Changes between Version 22 and Version 23 of Doc/Compile

10/10/19 17:07:11 (5 years ago)



  • Doc/Compile

    v22 v23  
    185185[[NoteBox(note,Once the file `.resol` is created\, you can recompile your configuration using the gmake script without specifying the resolution., 600px)]] 
    187 For ORCHIDEE_OL, the resolution is not specified during run time. Compiler using only '''gmake'''. The file `.resol` will not be created. 
    188 # How to change compile options for debugging or optimization of the model? # 
     187For ORCHIDEE_OL, the resolution is not specified during run time. Use only '''gmake'''to compile. The file `.resol` will not be created. 
     189## How to change compile options for debugging or optimization of the model? ## 
    189190 * You can change your optimization options for IOIPSL models in the AA_make.gdef file. To this end you must find your target machine and change the associated lines. You will have to recreate the Makefile.  
    190  * Three levels of optimization for the INCA and LMDZ models are predefined in the arch/ files.You can select them in the modipsl/config/.../Makefile file. The three options are: '''-debug''', '''-dev''', '''-prod'''. XIOS offers the same three levels of compilations, accessible through the flags `--debug`, `--dev` and `prod`. 
     191 * Three levels of optimization for the ORCHIDEE, INCA and LMDZ models are predefined in the `arch/files`.You need to write them in the modipsl/config/.../Makefile file. The three options are: '''-debug''', '''-dev''', '''-prod'''. XIOS offers the same three levels of compilations, accessible through the flags `--debug`, `--dev` and `prod`. 
    192193 [[BR]] 
    197198[[NoteBox(note, The default option is `-prod`, 600px)]] 
    198  * For ORCHIDEE in all _v5 configurations, the compile options are also set in AA_make.gdef file, change as for IOIPSL. For LMDZOR_v5.2 configuration which is using the trunk of ORCHIDEE, the compile options are set in models/ORCHIDEE/arch. Switch between -prod, -dev or -debug as for LMDZ in the main makefile.  
    201 # How to compile for hybrid MPI-OpenMP run mode? # 
    202 This is possible only for configuration LMDZOR_v5.2 at curie or ada. In that case you must change the main makefile and recompile: 
    203 {{{ 
    204 cd modipsl/config/LMDZOR_v5.2 
    205 # Change in AA_make all 3 occurrences for "-parallel mpi" into "-parallel mpi_omp"  
    206 ../../util/ins_make 
    207 gmake clean 
    208 gmake 
    209 }}} 
     200# Compilation for configurations _v6.2 and newer configurations # 