}ilbrook and {S}. {van {H}euven} and {C}laire {Lo {M}onaco} and {N}icolas {M}etzl and {M}. {I}shii and {A}. {M}urata and {S}. {M}usielewicz}, 
    7764   title = {{A}ssessing the internal consistency of the CARINA data base in the {P}acific sector of the {S}outhern {O}cean}, 
     7781  title = {{A}ssessing the internal consistency of the {CARINA} data base in the {P}acific sector of the {S}outhern {O}cean}, 
    77657782  journal = {{E}arth {S}ystem {S}cience {D}ata}, 
    77667783  year = {2010}, 
    88088825  author = {{J}acqueline {B}outin}, 
    8809   title = {{I}nterpretation of {CAROLS} {L}-band measurements in the {G}ulf of {B}iscay}, 
     8826  title = {{I}nterpretation of {CAROLS} {L-band} measurements in the {G}ulf of {B}iscay}, 
    88108827  booktitle = {{SMOS} {C}al/{V}al meeting}, 
    88118828  year = {2009}, 
    10339   author = {{M}. {J}. {M}cPhaden and {G}. {R}. {F}oltz and {T}. {L}ee and {V}. {S}. {N}. {M}urty and {M}. {R}avichandran and {G}. {A}. {V}ecchi and {J}érôme {V}ialard and {J}erry {D}. {W}iggert and {L}. {Y}u}, 
     10356  author = {{M}ichael {J}ames {M}cPhaden and {G}. {R}. {F}oltz and {T}. {L}ee and {V}. {S}. {N}. {M}urty and {M}. {R}avichandran and {G}. {A}. {V}ecchi and {J}érôme {V}ialard and {J}erry {D}. {W}iggert and {L}. {Y}u}, 
    1034010357  title = {{O}cean-{A}tmosphere {I}nteractions {D}uring {C}yclone {N}argis}, 
    1034110358  journal = {{E}os {T}rans. {AGU}}, 
    10352   author = {{M}. {J}. {M}cPhaden and {G}. {M}eyers and {K}. {A}ndo and {Y}. {M}asumoto and {V}. {S}. {N}. {M}urty and {M}. {R}avichandran and {F}. {S}yamsudin and {J}érôme {V}ialard and {W}. {Y}u and {L}. {W}u}, 
     10369  author = {{M}ichael {J}ames {M}cPhaden and {G}. {M}eyers and {K}. {A}ndo and {Y}. {M}asumoto and {V}. {S}. {N}. {M}urty and {M}. {R}avichandran and {F}. {S}yamsudin and {J}érôme {V}ialard and {W}. {Y}u and {L}. {W}u}, 
    1035310370  title = {{RAMA}: {R}esearch {M}oored {A}rray for {A}frican-{A}sian-{A}ustralian {M}onsoon {A}nalysis and {P}rediction}, 
    1035410371  journal = {{B}ulletin of the {A}merican {M}eteorological {S}ociety}, 
    10365   author = {{M}. {J}. {M}cPhaden and {G}. {M}eyers and {K}. {A}ndo and {Y}. {M}asumoto and {V}. {S}. {N}. {M}urty and {M}. {R}avichandran and {F}. {S}yamsudin and {J}érôme {V}ialard and {W}. {Y}u and {L}. {W}u}, 
     10382  author = {{M}ichael {J}ames {M}cPhaden and {G}. {M}eyers and {K}. {A}ndo and {Y}. {M}asumoto and {V}. {S}. {N}. {M}urty and {M}. {R}avichandran and {F}. {S}yamsudin and {J}érôme {V}ialard and {W}. {Y}u and {L}. {W}u}, 
    1036610383  title = {{S}upplement to "{RAMA}: {R}esearch {M}oored {A}rray for {A}frican-{A}sian-{A}ustralian {M}onsoon {A}nalysis and {P}rediction"}, 
    1036710384  journal = {{B}ulletin of the {A}merican {M}eteorological {S}ociety}, 
    11680   author = {{J}érôme {V}ialard and {J}ean-{Ph}ilippe {D}uvel and {M}ichael {J}. {M}cPhaden and {P}ascale {B}ouruet-{A}ubertot and {B}rian {W}ard and {E}rica {K}ey and {D}enis {B}ourras and {R}. {W}eller and {P}. {M}innett and {A}lain {W}eill and {C}hristophe {C}assou and {L}aurence {E}ymard and {T}. {F}ristedt and {C}. {B}asdevant and {Y}ves {D}andonneau and {O}laf {D}uteil and {T}. {I}zumo and {C}lément de {B}oyer {M}ontégut and {S}ébastien {M}asson and {F}. {M}arsac and {C}hristophe {E}. {M}enkès and {S}ean {C}. {K}ennan}, 
     11697  author = {{J}érôme {V}ialard and {J}ean-{Ph}ilippe {D}uvel and {M}ichael {J}ames {M}cPhaden and {P}ascale {B}ouruet-{A}ubertot and {B}rian {W}ard and {E}rica {K}ey and {D}enis {B}ourras and {R}. {W}eller and {P}. {M}innett and {A}lain {W}eill and {C}hristophe {C}assou and {L}aurence {E}ymard and {T}. {F}ristedt and {C}. {B}asdevant and {Y}ves {D}andonneau and {O}laf {D}uteil and {T}. {I}zumo and {C}lément de {B}oyer {M}ontégut and {S}ébastien {M}asson and {F}. {M}arsac and {C}hristophe {E}. {M}enkès and {S}ean {C}. {K}ennan}, 
    1168111698  title = {{CIRENE}: {A}ir-sea interactions in the {S}eychelles-{C}hagos thermocline ridge region}, 
    1168211699  journal = {{B}ulletin of the {A}merican {M}eteorological {S}ociety}, 
    11716   author = {{J}érôme {V}ialard and {J}ean-{Ph}ilippe {D}uvel and {M}ichael {J}. {M}cPhaden and {P}ascale {B}ouruet-{A}ubertot and {B}rian {W}ard and {E}rica {K}ey and {D}enis {B}ourras and {R}. {W}eller and {P}. {M}innett and {A}lain {W}eill and {C}hristophe {C}assou and {L}aurence {E}ymard and {T}. {F}ristedt and {C}. {B}asdevant and {Y}ves {D}andonneau and {O}laf {D}uteil and {T}. {I}zumo and {C}lément de {B}oyer {M}ontégut and {S}ébastien {M}asson and {F}. {M}arsac and {C}hristophe {E}. {M}enkès and {S}ean {C}. {K}ennan}, 
     11733  author = {{J}érôme {V}ialard and {J}ean-{Ph}ilippe {D}uvel and {M}ichael {J}ames {M}cPhaden and {P}ascale {B}ouruet-{A}ubertot and {B}rian {W}ard and {E}rica {K}ey and {D}enis {B}ourras and {R}. {W}eller and {P}. {M}innett and {A}lain {W}eill and {C}hristophe {C}assou and {L}aurence {E}ymard and {T}. {F}ristedt and {C}. {B}asdevant and {Y}ves {D}andonneau and {O}laf {D}uteil and {T}. {I}zumo and {C}lément de {B}oyer {M}ontégut and {S}ébastien {M}asson and {F}. {M}arsac and {C}hristophe {E}. {M}enkès and {S}ean {C}. {K}ennan}, 
    1171711734  title = {{S}upplement to {CIRENE}: {A}ir-sea interactions in the {S}eychelles-{C}hagos thermocline ridge region}, 
    1171811735  journal = {{B}ulletin of the {A}merican {M}eteorological {S}ociety}, 
    12437   author = {{B}ernard {B}ourlès and {R}. {L}umpkin and {M}. {J}. {M}cPhaden and {F}abrice {H}ernandez and {P}. {N}obre and {E}. {C}ampos and {L}. {S}. {Y}u and {S}. {P}lanton and {A}. {B}usalacchi and {A}. {D}. {M}oura and {J}acques {S}ervain and {J}. {T}rotte}, 
     12454  author = {{B}ernard {B}ourlès and {R}. {L}umpkin and {M}ichael {J}ames {M}cPhaden and {F}abrice {H}ernandez and {P}. {N}obre and {E}. {C}ampos and {L}. {S}. {Y}u and {S}. {P}lanton and {A}. {B}usalacchi and {A}. {D}. {M}oura and {J}acques {S}ervain and {J}. {T}rotte}, 
    1243812455  title = {{T}he {PIRATA} program : history, accomplishments, and future directions}, 
    1243912456  journal = {{B}ulletin of the {A}merican {M}eteorological {S}ociety}, 
    1245012467  author = {{J}acqueline {B}outin and {M}arion {L}educ-{L}eballeur and {M}ickael {P}ardé and {M}ehrez {Z}ribi and {P}. {F}anise and {G}illes {R}everdin and {J}. {T}enerelli and {N}. {R}eul}, 
    12451   title = {{I}nterpretation of {CAROLS} {L}-band measurements in the {G}ulf of {B}iscay (September 2007)}, 
     12468  title = {{I}nterpretation of {CAROLS} {L-band} measurements in the {G}ulf of {B}iscay (September 2007)}, 
    1245212469  booktitle = {{A}quarius workshop}, 
    1245312470  year = {2008}, 
    1282412841  author = {{A}ntoine {C}orbière}, 
    12825   title = {{V}ariabilité interannuelle à décennale des flux de CO2 dans le gyre subpolaire de l'océan atlantique à l'interface air-mer}, 
     12842  title = {{V}ariabilité interannuelle à décennale des flux de {CO$_{2}$} dans le gyre subpolaire de l'océan atlantique à l'interface air-mer}, 
    1282612843  school = {{U}niversité de {P}aris {VI}}, 
    1282712844  year = {2008}, 
    1365313670  author = {{C}orinne {Le {Q}uéré} and {C}hristian {R}odenbeck and {E}rik {T}. {B}uitenhuis and {T}homas {J}. {C}onway and {R}ay {L}angenfelds and {A}ntony {G}omez and {C}asper {L}abuschagne and {M}ichel {R}amonet and {T}akakiyo {N}akazawa and {N}icolas {M}etzl and {N}athan {G}illett and {M}artin {H}eimann}, 
    13654   title = {{Response to {C}omments on "Saturation of the {S}outhern {O}cean {CO$_{2}$} {S}ink {D}ue to {R}ecent {C}limate {C}hange"}}, 
     13671  title = {{R}esponse to {C}omments on "Saturation of the {S}outhern {O}cean {CO$_{2}$} {S}ink {D}ue to {R}ecent {C}limate {C}hange"}, 
    1365513672  journal = {{S}cience}, 
    1365613673  year = {2008}, 
    14728   author = {{J}érôme {V}ialard and {G}. {R}. {F}oltz and {M}. {J}. {M}cPhaden and {J}ean-{Ph}ilippe {D}uvel and {C}lément de {B}oyer {M}ontégut}, 
     14745  author = {{J}érôme {V}ialard and {G}. {R}. {F}oltz and {M}ichael {J}ames {M}cPhaden and {J}ean-{Ph}ilippe {D}uvel and {C}lément de {B}oyer {M}ontégut}, 
    1472914746  title = {{S}trong {I}ndian {O}cean sea surface temperature signals associated with the {M}adden-{J}ulian {O}scillation in late 2007 and early 2008}, 
    1473014747  journal = {{G}eophysical {R}esearch {L}etters}, 
    1743417451  author = {{J}acqueline {B}outin and {N}icolas {M}artin}, 
    17435   title = {{ARGO} upper salinity measurements: perspectives for {L}-band radiometers calibration and retrieved sea surface salinity validation}, 
     17452  title = {{ARGO} upper salinity measurements: perspectives for {L-band} radiometers calibration and retrieved sea surface salinity validation}, 
    1743617453  journal = {{G}eoscience and {R}emote {S}ensing {L}etters}, 
    1743717454  year = {2006}, 
    1950719524  author = {{E}milie {B}révière}, 
    19508   title = {{V}ariabilité temporelles des flux de CO2 à l'interface air mer dans l'océan {I}ndien et {A}ustral au sud de la {T}asmanie,secrétaire scientifique SOLAS}, 
     19525  title = {{V}ariabilité temporelles des flux de {CO$_{2}$} à l'interface air mer dans l'océan {I}ndien et {A}ustral au sud de la {T}asmanie,secrétaire scientifique SOLAS}, 
    1950919526  school = {{U}niversité de {P}aris {VI}}, 
    1951019527  year = {2005}, 
    20090   author = {{S}emyon {A}. {G}rodsky and {J}ames {A}. {C}arton and {C}hristine {P}rovost and {J}acques {S}ervain and {J}oao {A}. {L}orenzzetti and {M}ichael {J}. {M}cPhaden}, 
     20107  author = {{S}emyon {A}. {G}rodsky and {J}ames {A}. {C}arton and {C}hristine {P}rovost and {J}acques {S}ervain and {J}oao {A}. {L}orenzzetti and {M}ichael {J}ames {M}cPhaden}, 
    2009120108  title = {{T}ropical instability waves at {0°N, 23°W} in the {A}tlantic: A case study using {P}ilot {R}esearch {M}oored {A}rray in the {T}ropical {A}tlantic (PIRATA) mooring data}, 
    2009220109  journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, 
    24184   author = {{J}érôme {V}ialard and {C}hristophe {E}. {M}enkès and {J}ean-{Ph}ilippe {B}oulanger and {P}ascale {D}elécluse and {É}ric {G}uilyardi and {M}ichael {J}. {M}cPhaden}, 
     24201  author = {{J}érôme {V}ialard and {C}hristophe {E}. {M}enkès and {J}ean-{Ph}ilippe {B}oulanger and {P}ascale {D}elécluse and {É}ric {G}uilyardi and {M}ichael {J}ames {M}cPhaden}, 
    2418524202  title = {{A} {M}odel {S}tudy of {O}ceanic {M}echanisms {A}ffecting {E}quatorial {P}acific {S}ea {S}urface {T}emperature {D}uring the 1997-98 {E}l {N}iño}, 
    2418624203  journal = {{J}ournal of {P}hysical {O}ceanography}, 
    24202   author = {{J}érôme {V}ialard and {C}hristophe {E}. {M}enkès and {J}ean-{Ph}ilippe {B}oulanger and {P}ascale {D}elécluse and {É}ric {G}uilyardi and {M}ichael {J}. {M}cPhaden and {G}urvan {M}adec}, 
     24219  author = {{J}érôme {V}ialard and {C}hristophe {E}. {M}enkès and {J}ean-{Ph}ilippe {B}oulanger and {P}ascale {D}elécluse and {É}ric {G}uilyardi and {M}ichael {J}ames {M}cPhaden and {G}urvan {M}adec}, 
    2420324220  title = {{A} model study of oceanic mechanisms affecting equatorial {P}acific sea surface temperature during the 1997-98 {E}l {N}iño}, 
    2420424221  journal = {{J}ournal of {P}hysical {O}ceanography}, 
    25118   author = {{J}acques {S}ervain and {A}. {J}. {B}usalacchi and {M}. {J}. {M}cPhaden and {A}. {D}. {M}oura and {G}illes {R}everdin and {M}. {V}ianna and {S}. {E}. {Z}ebiak}, 
     25135  author = {{J}acques {S}ervain and {A}. {J}. {B}usalacchi and {M}ichael {J}ames {M}cPhaden and {A}. {D}. {M}oura and {G}illes {R}everdin and {M}. {V}ianna and {S}. {E}. {Z}ebiak}, 
    2511925136  title = {{A} {P}ilot research moored array in the tropical {A}tlantic (PIRATA)}, 
    2512025137  journal = {{B}ulletin of the {A}merican {M}eteorological {S}ociety}, 
    25306   author = {{J}. {P}icaut and {M}. {I}oualalen and {C}hristophe {E}. {M}enkès and {T}hierry {D}elcroix and {M}ichael {J}. {M}cPhaden}, 
     25323  author = {{J}. {P}icaut and {M}. {I}oualalen and {C}hristophe {E}. {M}enkès and {T}hierry {D}elcroix and {M}ichael {J}ames {M}cPhaden}, 
    2530725324  title = {{M}echanism of the zonal displacements of the {P}acific warm pool: implications for {ENSO}}, 
    2530825325  journal = {{S}cience}, 
    25485   author = {{G}illes {R}everdin and {C}laude {F}rankignoul and {É}lodie {K}estenare and {M}. {J}. {M}cPhaden}, 
     25502  author = {{G}illes {R}everdin and {C}laude {F}rankignoul and {É}lodie {K}estenare and {M}ichael {J}ames {M}cPhaden}, 
    2548625503  title = {{S}easonal variability in the surface currents of the equatorial {P}acific}, 
    2548725504  journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, 
    25807   author = {{G}illes {R}everdin and {M}. {M}cPhaden}, 
     25824  author = {{G}illes {R}everdin and {M}ichael {J}ames {M}cPhaden}, 
    2580825825  title = {{N}ear surface current and temperature variability observed in the equatorial {A}tlantic from drifting buoys}, 
    2580925826  journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, 
    25850   author = {{M}. {J}. {M}cPhaden and {G}illes {R}everdin and {J}. {M}erle and {Y}ves {du {P}enhoat} and {A}nnie {K}artavtseff}, 
     25867  author = {{M}ichael {J}ames {M}cPhaden and {G}illes {R}everdin and {J}. {M}erle and {Y}ves {du {P}enhoat} and {A}nnie {K}artavtseff}, 
    2585125868  title = {{O}bjective analysis of simulated equatorial {A}tlantic {O}cean data on seasonal time scales}, 
    2585225869  journal = {{D}eep {S}ea {R}esearch {P}art {I}: {O}ceanographic {R}esearch {P}apers}, 
    25871   author = {{G}illes {R}everdin and {M}. {M}cPhaden and {J}. {G}onella}, 
     25888  author = {{G}illes {R}everdin and {M}ichael {J}ames {M}cPhaden and {J}. {G}onella}, 
    2587225889  title = {{T}emperature variations in the equatorial {A}tlantic as revealed by drifting buoys}, 
    2587325890  journal = {{G}eophysical {R}esearch {L}etters}, 
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