New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
2013WP/2013Action_institutions_Mercator – NEMO

Version 3 (modified by cbricaud, 12 years ago) (diff)


Mercator-NEMO team - 2013 actions

MERCATOR-NEMO team - 2011 actions

Last edited Timestamp?


Clément Bricaud Mercator Océan, Toulouse25%Mercator NEMO officer
Yann Drillet Mercator Océan, Toulouse 5%Mercator Consortium expert
Guillaume Reffray Mercator Océan, Toulouse10%Mercator developper
Jerome Chanut Mercator Océan, Toulouse10%Mercator developper
Elisabeth Remy Mercator Océan, Toulouse10%Mercator developper
Coralie Perruche Mercator Océan, Toulouse10%Mercator developper
Julien Paul Mercator Océan, Toulouse10%Mercator developper
Gilles Garric Mercator Océan, Toulouse 5%Mercator developper
Olivier Legalloudec Mercator Océan, Toulouse 5%Mercator developper
Romain Bourdalle-Badie Mercator Océan, Toulouse 5%Mercator developper
Mondher Chekki Mercator Océan, Toulouse 5%Mercator developper

total weeks :
40 wk (1 man/year)


Action nb weeks Brief descriptionStatusBranch nameTrac ticket n°Wiki page nameReviewer(s)Review statusReady for merge
Mercator-1 4 Improvment of OBC's dev_r3327_MERCATOR1_BDY 937
Mercator-2 2 PPM horizontal advection scheme
Mercator-3 4 resolving the 2 versions of time-stepping
Mercator-4 2 implementation of OBC's schemes for PISCES
Mercator-5 2 Solar flux filtering at daily frequency to force biogeochemistry model
Mercator-6 2 Degradation toolbox
Mercator-7 2 Data assimilation interface: model equivalent of a SST night
Mercator-8 2 Data assimilation interface: model equivalent of a SLA
Mercator-9 2 Discussion on implementing a configuration manager
Mercator-102 User Support
Mercator-112 Code Reviewing
Mercator-124 Beta Testing
Mercator-134 Exchange with others centers

MERCATOR.1 — Improvement of OBCs: end of 2011 task

Motivation: participate to merge of OBC and BDY; work on atmospheric pressure and tide forcing in the new package
Status : --
main tasks : --
Principal Investigator : Jerome Chanut (jchanut@…)
Deadline : --
Priority: High
Science Reviewer : --
System Reviewer : --
Number of weeks : 4 (TBC)

MERCATOR.2 — PPM advection scheme

Motivation: Add another scheme for tracers advection: horizontal part. Vertical part will be made by NOCL.
Status : Running on NEMO_3.2.
main tasks :review.
Principal Investigator : Guillaume Reffray (greffray@…)
Deadline :
Priority: Low
Science Reviewer :
System Reviewer :
Number of weeks : 2

MERCATOR.3 — resolving the 2 versions of time-stepping

Motivation: Tracer conservation and time splitting. reference: Shchepetkin, A. F., and J. C. McWilliams?, 2005
Status :Running in NEATL36 at Mercator.
main tasks : Main idea:replace Leapfrog scheme by a Fb tamporal scheme, but keep actual method for updating ssh at 3D time-stepping.
1.test some eventual problem of divergence of SSh in barotropic mode compared to SSH in 3d mode ( cf Hallberg and Adcroft, OM 2009: Reconciling estimates of the free surface height in Lagrangian vertical coordinate ocean models with mode-split time stepping).
2.implementation in NEMO_3.3 of this time-splitting.
3.test in high-resolution configuration at Mercator.
4.take a decision for reorganization of step for time-splitting.
Priority: High
Principal Investigator : Clement Bricaud & Jerome Chanut (jchanut@…)
Number of weeks : 4 (TBC)

MERCATOR.4 — implementation of OBC's schemes for PISCES

Motivation: Use new package ; implement new methods.
Status :
main tasks :
Principal Investigator : Guillaume Reffray (greffray@…)
Science Reviewer : --
System Reviewer :
Number of weeks : 2 (TBC)

MERCATOR.5 — Solar flux filtering at daily frequency to force biogeochemistry model.

Motivation: For coupled model ( physic + bio ): physic needs 24 hours (+ diurnal cycle) or 3 hours solar fluxes, but bio need a 24 hours mean.
Status :
main tasks :
Principal Investigator : Coralie Perruche(cperruche@…)
Science Reviewer : --
System Reviewer :
Number of weeks : 2 (TBC)

MERCATOR.6 — Degradation toolbox.

Motivation: Usefull for offline forcing of tracers. adaptation for patial steps.
Status :
main tasks :
Principal Investigator : Coralie Perruche(cperruche@…)
Science Reviewer : --
System Reviewer :
Number of weeks : 2 (TBC)

MERCATOR.7 — Data assimilation interface: model equivalent of a SST night

Status :
main tasks :
Principal Investigator : Elisabeth Remy (eremy@…)
Science Reviewer : --
System Reviewer :
Number of weeks : 2 (TBC)

MERCATOR.8 — Data assimilation interface: model equivalent of a SLA

Status :
main tasks :
Principal Investigator : Elisabeth Remy (eremy@…)
Science Reviewer : --
System Reviewer :
Number of weeks : 2 (TBC)

MERCATOR.9 — Discussion on implementing a configuration manager

Motivation: Add a configuration manager
Status :
main tasks : discussions, working group, make specifications.
Principal Investigator :Julien Paul (jpaul@…)
Science Reviewer : --
System Reviewer :
Number of weeks : 2 (TBC)

MERCATOR.10 — User Support

Motivation:Provide support to users of NEMO.
Number of weeks : 2

MERCATOR.11 — Code Reviewing

Motivation:Reviewing code from NEMO partners
Number of weeks : 4

MERCATOR.12 — Beta Testing

Motivation:Beta testing of the next relaese
Number of weeks : 4

MERCATOR.13 — Exchange with others centers

Motivation:System Team meetings, Developers Team meetings,NEMO Users meetings, partcipate to the merge party.
Number of weeks : 4

aditionnal work:

adaptation of PISCES to the VVL : compare work done by Guillaume Reffray with work done by UK Met Office.