
Version 10 (modified by nillod, 9 years ago) (diff)


IPSL Volcano project

The goal is to use modelisation to better understand the role of volcanism in the global climate system.

About simulations

AMIP simulations - study boundary impact (imposing historical SST vs forced runs SST, volcano aerosol / no volcano aer)

Pinatubo ensembles - Ensemble simulations focus on Pinatubo (forced runs, Control, injection levels...)

About tools

General tools - Compute mean NH, aggregate sim and apply oce mask...

Pinatubo MYEXP tools - Compute anomalies, group all simulations+mean ensemble, monte carlo, vertical interp for 3D var...

Past eruptions tools - Analyze last millenium eruptions (detection, clustering, effect).

Past1000 tools - Compute anomalies, compare to PMIP members...

About model

RRTM & aerosol strato with IPSLCM6 VLR - Test to look RRTM effect compare to no RRTM.

Add strato forcing in IPSLCM5_v5 - Read stratospheric aerosols forcings with IPSLCM5v5 and write OD550_STRAT var.

Add strato forcing in IPSLCM5A - Read stratospheric aerosols forcings with IPSLCM5A and write OD550_STRAT var.

2D Micro-Physic model - S. Bekki 2D aerosol model.