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Changeset 3609 for branches/2012/dev_NOC_2012_rev3555/DOC/TexFiles – NEMO

2012-11-19T16:51:17+01:00 (12 years ago)

Branch dev_NOC_2012_r3555. #1006. Step 4: Merge in changes from 2012/dev_r3337_NOCS10_ICB (ICeBergs) branch

2 edited
1 copied


  • branches/2012/dev_NOC_2012_rev3555/DOC/TexFiles/Biblio/Biblio.bib

    r3294 r3609  
    20642064  volume = {3}, 
    20652065  pages = {1--20} 
     2070author = {T. Martin and A. Adcroft}, 
     2071title = {Parameterizing the fresh-water flux from land ice to ocean with interactive icebergs in a coupled climate model}, 
     2072journal = OM, 
     2073year = {2010}, 
     2074volume = {34}, number = {3--4}, 
     2075pages = {111--124}, 
     2076issn = {1463-5003}, 
     2077doi = {10.1016/j.ocemod.2010.05.001}, 
     2078url = {} 
  • branches/2012/dev_NOC_2012_rev3555/DOC/TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_SBC.tex

    r3607 r3609  
    11% ================================================================ 
    2 % Chapter Ñ Surface Boundary Condition (SBC)  
    3 % ================================================================ 
    4 \chapter{Surface Boundary Condition (SBC) } 
     2% Chapter Ñ Surface Boundary Condition (SBC, ICB)  
     3% ================================================================ 
     4\chapter{Surface Boundary Condition (SBC, ICB) } 
    5656Next the scheme for interpolation on the fly is described. 
    5757Finally, the different options that further modify the fluxes applied to the ocean are discussed. 
     58One of these is modification by icebergs (see \S\ref{ICB_icebergs}), which act as drifting sources of fresh water. 
     925% ================================================================ 
     926%        Handling of icebergs 
     927% ================================================================ 
     928\section{ Handling of icebergs (ICB) } 
     934Icebergs are modelled as lagrangian particles in NEMO. 
     935Their physical behaviour is controlled by equations as described in  \citet{Martin_Adcroft_OM10} ). 
     936(Note that the authors kindly provided a copy of their code to act as a basis for implementation in NEMO.) 
     937Icebergs are initially spawned into one of ten classes which have specific mass and thickness as described by 
     938\np{rn\_initial\_mass} and \np{rn\_initial\_thickness}. 
     939Each class has an associated scaling (\np{rn\_mass\_scaling}), which is an integer representing how many icebergs  
     940of this class are being described as one lagrangian point (this reduces the numerical problem of tracking every single iceberg). 
     941They are enabled by setting \np{ln\_icebergs}~=~true. 
     943Two initialisation schemes are possible. 
     946In this scheme, the value of \np{nn\_test\_icebergs} represents the class of iceberg to generate  
     947(so between 1 and 10), and \np{nn\_test\_icebergs} provides a lon/lat box in the domain at each  
     948grid point of which an iceberg is generated at the beginning of the run.  
     949(Note that this happens each time the timestep equals \np{nn\_nit000}.) 
     950\np{nn\_test\_icebergs} is defined by four numbers in \np{nn\_test\_box} representing the corners  
     951of the geographical box: lonmin,lonmax,latmin,latmax 
     953In this scheme the model reads a calving file supplied in the \np{sn\_icb} parameter. 
     954This should be a file with a field on the configuration grid (typically ORCA) representing ice accumulation rate at each model point.  
     955These should be ocean points adjacent to land where icebergs are known to calve. 
     956Most points in this input grid are going to have value zero. 
     957When the model runs, ice is accumulated at each grid point which has a non-zero source term. 
     958At each time step, a test is performed to see if there is enough ice mass to calve an iceberg of each class in order (1 to 10). 
     959Note that this is the initial mass multiplied by the number each particle represents ($i.e.$ the scaling). 
     960If there is enough ice, a new iceberg is spawned and the total available ice reduced accordingly. 
     963Icebergs are influenced by wind, waves and currents, bottom melt and erosion. 
     964The latter act to disintegrate the iceberg. This is either all melted freshwater, or  
     965(if \np{rn\_bits\_erosion\_fraction}~$>$~0) into melt and additionally small ice bits 
     966which are assumed to propagate with their larger parent and thus delay fluxing into the ocean. 
     967Melt water (and other variables on the configuration grid) are written into the main NEMO model output files. 
     969Extensive diagnostics can be produced. 
     970Separate output files are maintained for human-readable iceberg information. 
     971A separate file is produced for each processor (independent of \np{ln\_ctl}). 
     972The amount of information is controlled by two integer parameters: 
     974\item[\np{nn\_verbose\_level}]  takes a value between one and four and represents  
     975an increasing number of points in the code at which variables are written, and an  
     976increasing level of obscurity. 
     977\item[\np{nn\_verbose\_write}] is the number of timesteps between writes 
     980Iceberg trajectories can also be written out and this is enabled by setting \np{nn\_sample\_rate}~$>$~0. 
     981A non-zero value represents how many timesteps between writes of information into the output file. 
     982These output files are in NETCDF format. 
     983When \key{mpp\_mpi} is defined, each output file contains only those icebergs in the corresponding processor. 
     984Trajectory points are written out in the order of their parent iceberg in the model's "linked list" of icebergs. 
     985So care is needed to recreate data for individual icebergs, since its trajectory data may be spread across 
     986multiple files. 
    923989% ================================================================ 
    924990% Miscellanea options 
    11011167the expense of having more idle CICE processors in areas where there is no sea ice. 
    11041169% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    11051170%        Freshwater budget control  
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