08/25/11 14:44:54 (13 years ago)

Import medias files and cleanup _ part 1

1 edited


  • ether_megapoli/trunk/web/src/ApplicationResources_en.properties

    r132 r136  
     2app.provisoire=Download soon available 
     4app.fulltitle=MEGAPOLI Database - Paris 
    35app.lastModified=Last Modified 
    1012app.mandatory=Mandatory fields 
     13app.mandatory2=Please select at least 1 criteria in the coloured frames, the final selection will be automatically deduced from the other choices you made. 
    18 app.back=Return to the data tree 
    1921app.disconnect=Log out 
    2125app.sitemap=Site Map 
    2226app.sitemap.title=SITE MAP 
     27app.linkmegapoli=Go to MEGAPOLI website 
     28app.linksedoo=Go to SEDOO website 
    2429app.nopage=Page en cours de construction... 
     31app.infonavig=This website is tested for web browsers Firefox 3 and Google Chrome 12 
    6673data=Megapoli data 
    6774data.title=MEGAPOLI DATA 
    68 data.categ1=PLANE 
    69 data.categ2=FIXED SURFACE 
    70 data.categ3=MOBILE SURFACE 
     76data.categ2=FIXED SURFACE TYPE 
     77data.categ3=MOBILE PLATFORM-SURFACE 
    7178data.intro0=This area is accessible for Megapoli project members only.  
    72 data.intro1=If you are one of these members and you fail authentification, please report to the  
     79data.intro1=You can ask for a login account by sending an email to the  
    7481data.authentification.intro=Please login below to access the protected areas of this website. 
    7885data.upload=Data upload 
    7986data.upload.title=NEW DATA UPLOAD 
    80 data.upload.accueil=Welcome to the Megapoli project data upload site.<br><br>Data are organized as datasets, which are sorted by categories : the tree below illustrates the file tree on the data upload server.<br>A metadata file is joined to each dataset : integrators use it to properly integrate data.<br> 
    81 data.upload.intro=In this area, you can update metadata about the data set you are responsible for, upload data files to the site, and, if you are one of the coordinators, create new data sets. 
     87data.upload.accueil=Welcome to the Megapoli project data upload site.<br>Data are organized as datasets, which are sorted by categories : the tree below illustrates the file tree on the data upload server.<br>A metadata file is joined to each dataset : integrators use it to properly integrate data. 
     88data.upload.intro=In this area, you can update the metadata of a data set, upload data files to the site, and, if you are one of the coordinators, create new data sets. 
    8289data.upload.upload=Upload new files 
    8390data.upload.succeded=The selected file was well uploaded to the server. 
    8491#data.upload.coordinator=En tant que coordinateur du projet, vous pouvez : 
    8592#data.upload.member=Vous \u00EAtes membre du projet. 
    86 data.upload.howto=To upload new data to the server please follow these three steps : <ul><li>Update the metadata file corresponding to the matching dataset (click on the matching link in the filetree to access the form),</li><li>Upload your data files to the folder corresponding to the adequate dataset,</li><li>Send an email to the <a href="mailto:vincent.pignot@aero.obs-mip.fr?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a> to report the upload : he will launch the new data integration.</li></ul> 
     93data.upload.howto=To upload new data to the server please follow these three steps : <ul><li>Update the metadata file corresponding to the matching dataset (click on the matching link in the filetree to access the form),</li><li>Upload your data files to the folder corresponding to the adequate dataset,</li><li>Send an email to the <a href="mailto:{0}?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a> to report the upload : he will launch the new data integration.</li></ul> 
    8794data.upload.deleteSet=Delete this dataset. 
    8895data.upload.deleteFile=Delete this file. 
     116data.upload.metadata.inc=to be completed 
    109118data.upload.metadata.link=Update metadata 
    110119data.upload.metadata.title=Metadata for the data set  
    143152data.upload.metadata.contact.prenom=First name 
    145 data.upload.metadata.contact.com.medias.mail=Email 
    151161data.upload.metadata.param.abrev=Short name 
    166176data.upload.metadata.plat.img.show=Show the image 
    167 data.upload.metadata.plat.latlon.format=<i>(In decimal degrees)</i> 
     177data.upload.metadata.plat.lat.format=<i>(In decimal degrees [-90,90])</i> 
     178data.upload.metadata.plat.lon.format=<i>(In decimal degrees [-180,180])</i> 
    168179data.upload.metadata.plat.latmin=Minimum latitude 
    169180data.upload.metadata.plat.lonmin=Minimum longitude 
    172183data.upload.metadata.plat.lonmax=Maximum longitude 
    173184data.upload.metadata.plat.altmax=Maximum altitude 
     185data.upload.metadata.nomoth=or other 
    174186data.upload.plat.optional=<i>(Obligatory for fixed platforms)</i> 
    182194data.upload.metadata.newPlat=Add a platform 
    183195data.upload.metadata.newCapt=Add a sensor 
     196data.upload.metadata.deleteJeu=Delete this data set 
    184197data.upload.metadata.deletePlat=Delete this platform 
    185198data.upload.metadata.deleteParam=Delete this parameter 
    187200data.upload.metadata.deletePers=Delete this contact 
    188201data.upload.metadata.deletePict=Delete this picture 
     202data.upload.metadata.deleteFile=Delete this file 
    189203data.upload.updateMetadata.succeded=Metadata has been correctly updated. 
    190204data.upload.files.zero=<i>No files were uploaded for this data set </i> 
    192 data.access=Data access 
     206data.access=Data catalogue 
    193207data.access.jeux=Data sets 
    194208data.access.jeux2=Associated data sets 
     209data.access.jeux3=data set 
     210data.access.jeux4=data sets 
    197 data.access.param2=parameters 
    198214data.access.param3=Associated parameters 
    199215data.access.param4=Parameter detail 
    202 data.access.capt2=sensors 
    203219data.access.capt3=Associated sensors 
    204220data.access.capt4=Sensor detail 
    207 data.access.plat2=platforms 
    208224data.access.plat3=Associated platforms 
    209225data.access.plat4=Platform detail 
    210226data.access.plat.fixe=Fixed platforms 
    211228data.access.plat.mobile=Mobile platforms 
    222240data.access.plat.altmax=Maximal altitude 
    223241data.access.plat.hsmax=Maximal height 
    224 data.access.intro=In this area, you can access already uploaded and/or integrated data:<ul> <li>either by directly downloading files from a data set,</li> <li>consulting the data extraction interface, which queries the Megapoli database <i>(the interface will soon be available)</i></li><li>consulting the list of data sets, integrated parameters, availables sensors and platforms :</li></ul> 
     242data.access.intro=In this area, you can either<ul><li>access the original files</li><li>list and consult the various data sets, integrated parameters, available sensors and platforms</li></ul> 
     243data.access.intro2=The interface is based on interactive queries through Megapoli database 
     244data.access.intro3=In this area, you can<ul><li>access the data by directly downloading the original files from each data set</li><li>consult the data characteristics \:</li></ul> 
    225245data.access.listFiles.title=Files uploaded in the data set {0} 
    226246data.access.metadata.link=See metadata 
    239259data.access.metadata.presentation.contact.role.scientifique=Principal investigator 
    240260data.access.metadata.presentation.contact.role.technique=Technical manager 
    241 data.access.metadata.file=<i>{0} files validated</i> 
    242 data.access.metadata.file.one=<i>{0} file validated</i> 
    243 data.access.metadata.file.sameDate=<i>on {0}</i> 
    244 data.access.metadata.file.differentDate=<i>between {0} and {1}</i> 
     261data.access.metadata.file=original file{0} 
     262data.access.metadata.file2=file{0} validated 
     263data.access.metadata.file.sameDate=on {0} 
     264data.access.metadata.file.differentDate=between {0} and {1} 
    245265data.access.metadata.title=Metadata for the data set 
    248268data.access.metadata.datefin=Date of the last measure 
    250 data.access.metadata.nbfichiers=Number of files 
     270data.access.metadata.nbfichiers=Number of original files 
     271data.access.metadata.fichierslink=access to files 
    251272data.access.metadata.nbmesures=Number of measures 
    252273data.access.metadata.plat.type=Type of plateform 
    253275data.access.metadata.param.cat=GCMD category 
    254 data.access.files.zero=No files were validate for this data set 
    255 app.access.back=Back to the list of data sets 
    256 app.access.plat.back=List of platforms 
    257 app.access.param.back=List of parameters 
    258 app.access.capt.back=List of sensors 
    259 app.access.jeu.back=List of data sets 
    260 app.access.metadata.back=Metadata of data set 
     276data.access.files.zero=No files were validated for this data set 
     277app.access.metadata.back=Back to the data set 
    266283data.access.downloading.logon=To download a file, you must have a login and a password 
    267284data.access.metadata.unavailable=Metadata not available 
    268 data.access.files.dowload.com.medias.zip=Download all files of data set {0} 
     285data.access.files.dowload.zip=Download all files of data set {0} 
     286data.access.files=Original files 
     287data.access.files2=Original files for data set {0} 
     288data.access.files3=original file{0} 
     289data.access.extract=Data access 
     290data.access.extract2=Validation before download 
     291data.access.extract3=Downloading in progress 
     292data.access.extract.confirm=Are you sure you want to download {0} values ? 
     293data.access.extract.process=The downloading is in progress. You will receive an e-mail to get back the generated data file(s).<br/>You are going to be redirected to the Home Page in a few seconds... 
     294data.access.nbval=selected value{0} 
     302data.access.loc.format=decimal degrees 
     305data.access.selall=Select/Deselect all 
    290327finance4=L'Universit\u00E9 de Colombie Britannique (Canada) 
    292 com.medias.mail.subject=[MEGAPOLI] Data upload 
    293 com.medias.mail.content1=Hi 
    294 com.medias.mail.content2=,\n\nThe "Data upload" section on MEGAPOLI website is active.\n\nThe data set " 
    295 com.medias.mail.content3=" is now registered.\nYou have been selected as " 
    296 com.medias.mail.content31=". 
    297 com.medias.mail.content4=\n\nYou can see details at the following URL\: " 
    298 com.medias.mail.content5=".\nYour login is \: 
    299 com.medias.mail.content6=,\nYour password is \: 
    300 com.medias.mail.content7=\n\n1) Check if the metadata related to the data set " 
    301 com.medias.mail.content8=" are correct (click on the "Metadata" link),\n2) Upload your data files for this data set. Click on the button above the "Metadata" link, choose a file and click on "Submit". For any questions, you can contact the webmaster (mailto\:vincent.pignot@aero.obs-mip.fr).\n\nBest regards,\n\n 
    302 com.medias.mail.content9=is " 
     329mail.subject=[MEGAPOLI] Data upload  
     331mail.content2=,\n\nThe "Data upload" section on MEGAPOLI website is active.\n\nThe data set " 
     332mail.content3=" is now registered.\nYou have been selected as " 
     334mail.content4=\n\nYou can see details at the following URL\: " 
     335mail.content5=".\nYour login is \:  
     336mail.content6=\nYour password is \:  
     337mail.content7=\n\n1) Click on the "Metadata" link to fill in the metadata related to the data set " 
     338mail.content8=" or check if the information already filled in are correct,\n2) Upload your data files for this data set. Click on the button above the "Metadata" link, choose a file and click on "Submit". For any questions, you can contact the webmaster (mailto\: 
     339mail.content9=).\n\nBest regards,\n\n 
     340mail.content10=is " 
    304344# ===================================== ERRORS ========================================== 
    318358errors.range={0} is not in the range {1} through {2}. 
    319359errors.creditcard={0} is an invalid credit card number. 
    320 errors.email={0} is an invalid e-com.medias.mail address. 
     360errors.email={0} is an invalid e-mail address. 
    322362errors.init.failed=The application initiation failed: you won't be able to upload new data to the server!<br> 
    324 errors.logon.failed=The logon transaction failed. Please contact the <a href="mailto:vincent.pignot@aero.obs-mip.fr?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a> to report this problem.<br> 
    325 errors.logon.notFound=Unknown login and/or password.<br> To register and access the protected areas of this site, please write an email to the <a href="mailto:vincent.pignot@aero.obs-mip.fr?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a>.<br> 
     364errors.logon.failed=The logon transaction failed. Please contact the <a href="mailto:{0}?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a> to report this problem.<br> 
     365errors.logon.notFound=Unknown login and/or password.<br> To register and access the protected areas of this site, please write an email to the <a href="mailto:{0}?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a>.<br> 
    326366errors.logon.login=Please type your login (should be your email).<br> 
    327367errors.logon.pwd=Please type your password.<br> 
    333373errors.upload.metadata.presentation.cat=The data set must belong to a category!<br> 
    334374errors.upload.metadata.desc.org=Please enter the organisation responsible for the data set!<br> 
    335 errors.upload.metadata.desc.tech=Please at least type the technical manager com.medias.mail!<br> 
     375errors.upload.metadata.desc.tech=Please at least type the technical manager mail!<br> 
    336376errors.upload.metadata.plat.nom=Please give a name to the platform!<br> 
    338378errors.upload.prepareTree.failed=The page loading failed<br>Please try again 
    340 errors.upload.newSet.failed=The data set creation failed... Please contact the <a href="mailto:vincent.pignot@aero.obs-mip.fr?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a> to report this problem.<br> 
     380errors.upload.newSet.failed=The data set creation failed... Please contact the <a href="mailto:{0}?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a> to report this problem.<br> 
    341381errors.upload.newSet.failed2=The data set {0} already exists, please enter a different name.<br> 
    342 errors.upload.newSet.updateAnnu.failed=The contacts registration failed... Please contact the <a href="mailto:vincent.pignot@aero.obs-mip.fr?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a> to report this problem.<br> 
    343 errors.upload.newSet.senMails.failed=The mails for confirmation of the dataset creation were not properly sent... Please contact the <a href="mailto:vincent.pignot@aero.obs-mip.fr?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a> to report this problem.<br> 
    344 errors.upload.deleteSet.failed=The data set deletion failed... Please contact the <a href="mailto:vincent.pignot@aero.obs-mip.fr?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a> to report this problem.<br> 
    345 errors.upload.deleteFile.failed=The file deletion failed... Please contact the <a href="mailto:vincent.pignot@aero.obs-mip.fr?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a> to report this problem.<br> 
     382errors.upload.newSet.updateAnnu.failed=The contacts registration failed... Please contact the <a href="mailto:{0}?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a> to report this problem.<br> 
     383errors.upload.newSet.senMails.failed=The mails for confirmation of the dataset creation were not properly sent... Please contact the <a href="mailto:{0}?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a> to report this problem.<br> 
     384errors.upload.deleteSet.failed=The data set deletion failed... Please contact the <a href="mailto:{0}?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a> to report this problem.<br> 
     385errors.upload.deleteFile.failed=The file deletion failed... Please contact the <a href="mailto:{0}?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a> to report this problem.<br> 
    347387errors.upload.metadata.notfound=The file was not found...<br> 
    348 errors.upload.updateMetadata.failed=The metadata update failed... Please contact the <a href="mailto:vincent.pignot@aero.obs-mip.fr?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a> to report this problem.<br> 
    349 errors.upload.metadata.addPlat.failed=The platform creation failed... Please contact the <a href="mailto:vincent.pignot@aero.obs-mip.fr?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a> to report this problem.<br> 
    350 errors.upload.metadata.deletePlat.failed=The platform deletion failed... Please contact the <a href="mailto:vincent.pignot@aero.obs-mip.fr?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a> to report this problem.<br> 
    351 errors.upload.metadata.addParam.failed=The parameter creation failed... Please contact the <a href="mailto:vincent.pignot@aero.obs-mip.fr?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a> to report this problem.<br> 
    352 errors.upload.metadata.deleteParam.failed=The parameter deletion failed... Please contact the <a href="mailto:vincent.pignot@aero.obs-mip.fr?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a> to report this problem.<br> 
    353 errors.upload.metadata.addCapt.failed=The sensor creation failed... Please contact the <a href="mailto:vincent.pignot@aero.obs-mip.fr?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a> to report this problem.<br> 
    354 errors.upload.metadata.deleteCapt.failed=The sensor deletion failed... Please contact the <a href="mailto:vincent.pignot@aero.obs-mip.fr?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a> to report this problem.<br> 
     388errors.upload.updateMetadata.failed=The metadata update failed... Please contact the <a href="mailto:{0}?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a> to report this problem.<br> 
     389errors.upload.metadata.addPlat.failed=The platform creation failed... Please contact the <a href="mailto:{0}?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a> to report this problem.<br> 
     390errors.upload.metadata.deletePlat.failed=The platform deletion failed... Please contact the <a href="mailto:{0}?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a> to report this problem.<br> 
     391errors.upload.metadata.addParam.failed=The parameter creation failed... Please contact the <a href="mailto:{0}?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a> to report this problem.<br> 
     392errors.upload.metadata.deleteParam.failed=The parameter deletion failed... Please contact the <a href="mailto:{0}?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a> to report this problem.<br> 
     393errors.upload.metadata.addCapt.failed=The sensor creation failed... Please contact the <a href="mailto:{0}?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a> to report this problem.<br> 
     394errors.upload.metadata.deleteCapt.failed=The sensor deletion failed... Please contact the <a href="mailto:{0}?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a> to report this problem.<br> 
    356396errors.upload.updateMetadata.failed.contact_pi=Only one principal investigator is authorized for a data set 
    365405errors.upload.updateMetadata.failed.paramabrev=A parameter short name is missing (if you can't fill in, enter "unknown") 
    366406errors.upload.updateMetadata.failed.paramunite=A parameter unit of measurement is missing (if no unit, enter "none") 
    367 errors.upload.updateMetadata.failed.lat=A latitude is not correct (number between -90 and 90) 
    368 errors.upload.updateMetadata.failed.lon=A longitude is not correct (number between -180 and 180) 
    369 errors.upload.updateMetadata.failed.alt=An altitude is not correct (positive number) 
     407errors.upload.updateMetadata.failed.lat=A latitude is not correct (real number between -90 and 90) 
     408errors.upload.updateMetadata.failed.lon=A longitude is not correct (real number between -180 and 180) 
     409errors.upload.updateMetadata.failed.alt=An altitude is not correct (positive real number) 
    370410errors.upload.updateMetadata.failed.latbound=You must enter a maximum latitude greater or equal than the minimum latitude 
    371411errors.upload.updateMetadata.failed.lonbound=You must enter a maximum longitude greater or equal than the minimum longitude 
    372412errors.upload.updateMetadata.failed.altbound=You must enter a maximum altitude greater or equal than the minimum altitude 
    374 errors.access.send.failed=Failure in accessing the file ... <br> Please contact the <a href="mailto:vincent.pignot@aero.obs-mip.fr?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a>to report this problem.<br> 
     413errors.zipgame.failed=The Zip file creation failed. 
     414errors.access.send.failed=Failure in accessing the file ... <br> Please contact the <a href="mailto:{0}?subject=[MEGAPOLI]">webmaster</a>to report this problem.<br> 
    376416errors.access.requete.fail=The request failed 
     417errors.access.date=A date is not correct (DD/MM/YYYY) 
     418errors.access.date.bigger=You must enter a begin date greater or equal than the end date 
     419errors.access.failed.sel=You must select at least 1 parameter or 1 sensor or 1 platform or 1 data set 
     420errors.access.novalues=No  download possible 
     421errors.access.login=You lost your session, please click on "Data access" to enter again your login and your password. 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.