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Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Changeset 6625 for branches/UKMO/dev_r5518_v3.4_asm_nemovar_community/NEMOGCM/TOOLS/SIREN/src/docsrc – NEMO

2016-05-26T11:08:07+02:00 (8 years ago)

Rolled back to r6613

18 deleted
3 edited
2 copied


  • branches/UKMO/dev_r5518_v3.4_asm_nemovar_community/NEMOGCM/TOOLS/SIREN/src/docsrc/

    r6617 r6625  
    1 # Download 
     1# How to Install 
    3 # Download NEMO # 
    4 to install SIREN, you should first download NEMO. 
    5 see [NEMO quick start guide]( 
     3# Install NEMO 
     4to install SIREN, you should first install NEMO. 
     5see [here]( 
    7 # Compile SIREN # 
     7# Compile SIREN 
    88when NEMO is installed, you just have to compile SIREN codes: 
    9    1. go to ./NEMOGCM/TOOLS 
    10    2. run maketools (ex: ./maketools -n SIREN -m ifort_mpi_beaufix) 
     91. go to ./NEMOGCM/TOOLS 
     102. use maketools <br/> 
     11   to get help: maketools -h  
    12       @note to get help on maketools: ./maketools -h 
     13# Fortran Compiler 
     14   SIREN codes were succesfully tested with : 
     15   - ifort (version 12.0.4) 
     16   - gfortran (version 4.7.2 20121109) 
     17<!--   - pgf95 (version 13.9-0) --> 
    14 # Fortran Compiler # 
    15 SIREN codes were succesfully tested with : 
    16   - ifort (version 15.0.1) 
    17   - gfortran (version 4.8.2 20140120)  
    19 <HR> 
    20   <b> 
    21   - @ref index 
    22   - @ref md_docsrc_2_quickstart 
    23   - @ref md_docsrc_3_support_bug 
    24   - @ref md_docsrc_4_codingRules 
    25   - @ref md_docsrc_5_changeLog 
    26   - @ref todo 
    27   </b> 
     19 <HR> 
     20   <b> 
     21   - @ref index 
     22   - @ref md_docsrc_3_codingRules 
     23   - @ref md_docsrc_4_changeLog 
     24   - @ref todo 
     25   </b> 
  • branches/UKMO/dev_r5518_v3.4_asm_nemovar_community/NEMOGCM/TOOLS/SIREN/src/docsrc/main.dox

    r6617 r6625  
    2  @mainpage About  
     2 @mainpage Main Page 
     3 @section descr Generic Description 
     4 SIREN is a software to create regional configuration with 
     5 [NEMO](<br/>  
     6 Actually SIREN create input files needed for a basic NEMO configuration.<br/> 
     8 SIREN is composed of a set of 5 Fortran programs : 
     9   - create_coord.f90 to create fine grid coordinate file from coarse grid coordinate file. 
     10   - create_bathy.f90 to create fine grid bathymetry file over domain. 
     11   - merge_bathy.f90 to merge fine grid bathymetry with coarse grid bathymetry at boundaries. 
     12   - create_restart.f90 to create initial state file from coarse grid restart or standard outputs. 
     13   - create_boundary.f90 to create boundary condition from coarse grid standard outputs. 
    4  SIREN is a software to create regional configuration with [NEMO](<br/>  
    5  Actually SIREN create input files needed for a basic NEMO configuration.<br/> 
     15To install those programs see @ref md_docsrc_1_install. 
    7  SIREN allows you to create your own regional configuration embedded in a wider one.<br/> 
    8  In order to help you, a set of GLORYS files (global reanalysis on ORCA025 grid), as well as examples 
    9  of namelists are available in dods repository. 
     17 @note SIREN can not: 
     18 - create global configuration 
     19 - create configuarion around or close to north pole 
     20 - change number of vertical level 
     21 - change grid (horizontal or vertical) 
    11  @note This software was created, and is maintain by the Configuration Manager Working Group, composed 
    12  of NEMO system team members. 
    14  To know how to install SIREN see @ref md_docsrc_1_install. 
    16  You could find a tutorial for a quick start with SIREN in @ref md_docsrc_2_quickstart.<br/> 
    17  For more information about how to use each component of SIREN 
    18  - see create_coord.f90 to create fine grid coordinate file 
    19  - see create_bathy.f90 to create fine grid bathymetry 
    20  - see merge_bathy.f90 to merge fine grid bathymetry 
    21  - see create_restart.f90 to create initial state file, or other fields. 
    22  - see create_boundary.F90 to create boundary condition 
     23 @section howto How to use 
     24   @subsection howto_coord to create fine grid coordinate file 
     25   see create_coord.f90 
     26   @subsection howto_bathy to create fine grid bathymetry 
     27   see create_bathy.f90 
     28   @subsection howto_merge to merge fine grid bathymetry 
     29   see merge_bathy.f90 
     30   @subsection howto_restart to create initial state file 
     31   see create_restart.f90 
     32   @subsection howto_boundary to create boundary condition 
     33   see create_boundary.f90 
    2536   <b> 
    2637   - @ref md_docsrc_1_install 
    27    - @ref md_docsrc_2_quickstart 
    28    - @ref md_docsrc_3_support_bug 
    29    - @ref md_docsrc_4_codingRules 
    30    - @ref md_docsrc_5_changeLog 
     38   - @ref md_docsrc_3_codingRules 
     39   - @ref md_docsrc_4_changeLog 
    3140   - @ref todo 
    3241   </b> 
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