05/11/12 15:01:28 (12 years ago)


1 edited


  • branches/bibliolocean/data/biblioref.bib

    r200 r201  
    439 author={Hanne Sagen and Stein Sandven and Agnieszka Beszczynska-Moeller and Olaf Boebel and Timothy F. Duda and Lee Freitag and {J}ean-{C}laude {G}ascard and Alexander N. Gavrilov and Craig M. Lee and David K. Mellinger and Peter N. Mikhalevsky and Sue E. Moore and Andrey K. Morozov and Michel Rixen and Emmanuel Skarsoulis and Kathleen M. Stafford and Elling Tveit and Peter F. Worcester}, 
     439author={Hanne Sagen and Stein Sandven and Agnieszka Beszczynska-Möller and Olaf Boebel and Timothy F. Duda and Lee Freitag and {J}ean-{C}laude {G}ascard and Alexander N. Gavrilov and Craig M. Lee and David K. Mellinger and Peter N. Mikhalevsky and Sue E. Moore and Andrey K. Morozov and Michel Rixen and Emmanuel Skarsoulis and Kathleen M. Stafford and Elling Tveit and Peter F. Worcester}, 
    440440loceanaffectation = {upmc}, 
    441441loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    10241024  loceanbibid={01545}, 
    10251025  timestamp={20120419}, 
    1026   author = {{A}gnès {D}esprés and {G}illes {R}everdin and {F}rancesco {d'{O}vidio}}, 
     1026  author = {{A}gnès {D}esprès and {G}illes {R}everdin and {F}rancesco {d'{O}vidio}}, 
    10271027  title = {{S}urface fronts and currents in the {I}rminger sea}, 
    10281028  format = {accepted}, 
    20932093  loceanbibid={01461}, 
    20942094  timestamp={20120419}, 
    2095   author = {{Y}ves {K}. {K}ouadio and {J}acques {S}ervain and {L}uiz {A}. {T}. {M}achado and {C}. {A}. {D}. LENTINI}, 
     2095  author = {{Y}ves {K}. {K}ouadio and {J}acques {S}ervain and {L}uiz {A}. {T}. {M}achado and {C}. {A}. {D}. {L}entini}, 
    20962096  title = {{R}elationships between large-scale {O}cean-Atmosphere conditions and heavy rainfall episodes in the eastern {N}ortheast {B}razil}, 
    20972097  note = {submitted}, 
    28602860  loceanbibid={01418}, 
    28612861  timestamp={20120419}, 
    2862   author = {{A}. {B}iastoch and {T}. {T}reude and {L}. {H}. {R}upke and {U}. {R}iebesell and {C}. {R}oth and {E}. {B}. {B}urwicz and {W}. {P}ark and {M}. {L}atif and {C}. {W}. {B}oning and {G}urvan {M}adec and {K}. {W}allmann}, 
     2862  author = {{A}. {B}iastoch and {T}. {T}reude and {L}. {H}. {R}upke and {U}. {R}iebesell and {C}. {R}oth and {E}. {B}. {B}urwicz and {W}. {P}ark and {M}. {L}atif and {C}. {W}. {B}öning and {G}urvan {M}adec and {K}. {W}allmann}, 
    28632863  title = {{R}ising {A}rctic {O}cean temperatures cause gas hydrate destabilization and ocean acidification}, 
    28642864  journal = {{G}eophysical {R}esearch {L}etters}, 
    35443544  loceanbibid={01385}, 
    35453545  timestamp={20120419}, 
    3546   author = {{A}gnès {D}esprés and {G}illes {R}everdin and {F}rancesco {d'{O}vidio}}, 
     3546  author = {{A}gnès {D}esprès and {G}illes {R}everdin and {F}rancesco {d'{O}vidio}}, 
    35473547  title = {{M}echanisms and spatial variability of meso scale frontogenesis in the northwestern {N}orth {A}tlantic {S}ubpolar gyre}, 
    35483548  journal = {{O}cean {M}odelling}, 
    83628362  loceanbibid={01153}, 
    83638363  timestamp={20120419}, 
    8364   author = {{J}. {F}ont and {J}acqueline {B}outin and {N}. {R}eul and {P}. {S}purgeon and {J}. {B}allabrera and {A}. {C}huprin and {C}. {G}abarro and {J}. {G}ourrion and {C}laire {H}enocq and {S}. {L}avender and {N}icolas {M}artin and {J}. {M}artinez and {M}. {M}cculloch and {I}. {M}eirold-{M}autner and {F}. {P}etitcolin and {M}. {P}ortabella and {R}. {S}abia and {M}. {T}alone and {J}. {T}enerelli and {A}. {T}uriel and {J}ean-{L}uc {V}ergely and {Ph}ilippe {W}aldteufel and {X}. {Y}in and {S}onia {Z}ine}, 
     8364  author = {{J}. {F}ont and {J}acqueline {B}outin and {N}. {R}eul and {P}. {S}purgeon and {J}. {B}allabrera and {A}. {C}huprin and {C}. {G}abarro and {J}. {G}ourrion and {C}laire {H}énocq and {S}. {L}avender and {N}icolas {M}artin and {J}. {M}artinez and {M}. {M}cculloch and {I}. {M}eirold-{M}autner and {F}. {P}etitcolin and {M}. {P}ortabella and {R}. {S}abia and {M}. {T}alone and {J}. {T}enerelli and {A}. {T}uriel and {J}ean-{L}uc {V}ergely and {Ph}ilippe {W}aldteufel and {X}. {Y}in and {S}onia {Z}ine}, 
    83658365  title = {{O}verview of {SMOS} {L}evel 2 {O}cean {S}alinity processing and first results}, 
    83668366  booktitle = {{G}eoscience and {R}emote {S}ensing {S}ymposium ({IGARSS}), 2010 
    95289528  loceanbibid={01096}, 
    95299529  timestamp={20120419}, 
    9530   author = {{A}ziz {A}. {M'{B}engue} and {M}arie-{N}oëlle {H}oussais and {C}hristophe {H}erbaut and {G}. {W}illiams and {J}ean-{B}enoît {C}harrassin}, 
     9530  author = {{A}ziz {M'{B}engue} and {M}arie-{N}oëlle {H}oussais and {C}hristophe {H}erbaut and {G}. {W}illiams and {J}ean-{B}enoît {C}harrassin}, 
    95319531  title = {{V}ariability of the {M}ertz {G}lacier {P}olynya based on {AMSR-E} observationsr}, 
    95329532  booktitle = {{I}nternational {P}olar {Y}ear {O}slo {S}cience {C}onference}, 
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