
Version 33 (modified by nillod, 8 years ago) (diff)


LMDZOR6 RRTM with CMIP6 beta release volcanic forcing defined with 3 params (AOD, cg, piz on both SW and LW)

Model installation

  1. Start to import modIPSL: svn co modipsl
  2. Change LMDZ revision to trunk 2541 in mod.def
  3. Install the model: cd modipsl/util ; ./model LMDZOR_v6
  4. Activate RRTM mode in modipsl/modeles/LMDZ/makelmdz_fcm: rrtm=true
  5. Compile with L=79: cd modipsl/config/LMDZOR ; gmake LMD144142-L79

Activate and configure (RRTM, read aerosol with CMIP beta 0 release forcing containing 3 parameters)

  1. RRTM: see process below (don't forget to compile with rrtm flag). Active flag_rrtm=1 in corresponding PARAM/physiq.def file.
  2. Read aerosol: Edit corresponding PARAM/physiq.def file and add flag_aerosol_strat=2. Then add aerosols files to read in COMP/lmdz.card as below:
    List=   (/path/to/input/dir/tauswstrat.2D.${year}.nc,, \
            (/path/to/input/dir/taulwstrat.2D.${year}.nc,, \


All outputs were made with LMDZ6 rev 2550, physic=NPv5.4. Anomalies are performed by removing control run values (ie LMDZOR6.NOVOLC) in 1991-1993 period.

Name of simulations and Nomenclature:

  • 2D: corresponds to CMIP6 beta0 release forcing dataset zonally averaged for the 3 parameters.
  • AOD: corresponds to SATO zonal AOD. The other 2 parameters are fixed.
  • LMDZOR6.VOLC.2D.2 and LMDZOR6.VOLC.2D.3: same boundary conditions (ERSST) and other forcings (ie CMIP6 beta release). Only difference is on period length (1M or 1Y). See table and figures below. To note unexplained differences in radiation balance. We note about 0.5W/m2 between test 2 and 3 that goes back to 0 at the end of the year (see figure) => problem with temporal interpolation ??? To be checked in coupled model framework. Otherwise there is a problem with OD550_STRAT interpolation in southern hemisphere south of about 75degSouth. Global radiation balance at TOA (SW, LW and Net) and Surf temperature response are in good agrement with expected values (e.g Soden et al. 2002). However results are biaised by imposed SST, need to check this in the couple model framework.

  • LMDZOR6.VOLC.AOD and LMDZOR6.VOLC.AOD.2: same boundary conditions (ERSST) and other forcings (ie SATO AOD). Only difference is on period length (1M or 1Y). See table and figures below. Under analysis.
Name #MPIOMP flag_aerPerLen?PackFq?Physic RRTMOut ForcingsResults Comment
LMDZOR6.VOLC.2D.2 47 8CPU2 1Y 3YNPv5.4 Yes DEVTCMIP6 3parok 3Yphylmd rev 2550
LMDZOR6.VOLC.2D.3 47 8CPU2 1M 3YNPv5.4 Yes DEVTCMIP6 3parok 3Y phylmd rev 2550/queue test
LMDZOR6.VOLC.AOD 47 8CPU1 1Y 3YNPv5.4 Yes DEVTSATO ok 3Yphylmd rev 2550
LMDZOR6.VOLC.AOD.2 47 8CPU1 1M 3YNPv5.4 Yes DEVTSATO run...phylmd rev 2550
LMDZOR6.NOVOLC 47 8CPU0 1Y 3YNPv5.4 Yes DEVTTSI onlyok 3Yphylmd rev 2550/ctrl sim

LMDZOR6.VOLC.2D.2 (CMIP6 beta release0, 3 param)




Pair Anomaly

LMDZOR6.VOLC.AOD (Sato AOD forcing)


Pair Anomaly