


18:49 Changeset [206] by bernard
Modification in the managment of the errors in setOuter()
17:10 Changeset [205] by yerima
DefvalWindow? herits from BaseWindow? in visual Yao.
14:21 Changeset [204] by bernard
test commit from usb key


18:40 Changeset [203] by bernard
update comments in Order.hpp
18:30 Changeset [202] by bernard
correction of a bug in setOuter(), in the fourth configuration, that was …
09:56 Changeset [201] by yerima
New class with a basic graphical code in visual Yao.


18:00 Changeset [200] by lnalod
Deleteing old boost library directory.
17:58 Changeset [199] by lnalod
Adding boost library.
15:57 Changeset [198] by bernard
updating comments in Order.hpp
14:37 Changeset [197] by bernard
boost library in share diretcory and makefile updated
14:35 Changeset [196] by bernard
boost library in share diretcory and makefile updated
13:09 Changeset [195] by yerima
Help message in DefvalWindow? and HatnameWindow?. Visual_Yao.


11:48 Changeset [194] by bernard
change in the reading functions : the 2D and 1D functions was not giving …


15:45 Changeset [193] by lnalod
Update of INSTALL file.


18:31 Changeset [192] by yerima
Help button's link on opera window is valid. Visual yao
17:40 Changeset [191] by yerima
Help button's link on option window is valid. Visual yao
17:16 Changeset [190] by yerima
Some changes in visual Yao. I have learnt Vim's command.
16:03 Changeset [189] by bernard
debut d'implementation de la fonction setMacroGraph


13:08 Changeset [188] by yerima
Deleting and saving buttons are ready in space window. Visual yao.


20:13 Changeset [187] by bernard
code commenté et quelques fonctions simplifiées
17:48 Changeset [186] by yerima
Deleting and saving buttons are ready in traj window. Visual yao.
00:38 Changeset [185] by yerima
Deleting and saving buttons are ready in option window. Visual yao.
00:20 Changeset [184] by yerima
Deleting and saving buttons are ready in hatname window. Visual yao.


14:48 Changeset [183] by bernard
ajout de quelques fichiers de test
14:29 Changeset [182] by bernard
modification makefile (boost), ajout de commentaires (Order.hpp), …


14:56 Changeset [181] by bernard
mise à jour Order.cpp et Order.hpp
10:38 Changeset [180] by yerima
Bouml project in the thrunk directory.


17:25 Changeset [179] by yerima
Adding and deleting method are implemented in InsertFctwindow? but it's not …
16:19 Changeset [178] by yerima
Control is ok on Defvalwindow's Deleting and saving button in visual Yao.


13:43 Changeset [177] by yerima
InsertFCT's layout is ok in visual Yao.
11:45 Changeset [176] by yerima
Ctin's windows button are synchronized with the other's windows buttons in …


09:31 Changeset [175] by yerima
The layout in changed in trajwindow.
08:16 Changeset [174] by yerima
Fixed size in NewProject?, Defval, HatName?, Option and Trajectory Window. …


19:03 Changeset [173] by yerima
Defvalwindow is ready. Adding and deleting button are ok. Help button is …
17:56 Changeset [172] by yerima
Main.cpp file is updated for using .hpp files in visual Yao.
17:46 Changeset [171] by yerima
Header files are named .hpp in visual Yao.


12:45 Changeset [170] by yerima
Changes in operawindow. Visual Yao.
12:44 Changeset [169] by mayombo
add change in class Netward
12:42 Changeset [168] by mayombo
add change in class Netward, InsertFCT, Traj
12:30 Changeset [167] by yerima
Help button are synchronized in all windows.
12:27 Changeset [166] by yerima
Help button are synchronized.
12:19 Changeset [165] by yerima
Traj and space button.
12:14 Changeset [164] by mayombo
add change in class Modul, Traj, Ctin, Netward, InsertFCT
10:46 Changeset [163] by mayombo
add change Traj
10:44 Changeset [162] by mayombo
add change in class Modul, Traj, Ctin
10:24 Changeset [161] by yerima
somes changes.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.