
General information on installing and running the model

1. Getting & installing the model

1.a retrieving the sources (svn)

The iloveclim model and running bash scripts are hosted on the forge at IPSL in a subversion server. To retreive it, you need an account on the forge and to be added to the ludus project -> ask didier.roche[AT] for terms.

  • To get the iLOVECLIM code with svn:

svn co svn+ssh:// iloveclim/.

After checkout the first thing to check is wether the computer you want to install it on is already supported.


If you have ssh server keys configured in your system you may encounter strange errors from the svn+ssh command (one example with ssh keys configured for the IPSL mesocentre). In that case, modify the ~/subversion/config file in your system so that it contains:

ssh-jussieu = ssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa

under the header tunnels and then retry the checkout command as follow:

svn co svn+ssh-jussieu:// iloveclim/.

UPDATE (2023-06-02): this issue also appears in newest version of ssh where ssh-rsa is disabled by default. To debug the connection you can add the following option:

svn co svn+ssh-jussieu:// iloveclim/. --config-option="config:tunnels:ssh=ssh -v"

To force the connection to use ssh-rsa, as an alternative to the config file, you can also use:

svn co svn+ssh:// iloveclim/. --config-option="config:tunnels:ssh=ssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa"

1.b supported machines

To know which machines are supported by default, go to your iloveclim/config directory and look for file named fconfig.*.
At time of writing we have:

.rw-rw-r-- 365 roche 25 nov.  10:10 fconfig.lisa
.rw-rw-r--  57 roche 25 nov.  10:10 fconfig.sadira023
.rw-rw-r-- 202 roche 25 nov.  10:10 fconfig.dmrpwl-computer
.rw-rw-r-- 327 roche 25 nov.  10:10 fconfig.irene
.rw-rw-r--  57 roche 25 nov.  10:10 fconfig.lsce3027
.rw-rw-r-- 154 roche 25 nov.  10:10 fconfig.obelix.alt
.rw-rw-r--  60 roche 25 nov.  10:10 fconfig.dmrpwl
.rw-rw-r-- 276 roche 25 nov.  10:10 fconfig.lsce3194
.rw-rw-r-- 174 roche 25 nov.  10:10 fconfig.obelix

indicating the different machines supported. Most well known in this list are the local or national clusters: obelix medium sized LSCE cluster, irene the national french TGCC cluster, lisa one of the dutch surfsara universities cluster. Other keys like sadira023 are personal computers of some members.

Tech Insider tip

The fconfig file is used by the installation script to automatically install the paths and compiler types. The second part of the name will be matched in full or in part to the ${HOSTNAME} variable of your computer. You can check what its contains using: echo ${HOSTNAME} . On the LSCE cluster, all machines are named obelix with a number, as in "obelix22". So fconfig.obelix will match it.

1.c adding a new supported machine

In case your computer is not in the list of supported ones, the easiest is to copy one existing and to tailor a new one corresponding to your machine's system.
Let's have a look at the content of one fconfig file (source:trunk/config/fconfig.lisa):


The lines define the system as follow:

  1. the compiler to be used. At time of writing, gfortran, ifort and pgfortran/nvhpc are used routinely, but gfortran cannot be used in production due to some discrepancies in the results.
  2. the path to the directory where the compiler is on the system (on simple systems, which ifort will give you that path
  3. the path to the include directory for the netCDF library that matches your compiler
  4. the path to the library directory for the netCDF library that matches your compiler
  5. the path to the include directory for the netCDF-Fortran library that matches your compiler
  6. the path to the include directory for the netCDF-Fortran library that matches your compiler

Lines 5. & 6. are optional, since some systems put them in the same path as the C libraries indicated with 3. & 4., some not. If 5. & 6. are not present, it will be assumed that the netCDF-Fortran libraries are in 3. & 4.

1.d loading necessary modules [system dependent]

On some systems, many options are available for compilers, netCDF libraries etc. These are generally handled through modules loads.

For obelix at LSCE we currently (2022-11-25) use:

   module purge
   module load intel-fcomp/2020 netcdf/4

For lisa at we use (2022-11-25):

   module load 2020
   module load iimpi/2020a
   module load netCDF/4.7.4-iimpi-2020a
   module load netCDF-Fortran/4.5.2-iimpi-2020a

... and so on and so forth.

2. Installing the model and checking the install

2.a Running the install script [simple form]

The whole installation process is automated through a bash script. You can install as follow:

  cd iloveclim

This will install all the default component, but no additional ones (see 2.b). The script will report success and failures in the installation package.

An example of a failed install:


2.a Running the install script [with extended components]

or with extended components (grisli...)

<--- Update of webpage stops here 2022-11-25 dmr >

-- OLD version (deprecated)

3. Running iLOVECLIM

3.a. To run a simple simulation

  • One year run (test)

You can start by running a one year test (by default it runs for 1 year). It will copy all the files in the wkdir directory, compile and run the simulation.


If everything is ok it should have run.

  • To get the help and details on the different options:
    ./bin/run-iloveclim -h

Some options:

-n number of years of the simulation (here 10 years)
-r frequency of the restarts (here written every 10 years)
-k to remove the old files
-v to write info

  • Interactive run: this will create the proper directories, compile and run.

To start a run interactively on obelix, with a simulation called LH which lasts 500 years and writes restart files every 250 years, starting from the default initial conditions:

./bin/run-iloveclim -l LH -n 500 -r 250

To keep the simulation running even if the terminal is closed, and redirects the terminal outputs to a file:

nohup ./bin/run-iloveclim -l LH -n 500 -r 250 > run_LH &

3.b For developers

You can create the directory in your work directory and copy all the files without compling nor running with the -z option:

./bin/run-iloveclim -l PI-test -n 10 -r 10 -z -k -v 1

To compile and run you then have to go to the work directory.
First to compile:

cd wkdir/PI-test_ecbilt_clio/compil/

Then go to the run directory, create a soft link and run:

cd ../run/ 
ln -s ../compil/emic.x .

4. Useful directories and files

  • wkdir/

This is your working directory with two directories:

wkdir/name_of_your_simulation/compil/sources contains all the source files of your simulation
wkdir/name_of_your_simulation/run/outputdata contains all the data outputs

  • data/

At the end of your simulation, all the outputs can be found in data/name_of_your_simulation/outputTIME
While the simulation is still running, some outputs can be found in data/name_of_your_simulation/synced_files if you used a job allowing a synchronisation

  • scenario/

You can use scenario directories to run with specific inputs, parameters or sources (rather than the default ones). Specify in your command line :

./bin/run-iloveclim -l PI-test -n 10 -r 10 -I scenario/scenario_name/inputdata -P scenario/scenario_name/parameters -F scenario/scenario_name/sources -z -k -v 1
  • icTIME/ in data/ or wkdir/name_of_your_simulation/run/restartdata/resTIME/

To run your simulation with a specific restart (rather than the default one), specify in your command line :

./bin/loveclim-new-run -l PI-test -n 10 -r 10 -s TIME -S /home/path/to/iloveclim/data/name_of_restart_simulation/icTIME -z -k -v 1

Make sure than the TIME number in -s TIME does not start with 0.

5. Outputs

The outputs can be found in: workdir/NameOfYourSimulation_ecbilt_clio/run/outputdata or data/NameOfYourSimulation_ecbilt_clio/outputXXX.

Each composante of the model has its own output directory:

  • global for global variables and info:

bookXXX is a text file with: year day global mean temperature (degrees)

  • ocean for the ocean: is a netcdf file with 3D temperature, salinity...

  • carbon for the carbon cycle:

C_reservoirs.txt is a text file with carbon contents

  • each clio file has 100 years by default
  • postprocessing: see help on previous page (Tools)
  • run param can be changed
  • netcdf out param to have more variables
Last modified 11 months ago Last modified on 06/27/23 10:50:25

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