New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Changelog (diff) – NEMO

Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Changelog

2017-07-26T17:59:11+02:00 (7 years ago)



  • Changelog

    v3 v4  
    11= NEMO Release notes 
    3 [[PageOutline(2-3)]] 
    44Last edition: '''[[Wikinfo(changed_ts)]]''' by '''[[Wikinfo(changed_by)]]''' 
    24 == 2015: From nemo_v3_6 to nemo_v3_6_STABLE: the release from CMIP6 experiments 
     24== 2015 v3.6 stable (CMIP6) 
    2626Main new features 
    4141* Faster split-explicit time stepping, Z-tilde ALE coordinates, implicit bottom friction 
    4242* First version of Configuration Manager 
    43 * Standalone OBS component and improvements in OBS&ASM 
     43* Standalone OBS component and improvements in OBS & ASM 
    4545==== Features becoming obsolete 
    5151* On line coarsening of biogeochemistry 
    53 == 2014 From nemo_v3_5 to nemo_v3_6 
     53== 2014 v3.6 
    5555Includes all the developments of 3_5 (especially the new XIOS IO system) , and new features: 
    7070* Atmospheric forcing at land-ocean interface 
    72 == 2012 From nemo_v3_4 to nemo_v3_5 
     72== 2012 v3.5 
    7474Brief overview of the v3_5_alpha majors improvements and developments 
    76     The new Input/Output server XIOS is a major evolution including a versatile xml interface, the dedicated processors for I/O functionality allowing improved scalability, and a large performance improvement on massively parallel platforms. This option is now set as the default one. The previous IOIPSL code and interface are kept as backup options at this stage. 
     76The new !Input/Output server XIOS is a major evolution including a versatile xml interface, the dedicated processors for I/O functionality allowing improved scalability, and a large performance improvement on massively parallel platforms. This option is now set as the default one. The previous IOIPSL code and interface are kept as backup options at this stage. 
    7878=== Interfaces 
    8888* Wave-NEMO interface module has been further developed with the introduction of the reading of the 2D stoke drift and wave number and the on-line computation of the 3D stoke drift current. 
    90 Also 
     90=== Misc. 
    9292* A new vertical sigma coordinate stretching function (Siddorn and Furner OM 2012r) 
    93     Smagorinsky eddy coefficients: Smagorinsky type diffusivity/viscosity for lateral mixing has been introduced 
     93* Smagorinsky eddy coefficients: Smagorinsky type diffusivity/viscosity for lateral mixing has been introduced 
    9494* Analytical tropical cyclones taken in account using track and magnitude observations (Vincent et al. JGR 2012a,b) 
    9595* MUSCL: an option for local up-stream advection schemes which are useful in case of rivers, straits and in proximity of open lateral boundary conditions. The possibility to switch from MUSCL to a standard up-stream scheme has been included in the MUSCL advection routine 
    9898* Evolution of SETTE validation tool 
    100 == 2011 From tag nemo_v3_3 to nemo_v3_4 
     100== 2011 v3.4 
    102102This is a major release and the documentation has been updated in consequence. 
    106106==== New physics and numerics 
    108 * new pressure gradient suitable for s-coordinate  
    109 * completion of Griffies iso-neutral diffusion  
    110 * back to a semi-implicit bottom friction  
    111 * add Pacanowski-Philander scheme for computation of Ekman depth  
    112 * add a new bulk formulae (so called MFS) 
    113 * introduce a drag coefficient compute by wave model  
    114 * add tidal potential forcing  
     108* New pressure gradient suitable for s-coordinate  
     109* Completion of Griffies iso-neutral diffusion  
     110* Back to a semi-implicit bottom friction  
     111* Add Pacanowski-Philander scheme for computation of Ekman depth  
     112* Add a new bulk formulae (so called MFS) 
     113* Introduce a drag coefficient compute by wave model  
     114* Add tidal potential forcing  
    115115* Netpune effect parametrization 
    116 * point to point MPI communication for north fold  
    117 * allow sub timestepping for biogeochemistry models when using non-linear free surfac 
     116* Point to point MPI communication for north fold  
     117* Allow sub timestepping for biogeochemistry models when using non-linear free surfac 
    118118* Improvement in PISCES (light limitation ; quota model for iron ; use Pa in gas exchange ; fldread for all data ; calcite dissolution & calcon salinity dependence ) 
    120120==== Configurations, diagnostics and tools 
    122 * suppression of POMME configuration 
    123 * addition of a regional configuration AMM12 
    124 * improvement of format for lagrangian floats 
    125 * online computing of transport across sections 
    126 * tidal harmonic analysis  
    127 * tools to prepare input files for observation operator 
    128 * timing functionality  
     122* Suppression of POMME configuration 
     123* Addition of a regional configuration AMM12 
     124* Improvement of format for lagrangian floats 
     125* Online computing of transport across sections 
     126* Tidal harmonic analysis  
     127* Tools to prepare input files for observation operator 
     128* Timing functionality  
    130130==== System simplification 
    132 * simplification of dynamic allocation 
    133 * end of merge TRA/TRA (no more separate 3d arrays for tracers, only 4d) 
    134 * suppression of obsolete hpg options 
    135 * more flexible definition of BDY input data 
     132* Simplification of dynamic allocation 
     133* End of merge TRA/TRA (no more separate 3d arrays for tracers, only 4d) 
     134* Suppression of obsolete hpg options 
     135* More flexible definition of BDY input data 
    136136* simplification of interfaces toward biogeochemical models 
    137 * interface with CICE in coupled mode 
     137* Interface with CICE in coupled mode 
    138138* Use of fldread to read/interpolate data for passive tracers and dynamical input data for OFFLINE configurations 
    140 == 2010 From tag nemo_v3_2 to nemo_v3_3 
    142 * introduction of a modified leapfrog-Asselin filter time stepping scheme [Leclair and Madec 2009] ; 
    143 * additional scheme for iso-neutral mixing [Griffies et al. 1998], although it is still a ”work in progress” ; 
    144 * a rewriting of the bottom boundary layer scheme, following Campin and Goosse [1999] ; 
    145 * addition of a Generic Length Scale vertical mixing scheme, following Um- lauf and Burchard [2003] ; 
    146 * addition of the atmospheric pressure as an external forcing on both ocean and sea-ice dynamics ; 
    147 * addition of a diurnal cycle on solar radiation [Bernie et al. 2007] ; river runoffs added through a non-zero depth, and having its own temperature and salinity ; 
     140== 2010 v3.3 
     142* Introduction of a modified leapfrog-Asselin filter time stepping scheme [Leclair and Madec 2009] ; 
     143* Additional scheme for iso-neutral mixing [Griffies et al. 1998], although it is still a ”work in progress” ; 
     144* Rewriting of the bottom boundary layer scheme, following Campin and Goosse [1999] ; 
     145* Addition of a Generic Length Scale vertical mixing scheme, following Um- lauf and Burchard [2003] ; 
     146* Addition of the atmospheric pressure as an external forcing on both ocean and sea-ice dynamics ; 
     147* Addition of a diurnal cycle on solar radiation [Bernie et al. 2007] ; river runoffs added through a non-zero depth, and having its own temperature and salinity ; 
    148148* CORE II normal year forcing set as the default forcing of ORCA2-LIM configuration ; 
    149 * generalisation of the use of fldread.F90 for all input fields (ocean climatology, sea-ice damping...) ; 
    150 * addition of an on-line observation and model comparison (thanks to NEMOVAR project) ; 
    151 * optional application of an assimilation increment (thanks to NEMOVAR project) ; 
    152 * coupling interface adjusted for WRF atmospheric model ; 
     149* Generalisation of the use of fldread.F90 for all input fields (ocean climatology, sea-ice damping...) ; 
     150* Addition of an on-line observation and model comparison (thanks to NEMOVAR project) ; 
     151* Optional application of an assimilation increment (thanks to NEMOVAR project) ; 
     152* Coupling interface adjusted for WRF atmospheric model ; 
    153153* C-grid ice rheology now available for both LIM-2 and LIM-3[Bouillon et al. 2009] ; 
    154154* LIM-3 ice-ocean momentum coupling applied to LIM-2 ; 
    155 * a deep re-writting and simplification of the off-line tracer component (OFF SRC) ; 
    156 * the merge of passive and active advection and diffusion modules ; 
     155* Deep re-writting and simplification of the off-line tracer component (OFF SRC) ; 
     156* Merge of passive and active advection and diffusion modules ; 
    157157* Use of the Flexible Configuration Manager (FCM) to build configurations, generate the Makefile and produce the executable ; 
    158158* Linear-tangent and Adjoint component (TAM) added, phased with v3.0 
    160160In addition, several minor modifications in the coding have been introduced with the constant concern of improving the model performance. 
    162 == 2009 From tag nemo_v3_1 to nemo_v3_2 
     162== 2009 v3.2 
    164164''This release has been mainly designed for climate models, with enhanced coupling interface and implementation of AR5 diagnostics.'' 
    166166=== New science 
    168 * tidal mixing parametrization (bottom intensification) + Indonesian specific tidal mixing 
     168* Tidal mixing parametrization (bottom intensification) + Indonesian specific tidal mixing 
    169169* RGB light penetration and optional use of ocean color 
    170170* vvl option has been restored, including revisit free-surface time-splitting algorithm to reach stability and satisfying result and have vvl option available for all type of coordinates (z, zps, s) 
    173173=== New High Performance Computing 
    175 * the way to handle outputs has been improved 
    176 * implementation of IOM for output with the following functionalities : allows to output at few frequencies during same simulation, e.g both monthly and daily; output vectors/scalars is also available (for a strait transport calculation or for a vertical profile associated to buoys location for instance), and make easier the way to add an output everywhere in the code 
     175* Way to handle outputs has been improved 
     176* Implementation of IOM for output with the following functionalities : allows to output at few frequencies during same simulation, e.g both monthly and daily; output vectors/scalars is also available (for a strait transport calculation or for a vertical profile associated to buoys location for instance), and make easier the way to add an output everywhere in the code 
    177177* Suppression of rigid-lid option and no more island specific treatment 
    178178* Cleaning of lib_mpp 
    179179* SHMEM option has been removed 
    180 * north fold treatment is now done once for all in a new routine lbcnfd.F909 instead of being duplicated 
    181 * suppression of redundant east-west communication phase (ORCA grid case) 
    183 == 2008 From tag nemo_v2.3 to nemo_v3_1 
     180* North fold treatment is now done once for all in a new routine lbcnfd.F909 instead of being duplicated 
     181* Suppression of redundant east-west communication phase (ORCA grid case) 
     183== 2008 v3.1 
    185185=== New science 
    195195* Improvement of IOManager now able to handle long simulations and so to manage successive input files from one year to an other 
    196196* Improvements of AGRIF performance and users interface 
    197 * improved vectorial performances (~5%) of the rheology module in LIM 2.0 
     197* Improved vectorial performances (~5%) of the rheology module in LIM 2.0 
    198198* TOP reorganisation with one directory by model Fully written in Fortran 90, include all SMS models ( PISCES, LOBSTER, CFC ...) and interface for users developemnt through the MY_TRC directory) 
    199199* Update IOM modules for OFFLINE tracers 
    201201* Passive tracers used with AGRIF package 
    203 == 2007 From tag nemo_v2 to nemo_2_3 
     203== 2007 v2.3 
    205205=== New science 
    212212=== New High Performance Computing 
    214 == 2005-2006 From Tag nemo_v1 to nemo_v2 
     214== 2005-2006 v2.0 
    216216=== New science