New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Custom Query – NEMO

Custom Query (2547 matches)


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Results (124 - 126 of 2547)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#2208 cetlod nemo wontfix VALID-04_cetlod_TOP_offline

BE CAREFUL !!! Due to dynamic behaviour of this ticket creation page, it is highly recommend to set first all other fields before writing the ticket description below. If you have lost your draft after an unwanted reload, you can click on the link 'Restore Form' in the contextual menu upper right to recover it. Remove these lines after reading.


Action ${ACTION_NAME} Subject
PI(S) Principal investigator(s)
Digest Brief description with motivations and main tasks
Branch NEMO/branches/$YEAR/dev_r{REV}_{ACTION_NAME}
Wiki wiki:${YEAR}WP/...


This section should be completed before starting to develop the code, in order to find agreement with the previewer(s) on the method beforehand.


Describe the goal of development, and the methodology.
Add reference documents or publications if relevant.


Describe flow chart of the changes in the code.
List the .F90 files and modules to be changed.
Detailed list of new variables (including namelists) to be defined, give for each the chosen name (following coding rules) and definition.

Reference manual and web pages updates

Using part 1 and 2, define the summary of changes to be done in reference manuals (tex files), guide (rst files) and in the content of web pages.

Once the PI has completed this section, he should send a mail to the previewer(s) asking them to preview the work within two weeks.

#2209 nicolasmartin nicolasmartin fixed PUBS-02_Nicolas-DemoCases_Implementation (WP2 - MS2.1)


Action Procedure for definition of academic demonstration cases
PI(S) Nicolas MARTIN
Digest Inform developers on how demonstration cases should be implemented and maintained
Wiki wiki:2019WP/PUBS-02_Nicolas-DemoCases_Implementation


This section should be completed before starting to develop the code, in order to find agreement with the previewer(s) on the method beforehand.


Describe the goal of development, and the methodology.
Add reference documents or publications if relevant.


Describe flow chart of the changes in the code.
List the .F90 files and modules to be changed.
Detailed list of new variables (including namelists) to be defined, give for each the chosen name (following coding rules) and definition.

Reference manual and web pages updates

Using part 1 and 2, define the summary of changes to be done in reference manuals (tex files), guide (rst files) and in the content of web pages.

#2216 systeam clevy fixed Update reference manual for 4.0 release

Reference manual updates for 4.0 release

Updates to be committed in the trunk, see below

Files to update : the tex files located in source:/NEMO/trunk/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles after revision 11023 to get latests useful scripts: 1/ check out the trunk in commit mode , svn+ssh

cd trunk/doc
.//   # script to clean directory and download in right place for PDF generation figures, logos and namelists

Tex files are now ready for your updates Use your latex tool to generate NEMO_book.pdf and check your updates Commit your updated tex files

Work is due Tuesday 23 July 2019 . Add a "Done" in your line below once your work is done

 Tex files to be reviewed/updated when needed PI
Introduction Sébastien Masson
chap_model_basics Mike Bell Done
chap_time_domain Time discretisation (time stepping strategy) Jérôme Chanut Done
chap_DOM Space discretisation Simon Müller Andrew Coward Done
chap_TRA Tracer advection/diffusion equation Christian Ethé Done
chap_DYN Dynamics : momentum equation Gurvan Madec
chap_SBC Surface Boundary Conditions Guillaume Samson Done
chap_LBC Lateral Boundary Conditions Stefania Ciliberti Done
chap_LDF Lateral diffusion Jérôme Chanut Done
chap_ZDF Vertical diffusion Romain Bourdalle Badie Done
chap_DIA Outputs and Diagnostics Drudi, Iovino Done
chap_OBS Observation operator Dan Lea Done
chap_ASM Assimilation increments Dan Lea Done
chap_STO Stochastic param. Claire Lévy Done
chap_misc Miscellaneous topics Andrew Coward Done
chap_CONFIG Predefined configurations Silvia Mocavero Done
annex_A Generalised vertical coordinate Mike Bell Done
annex_B Diffusive operator Dave Storkey Done
annex_C Discrete invariants of the eqs. Gurvan Madec
annex_iso Isoneutral diffusion using triads George Nurser
annex_DOMAINcfg Notes on DOMAINcfg tool Andrew Coward Done
annex_D Coding rules Nicolas Martin
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.