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Changeset 4001 – NEMO

Changeset 4001

2013-08-07T11:29:04+02:00 (11 years ago)

Minor corrections to Chap_DIA.tex

1 edited


  • trunk/DOC/TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_DIA.tex

    r3976 r4001  
    362362\subsubsection{Use of Groups} 
    364 Groups can be used for 2 purposes. Firstly, the group can be used to define common attributes to be shared by the elements of the group through the inheritance. In the following example, we define a group of field that will share a common grid ''grid\_T\_2D''. Note that for the field ''toce'', we overwrite the grid definition inherited from the group by ''grid\_T\_3D''. 
     364Groups can be used for 2 purposes. Firstly, the group can be used to define common attributes to be shared by the elements of the group through inheritance. In the following example, we define a group of field that will share a common grid ''grid\_T\_2D''. Note that for the field ''toce'', we overwrite the grid definition inherited from the group by ''grid\_T\_3D''. 
    366366\begin{alltt}  {{\scriptsize 
    388 that can be directly include in a file through the following syntax: 
     388that can be directly included in a file through the following syntax: 
    390390\begin{alltt}  {{\scriptsize 
    468 However it is often very convienent to define the file name with the name of the experience, the output file frequency and the date of the beginning and the end of the simulation (which are informations stored either in the namelist or in the XML file). To do so, we added the following rule: if the id of the tag file is ''fileN''(where N = 1 to 99) or one of the predefined section or mooring (see next subsection), the following part of the name and the name\_suffix (that can be inherited) will be automatically replaced by:\\ 
     468However it is often very convienent to define the file name with the name of the experiment, the output file frequency and the date of the beginning and the end of the simulation (which are informations stored either in the namelist or in the XML file). To do so, we added the following rule: if the id of the tag file is ''fileN''(where N = 1 to 99) or one of the predefined sections or moorings (see next subsection), the following part of the name and the name\_suffix (that can be inherited) will be automatically replaced by:\\ 
    474474   \hline 
    475475   \centering @expname@ & 
    476    the experience name (from cn\_exp in the namelist) \\ 
     476   the experiment name (from cn\_exp in the namelist) \\ 
    477477   \hline 
    478478   \centering @freq@ & 
    776776   \hline    
    777777   split\_format &  
    778    date format used in the name of splitted output files. can be spécified using the following syntaxe: \%y, \%mo, \%d, \%h \%mi and \%s &  
     778   date format used in the name of split output files. Can be specified using the following syntaxe: \%y, \%mo, \%d, \%h \%mi and \%s &  
    779779   split\_format= "\%yy\%mom\%dd" &  
    780780   file family \\  
    781781   \hline    
    782782   split\_freq &  
    783    split output files frequency. units can be ts (timestep), y, mo, d, h, mi, s. &  
     783   split output files frequency. Units can be ts (timestep), y, mo, d, h, mi, s. &  
    784784   split\_freq="1mo" &  
    785785   file family \\  
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