New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Changeset 3078 for branches/2011/dev_UKM0_2011/DOC/TexFiles – NEMO

2011-11-10T18:29:56+01:00 (13 years ago)

ticket #885 small bug fix to bdydta, and changes to documentation and in-code comments

1 edited


  • branches/2011/dev_UKM0_2011/DOC/TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_SBC.tex

    r3066 r3078  
    935935\href{}{LANL} and the additional 'hadgem3' drivers will be required,  
    936936even with the latest code release.  Input grid files consistent with those used in NEMO will also be needed,  
    937 and CICE CPP keys \bf{ORCA_GRID}, \bf{CICE_IN_NEMO} and \bf{coupled} should be used (seek advice from UKMO  
     937and CICE CPP keys \textbf{ORCA\_GRID}, \textbf{CICE\_IN\_NEMO} and \textbf{coupled} should be used (seek advice from UKMO  
    938938if necessary).  Currently the code is only designed to work when using the CORE forcing option for NEMO (with 
    939939\textit{calc\_strair~=~true} and \textit{calc\_Tsfc~=~true} in the CICE name-list), or alternatively when NEMO  
    946946complete flexibility for the domain decompositions in the individual models, but this is at the expense of global 
    947947gather and scatter operations in the coupling which become very expensive on larger numbers of processors. The 
    948 alternative option (using \key{nemocice_decomp} for both NEMO and CICE) ensures that the domain decomposition is 
     948alternative option (using \key{nemocice\_decomp} for both NEMO and CICE) ensures that the domain decomposition is 
    949949identical in both models (provided domain parameters are set appropriately, and  
    950950\textit{processor\_shape~=~square-ice} and \textit{distribution\_wght~=~block} in the CICE name-list) and allows 
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