03/26/14 11:58:56 (10 years ago)

fix thanks to coding rules; typo

1 edited


  • trunk/adm/website/Readme.rst

    r202 r204  
    10 The TropFlux project aims at providing daily, timely, accurate air-sea heat and momentum flux data for the entire 30°N-30°S region.  Wind stresses and the four components of net surface heat flux are currently available for the entire 1979 to March 2013 period. We are currently working on a regular (~monthly) update of the TropFlux product until 3-4 months behind realtime. 
     10The TropFlux project aims at providing daily, timely, accurate air-sea heat and momentum flux data for the entire 30°N-30°S region.  Wind stresses and the four components of net surface heat flux are currently available for the entire 1979 to March 2013 period. We are currently working on a regular (~monthly) update of the TropFlux product until 3-4 months behind realtime. 
    1212TropFlux is largely derived from a combination of ERA-I re-analysis data for turbulent and longwave fluxes, and ISCCP surface radiation data for shortwave flux. All input products are bias- and amplitude-corrected on the basis of Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array data, before surface net heat flux and wind stresses are computed using the COARE v3 bulk algorithm. A precise description of the flux computation procedure, as well as a detailed evaluation against other timely, daily air-sea heat flux alternatives (OAFLUX, NCEP, NCEP2, ERA-I) is provided in Praveen Kumar et al. 2012. The wind stress product is described, evaluated and compared against other widely used products (QuikSCAT, NCEP, NCEP2, ERA-I) in Praveen Kumar et al. 2013 
    1818 - a simple estimate of surface shortwave radiation is provided from OLR data, as a near-realtime alternative to the more accurate but irregularly updated ISCCP data. 
    20 The TropFlux product has been developed under a collaboration between the Laboratoire d'Océanographie: Expérimentation et Approches Numériques (LOCEAN) from Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, France and National Institute of Oceanography/CSIR, India. Bilateral scientific visits to France and India have been supported by Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, France. 
     20The TropFlux product has been developed under a collaboration between the Laboratoire d'Océanographie: Expérimentation et Approches Numériques (LOCEAN) from Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, France and National Institute of Oceanography/CSIR, India. Bilateral scientific visits to France and India have been supported by Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, France. 
    2222Data format 
    4040The data is provided in NetCDF format, with one file per variable for the complete dataset. 
    4141Daily (almost 1Gb per file) and monthly (32Mb per file) average data are proposed. 
    42 The data is provided on a 1° resolution grid (with the same land-sea mask than for the OAFLUX project, http://oaflux.whoi.edu/ ). 
     42The data is provided on a 1° resolution grid (with the same land-sea mask than for the OAFLUX project, http://oaflux.whoi.edu/ ). 
    4343There are 60 points in latitude at -29.5, -28.5, ..., 28.5 (positive north of the equator). 
    4444There are 350 points in longitude at 30.5, 31.5, ..., 379.5 (eastward of the Greenwich meridian). 
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