06/27/12 11:53:30 (12 years ago)

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  • branches/bibliolocean/data/biblioref.bib

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    44@PREAMBLE{"Bibliographie du LOCEAN"} 
    6 @UNPUBLISHED{AyataLevyEtAl:JMS:submitted, 
    7   author = {{S}.-{D}. {A}yata and {M}arina {L}évy and {O}livier {A}umont and {A}. {S}ciandra and {J}. {S}ainte-{M}arie and {A}. {T}agliabue and {O}. {B}ernard}, 
     7  author = {{S}akina-{D}orothée {A}yata and {M}arina {L}évy and {O}livier {A}umont and {A}. {S}ciandra and {J}. {S}ainte-{M}arie and {A}. {T}agliabue and {O}. {B}ernard}, 
    88  title = {{P}hytoplankton growth formulation in marine ecosystem models: should we take into account photo-adaptation and variable stochiometry in oligotrophic areas?}, 
     9  year={2011}, 
    910  note = {submitted}, 
    1011  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    2021  author = {{D}. {B}akker and {B}. {P}feil and {A}. {O}lsen and {C}. {S}abine and {N}icolas {M}etzl and {S}. {H}ankin and {H}. {K}oyuk and {A}. {K}ozyr and {J}. {M}alczyk and {A}. {M}anke and {M}. {T}elszewski}, 
    2122  title = {{T}he {S}urface {O}cean {CO$_{2}$} {A}tlas ({SOCAT}): a new tool for assessing changes in the ocean carbon sink}, 
     23  year={2011}, 
    2224  format = {submitted}, 
    2325  journal = {{EOS}}, 
    3133  author = {{H}ugo {B}ellenger and {J}ean-{Ph}ilippe {D}uvel}, 
    3234  title = {{T}he {E}vent-to-event variability of the boreal winter {MJO}}, 
     35  year={2012}, 
    3336  note = {in revision}, 
    3437  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    4346  author = {{S}. {B}estley and {I}. {D}. {J}onsen and {M}. {A}. {H}indell and {C}hristophe {G}uinet and {J}ean-{B}enoît {C}harrassin}, 
    4447  title = {{I}ntegrative modeling of animal movement: {I}ncorporating in-situ habitat and behavioural information for a migratory marine predator}, 
     48  year={2011}, 
    4549  format = {submitted}, 
    4650  journal = {{P}roceedings of the {R}oyal {S}ociety of {L}ondon {S}eries B}, 
    5458  author = {{S}. {B}estley and {S}. {R}. {R}intoul and {J}ean-{B}enoît {C}harrassin}, 
    5559  title = {{S}eals reveal ocean - ice interaction in {E}ast {A}ntarctica}, 
     60  year={2011}, 
    5661  format = {submitted}, 
    5762  journal = {{J}ournal of the {R}oyal {S}ociety - {I}nterface}, 
    6570  author = {{O}livier {B}ock and {F}. {G}uichard and {R}. {M}eynadier and {J}.-{P}. {L}afore and {S}erge {J}anicot}, 
    6671  title = {{D}iurnal cycle of water vapour over {W}est {A}frica and its link with convection and precipitation}, 
     72  year={2009}, 
    6773  format = {in revision}, 
    6874  journal = {{Q}uarterly {J}ournal of the {R}oyal {M}eteorological {S}ociety}, 
    7783  title = {{T}he {K}ing {P}enguin: {L}ife {H}istory, current status and priority conservation action}, 
    7884  note = {{E}ds. dee {B}oersma {P}. \& {B}orboroglu {P}.{G}.}, 
     85  year={2012}, 
    7986  booktile = {{P}enguin {B}ook}, 
    8087  format = {in press}, 
    8794  author = {{F}rançois {C}olas and {X}avier {C}apet and {J}.{C}. {M}cWilliams and {Z}. {L}i}, 
    8895  title = {{M}esoscale eddy buoyancy flux and eddy-induced circulation in {E}astern {B}oundary {C}urrents}, 
     96  year={2011}, 
    8997  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    9098  format = {submitted}, 
    101109  format = {submitted}, 
    102110  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     111  aerestype = {ACL}, 
     112  year={2009}, 
    103113  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    104114  loceanbibid = {01552}, 
    105115  loceanteam = {surf}, 
    106   timestamp = {20120419} 
    107 } 
    109 @UNPUBLISHED{CotteDelordEtAl:C:2012inpress, 
     116  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     117  timestamp = {20120419} 
    110121  author = {{C}édric {C}otté and {K}. {D}elord and {P}. {P}éron and {C}harles-{A}ndré {B}ost and {G}. {D}uhamel and {P}. {P}ruvost and {N}. {G}asco and {A}. {M}artin and {H}. {W}eimerskirch}, 
    111122  title = {{I}nteractions between seabirds and fisheries in the {F}rench {EEZs}: {I}mplications for conservation and management}, 
    112   format = {in press}, 
    113   journal = {{C}ybium}, 
     123  year={2011}, 
     124 hal_id = {hal-00624588}, 
     125url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00624588}, 
     126language = {English}, 
     127affiliation = {Centre d'études biologiques de Chizé - CEBC , Département Milieux et Peuplements Aquatiques, MNHN}, 
     128booktitle = {{The Kerguelen Plateau: Marine Ecosystem and Fisheries, (Duhamel G. \& Welsford D. Eds).}}, 
     129publisher = {Société d'Ichtyologie}, 
     130pages = {291-292}, 
    114131  loceanbibid = {01551}, 
    115132  timestamp = {20120419} 
    119136  author = {{C}édric {C}otté and {C}hristophe {G}uinet}, 
    120137  title = {{T}he importance of seasonal ice zone and krill densities in the historical abundance of humpback whales in the {S}outhern {O}cean}, 
     138  year={2012}, 
    121139  format = {in press}, 
    122140  journal = {{J}ournal of {C}etacean {R}esearch and {M}anagement}, 
    127 @UNPUBLISHED{CuypersVinconLeiteEtAl:ISME:2010accepted, 
    128   author = {{Y}annis {C}uypers and {B}. {V}inçon-{L}eite and {A}. {G}roleau and {B}. {T}assin and {J}. {F}. {H}umbert}, 
     146  author = {{Y}annis {C}uypers and {B}rigitte {V}inçon-{L}eite and {A}. {G}roleau and {B}. {T}assin and {J}. {F}. {H}umbert}, 
    129147  title = {{I}mpact of internal waves on the spatial distribution of the toxic cyanobacterium, {P}lanktothrix rubescens, in a {F}rench alpine lake}, 
    130   format = {accepted}, 
     148  year={2011}, 
     149  doi={10.1038/ismej.2010.154}, 
     150  volume={5}, 
     151  pages={580-589}, 
     152  number={4}, 
    131153  journal = {{T}he ISME {J}ournal (Nature {P}ress {G}roup)}, 
    132154  loceanaffectation = {upmc}, 
    138 @UNPUBLISHED{CuypersVinconLeiteEtAl:LO:2010revision, 
    139   author = {{Y}annis {C}uypers and {B}. {V}inçon-{L}eite and {B}. {T}assin and {M}. {P}oulin}, 
     161  author = {{Y}annis {C}uypers and {B}rigitte {V}inçon-{L}eite and {B}. {T}assin and {M}. {P}oulin}, 
    140162  title = {{I}nternal waves dynamics in a deep subalpine lake from basin scale seiches to nonlinear high frequency waves}, 
     163  year={2010}, 
    141164  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    142165  format = {in revision}, 
     166  note = {in revision}, 
    143167  journal = {{L}imnology and {O}ceanography}, 
    144168  loceanaffectation = {upmc}, 
    151175  author = {{S}ilvia {{D}e {M}onte} and {C}édric {C}otté and {F}rancesco {d'{O}vidio} and {M}arina {L}évy and {M}. {{L}e {C}orre} and {H}. {W}eimerskirch}, 
    152176  title = {{F}regatebirds behavior at the (sub-)mesoscale ocean-atmosphere interface}, 
     177  year={2012}, 
    153178  note = {submitted}, 
    154179  format = {submitted}, 
    163188  author = {{A}gnès {D}esprès and {G}illes {R}everdin}, 
    164189  title = {{S}urface fronts in the {N}orth {A}tlantic subpolar gyre}, 
     190  year={2009}, 
    165191  note = {submitted}, 
    166192  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    170196  loceanbibid = {01546}, 
    171197  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     198  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    172199  timestamp = {20120419} 
    176203  author = {{A}gnès {D}esprès and {G}illes {R}everdin and {F}rancesco {d'{O}vidio}}, 
    177204  title = {{S}urface fronts and currents in the {I}rminger sea}, 
     205  year={2011}, 
    178206  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    179207  format = {accepted}, 
    189217  title = {{I}nsights into the spatio-temporal distribution of productivity in the {I}ndian {S}outhern {O}cean provided by satellital observations}, 
    190218  format = {in press}, 
     219  year={2012}, 
    191220  journal = {{C}ybium}, 
    192221  loceanbibid = {01544}, 
    199228  title = {{C}limate change projections using the {IPSL-CM5} {E}arth {S}ystem {M}odel: {F}rom {CMIP3} to {CMIP5}}, 
    200229  note = {in revision}, 
     230  year={2011}, 
    201231  format = {in revision}, 
    202232  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     233  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    203234  loceanaffectation = {ird,uvsq,cnrs}, 
    204235  loceanbibid = {01542}, 
    210241  author = {{J}ean-{Ph}ilippe {D}uvel and {H}ugo {B}ellenger and {G}. {B}ellon and {M}. {R}emaud}, 
    211242  title = {{A}n event-to-event assessment of tropical intraseasonal perturbations for general circulation models}, 
     243  year={2012}, 
    212244  note = {accepted}, 
    213245  format = {accepted}, 
    214246  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     247  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    215248  loceanbibid = {01541}, 
    216249  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
    224257        in tropical forests. {N}ew {E}cologies for the {T}wenty-{F}irst {C}entury 
    225258        series}, 
     259  year={2010}, 
    226260  format = {in press}, 
    227261  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    237271  title = {{R}emotely-forced intraseasonal variability of the productivity of the {N}orthern {H}umboldt {S}ystem using a coupled physical-ecosystem model}, 
    238272  note = {in revision}, 
     273  year={2012}, 
    239274  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    240275  format = {in revision}, 
    249284  author = {{R}. {E}scudier and {J}uliette {M}ignot and {D}idier {S}wingedouw}, 
    250   title = {{A} 20-yrs coupled ocean-sea ice-atmosphere variablility mode in the {N}orth {A}tlantic in an AOGCM}, 
     285  title = {{A} 20-yrs coupled ocean-sea ice-atmosphere variablility mode in the {N}orth {A}tlantic in an {AOGCM}}, 
     286  year={2011}, 
    251287  format = {in revision}, 
    252288  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     289  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    253290  loceanaffectation = {ird,cnrs}, 
    254291  loceanbibid = {01539}, 
    261298  title = {{F}rom drought to flooding: understanding the abrupt 2010-2011 hydrological annual cycle in the upper {S}olimões {R}iver (Western {A}mazon basin)}, 
    262299  note = {accepted}, 
     300  year={2012}, 
    263301  format = {accepted}, 
    264302  journal = {{E}nvironmental {R}esearch {L}etters}, 
    272310  author = {{F}. {F}ripiat and {K}. {L}eblanc and {A}nne-{J}ulie {C}avagna and {M}. {E}lskens and {L}. {A}rmand and {D}amien {C}ardinal}, 
    273311  title = {{M}id-summer silicon dynamic and diatoms productivity in {P}olar {F}rontal and {S}ubAntarctic {Z}ones, south of {T}asmania}, 
     312  year={2010}, 
    274313  format = {submitted}, 
    275314  journal = {{M}arine {E}cology {P}rogress {S}eries}, 
    284323  title = {{F}ine scale interactions between {S}outhern elephant seals and their prey assessed by acceleration data loggers}, 
    285324  aerestype = {ACL}, 
     325  year={2011}, 
    286326  format = {submitted}, 
    287327  journal = {{D}eep-{S}ea {R}esearch {P}art {II}}, 
    294 @UNPUBLISHED{GastineauFrankignoul:CD:2011online, 
    295335  author = {{G}uillaume {G}astineau and {C}laude {F}rankignoul}, 
    296336  title = {{C}old-season atmospheric response to the natural variability of the {A}tlantic meridional overturning circulation}, 
    297   note = {on line}, 
    298337  comment = {20120301 : ++ oh le beau xml : http://www.clim-past-discuss.net/7/2511/2011/cpd-7-2511-2011.xml}, 
    299338  doi = {10.1007/s00382-011-1109-y}, 
    300   format = {on line}, 
     339  year={2012}, 
     340  Volume={39}, 
     341  number={1-2}, 
     342 pages={37-57}, 
    301343  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     344  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    302345  loceanaffectation = {upmc}, 
    303346  loceanbibid = {01531}, 
    308 @UNPUBLISHED{GoffredoCaroselliEtAl:GCA:2012inpress, 
    309352  author = {{S}. {G}offredo and {E}. {C}aroselli and {F}. {M}ezzo and {L}. {L}aiolo and {P}. {V}ergni and {L}. {P}asquini and {O}. {L}evy and {F}. {Z}accanti and {A}line {T}ribollet and {Z}. {D}ubinski and {G}. {F}alini}, 
    310353  title = {{T}he puzzling presence of calcite in skeletons of modern solitary corals from the {M}editerranean {S}ea}, 
    311   note = {in press}, 
    312   format = {in press}, 
     354  year={2012}, 
     355  Volume={85}, 
     356  pages={187-199}, 
    313358  journal = {{G}eochemica et {C}osmochemica {A}cta}, 
    314359  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    321366  author = {{M}. {G}uimberteau and al.}, 
    322367  title = {{A}mazonian streamflow simulated by {ORCHIDEE} in a climatic change perspective}, 
     368  year={2012}, 
    323369  note = {in prep.}, 
    324370  aeresteam = {varclim}, 
    331 @UNPUBLISHED{HughesDelvigneEtAl:JAAS:2011accepted, 
    332378  author = {{H}. {H}ughes and {C}. {D}elvigne and {M}. {K}orntheuer and {J}. {D}. {J}. de {J}ong and {L}. {A}ndré and {D}amien {C}ardinal}, 
    333379  title = {{C}ontrolling the mass bias introduced by anionic and organic matrices in silicon isotopic measurements by MC-ICP-MS}, 
    334   format = {accepted}, 
    335380  journal = {{J}ournal of {A}nalytical {A}tomic {S}pectrometry}, 
     381          year={2011}, 
     382          volume={26}, 
     383          pages={1892-1896}, 
     384          DOI={10.1039/C1JA10110B}, 
    336385  loceanaffectation = {upmc}, 
    337386  loceanbibid = {01530}, 
    343392  author = {{S}. {J}acquet and {F}. {D}ehairs and {I}. {D}umont and {S}. {B}ecquevort and {A}.-{J}. {C}avagna and {D}amien {C}ardinal}, 
    344393  title = {{T}wilight zone organic carbon remineralization in the {PFZ} and {SAZ} south of {T}asmania (Southern {O}cean)}, 
     394  year={2010}, 
    345395  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    346396  format = {in press}, 
    355405  author = {{F}ernanda {J}ardon and {F}rédéric {V}ivier and {M}artin {V}ancoppenolle and {A}ntonio {L}ourenço and {P}ascale {B}ouruet-{A}ubertot and {Y}annis {C}uypers}, 
    356406  title = {{O}verall desalinisation of first year sea ice : observation and modeling}, 
    357408  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    358409  format = {submitted}, 
    367418  author = {{F}ernanda {J}ardon and {F}rédéric {V}ivier and {M}artin {V}ancoppenolle and {A}ntonio {L}ourenço and {P}ascale {B}ouruet-{A}ubertot and {Y}annis {C}uypers}, 
    368419  title = {{F}ull-depth desalination of {A}rctic sea ice after the growth seasong}, 
    369421  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    370422  format = {submitted}, 
    378 @UNPUBLISHED{JouinLevyEtAl:RSE:submitted, 
    379431  author = {{M}anel {J}ouini and {M}arina {L}évy and {M}ichel {C}répon and {S}ylivie {T}hiria}, 
    380432  title = {{R}econstruction of ocean color images under clouds with a neuronal classification method}, 
     433  year={2011}, 
    381434  note = {submitted}, 
    382435  format = {submitted}, 
    391444  author = {{K}amala {K}akitha and {Y}. {P}eings and {P}ascal {T}erray and {H}. {D}ouville}, 
    392445  title = {{ENSO}-{I}ndian monsoon teleconnection in the {CNRM} and {IPSL} historical simulations}, 
     446  year={2011}, 
    393447  format = {in revision}, 
    394448  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     449  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    395450  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    396451  loceanbibid = {01523}, 
    403458  title = {{I}nterannual variability of the {I}ndian {O}cean mixed layer depth}, 
    404459  note = {accepted}, 
     460  year={2012}, 
    405461  format = {accepted}, 
    406462  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     463  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    407464  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    408465  loceanbibid = {01524}, 
    413 @UNPUBLISHED{KouliGogouZtAl:QI:2011inpress, 
    414   author = {{K}. {K}ouli and {A}. {G}ogou and {I}oanna {B}ouloubassi and {M}. {V}. {T}riantaphyllou and {C}hr. {I}oakim and {G}. {K}atsouras and {G}. {R}oussakis and {V}. {L}ykousis}, 
     471  author = {{K}. {K}ouli and {A}. {G}ogou and {I}oanna {B}ouloubassi and {M}. {V}. {T}riantaphyllou and {Chr}. {I}oakim and {G}. {K}atsouras and {G}. {R}oussakis and {V}. {L}ykousis}, 
    415472  title = {{L}ate postglacial paleoenvironmental change in the northeastern {M}editerranean region: {C}ombined palynological and molecular biomarker evidence}, 
    416473  doi = {10.1016/j.quaint.2011.10.036}, 
    417   format = {in press}, 
     474  Volume={261}, 
     475  pages={118-127}, 
     476  year={2012}, 
    418477  issn = {1040-6182}, 
    419478  journal = {{Q}uaternary {I}nternational}, 
    428487  title = {{F}luctuations in the {G}uyana shield rivers monthly discharge related to {P}acific and {A}tlantic climate variability}, 
    429488  aerestype = {ACL}, 
     489  year={2010}, 
    430490  format = {submitted}, 
    431491  journal = {{G}eographics {R}esearch {L}etters}, 
    438 @UNPUBLISHED{LangloisMillsEtAl:MEPS:201submitted, 
    439499  author = {{R}. {L}anglois and {M}. {M}. {M}ills and {C}éline {R}idame and {P}. {C}root and {J}. {{L}a {R}oche}}, 
    440500  title = {{I}mpact of {S}aharan dust additions on nifH abundances in field and laboratory experiments}, 
     501  year={2010}, 
    441502  note = {submitted}, 
    442503  format = {submitted}, 
    452513  title = {{A} basin-scale trend analysis of rainfall and runoff in {P}eru (1969-2004)}, 
    453514  format = {submitted}, 
     515  year={2009}, 
    454516  journal = {{I}nternational {J}ournal of {C}limatology}, 
    455517  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    464526  note = {accepted}, 
    465527  format = {accepted}, 
     528  year={2012}, 
    466529  journal = {{N}at. {H}azards {E}arth {S}yst. {S}ci}, 
    467530  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    475538  title = {{G}eneration and propagation of near-inertial baroclinic waves during {C}irene experiment : energy fluxes and impact on vertical mixing}, 
    476539  note = {acceptable subject to revision}, 
     540  year={2012}, 
    477541  aeresteam = {surf,varclim}, 
    478542  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    488552  author = {{M}atthieu {L}engaigne and {U}. {H}aussmann and {G}urvan {M}adec and {J}érôme {V}ialard and {C}hristophe {E}. {M}enkès and {J}ean-{M}arc {M}olines}, 
    489553  title = {{A}ssessing the {O}cean recharge paradigm using an {O}cean {G}eneral {C}irculation {M}odel: {I}mplications for {ENSO}}, 
     554  year={2011}, 
    490555  note = {early online release}, 
    491556  format = {early online release}, 
    500565  title = {{B}iogeochemistry - {S}outhern {O}cean {C}arbon {C}ycle {R}esponse to {H}istorical {C}limate {C}hange in "{A}ntarctic {C}limate {C}hange and {E}nvironment"}, 
    501566  format = {in press}, 
     567  year={2009}, 
    502568  journal = {{S}cientific {C}ommittee on {A}ntarctic {R}esearch, {UK}}, 
    503569  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    511577  title = {{B}iogeochemistry - response of the {S}outhern {O}cean carbon cycle to future climate change in "{A}ntarctic {C}limate {C}hange and {E}nvironment"}, 
    512578  format = {in press}, 
     579  year={2009}, 
    513580  journal = {{S}cientific {C}ommittee on {A}ntarctic {R}esearch, {UK}}, 
    514581  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    520 @UNPUBLISHED{LentonMetzlEtAl:GBC:2011inrevision, 
    521   author = {{A}ndrew {L}enton and {N}icolas {M}etzl and {T}. {T}akahashi and {S}. {C}. {S}utherland and {B}. {T}ilbrook and {M}. {K}uchinke and {C}. {S}weeney}, 
     588  author = {{A}ndrew {L}enton and {N}icolas {M}etzl and {T}aro {T}akahashi and {S}. {C}. {S}utherland and {B}. {T}ilbrook and {M}. {K}uchinke and {C}olm {S}weeney}, 
    522589  title = {{T}he observed evolution of oceanic p{CO$_{2}$} and its drivers over the last two decades}, 
    523   aerestype = {ACL}, 
    524   format = {in revision}, 
     590  volume={26}, 
     591  pages={GB2021}, 
     592  year={2012}, 
     593  doi={10.1029/2011GB004095}, 
     594  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    525595  journal = {{G}lobal {B}iogeochemical {C}ycles}, 
    526596  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    533603  author = {{A}. {L}iccardo and {A}. {F}ierro and {D}. {I}udicone and {P}ascale {B}ouruet-{A}ubertot and {L}. {D}ubroca}, 
    534604  title = {{V}ertical mixing variability impacts the deep chlorophyll maximum}, 
     605  year={2010}, 
    535606  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    536607  format = {submitted}, 
    546617  title = {{T}ropical {SST} influence on {S}ahelian rainfall}, 
    547618  format = {submitted}, 
     619  year={2011}, 
    548620  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     621  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    549622  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    550623  loceanbibid = {01510}, 
    555 @UNPUBLISHED{LevyFerrariEtAl:GRL:inrevision, 
    556629  author = {{M}arina {L}évy and {R}. {F}errari and {P}. {F}ranks and {A}. {M}artin and {P}. {R}ivière}, 
    557630  title = {{B}ringing physics to life at the submesoscale}, 
    558   aerestype = {ACL}, 
    559   format = {in revision}, 
     631  year={2012}, 
     632  aerestype = {ACL}, 
     633  format = {in press}, 
    560634  journal = {{G}eophysical {R}esearch {L}etters}, 
     635  doi={10.1029/2012GL052756}, 
    561636  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    562637  loceanbibid = {01508}, 
    568643  author = {{E}. {M}ason and {F}rançois {C}olas and {J}.{L}. {P}elegri}, 
    569644  title = {{A} lagrangian study tracing water parcel origins in the {C}anary upwelling}, 
     645  year={2011}, 
    570646  note = {accepted}, 
    571647  format = {accepted}, 
    581657  title = {{R}emote estimates of marine primary productivity in the {S}outhern {O}cean from {C}arioca drifters and satellite based observations}, 
    582658  format = {in preparation}, 
     659  year={2012}, 
    583660  loceanaffectation = {cnrs, ird}, 
    584661  loceanbibid = {01503}, 
    589 @UNPUBLISHED{MohinoJanicotElAl:CD:2011online, 
    590667  author = {{E}lsa {M}ohino and {S}erge {J}anicot and {H}. {D}ouville and {L}aurent {L}i}, 
    591668  title = {{I}mpact of summer {MJO} on {W}est {A}frica using nudged climate simulations}, 
    592669  doi = {10.1007/s00382-011-1206-y}, 
    593   format = {on line}, 
     670  year={2012}, 
    594671  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     672  Volume={38}, 
     675  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    595676  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    596677  loceanbibid = {01502}, 
    602683  author = {{Y}. {M}orioka and {T}. {T}ozuka and {S}ébastien {M}asson and {P}ascal {T}erray and {J}ing-{J}ia {L}uo and {T}. {Y}amagata}, 
    603684  title = {{S}ubtropical dipole modes simulated in a coupled general circulation model}, 
     685  year={2011}, 
    604686  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    605687  format = {in press}, 
    614696  author = {{L}aurent {M}émery and {S}. {R}oudesli and {S}. {{L}'{H}elgen} and {M}arina {L}évy and {H}. {G}iordani}, 
    615697  title = {{S}easonal evolution of the planktonic ecosystem in the {N}ortheast {A}tlantic ({POMME} experiment). {P}art {I}: synthesis of the {POMME} observations with a {1D}-ecosytem model}, 
     698  year={2009}, 
    616699  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    617700  format = {in revision}, 
    626709  author = {{J}. {N}eveux and {J}. {S}eppala and {Y}ves {D}andonneau}, 
    627710  title = {{M}ultivariate analysis of extracted pigments using spectrophotometric and spectrofluorometric methods}, 
    628   note = {{S}. {R}oy, {C}. {L}lewellyn, {E}. {S}. {E}geland, {G}. {J}ohnsen 
    629         eds}, 
     711  note = {{S}. {R}oy, {C}. {L}lewellyn, {E}. {S}. {E}geland, {G}. {J}ohnsen eds}, 
    630712  booktitle = {{P}hytoplankton {P}igments, {C}haracterization, {C}hemotaxonomy and 
    631713        {A}pplications in {O}ceanography}, 
     714  year={2012}, 
    632715  format = {in press}, 
    633716  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    641724  author = {{S}imon {P}asquet and {P}ascale {B}ouruet-{A}ubertot and {G}illes {R}everdin and {A}. {T}urnherr and {L}. {S}t-{L}aurent}, 
    642725  title = {{V}alidation of fine-scale parameterization of energy dissipation in a region of strong internal tides and sheared flow, the {L}ucky-{S}trike segment of the mid-{A}tlantic ridge}, 
     726  year={2012}, 
    643727  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    644728  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    655739  title = {{D}ecadal predictability of the {A}tlantic {M}eridional {O}verturning {C}irculation and {C}limate in the IPSLCM5A-LR model}, 
    656740  format = {in revision}, 
     741  year={2011}, 
    657742  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     743  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    658744  loceanaffectation = {ird,cnrs}, 
    659745  loceanbibid = {01498}, 
    664 @UNPUBLISHED{KumarVialardEtAl:CD:2012earlyonline, 
    665751  author = {{B}. {{P}raveen {K}umar} and {J}érôme {V}ialard and {M}atthieu {L}engaigne and {V}. {S}. {N}. {M}urty}, 
    666752  title = {{A} high-quality daily air-sea flux product in the tropics for the 1989-2009 period}, 
     753  year={2012}, 
    667754  note = {early online release}, 
    668755  format = {early online release}, 
    669756  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     757  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    670758  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    671759  loceanbibid = {01496}, 
    677765  author = {{V}irginie {R}acapé and {C}atherine {P}ierre and {N}icolas {M}etzl and {C}laire {{L}o {M}onaco} and {G}illes {R}everdin and {A}. {O}lsen and {P}. {M}orin and {M}. {V}asquez-{R}odriguez and {A}. {R}ios and {F}. {P}erez}, 
    678766  title = {{A}nthropogenic carbon changes in the {I}rminger {B}asin (1981-2006): coupling $\delta^{13}{C}_{DIC}$ and {DIC} observations}, 
     767  year={2011}, 
    679768  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    680769  format = {submitted}, 
    682771  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    683772  loceanbibid = {01494}, 
     773  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    684774  loceanteam = {phybiocar, paleoproxus}, 
    685775  number = {special issue GEOTRACE {C}olloqium}, 
    690781  author = {{L}aure {R}esplandy and {A}.{P}. {M}artin and {F}. {{L}e {M}oigne} and {P}. {M}artin and {A}. {A}quilina and {L}aurent {M}émery and {M}arina {L}évy and {R}. {S}anders}, 
    691782  title = {{I}mpact of dynamical spatial variability on estimates of organic material export to the deep ocean}, 
    703794  author = {{G}illes {R}everdin and {L}. {M}arié and {P}. {L}azure and {F}rancesco {d'{O}vidio} and {J}acqueline {B}outin and {P}ierre {T}estor and {N}icolas {M}artin and {A}ntonio {L}ourenço and {F}abienne {G}aillard and {A}. {L}avin and {C}. {R}odriguez and {R}. {S}omavilla and {J}. {M}ader and {A}. {R}ubio and {P}. {B}louch and {J}. {R}olland and {Y}. {B}ozec and {G}. {C}harria and {F}. {B}atifoulier and {F}. {D}umas and {S}. {L}ouazel and {J}. {C}hanut}, 
    704795  title = {{F}reshwater from the {B}ay of {B}iscay shelves in 2009}, 
     796  year={2011}, 
    705797  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    706798  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    718810  author = {{B}elén {R}odriguez-{F}onseca and {T}eresa {L}osada and {E}lsa {M}ohino and {S}erge {J}anicot}, 
    719811  title = {{I}nterannual {SST}-forced signals on {W}est {A}frican rainfall from {AGCM} simulations. {P}art {II}: {U}nderstanding global features for the 1979-1998 period}, 
     812  year={2011}, 
    720813  format = {in revision}, 
    721814  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     815  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    722816  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    723817  loceanbibid = {01492}, 
    728 @UNPUBLISHED{SilvaAraujoEtAl:TO:2010inpress, 
    729823  author = {{M}. {S}ilva and {M}. {A}raújo and {J}acques {S}ervain and {P}. {P}enven}, 
    730824  title = {{C}irculation and heat budget in a regional climatological simulation of the {S}outh-{W}estern tropical {A}tlantic}, 
    731825  booktitle = {{T}ropical {O}ceanography}, 
    732   format = {in press}, 
    733826  issn = {1679-3013}, 
     827  year={2009}, 
     831  url = {http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010051053}, 
    734832  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    735833  loceanbibid = {01490}, 
    742840  title = {{I}nitialisation and predictability of the {AMOC} over the last 50 years in a climate model}, 
    743841  format = {in revision}, 
     842  year={2011}, 
    744843  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     844  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    745845  loceanaffectation = {ird,cnrs}, 
    746846  loceanbibid = {01491}, 
    751 @UNPUBLISHED{SeferianIudiconeEtAl:JC:2011inpress, 
    752   author = {{R}. {S}éférian and {D}. {I}udicone and {L}aurent {B}opp and {G}urvan {M}adec and {T}. {R}oy}, 
     852  author = {{R}oland {S}éférian and {D}aniele {I}udicone and {L}aurent {B}opp and {G}urvan {M}adec and {T}illa {R}oy}, 
    753853  title = {{W}ater mass analysis of effect of climate change on air-sea {CO$_{2}$} fluxes: the {S}outhern {O}cean}, 
    754854  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    755   format = {in press}, 
    756855  journal = {{J}ournal of {C}limate}, 
     856  volume={25}, 
     857 pages={3894-3908}, 
     858 doi={10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00291}, 
     859 year={2011}, 
    757860  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    758861  loceanbibid = {01489}, 
    764   author = {{R}. {R}. {S}éférian and {L}aurent {B}opp and {M}. {G}ehlen and {J}. {O}rr and {Ch}ristian {É}thé and {P}atricia {C}adule and {O}livier {A}umont and {D}. {S}alas-y-{M}élia and {A}. {V}oldoire and {G}urvan {M}adec}, 
     867  author = {{R}oland {S}éférian and {L}aurent {B}opp and {M}. {G}ehlen and {J}. {O}rr and {Ch}ristian {É}thé and {P}atricia {C}adule and {O}livier {A}umont and {D}. {S}alas-y-{M}élia and {A}. {V}oldoire and {G}urvan {M}adec}, 
    765868  title = {{S}kill assessment of three {E}arth {S}ystem {M}odels with a common marine biogeochemistry}, 
     869  year={2011}, 
    766870  format = {submitted}, 
    767871  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     872  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    768873  loceanaffectation = {cnrs,upmc,nemo}, 
    769874  loceanbibid = {01488}, 
    775881  author = {{B}enoit {V}anière and Éric {G}uilyardi and {G}urvan {M}adec and {S}. {W}oolnough and {F}. {J}. {D}oblas-{R}eyes}, 
    776882  title = {{U}sing seasonal handcarts to understand the origin of the equatorial cold tongue bias in {CGCMs} and its impact on {ENSO}}, 
    785891  author = {{J}érôme {V}ialard and {A}. {J}ayakumar and {C}. {G}nanseelan and {M}atthieu {L}engaigne and {J}ulian {P}. {M}cCreary and {B}. {{P}raveen {K}umar}}, 
    786892  title = {{U}nderstanding the processes associated with the intraseasonal sea surface temperature variability in the {N}orthern {I}ndian {O}cean during boreal summer}, 
     893  year={2012}, 
    787894  note = {early online release}, 
    788895  format = {early online release}, 
    789896  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     897  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    790898  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    791899  loceanbibid = {01486}, 
    801909  loceanbibid = {01485}, 
    802910  loceanteam = {phybiocar, varclim, nemo}, 
    803   timestamp = {20120419} 
    804 } 
    806 @UNPUBLISHED{YiouServonnatEtAl:GRL:2012inrevision, 
    807   author = {{P}. {Y}iou and {J}. {S}ervonnat and {M}. {Y}oshimori and {D}idier {S}wingedouw and {M}yriam {K}hodri and {M}. {A}be-{O}uchi}, 
     911  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     912  year={2011}, 
     913 doi={10.1007/s00382-011-1259-y} 
     917  author = {{P}. {Y}iou and {J}. {S}ervonnat and {M}. {Y}oshimori and {D}idier {S}wingedouw and {M}yriam {K}hodri and {A}yako {A}be-{O}uchi}, 
    808918  title = {{S}tability of weather regimes during the last millennium from climate simulations}, 
    809   note = {in revision}, 
    810   aerestype = {ACL}, 
    811   format = {in revision}, 
     919  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    812920  journal = {{G}eophysical {R}esearch {L}etters}, 
    813921  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    814922  loceanbibid = {01482}, 
    815923  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
    816   timestamp = {20120419} 
     924  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     925  volume={39}, 
    821933  title = {{P}rojections of climate change impacts on potential crop productivity over tropical regions}, 
    822934  note = {in PLoS {N}eglected {T}ropical {D}esease}, 
    823   year = {2012, accepted}, 
     935  year = {2012}, 
    824936  format = {accepted}, 
    825937  journal = {{A}gricultural and {F}orest {M}eteorology}, 
    858 @UNPUBLISHED{ArnaultMeliceEtAl:MG:2012isubmitted, 
    859971  author = {{S}abine {A}rnault and {J}ean-{L}uc {M}élice}, 
    860972  title = {{I}nvestigation of the interannual variability of the tropical {A}tlantic {O}cean from satellite data}, 
    8971009  pages = {257-265}, 
    8981010  number = {1}, 
    899   comment = {20120215 :GA est "locean" depuis 2010 mais cette publication n'est 
    900         pas tamponné labo"}, 
     1011  comment = {20120215 :GA est "locean" depuis 2010 mais cette publication n'est pas tamponné labo"}, 
    9011012  doi = {10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.11.003}, 
    9021013  loceanbibid = {01477}, 
    9921103  year = {2012}, 
    9931104  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    994   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     1105  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    9951106  doi = {10.1109/TGRS.2012.2184546}, 
    9961107  format = {in press}, 
    10081119  year = {2012}, 
    10091120  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    1010   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     1121  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    10111122  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    10121123  loceanbibid = {01473}, 
    10511162  title = {{P}hoques de {W}eddel}, 
    10521163  year = {2012}, 
    1053   booktitle = {{N}otice philatélique timbre {T}erres {A}ustrales et {A}ntarctiques 
    1054         {F}rançaises 2011}, 
     1164  booktitle = {{N}otice philatélique timbre {T}erres {A}ustrales et {A}ntarctiques {F}rançaises 2011}, 
    10551165  loceanaffectation = {mnhn}, 
    10561166  loceanbibid = {01472}, 
    11151225  loceanbibid = {01602}, 
    11161226  pdf = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00659580/PDF/Dragon\_MEPS.pdf}, 
     1227  aeresteam= {phybiocar}, 
     1228  comment = {20120626 : aeresteam = phybiocar d'après GR mais je ne sais pas qui est locean dans l'historire ++}, 
    11171229  timestamp = {20120511}, 
    11181230  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00659580} 
    11811293  title = {{L}arge scale circulation patterns and related rainfall in the {A}mazon basin: a {N}euronal {N}etworks approach}, 
    11821294  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     1295  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    11831296  year = {2012}, 
    11841297  volume = {38}, 
    12371350  language = {{A}nglais}, 
    12381351  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
     1352  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    12391353  loceanbibid = {01364}, 
    12401354  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
    12521366  number = {5-6}, 
    12531367  doi = {10.1007/s00382-011-1045-x}, 
     1368  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    12541369  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    12551370  loceanbibid = {01363}, 
    13011416  format = {in press}, 
    13021417  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     1418  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    13031419  loceanaffectation = {upmc}, 
    13041420  loceanbibid = {01470}, 
    13181434  loceanbibid = {01469}, 
    13191435  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
     1436  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    13201437  timestamp = {20120419} 
    13311448  loceanbibid = {01468}, 
    13321449  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
     1450  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    13331451  timestamp = {20120419} 
    13931511  title = {{P}ossible {R}ole of {W}arm {SST} {B}ias in the {S}imulation of {B}oreal {S}ummer {M}onsoon in {SINTEX-F2} {C}oupled {M}odel}, 
    13941512  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     1513  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    13951514  year = {2012}, 
    13961515  volume = {38}, 
    1407   author = {{M}. {K}ageyama and {P}ascale {B}raconnot and {L}aurent {B}opp and {A}. {C}aubel and {M}arie-{A}lice {F}oujols and {É}ric {G}uilyardi and {M}yriam {K}hodri and {J}. {L}loyd and {F}. {L}ombard and {V}. {M}ariotti and {O}. {M}arti and {T}. {R}oy and {M}.-{N}. {W}oillez}, 
     1526  author = {{M}. {K}ageyama and {P}ascale {B}raconnot and {L}aurent {B}opp and {A}. {C}aubel and {M}arie-{A}lice {F}oujols and {É}ric {G}uilyardi and {M}yriam {K}hodri and {J}. {L}loyd and {F}. {L}ombard and {V}. {M}ariotti and {O}. {M}arti and {T}illa {R}oy and {M}.-{N}. {W}oillez}, 
    14081527  title = {{M}id-{H}olocene and {L}ast {G}lacial {M}aximum climate simulations with the {IPSL} model: new features with the {IPSL} {CM-5A} version}, 
    14091528  note = {in revision}, 
    14111530  format = {in revision}, 
    14121531  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     1532  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    14131533  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    14141534  loceanbibid = {01463}, 
    14511571  title = {{S}tochastically-driven multidecadal variability of the {A}tlantic meridionall overturning circulation in {CCSM3}}, 
    14521572  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     1573  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    14531574  year = {2012}, 
    14541575  volume = {38}, 
    14781599  loceanbibid = {01460}, 
    14791600  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     1601  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    14801602  nationality = {F}, 
    14811603  timestamp = {20120419} 
    14871609  year = {2012}, 
    14881610  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    1489   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     1611  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    14901612  format = {in revision}, 
    14911613  journal = {{Q}uarterly {J}ournal of the {R}oyal {M}eteorological {S}ociety}, 
    16001722  number = {99}, 
    16011723  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    1602   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     1724  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    16031725  doi = {10.1109/TGRS.2012.2184766}, 
    16041726  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    16131735  title = {{C}omparison of tropical cyclogenesis indices on seasonal to interannual timescales}, 
    16141736  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     1737  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    16151738  year = {2012}, 
    16161739  volume = {38}, 
    17251848  format = {online first}, 
    17261849  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     1850  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    17271851  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    17281852  loceanbibid = {01450}, 
    1749 @UNPUBLISHED{ParkVivierEtAl:JC:2012online, 
    17501874  author = {{Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark and {J}ong-{H}wan {Y}oon and {Y}ong-{H}oon {Y}oun and {F}rédéric {V}ivier}, 
    17511875  title = {{R}ecent warming in the western {N}orth {P}acific in relation to rapid changes in the atmospheric circulation of the {S}iberian {H}igh and {A}leutian {L}ow systems}, 
    1752   note = {on line}, 
    17531876  year = {2012}, 
    17541877  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    17551878  doi = {10.1175/2011JCLI4142.1}, 
    1756   format = {on line}, 
     1879  volume = {25}, 
     1880  number={10}, 
     1881  pages={3476-3493}, 
    17571882  journal = {{J}ournal of {C}limate}, 
    17581883  loceanaffectation = {cnrs,mnhn}, 
    17661891  title = {{T}ropFlux: {A}ir-{S}ea {F}luxes for the {G}lobal {T}ropical {O}ceans - {D}escription and evaluation against observations}, 
    17671892  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     1893  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    17681894  year = {2012}, 
    17691895  volume = {38}, 
    17851911  year = {2012}, 
    17861912  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    1787   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     1913  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    17881914  format = {in press}, 
    17891915  journal = {{IEEE} {T}ransactions on {G}eoscience and {R}emote {S}ensing}, 
    18001926  format = {submitted}, 
    18011927  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     1928  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    18021929  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    18031930  loceanbibid = {01446}, 
    19892116  year = {2012}, 
    19902117  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    1991   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     2118  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    19922119  doi = {10.1109/TGRS.2012.2184547}, 
    19932120  format = {in press}, 
    20052132  year = {2012}, 
    20062133  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    2007   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     2134  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    20082135  doi = {10.1109/TGRS.2012.2188407}, 
    20092136  format = {in press}, 
    2035   author = {{J}.{D}. {Z}ika and {J}ulien {Le {S}ommer} and {C}.{O}. {D}ufour and {J}.-{M}. {M}olines and {B}. {B}arnier and {P}. {B}rasseur and {R}. {D}ussin and {D}. {I}udicone and {A}. {L}enton and {G}urvan {M}adec and {P}. {M}athiot and {R}. {M}orrow and {J}. {O}rr and {F}. d'{O}vidio and {T}. {P}enduff and {E}. {S}huckburgh and {F}rédéric {V}ivier}, 
     2162  author = {{J}.{D}. {Z}ika and {J}ulien {Le {S}ommer} and {C}.{O}. {D}ufour and {J}.-{M}. {M}olines and {B}. {B}arnier and {P}. {B}rasseur and {R}. {D}ussin and {D}aniele {I}udicone and {A}. {L}enton and {G}urvan {M}adec and {P}. {M}athiot and {R}. {M}orrow and {J}. {O}rr and {F}. d'{O}vidio and {T}. {P}enduff and {E}. {S}huckburgh and {F}rédéric {V}ivier}, 
    20362163  title = {{D}estruction of the {D}eacon {C}ell by {V}ertical {E}ddy {F}luxes}, 
    20372164  note = {submitted}, 
    21632290  address = {{H}obart, {A}ustralie}, 
    21642291  note = {poster}, 
    2165   aerestype = {AFF}, 
     2292  aerestype = {C-AFF}, 
    21662293  loceanaffectation = {mnhn}, 
    21672294  loceanbibid = {01429}, 
    22342361  loceanbibid = {01435}, 
    22352362  loceanteam = {phybiocar,surf}, 
     2363  aerestype={ACLN}, 
    22362364  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    22372365  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00671325} 
    2272   author = {{M}aria CES {B}arros and {T}atiane GCM {G}alasso and {A}ntônio JM {C}haib and {N}icolas {D}egallier and {T}atsuya {N}agata and {B}ergmann {M}. {R}ibeiro}, 
     2400  author = {{M}aria CES {B}arros and {T}atiane {GCM} {G}alasso and {A}ntônio JM {C}haib and {N}icolas {D}egallier and {T}atsuya {N}agata and {B}ergmann {M}. {R}ibeiro}, 
    22732401  title = {{Y}ellow fever virus envelope protein expressed in insect cells is capable of syncytium formation in lepidopteran cells and could be used for immuno detection of {YFV} in human sera}, 
    22742402  journal = {{V}irology {J}ournal}, 
    23602488        that the coupled processes major role is the redistribution of the 
    23612489        water at mesoscale.}, 
    2362   aerestype = {AFF}, 
     2490  aerestype = {C-AFF}, 
    23632491  affiliation = {École {N}ationale {S}upérieure de {T}echniques {A}vancées - ENSTA 
    23642492        {P}arisTech , {L}aboratoire de {M}étéorologie {D}ynamique - LMD , 
    24362564  format = {on line}, 
    24372565  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     2566  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    24382567  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    24392568  loceanbibid = {01426}, 
    24472576  title = {{I}nterannual relationships between {I}ndian {S}ummer {M}onsoon and {I}ndo-{P}acific coupled modes of variability during recent decades}, 
    24482577  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     2578  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    24492579  year = {2011}, 
    24502580  volume = {37}, 
    25032633  title = {{R}obustness of {SST} teleconnections and precursory patterns associated with the {I}ndian summer monsoon}, 
    25042634  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     2635  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    25052636  year = {2011}, 
    25062637  pages = {1-23}, 
    25682699  address = {{V}ienne, {A}utriche}, 
    25692700  note = {poster}, 
    2570   aerestype = {AFF}, 
     2701  aerestype = {C-AFF}, 
    25712702  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    25722703  loceanbibid = {01413}, 
    26002731  loceanbibid = {01411}, 
    26012732  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar}, 
     2733  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     2734  aerestype={C-COM}, 
    26022735  timestamp = {20120419} 
    26102743  address = {{D}enver, {E}tats-{U}nis}, 
    26112744  note = {poster}, 
    2612   aerestype = {AFF}, 
     2745  aerestype = {C-AFF}, 
    26132746  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    26142747  loceanbibid = {01410}, 
    26272760  loceanbibid = {01409}, 
    26282761  loceanteam = {surf, ditm,phybiocar}, 
     2762  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     2763  aerestype= {C-ACTI}, 
    26292764  timestamp = {20120419} 
    26932828        to the northward migration of humidity and convection and possibly 
    26942829        the {W}est {A}frican monsoon ({WAM}) jump.}, 
    2695   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     2830  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    26962831  affiliation = {{L}eibniz-{I}nstitut für {M}eereswissenschaften - IFM-GEOMAR - {C}hristian-{A}lbrechts-{U}niversität 
    26972832        zu {K}iel - {G}roupe d'étude de l'atmosphère météorologique - CNRM-GAME 
    27992934        0.89 throughout the troposphere.}, 
    28002935  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    2801   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     2936  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    28022937  affiliation = {{L}aboratoire {A}tmosphères, {M}ilieux, {O}bservations {S}patiales 
    28032938        - LATMOS , {I}nstitut {P}ierre-{S}imon-{L}aplace - {IPSL} , {L}aboratoire 
    28192954  title = {{H}ow well do coupled models replicate ocean energetics relevant to {ENSO}?}, 
    28202955  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     2956  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    28212957  year = {2011}, 
    28222958  volume = {36}, 
    30873223  title = {{S}urface layer circulation derived from subsurface {L}agrangian drifters in the {B}ay of {B}iscay}, 
    30883224  note = {in press}, 
    3089   year = {2011}, 
     3225  year = {2012}, 
    30903226  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    3091   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     3227  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    30923228  doi = {10.1016/j.jmarsys.2011.09.015}, 
    30933229  format = {in press}, 
    31203256  title = {{H}eat balance and eddies in the {P}eru-{C}hile current system}, 
    31213257  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     3258  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    31223259  year = {2011}, 
    31233260  pages = {1-21}, 
    31403277  pages = {Q06020}, 
    31413278  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    3142   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     3279  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    31433280  doi = {10.1029/2011GC003529}, 
    31443281  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    32653402  pages = {8961-8998}, 
    32663403  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    3267   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     3404  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    32683405  loceanaffectation = {upmc}, 
    32693406  loceanbibid = {01387}, 
    35753712  title = {{S}ensitivity of the {H}umboldt {C}urrent system to global warming: a downscaling experiment of the {IPSL-CM4} model}, 
    35763713  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     3714  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    35773715  year = {2011}, 
    35783716  pages = {1-14}, 
    36453783  loceanbibid = {01369}, 
    36463784  loceanteam = {phybiocar,surf}, 
     3785  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     3786  aerestype = {C-COM}, 
    36473787  timestamp = {20120419} 
    36663806  title = {{R}egional climate modelling of the 2006 {W}est {A}frican monsoon: sensitivity to convection and planetary boundary layer parameterisation using {WRF}}, 
    36673807  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     3808  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    36683809  year = {2011}, 
    36693810  volume = {36}, 
    37863927        institutions and fully duplicated in {N}iamey, {N}iger.}, 
    37873928  aeresteam = {surf,varclim}, 
    3788   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     3929  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    37893930  affiliation = {{G}roupe d'étude de l'atmosphère météorologique - CNRM-GAME - CNRS 
    37903931        : URA1357 - INSU - {M}étéo {F}rance - UMS 831 unité mixte de service 
    38854026  address = {{H}obart, {A}ustralie}, 
    38864027  note = {poster}, 
    3887   aerestype = {AFF}, 
     4028  aerestype = {C-AFF}, 
    38884029  loceanaffectation = {mnhn}, 
    38894030  loceanbibid = {01352}, 
    39984139  title = {{S}tatistical downscaling of sea-surface wind over the {P}eru-{C}hile upwelling region: diagnosing the impact of climate change from the {IPSL}-{CM4} model}, 
    39994140  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     4141  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    40004142  year = {2011}, 
    40014143  volume = {36}, 
    40864228  loceanbibid = {01354}, 
    40874229  loceanteam = {surf,mmsa,phybiocar}, 
     4230  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     4231  aerestype = {C-ACTI}, 
    40884232  timestamp = {20120419} 
    41774321  title = {{W}eather regimes over {S}enegal during the summer monsoon season with {S}elf-{O}rganizing {M}aps. {P}art {I}: {S}ynoptic time scale}, 
    41784322  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     4323  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    41794324  year = {2011}, 
    41804325  volume = {36}, 
    42224367  format = {in revision}, 
    42234368  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     4369  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    42244370  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    42254371  loceanbibid = {01341}, 
    4245 @UNPUBLISHED{HamonReverdinEtAl:JAOT:2011inpress, 
    42464392  author = {{M}. {H}amon and {G}illes {R}everdin and {P}.-{Y}. {{L}e {T}raon}}, 
    4247   title = {{E}mpirical correction on XBT fall rate and its impact on heat content analysis}, 
    4248   note = {in press}, 
     4393  title = {{E}mpirical correction on {XBT} fall rate and its impact on heat content analysis}, 
    42494394  year = {2011}, 
     4395  VOLUME = {8}, 
     4396  NUMBER = {1}, 
     4397  PAGES = {291-320}, 
     4398  URL = {http://www.ocean-sci-discuss.net/8/291/2011/}, 
     4399  DOI = {10.5194/osd-8-291-2011}, 
     4400  comment = {20120616 : JAOT 2012 d'après JR, OSD 2011 quand je cherche le titre sur www +++}, 
    42504401  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    4251   aerestype = {ranga}, 
    4252   format = {in press}, 
     4402  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    42534403  journal = {{J}ournal of {A}tmospheric and {O}ceanic {T}echnology - {O}cean}, 
    42544404  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    42554405  loceanbibid = {01340}, 
    42564406  loceanteam = {surf}, 
    4257   timestamp = {20120419} 
     4407  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    4337   author = {{D}. {I}udicone and {K}. {B}. {R}odgers and {I}. {S}tendardo and {O}livier {A}umont and {G}urvan {M}adec and {L}aurent {B}opp and {O}. {M}angoni and {M}. {R}ibera d'{A}lcala'}, 
     4487  author = {{D}aniele {I}udicone and {K}. {B}. {R}odgers and {I}. {S}tendardo and {O}livier {A}umont and {G}urvan {M}adec and {L}aurent {B}opp and {O}. {M}angoni and {M}. {R}ibera d'{A}lcala'}, 
    43384488  title = {{W}ater masses as a unifying framework for understanding the {S}outhern {O}cean {C}arbon {C}ycle}, 
    43394489  journal = {{B}iogeosciences}, 
    43584508  number = {1}, 
    43594509  aeresteam = {varclim}, 
    4360   aerestype = {ranga,artsynthese}, 
     4510  aerestype = {ACL,artsynthese}, 
    43614511  doi = {10.1002/asl.280}, 
    43624512  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    44054555  loceanbibid = {01330}, 
    44064556  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     4557  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    44074558  nationality = {{A}rgentine}, 
    44084559  timestamp = {20120419} 
    44574608  title = {{P}rocesses controlling the surface temperature signature of the {M}adden-{J}ulian {O}scillation in the thermocline ridge of the {I}ndian {O}cean}, 
    44584609  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     4610  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    44594611  year = {2011}, 
    44604612  doi = {10.1007/s00382-010-0953-5}, 
    45794731  title = {{M}esoscale simulation of the tropical cyclones in the {S}outh {P}acific : climatology and interannual variability}, 
    45804732  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     4733  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    45814734  year = {2011}, 
    45824735  volume = {24}, 
    47054858  number = {1}, 
    47064859  aeresteam = {surf,varclim}, 
    4707   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     4860  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    47084861  doi = {10.1002/asl.325}, 
    47094862  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    47404893  pages = {1193-1210}, 
    47414894  number = {658}, 
    4742   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     4895  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    47434896  doi = {10.1002/qj.889}, 
    47444897  issn = {1477-870X}, 
    47744927  loceanbibid = {01313}, 
    47754928  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     4929  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    47764930  nationality = {{C}ote d'{I}voire}, 
    47774931  timestamp = {20120419} 
    48374991  number = {2}, 
    48384992  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    4839   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     4993  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    48404994  doi = {10.1016/j.polar.2011.04.008}, 
    48414995  issn = {1873-9652}, 
    50855239        suggesting a convection activity there, favoured by the {SST} front.}, 
    50865240  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    5087   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     5241  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    50885242  affiliation = {{L}aboratoire {A}tmosphères, {M}ilieux, {O}bservations {S}patiales 
    50895243        - {LATMOS} - {CNRS} : {UMR}8190 - {U}niversité {P}ierre et {M}arie 
    51285282  title = {{M}echanisms controlling warm water volume interannual variations in the equatorial {P}acific: diabatic versus adiabatic processes}, 
    51295283  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     5284  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    51305285  year = {2011}, 
    51315286  volume = {38}, 
    51785333  title = {{T}he {R}ole of {A}tmosphere {F}eedbacks {D}uring {ENSO} in the {CMIP3} {M}odels. {P}art {II}: {F}eedback {M}echanisms}, 
    51795334  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     5335  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    51805336  year = {2011}, 
    51815337  volume = {37}, 
    52375393  title = {{M}echanisms of the atmospheric response to {N}orth {A}tlantic multidecadal variability: a model study}, 
    52385394  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     5395  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    52395396  year = {2011}, 
    52405397  pages = {1255-1276}, 
    55185675  loceanbibid = {01284}, 
    55195676  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar}, 
     5677  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     5678  aerestype={C-COM}, 
    55205679  timestamp = {20120419} 
    55305689  loceanbibid = {01283}, 
    55315690  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar}, 
     5691  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     5692  aerestype={C-ACTI}, 
    55325693  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    55335694  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00666530} 
    55445705  loceanbibid = {01282}, 
    55455706  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar}, 
     5707  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     5708  aerestype={C-COM}, 
    55465709  timestamp = {20120419} 
    55635726  loceanbibid = {01281}, 
    55645727  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar}, 
     5728  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     5729  aerestype={C-COM}, 
    55655730  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    55665731  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00666540} 
    55765741  issn = {0930-7575}, 
    55775742  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     5743  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    55785744  keyword = {{E}arth and {E}nvironmental {S}cience}, 
    55795745  loceanaffectation = {ird,cnrs,uvsq}, 
    56195785  address = {{D}enver, {E}tats-{U}nis}, 
    56205786  note = {poster}, 
    5621   aerestype = {AFF}, 
     5787  aerestype = {C-AFF}, 
    56225788  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    56235789  loceanbibid = {01278}, 
    56765842  title = {{S}ahel rainfall and decadal to multi-decadal sea surface temperature variability}, 
    56775843  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     5844  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    56785845  year = {2011}, 
    56795846  volume = {37}, 
    56905857  author = {{E}lsa {M}ohino and {B}elén {R}odriguez-{F}onseca and {T}eresa {L}osada and {S}ébastien {G}ervois and {S}erge {J}anicot and {J}ürgen {B}ader and {P}aolo {R}uti and {F}abrice {C}hauvin}, 
    5691   title = {{C}hanges in the interannual {SST}-forced signals on {W}est {A}frican rainfall. AGCM intercomparison}, 
     5858  title = {{C}hanges in the interannual {SST}-forced signals on {W}est {A}frican rainfall. {AGCM} intercomparison}, 
    56925859  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     5860  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    56935861  year = {2011}, 
    56945862  volume = {37}, 
    58856053  loceanbibid = {01267}, 
    58866054  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     6055  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    58876056  nationality = {F}, 
    58886057  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    59196088  loceanbibid = {01266}, 
    59206089  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     6090  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    59216091  nationality = {F}, 
    59226092  timestamp = {20120419} 
    59736143  number = {1, {AMMA} {S}pecial {I}ssue}, 
    59746144  aeresteam = {surf,varclim}, 
    5975   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     6145  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    59766146  collaboration = {{AMMA} (African {M}onsoon {M}ultidisciplinary {A}nalyses)}, 
    59776147  doi = {10.1002/asl.320}, 
    59936163  doi = {10.1175/2010BAMS2921.1}, 
    59946164  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
     6165  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    59956166  loceanbibid = {01580}, 
    59966167  loceanteam = {austral-boréal}, 
    6127 @ARTICLE{ReverdinMorissetEtAl:JGR:2011, 
    61286299  author = {{G}illes {R}everdin and {S}imon {M}orisset and {J}acqueline {B}outin and {N}icolas {M}artin}, 
    61296300  title = {{R}ain-induced variability of near-surface T and S from drifter data}, 
    61306301  journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, 
    6131   year = {2011}, 
     6302  year = {2012}, 
    61326303  volume = {117}, 
    61336304  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    62106381        modes. {T}he lack of reliability of current coupled models in giving 
    62116382        a realistic assessment for {WAM} in the future is also stated.}, 
    6212   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     6383  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    62136384  affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations 
    62146385        et {A}pproches {N}umériques - {LOCEAN} - {IRD} - {M}uséum {N}ational 
    62636434  number = {6}, 
    62646435  aeresteam = {surf,varclim}, 
    6265   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     6436  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    62666437  affiliation = {{E}quipe {P}hysique de l'{O}cean {A}ustral - DMPA , {D}épartement 
    62676438        {M}ilieux et {P}euplements {A}quatiques, MNHN , {S}ea {M}ammal {R}esearch 
    63686539  year = {2011}, 
    63696540  volume = {38}, 
    6370   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     6541  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    63716542  doi = {10.1029/2011GL048783}, 
    63726543  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    67596930  loceanbibid = {01237}, 
    67606931  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     6932  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    67616933  nationality = {F}, 
    67626934  timestamp = {20120419} 
    67826954  title = {{S}outhern {H}emisphere extra-tropical forcing: {A} new paradigm for {E}l {N}iño-{S}outhern {O}scillation}, 
    67836955  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     6956  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    67846957  year = {2011}, 
    67856958  volume = {36}, 
    68407013  issn = {0930-7575}, 
    68417014  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     7015  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    68427016  keyword = {{E}arth and {E}nvironmental {S}cience}, 
    68437017  loceanaffectation = {ird,cnrs,uvsq}, 
    68547028  year = {2011}, 
    68557029  note = {poster, T21B-2159}, 
    6856   aerestype = {AFF}, 
     7030  aerestype = {C-AFF}, 
    68577031  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    68587032  loceanbibid = {01234}, 
    69017075  title = {{P}rocesses of 30-90 day sea surface temperature variability in the {N}orthern {I}ndian {O}cean during boreal summer}, 
    69027076  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     7077  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    69037078  year = {2011}, 
    69047079  doi = {10.1007/s00382-011-1015-3}, 
    69137088  title = {{F}actors controlling {J}anuary-{A}pril rainfall over southern {I}ndia and {S}ri {L}anka}, 
    69147089  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     7090  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    69157091  year = {2011}, 
    69167092  volume = {37}, 
    69457121  title = {{I}nterannual variability of the {S}outh {P}acific {C}onvergence {Z}one and implications for tropical cyclone genesis}, 
    69467122  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     7123  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    69477124  year = {2011}, 
    69487125  volume = {36}, 
    70127189  number = {2}, 
    70137190  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    7014   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     7191  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    70157192  doi = {10.5194/os-7-185-2011}, 
    70167193  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    70287205  pages = {111-136}, 
    70297206  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    7030   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     7207  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    70317208  doi = {10.1017/jfm.2011.280}, 
    70327209  loceanaffectation = {upmc}, 
    71537330  author = {{X}iaobin {Y}in and {J}acqueline {B}outin and al.}, 
    7154   title = {{V}alidation of {SMOS} measurements over ocean and improvement of sea surface emissivity model at L {B}and}, 
     7331  title = {{V}alidation of {SMOS} measurements over ocean and improvement of sea surface emissivity model at {L-band}}, 
    71557332  booktitle = {EGU}, 
    71567333  year = {2011}, 
    71607337  loceanbibid = {01218}, 
    71617338  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar}, 
     7339  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     7340  aerestype = {C-COM}, 
    71627341  timestamp = {20120419} 
    71727351  loceanbibid = {01217}, 
    71737352  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar}, 
     7353  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     7354  aerestype = {C-COM}, 
    71747355  timestamp = {20120419} 
    71857366  loceanbibid = {01216}, 
    71867367  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar}, 
     7368  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     7369  aerestype = {C-ACTI}, 
    71877370  timestamp = {20120419} 
    72227405  loceanbibid = {01215}, 
    72237406  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar}, 
     7407  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     7408  aerestype = {ACLN}, 
    72247409  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    72257410  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00666534} 
    72357420  number = {1}, 
    72367421  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    7237   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     7422  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    72387423  comment = {20110125 : doublon hal http://hal.ird.fr/ird-00555461/}, 
    72397424  doi = {10.3390/s110100719}, 
    73097494        these intraseasonal {SST} signals. {T}he contribution of vertical 
    73107495        processes may also be important but was more difficult to estimate.}, 
    7311   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     7496  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    73127497  affiliation = {{L}aboratoire {A}tmosphères, {M}ilieux, {O}bservations {S}patiales 
    73137498        - {LATMOS} - {CNRS} : {UMR}8190 - {U}niversité {P}ierre et {M}arie 
    80648249        ; carbon ; ocean ; flux}, 
    80658250  loceanbibid = {01629}, 
     8251  loceanteam={paleoproxus}, 
     8252  aeresteam={paleoproxus}, 
     8253  aerestype={ACLN}, 
    80668254  numero = {3}, 
    80678255  timestamp = {20120515}, 
    82368424  loceanbibid = {01175}, 
    82378425  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     8426  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     8427  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     8428  aerestype = {ACLN}, 
    82388429  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    82398430  url = {http://hal-insu.archives-ouvertes.fr/insu-00559025/} 
    84188609        its feasibility.}, 
    84198610  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    8420   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     8611  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    84218612  doi = {10.1109/TGRS.2009.2031494}, 
    84228613  keywords = {1D variational retrieval;altimetry;coastal regions;humidity retrieval 
    84478638  loceanbibid = {01166}, 
    84488639  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     8640  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    84498641  nationality = {{F}rance}, 
    84508642  timestamp = {20120419} 
    8739 @ARTICLE{FontCamps:IEEEE:2010, 
    87408932  author = {{J}. {F}ont and {A}. {C}amps and {A}. {B}orges and {M}. {M}artin-{N}eira and {J}acqueline {B}outin and {N}. {R}eul and {Y}ann {H}. {K}err and {A}. {H}ahne and {S}. {M}ecklenburg}, 
    87418933  title = {{SMOS} : {T}he {C}hallenging {S}ea {S}urface {S}alinity {M}easurement from {S}pace}, 
    87488940  loceanbibid = {01152}, 
    87498941  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     8942  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     8943  aerestype={ACL}, 
    87508944  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    87518945  url = {http://hal.ird.fr/ird-00685317} 
    92069400  address = {{O}slo, {N}orway}, 
    92079401  note = {poster}, 
    9208   aerestype = {AFF}, 
     9402  aerestype = {C-AFF}, 
    92099403  date = {8-12 {J}une 2010}, 
    92109404  loceanaffectation = {mnhn,cnrs}, 
    92299423  loceanbibid = {01128}, 
    92309424  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     9425  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    92319426  nationality = {F}, 
    92329427  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    92439438  number = {1}, 
    92449439  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    9245   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     9440  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    92469441  doi = {10.1175/2009JTECHO670.1}, 
    92479442  loceanaffectation = {ird,cnrs}, 
    92759470  title = {{L}ow and high frequency {M}adden-{J}ulian oscillations in austral summer: interannual variations}, 
    92769471  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     9472  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    92779473  year = {2010}, 
    92789474  volume = {35}, 
    94479643  loceanbibid = {01120}, 
    94489644  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     9645  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     9646  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    94499647  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    94509648  url = {http://hal.ird.fr/ird-00494925/} 
    94709668  title = {{T}idal mixing in the {I}ndonesian {S}eas and its effect on the tropical climate system}, 
    94719669  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     9670  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    94729671  year = {2010}, 
    94739672  volume = {34}, 
    95479746        {O}cean}, 
    95489747  language = {{A}nglais}, 
     9748  loceanteam={varclim}, 
    95499749  loceanbibid = {01117}, 
    95509750  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    96689868  address = {{O}slo, {N}orway}, 
    96699869  note = {poster}, 
    9670   aerestype = {AFF}, 
     9870  aerestype = {C-AFF}, 
    96719871  date = {8-12 {J}une 2010}, 
    96729872  loceanaffectation = {mnhn,cnrs}, 
    97189918  pages = {255-264}, 
    97199919  number = {4}, 
    9720   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     9920  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    97219921  doi = {10.1002/asl.284}, 
    97229922  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    97359935  pages = {141-158}, 
    97369936  number = {{S}1}, 
    9737   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     9937  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    97389938  doi = {10.1002/qj.555}, 
    97399939  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    987410074  loceanbibid = {01628}, 
    987510075  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     10076  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     10077  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    987610078  numero = {5}, 
    987710079  timestamp = {20120515}, 
    988310085  title = {{C}ontrasting the termination of moderate and extreme {E}l {N}iño events in coupled general circulation models}, 
    988410086  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     10087  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    988510088  year = {2010}, 
    988610089  pages = {56-+}, 
    989910102  title = {{A} multi-model approach to the {A}tlantic equatorial mode. {I}mpact on the {W}est {A}frican monsoon}, 
    990010103  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     10104  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    990110105  year = {2010}, 
    990210106  volume = {35}, 
    991410118  title = {{T}ropical response to the {A}tlantic {E}quatorial mode: {AGCM} multi-model approach}, 
    991510119  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     10120  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    991610121  year = {2010}, 
    991710122  volume = {35}, 
    10018 @CONFERENCE{MBengueHoussaisEtAl:IPY:2010, 
    1001910224  author = {{A}ziz {M'{B}engue} and {M}arie-{N}oëlle {H}oussais and {C}hristophe {H}erbaut and {G}. {W}illiams and {J}ean-{B}enoît {C}harrassin}, 
    1002010225  title = {{V}ariability of the {M}ertz {G}lacier {P}olynya based on {AMSR-E} observationsr}, 
    1002610231  loceanbibid = {01096}, 
    1002710232  loceanteam = {surf,incas,varclim}, 
     10233  aerestype={C-COM}, 
    1002810234  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1009710303  title = {{K}ey features of the {IPSL} ocean atmosphere model and its sensitivity to atmospheric resolution}, 
    1009810304  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
     10305  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1009910306  year = {2010}, 
    1010010307  volume = {34}, 
    1022910436  loceanbibid = {01087}, 
    1023010437  loceanteam = {varclim,surf}, 
     10438  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1023110439  timestamp = {20120419} 
    10235   author = {{P}. {M}. {S}. {M}onteiro and {U}. {S}chuster and {M}. {H}ood and {A}ndrew {L}enton and {N}icolas {M}etzl and {A}. {O}lsen and {K}. {R}odgers and {C}. {S}abine and {T}. {T}akahashi and {B}. {T}ilbrook and {J}. {Y}oder and {R}. {W}anninkhof and {A}. {J}. {W}atson}, 
     10443  author = {{P}. {M}. {S}. {M}onteiro and {U}. {S}chuster and {M}. {H}ood and {A}ndrew {L}enton and {N}icolas {M}etzl and {A}. {O}lsen and {K}. {R}odgers and {C}. {S}abine and {T}aro {T}akahashi and {B}. {T}ilbrook and {J}. {Y}oder and {R}. {W}anninkhof and {A}. {J}. {W}atson}, 
    1023610444  title = {{A} global sea surface carbon observing system: assessment of changing sea surface {CO$_{2}$} and air-sea {CO$_{2}$} fluxes}, 
    1023710445  booktitle = {{O}ceanObs'09 {C}ommunity {W}hite {P}aper}, 
    1025910467  loceanbibid = {01638}, 
    1026010468  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
     10469  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1026110470  timestamp = {20120515} 
    1028610495  number = {5}, 
    1028710496  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    10288   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     10497  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1028910498  doi = {10.1111/j.1600-0889.2010.00503.x}, 
    1029010499  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    1034210551  loceanbibid = {01082}, 
    1034310552  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     10553  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     10554  aerestype = {C-ACTI}, 
    1034410555  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    1034510556  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00558613/} 
    1035610567  loceanbibid = {01081}, 
    1035710568  loceanteam = {austral-boréal,surf}, 
     10569  aerestype={C-COM}, 
    1035810570  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1036210574  author = {{Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark and {F}rédéric {V}ivier and {F}abien {R}oquet and {É}lodie {K}estenare and {H}. {S}ekma and {I}sabelle {D}urand}, 
    10363   title = {{D}irect observations of the {ACC} transport across the {K}erguelen {P}lateau from the 2009-2010 TRACK cruises}, 
     10575  title = {{D}irect observations of the {ACC} transport across the {K}erguelen {P}lateau from the 2009-2010 {TRACK} cruises}, 
    1036410576  booktitle = {{E}GU {G}eneral {A}ssembly}, 
    1036510577  year = {2010}, 
    1036910581  loceanbibid = {01080}, 
    1037010582  loceanteam = {austral-boréal, surf}, 
     10583  aerestype={C-COM}, 
    1037110584  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1037510588  author = {{Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark and {F}rédéric {V}ivier and {F}abien {R}oquet and {É}lodie {K}estenare and {H}. {S}ekma and {I}sabelle {D}urand}, 
    10376   title = {{D}irect observations of the {ACC} transport across the {K}erguelen {P}lateau from the 2009-2010 TRACK cruises}, 
     10589  title = {{D}irect observations of the {ACC} transport across the {K}erguelen {P}lateau from the 2009-2010 {TRACK} cruises}, 
    1037710590  booktitle = {{I}nternational {P}olar {Y}ear {O}slo {S}cience {C}onference}, 
    1037810591  year = {2010}, 
    1038210595  loceanbibid = {01079}, 
    1038310596  loceanteam = {austral-boréal, surf}, 
     10597  aerestype={C-COM}, 
    1038410598  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1058910803  number = {8}, 
    1059010804  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    10591   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     10805  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1059210806  doi = {10.1175/2010JTECHO741.1}, 
    1059310807  loceanaffectation = {upmc,cnrs}, 
    1065510869  booktitle = {{P}roceedings of {O}ceanObs'09: {S}ustained {O}cean {O}bservations 
    1065610870        and {I}nformation for {S}ociety (Vol. 3)}, 
    10657   comment = {20120213 : ++ pas de vol 3 dans http://www.oceanobs09.net/proceedings/index.php}, 
     10871  comment = {20120213 : ++ pas de vol 3 dans http://www.oceanobs09.net/proceedings/index.php, 20120626 : aerestype d'après GR}, 
    1065810872  date = {21-25 {S}eptember 2009}, 
    1065910873  doi = {10.5270/OceanObs09}, 
    1066110875  loceanbibid = {01067}, 
    1066210876  loceanteam = {austral-boréal,surf}, 
     10877  aerestype={ASCL}, 
    1066310878  publisher = {{H}all, {J}., {H}arrison, {D}. {E}. \& {S}tammer, {D}., {E}ds., ESA 
    1066410879        {P}ublication WPP-306}, 
    1067510890  loceanbibid = {01066}, 
    1067610891  loceanteam = {austral-boréal,surf}, 
     10892  aerestype={ASCL}, 
    1067710893  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1094111157  loceanaffectation = {upmc}, 
    1094211158  loceanbibid = {01052}, 
    10943   loceanteam = {surf}, 
     11159  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
     11160  aeresteam = {varclim}, 
    1094411161  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1106711284  address = {{O}slo, {N}orway}, 
    1106811285  note = {poster}, 
    11069   aerestype = {AFF}, 
     11286  aerestype = {C-AFF}, 
    1107011287  date = {8-12 {J}une 2010}, 
    1107111288  loceanaffectation = {mnhn,cnrs}, 
    1114311360  author = {{M}. {T}roin and {M}. {V}rac and {M}yriam {K}hodri and {C}. {V}allet-{C}oulomb and {E}. {P}iovano and {F}. {S}ylvestre}, 
    11144   title = {{C}oupling statistically downscaled GCM outputs with a basin-lake hydrological model in subtropical {S}outh {A}merica: evaluation of the influence of large-scale precipitation changes on regional hydroclimate variability}, 
     11361  title = {{C}oupling statistically downscaled {GCM} outputs with a basin-lake hydrological model in subtropical {S}outh {A}merica: evaluation of the influence of large-scale precipitation changes on regional hydroclimate variability}, 
    1114511362  journal = {{H}ydrology and {E}arth {S}ystem {S}ciences {D}iscussions}, 
    1114611363  year = {2010}, 
    1129611513  address = {{W}ashington {É}tats-{U}nis}, 
    1129711514  publisher = {{IEEE}}, 
    11298   abstract = {{T}he {CAROLS}, {L} band radiometer, is built and designed as a copy 
     11515  abstract = {{T}he {CAROLS}, {L-band} radiometer, is built and designed as a copy 
    1129911516        of {EMIRAD} {II} radiometer of {DTU} team. {I}t is a {C}orrelation 
    1130011517        radiometer with direct sampling and fully polarimetric (i.e 4 {S}tockes). 
    1134111558  loceanbibid = {01035}, 
    1134211559  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     11560  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     11561  aerestype = {C-COM}, 
    1134311562  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    1134411563  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00558610/} 
    1141211631  loceanbibid = {01032}, 
    1141311632  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar}, 
     11633  aerestype = {ASCL}, 
    1141411634  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1160811828  loceanbibid = {01021}, 
    1160911829  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     11830  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     11831  aerestype = {ASCL}, 
    1161011832  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1168211904  loceanbibid = {01017}, 
    1168311905  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     11906  aerestype={ACLN}, 
    1168411907  url = {http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010047085} 
    1173511958  loceanbibid = {01014}, 
    1173611959  loceanteam = {surf, phybiocar}, 
     11960  aerestype={C-COM}, 
    1173711961  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1205312277  loceanbibid = {01003}, 
    1205412278  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     12279  aeresteam={surf}, 
     12280  aerestype={C-COM}, 
    1205512281  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1206412290  month = mar, 
    1206512291  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
     12292  aerestype={C-COM}, 
    1206612293  loceanbibid = {01002}, 
    1206712294  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     12295  aeresteam={surf}, 
    1206812296  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1207812306  loceanbibid = {01001}, 
    1207912307  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     12308  aerestype={C-COM}, 
     12309  aeresteam={surf}, 
    1208012310  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1210612336  loceanbibid = {00999}, 
    1210712337  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar}, 
     12338  aerestype={C-COM}, 
    1210812339  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1228412515  loceanbibid = {00989}, 
    1228512516  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
     12517  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1228612518  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1247712709  pages = {239-271}, 
    1247812710  number = {2}, 
     12711  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1247912712  doi = {10.1357/002224009789051191}, 
    1248012713  loceanaffectation = {ird,upmc}, 
    1249512728  month = jan, 
    1249612729  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    12497   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     12730  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1249812731  doi = {10.1175/2008BAMS2500.1}, 
    1249912732  loceanaffectation = {ird,cnrs}, 
    1250012733  loceanbibid = {00978}, 
    1250112734  loceanteam = {surf,varclim}, 
     12735  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1250212736  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    1250312737  url = {http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010044303} 
    1268212916  loceanbibid = {00968}, 
    1268312917  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
     12918  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1268412919  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    1268512920  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00411974/} 
    1272412959  loceanbibid = {01641}, 
    1272512960  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     12961  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     12962  aerestype={ACL}, 
    1272612963  timestamp = {20120516}, 
    1272712964  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00409387} 
    1280013037  loceanbibid = {00965}, 
    1280113038  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
     13039  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1280213040  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    1280313041  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00455784/} 
    1292413162  number = {3}, 
    1292513163  aeresteam = {varclim}, 
    12926   aerestype = {artsynthese}, 
     13164  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1292713165  comment = {pour affectation hal {E}ric {G}uilyardia, {A}ndrew {W}ittenbergb, 
    1292813166        {A}lexey {F}edorovc, {M}at {C}ollinsd, a. LOCEAN/IPSL (CNRS/UPMC/IRD), 
    1309313331  loceanbibid = {00951}, 
    1309413332  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     13333  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     13334  aerestype={ASCL}, 
    1309513335  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1320113441  loceanbibid = {00945}, 
    1320213442  loceanteam = {surf,varclim}, 
     13443  aerestype={ACL}, 
    1320313444  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    1320413445  url = {http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010048222} 
    1340813649  loceanteam = {surf}, 
    1340913650  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     13651  comment = {20120626 : aeresteam pas logique vs loceanteam++}, 
    1341013652  url = {http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/PAR00003524} 
    1344413686  loceanbibid = {00932}, 
    1344513687  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
     13688  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1344613689  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    1344713690  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00383908/} 
    1350413747  loceanbibid = {00928}, 
    1350513748  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     13749  aeresteam={surf}, 
    1350613750  nationality = {F}, 
    1350713751  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1358313827  loceanaffectation = {ird,cnrs}, 
    1358413828  loceanbibid = {00923}, 
     13829  aerestype={ASCL}, 
    1358513830  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar}, 
    1358613831  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1369913944  pages = {170-176}, 
    1370013945  number = {3}, 
    13701   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     13946  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1370213947  doi = {10.1002/asl.227}, 
    1370313948  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    1378214027  loceanbibid = {00909}, 
    1378314028  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
     14029  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1378414030  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1381514061  loceanbibid = {00907}, 
    1381614062  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
     14063  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1381714064  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1386214109  loceanbibid = {00905}, 
    1386314110  loceanteam = {surf,varclim}, 
     14111  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1386414112  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1390914157  loceanbibid = {00902}, 
    1391014158  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
     14159  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1391114160  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1392414173  loceanbibid = {00901}, 
    1392514174  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
     14175  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1392614176  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1393614186  loceanbibid = {00900}, 
    1393714187  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar}, 
     14188  aerestype={C-COM}, 
    1393814189  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1394914200  loceanbibid = {00899}, 
    1395014201  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar}, 
     14202  aerestype={C-COM}, 
    1395114203  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1401114263  pages = {379-387}, 
    1401214264  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    14013   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     14265  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1401414266  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    1401514267  loceanbibid = {00895}, 
    1415214404  number = {9}, 
    1415314405  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    14154   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     14406  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1415514407  doi = {10.1109/TGRS.2009.2020433}, 
    1415614408  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    1451814770  pages = {2462-2473}, 
    1451914771  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    14520   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     14772  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1452114773  doi = {10.1175/2009JTECHO655.1}, 
    1452214774  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    1457114823  loceanbibid = {01642}, 
    1457214824  loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
     14825  aerestype={ACL}, 
    1457314826  timestamp = {20120516} 
    1528015533  author = {{P}ascal {T}erray}, 
    1528115534  title = {{O}bserved relationships between the southern {I}ndian and {A}tlantic {O}ceans and the {M}onsoon-{ENSO} system}, 
    15282   booktitle = {AOGS 2009, {M}onsoon and {M}idlatitude {T}eleconnections {S}ession 
     15535  booktitle = {{AOGS} 2009, {M}onsoon and {M}idlatitude {T}eleconnections {S}ession 
    1528315536        (AS13)}, 
    1528415537  year = {2009}, 
    1548315736  number = {1}, 
    1548415737  aeresteam = {surf,varclim}, 
    15485   aerestype = {ranga,artsynthese}, 
     15738  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1548615739  affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations 
    1548715740        et {A}pproches {N}umériques - {LOCEAN} - {IRD} : {UR}182 - {M}uséum 
    1550815761  loceanbibid = {00825}, 
    1550915762  loceanteam = {surf,varclim,nemo, phybiocar}, 
     15763  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1551015764  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    1551115765  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00361422/} 
    1554415798  loceanbibid = {00824}, 
    1554515799  loceanteam = {surf,nemo,varclim,phybiocar}, 
    15546   timestamp = {20120419}, 
     15800  aerestype = {ACL}, 
     15801  timestamp = {20120419}, 
     15802  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1554715803  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00361424/} 
    15582   author = {{F}rédéric {V}ivier and {D}. {I}udicone and {F}. {B}usdraghi and {Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark}, 
     15838  author = {{F}rédéric {V}ivier and {D}aniele {I}udicone and {F}. {B}usdraghi and {Y}oung-{H}yang {P}ark}, 
    1558315839  title = {{D}ynamics of sea-surface temperature anomalies in the {S}outhern {O}cean diagnosed from a {2D} mixed-layer model}, 
    1558415840  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
    1558815844  number = {2-3}, 
    1558915845  aeresteam = {surf,austral-boréal}, 
    15590   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     15846  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1559115847  doi = {10.1007/s00382-009-0724-3}, 
    1559215848  loceanaffectation = {cnrs,mnhn}, 
    1561915875  number = {1}, 
    1562015876  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    15621   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     15877  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1562215878  doi = {10.1038/ngeo382}, 
    1562315879  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    1586416120  number = {3}, 
    1586516121  month = mar, 
    15866   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     16122  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1586716123  doi = {10.1109/TGRS.2008.915547}, 
    1586816124  issn = {0196-2892}, 
    1608916345        et {A}pproches, {N}umériques, {IPSL}, {P}aris, {F}rance}, 
    1609016346  doi = {10.1007/s00382-008-0429-z}, 
     16347  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1609116348  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    1609216349  loceanbibid = {00793}, 
    1633516592  loceanbibid = {00783}, 
    1633616593  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     16594  aeresteam={surf}, 
    1633716595  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1647316731  loceanbibid = {00777}, 
    1647416732  loceanteam = {surf,varclim}, 
     16733  aerestype={ACL}, 
    1647516734  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    1647616735  url = {http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/PAR00003741} 
    1744817707  number = {7-8}, 
    1744917708  doi = {10.1007/s00382-008-0416-4}, 
     17709  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1745017710  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    1745117711  loceanbibid = {00733}, 
    1747817738  loceanbibid = {00731}, 
    1747917739  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     17740  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     17741  aerestype={C-COM}, 
    1748017742  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1793918201  number = {2-3}, 
    1794018202  doi = {10.1007/s00382-007-0284-3}, 
     18203  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1794118204  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    1794218205  loceanbibid = {00707}, 
    1857618839  loceanbibid = {00677}, 
    1857718840  loceanteam = {varclim,surf}, 
     18841  aerestype={C-COM}, 
    1857818842  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1888319147  number = {3}, 
    1888419148  aeresteam = {surf}, 
    18885   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     19149  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1888619150  comment = {url = http://www.ifremer.fr/docelec/doc/2008/publication-4785.pdf}, 
    1888719151  doi = {10.1357/002224008786176034}, 
    1890119165  number = {2-3}, 
    1890219166  doi = {10.1007/s00382-007-0356-4}, 
     19167  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1890319168  loceanaffectation = {uvsq}, 
    1890419169  loceanbibid = {00664}, 
    1897919244  keywords = {{T}race metals}, 
    1898019245  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
     19246  loceanteam = {paleoproxus}, 
     19247  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1898119248  loceanbibid = {00655}, 
    1898219249  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1914419411        {B}eijing, 100029, {C}hina}, 
    1914519412  doi = {10.1007/s00382-007-0320-3}, 
     19413  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1914619414  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    1914719415  loceanbibid = {00647}, 
    1915819426  pages = {621-645}, 
    1915919427  number = {3}, 
    19160   aerestype = {ranga}, 
     19428  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1916119429  affiliation = {{L}aboratoire d'{O}céanographie et du {C}limat : {E}xpérimentations 
    1916219430        et {A}pproches {N}umériques - {LOCEAN} - {IRD} : {UR}182 - {M}uséum 
    1917419442  loceanbibid = {00646}, 
    1917519443  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     19444  aeresteam={surf}, 
    1917619445  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    1917719446  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00260144/} 
    1919819467  loceanbibid = {00645}, 
    1919919468  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     19469  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     19470  aerestype = {C-ACTI}, 
    1920019471  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    1920119472  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00328171/} 
    1921119482  loceanbibid = {00644}, 
    1921219483  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     19484  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     19485  aerestype = {C-COM}, 
    1921319486  timestamp = {20120419} 
    1931919592        {O}ffice {H}adley {C}entre, {F}itzroy road, {E}xeter, EX1 3PB, UK}, 
    1932019593  doi = {10.1007/s00382-007-0249-6}, 
     19594  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    1932119595  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    1932219596  loceanbibid = {00638}, 
    1952219796  loceanbibid = {00631}, 
    1952319797  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     19798  aeresteam={surf}, 
    1952419799  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    1952519800  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00149474/} 
    1954219817  loceanbibid = {00630}, 
    1954319818  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar}, 
     19819  aerestype={C-COM}, 
    1954419820  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    1954519821  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00160474/} 
    1956119837  loceanbibid = {00629}, 
    1956219838  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar}, 
     19839  aerestype={C-COM}, 
    1956319840  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    1956419841  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00160471/} 
    1959019867  loceanbibid = {00628}, 
    1959119868  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     19869  aeresteam={surf}, 
    1959219870  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    1959319871  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00164665/} 
    1976420042  loceanaffectation = {upmc}, 
    1976520043  loceanbibid = {00622}, 
    19766   loceanteam = {surf}, 
     20044  loceanteam = {surf,varclim}, 
     20045  aerestype={ACLN}, 
    1976720046  timestamp = {20120419} 
    19783   author = {{A}ntoine {C}orbière and {N}icolas {M}etzl and {G}illes {R}everdin and {Ch}ristian {B}runet and {T}. {T}akahashi}, 
     20062  author = {{A}ntoine {C}orbière and {N}icolas {M}etzl and {G}illes {R}everdin and {Ch}ristian {B}runet and {T}aro {T}akahashi}, 
    1978420063  title = {{I}nterannual and decadal variability of the oceanic carbon sink in the {N}orth {A}tlantic subpolar gyre}, 
    1978520064  journal = {{T}ellus {B}}, 
    1979920078  loceanbibid = {00620}, 
    1980020079  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar,snapo}, 
     20080  aerestype={ACL}, 
    1980120081  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    1980220082  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00161721/} 
    1993820218  loceanbibid = {00613}, 
    1993920219  loceanteam = {prodyam,surf}, 
     20220  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     20221  aerestype={ACLN}, 
    1994020222  timestamp = {20120419} 
    2016620448  loceanbibid = {00600}, 
    2016720449  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     20450  aeresteam={surf}, 
    2016820451  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    2016920452  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00164663/} 
    2038720670  loceanbibid = {00589}, 
    2038820671  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     20672  aeresteam={surf}, 
    2038920673  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    2039020674  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00154207/} 
    2059120875  loceanbibid = {00583}, 
    2059220876  loceanteam = {surf,phybiocar}, 
     20877  aerestype={ACLN}, 
    2059320878  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    2059420879  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00330150} 
    2061220897  doi = {10.1007/s00382-006-0215-8}, 
    2061320898  language = {{A}nglais}, 
     20899  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    2061420900  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
    2061520901  loceanbibid = {00582}, 
    2090921195  audience = {non spécifiée}, 
    2091021196  doi = {10.1007/s00382-006-0173-1}, 
     21197  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    2091121198  language = {{A}nglais}, 
    2091221199  loceanbibid = {00569}, 
    2093221219  doi = {10.1007/s00382-006-0200-2}, 
    2093321220  language = {{A}nglais}, 
     21221  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    2093421222  loceanaffectation = {ird,cnrs}, 
    2093521223  loceanbibid = {00568}, 
    2096721255  loceanbibid = {00566}, 
    2096821256  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     21257  aeresteam={surf}, 
    2096921258  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    2097021259  url = {http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010045629} 
    2109321382  loceanbibid = {00560}, 
    2109421383  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     21384  aeresteam={surf}, 
    2109521385  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    2109621386  url = {http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010045300} 
    2123421524  loceanbibid = {00552}, 
    2123521525  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     21526  aeresteam={surf}, 
    2123621527  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    2123721528  url = {http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/PAR00001980} 
    2125021541  loceanbibid = {00551}, 
    2125121542  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     21543  aeresteam={surf}, 
    2125221544  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    2125321545  url = {http://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010045299} 
    2146721759  loceanbibid = {00541}, 
    2146821760  loceanteam = {surf,ditm}, 
     21761  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    2146921762  timestamp = {20120419} 
    2149021783  loceanbibid = {00540}, 
    2149121784  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     21785  aeresteam={surf}, 
    2149221786  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    2149321787  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00161734/} 
    2165521949  doi = {10.1007/s00382-006-0171-3}, 
    2165621950  language = {{A}nglais}, 
     21951  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    2165721952  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    2165821953  loceanbibid = {00531}, 
    2166921964  pages = {521-534}, 
    2167021965  doi = {10.1007/s00382-007-0250-0}, 
     21966  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    2167121967  loceanaffectation = {cnrs}, 
    2167221968  loceanbibid = {00530}, 
    2170622002  doi = {10.1007/s00382-006-0192-y}, 
    2170722003  language = {{A}nglais}, 
    21708   loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
     22004  aerestype = {ACL}, 
     22005  loceanaffectation = {ird}, 
     22006  loceanteam = {varclim}, 
    2170922007  loceanbibid = {00528}, 
    2171022008  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    2175322051  title = {{E}uropean {G}liding {O}bservatories ({EGO})}, 
    2175422052  journal = {{CORIOLIS} {N}ewsletter}, 
     22053  aerestype={ASCL}, 
    2175522054  year = {2007}, 
    2175622055  month = oct, 
    2198022279  loceanbibid = {00518}, 
    2198122280  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     22281  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     22282  aerestype = {ACL}, 
    2198222283  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    2198322284  url = {http://hal-insu.archives-ouvertes.fr/insu-00388005/} 
    2269722998  loceanbibid = {00484}, 
    2269822999  loceanteam = {surf}, 
     23000  aeresteam = {surf}, 
     23001  aerestype={C-ACTI}, 
    2269923002  timestamp = {20120419}, 
    2270023003  url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00149499/} 
    2316123464  author = {{A}udine {L}aurian and {A}lban {L}azar and {G}illes {R}everdin}, 
    2316223465  title = {{P}oleward propagation of spiciness anomalies in the {N}orth {A}tlantic {O}cean}, 
    23163   journal = {{MERCATOR} {N}ewsletter}, 
     23466  journal = {{M}ercator {N}ewsletter}, 
    2316423467  year = {2006}, 
    2316523468  month = jul, 
    2411724420  loceanaffectation = {upmc}, 
    2411824421  loceanbibid = {00418}, 
    24119   loceanteam = {surf}, 
     24422  loceanteam = {surf,varclim}, 
     24423  aerestype= {ACLN}, 
    2412024424  timestamp = {20120419} 
    2449724801  author = {{E}milie {B}révière}, 
    24498   title = {{V}ariabilité temporelles des flux de {CO$_{2}$} à l'interface air mer dans l'océan {I}ndien et {A}ustral au sud de la {T}asmanie,secrétaire scientifique SOLAS}, 
     24802  title = {{V}ariabilité temporelles des flux de {CO$_{2}$} à l'interface air mer dans l'océan {I}ndien et {A}ustral au sud de la {T}asmanie, secrétaire scientifique SOLAS}, 
    2449924803  school = {{U}niversité de {P}aris {VI}}, 
    2450024804  year = {2005}, 
    2620126505  doi = {10.1175/JPO2752.1}, 
    2620226506  language = {{A}nglais}, 
     26507  loceanteam= {varclim}, 
    2620326508  loceanaffectation = {ird,upmc}, 
    2620426509  loceanbibid = {00321}, 
    2937529680  author = {Éric {G}uilyardi and {G}urvan {M}adec and {L}aurent {T}erray}, 
    29376   title = {{T}he role of lateral ocean physics in the upper ocean thermal balance of a coupled ocean-atmosphere GCM}, 
     29681  title = {{T}he role of lateral ocean physics in the upper ocean thermal balance of a coupled ocean-atmosphere {GCM}}, 
    2937729682  journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, 
    2937829683  year = {2001}, 
    3133431639  author = {{G}illes {R}everdin and {P}. {R}ual and {Y}ves {du {P}enhoat} and {Y}. {G}ouriou}, 
    31335   title = {{V}ertical structure of the seasonal cycle in the subsurface tropical {A}tlantic {O}cean: XBT sections from 1980-1988}, 
     31640  title = {{V}ertical structure of the seasonal cycle in the subsurface tropical {A}tlantic {O}cean: {XBT} sections from 1980-1988}, 
    3133631641  journal = {{J}ournal of {P}hysical {O}ceanography}, 
    3133731642  year = {1991}, 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.