New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Changeset 8186 for branches/2017/dev_r8126_ROBUST08_no_ghost/NEMOGCM/NEMO/OPA_SRC/LBC/mpp_bdy_generic.h90 – NEMO
2017-06-19T11:25:07+02:00 (7 years ago)

Branch 2017/dev_r8126_ROBUST08_no_ghost. Incorporation of re-written lbc routines. This introduces generic routines for: lbc_lnk, lbc_lnk_multi, lbc_nfd, mpp_bdy, mpp_lnk and mpp_nfd in .h90 files which are pre-processor included multiple times (with different arguments) to recreate equivalences to all the original variants from a much smaller code base (more than 2000 lines shorter). These changes have been SETTE tested and shown to reproduce identical results to the branch base revision. There are a few caveats: the ice cavity routine: iscplhsb.F90, needs to be rewritten to avoid sums over the overlap regions; this will be done elsewhere and has merely been disabled on this branch. The work is not yet complete for the nogather option for the north-fold. The default MPI ALLGATHER option is working but do not activate ln_nogather until further notice.

1 added

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