
General information on installing and running the model

1. Getting the model

1.1 retrieving the sources (svn)

The GRISLI model and running bash scripts are hosted on the forge at IPSL in a subversion server. To retreive it, you need an account on the forge and to be added to the grisli project -> ask christophe.dumas[AT] for terms.

  • To get the GRISLI code with svn:

svn co svn+ssh:// GRISLI/.

1.2 supported machines and compilers

The GRISLI model is developed and used at LSCE. The code is tested with two compilers: ifort and gfotran.

When the code is retrieved, scripts for running the model on LSCE machines are already configured. If you want to use GRISLI on other machines, you can use these scripts as a starting point.

GRISLI launch scripts are in the directory launching_area

2. Installing the model and checking the install

2.1 svn structure

drwxr-sr-x  7 dumas clim 4.0K janv. 11  2023 DOC
drwxr-sr-x  4 dumas clim 4.0K janv. 11  2023 RESULTATS
drwxr-sr-x  7 dumas clim 4.0K janv. 11  2023 UTIL
drwxr-sr-x  2 dumas clim 4.0K janv. 31 16:28 Param
drwxr-sr-x 15 dumas clim 4.0K févr. 20 14:52 INPUT
drwxr-sr-x  2 dumas clim 4.0K févr. 21 14:25 Fichier-CPTR
drwxr-sr-x 17 dumas clim 4.0K févr. 21 14:27 TRASH-SOURCES
drwxr-sr-x  2 dumas clim 4.0K févr. 21 15:11 bin
drwxr-sr-x 19 dumas clim  20K févr. 21 16:39 SOURCES
drwxr-sr-x  3 dumas clim 4.0K févr. 21 16:53 launching_area
drwxr-sr-x 75 dumas clim 4.0K févr. 21 18:08 RUNS
  • SOURCES : fortran sources directory, with subdirectories corresponding to the different geographical areas in which the model can currently be used.
  • INPUT : input files with subdirectories corresponding to the different geographical areas
  • RESULTATS : directory where model results will be written
  • launching_area : scripts to launch GRISLI
  • RUNS : batch model launch scripts (for LSCE cluster)
  • Fichier-CPTR : restart files
  • bin : directory where is stored the executable at the end of the compilation process

2.2 Compiling

To compile the code, use the make command followed by the name of the executable to be compiled. The executable name depends on the geography used:

  • Ant-40 : Antarctique 40km
  • Ant-16 : Antarctique 16km
  • Grismip6 : Greenland 5km
  • Hemin-40 : North Hemisphere 40km
  • Hemin-15 : North Hemisphere 15km
  • Euras-40 : Eurasia 40km
  • Euras-20 : Eurasia 20km
  • Euras-10 : Eurasia 10km
  • Laure-16 : Laurentide 16km
  • Alps-1 : Alps 1km
  • Alps-2 : Alps 2km

To compile the model over Antarctica at 40km, simply run the following command in the SOURCES directory:

make Ant-40

When the code is compiled, the executable can be found in the bin directory

2. Run the model

2.2 Test run

To test the installation, you can run a standard simulation on Antarctica for the last climatic cycle with the script

cd launching_area

You just need to choose whether you want to use the Schoof or Tsai flow at grounding line by answering 1 or 2. The script will create a directory for the new simulation in the RUNS directory, for example: RUNS/Cyc-Tsai-r491 if you use the revision 491. In this directory you will find the same tree structure as in GRISLI's svn:

$ cd RUNS/Cyc-Tsai-r491
$ ls -l
drwxr-sr-x  2 dumas clim 4.0K févr. 21 18:08 INPUT
drwxr-sr-x 19 dumas clim  12K févr. 21 18:08 SOURCES
drwxr-sr-x  2 dumas clim 4.0K févr. 21 23:15 bin
drwxr-sr-x  2 dumas clim 4.0K févr. 22 15:02 RESULTATS

The sources in the RUNS/Cyc-Tsai-r491/SOURCES directory will be compiled and the executable will be in RUNS/Cyc-Tsai-r491/bin

The simulation will be launched automatically in batch via the script RUNS/Cyc-Tsai-r491/bin/

Simulation results will be written to the RUNS/Cyc-Tsai-r491/RESULTATS directory.

2.3 launching scripts

Several launching scripts are available in the launching_area directory. They can be used to launch standard simulations:

  • : last deglaciation over the northern hemisphere.
  • : ISMIP Antarctic simulation from 1995 to 2100.
  • : last deglaciation over Eurasia.

Here are the main parameters you can modify to customize your simulation:

tmodelend="10000."        # simulation end year
tmodelbegin="-126000."    # simulation start year
tmodellength="136000."    # simulation length in years

parallel="no"             # "yes" or "no"
proc_number="4"           # number of processor used if parallel="yes"
exename="Ant-40"          # select executable name according to geography used

queue="long"              # specify queue used : short, medium, long, xlong...

The launch scripts uses specific files to customize the simulation :

# Files used
grisli_run_file="Master-files/"                         #
param_tsai_file="../Param/anteis1_param_list_Cyc-Tsai.dat"             # param file Tsai
param_schoof_file="../Param/anteis1_param_list_Cyc-Scho.dat"           # param file Schoof
TEMPS_NETCDF_file="Master-files/Param/anteis1_TEMPS-NETCDF-cycle.dat"  # TEMPS-NETCDF.dat
module_choix_file="Master-files/module_choix-antar40-0.4-cycles.f90"   # module choix : script to run the batch model at LSCE on obelix using the qsub command The GRISLI parameter files (namelist) are located in the Master-files/Param directory. Users will need to customize the param file according to the simulation they want to run. The main parameters are described on the specific page Param file

Last modified 2 months ago Last modified on 02/28/24 17:03:09