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ticket/1611_is_oce_cpl – NEMO

Version 4 (modified by mathiot, 9 years ago) (diff)


Last edited Timestamp?

Author : Mathiot

ticket : XXXX

Branch : dev_r5589_is_oce_cpl



Allow NEMO to restart with a new geometry beneath the ice shelf (grounding line migration, i.e advance or retreat as well as calving front migration). This branch allow to test ice sheet/ocean coupling at each restart time step through netcdf file exchange.


  • It is not suitable if high frequency coupling is needed. Because the model need to be stop each time you want to couple ocean/ice sheet.
  • It not a conservative method (NEMO is creating/losing volume/mass/salt/heat at the coupling time step if the geometry change). I.e., under a pur dynamics ice sheet advance, your mean ssh will stay constant.


notation: bt = barotropic transport, if not precise, U/V/T/S mean properties of the top wet cell.

  • Thin/enlarge a top cell : T/S/SSH are unchanged, U/V in the top cell are corrected to keep bt_b = bt_n (usefull to improve stability)
  • 'Dry a cell' case: set mask = 0, T/S = 0, U/V = 0, bt is corrected to keep bt_b = bt_n and ssh_b = ssh_n
  • 'Dry a column' case: set mask = 0, T/S = 0, U/V = 0 and ssh = 0
  • 'Wet a cell' case: set mask to 1, T/S = MEAN(T(ji+1,jj), T(ji-1,jj), T(ji,jj+1), T(ji,jj-1)) (if no neighbour along i/j axis check along the k axis), SSH unchanged, U/V = 0
  • 'Wet a column' case: set mask to 1, T/S = MEAN(T(ji+1,jj), T(ji-1,jj), T(ji,jj+1), T(ji,jj-1)) (if no neighbour along i/j axis check along the k axis), SSH unchanged, U/V = 0

As the before and now fields are not really compatible (modification of the geometry), the restart time step is prescribed to be an euler time step instead of a leap frog and fields_b = fields_n (only if coupling between ice sheet and ocean).

An option is available to keep trend due to unconservation of Vol./heat/salt to 0 using what is done for runoff with specified T/S. I.e the location and the amount of extra/loss vol./heat/salt is diagnosed, saved and used to come back to a acceptable level of conservation before the next restart time step. The vol./heat/salt is removed/added as close as possible to the source/sink location using the techniques used in sbcrnf to prescribed a source of volume/heat/salt in the runoff. This option is only suitable for global ocean modeling. It has only been tested in the ISOMIP+ 3 and 4 experiments during 5 coupling steps. Only 5, because afterward the sea level was going ridiculously high.

Added routines

  • iscplini.F90: read namelist, allocation ...
  • iscplrst.F90: restart extrapolation
  • iscplhsb.F90: compute the volume/heat/salt correction (if asked)

Modified routines

  • istate.F90: call iscpl routine
  • divcur.F90: apply volume correction
  • trasbc.F90: apply heat/aslt correction
  • lib_fortran.F90: at this stage, need all of these to diagnose all is OK. HAVE to be removed before or during review process.
  • lbclnk.F90: add a routine to add correction term over the halo and afterward set the halo to 0. (Need to set a flag because not done for north fold but as the north fold do nut cut the Greenland, it is OK)


Testing could consider (where appropriate) other configurations in addition to NVTK].

NVTK Tested'''YES/NO'''
Other model configurationsISOMIP+ EXP 2 qnd 3
Processor configurations tested[ Enter processor configs tested here ]
If adding new functionality please confirm that the
New code doesn't change results when it is switched off
and ''works'' when switched on

(Answering UNSURE is likely to generate further questions from reviewers.)

'Please add further summary details here'

  • Processor configurations tested
  • etc----

Bit Comparability

Does this change preserve answers in your tested standard configurations (to the last bit) ?'''YES/NO '''
Does this change bit compare across various processor configurations. (1xM, Nx1 and MxN are recommended)'''YES/NO'''
Is this change expected to preserve answers in all possible model configurations?'''YES/NO'''
Is this change expected to preserve all diagnostics?
,,''Preserving answers in model runs does not necessarily imply preserved diagnostics. ''

If you answered '''NO''' to any of the above, please provide further details:

  • Which routine(s) are causing the difference?
  • Why the changes are not protected by a logical switch or new section-version
  • What is needed to achieve regression with the previous model release (e.g. a regression branch, hand-edits etc). If this is not possible, explain why not.
  • What do you expect to see occur in the test harness jobs?
  • Which diagnostics have you altered and why have they changed?Please add details here........

System Changes

Does your change alter namelists?'''YES/NO '''
Does your change require a change in compiler options?'''YES/NO '''

If any of these apply, please document the changes required here.......


''Please ''summarize'' any changes in runtime or memory use caused by this change......''

IPR issues

Has the code been wholly (100%) produced by NEMO developers staff working exclusively on NEMO?'''YES/ NO '''

If No:

  • Identify the collaboration agreement details
  • Ensure the code routine header is in accordance with the agreement, (Copyright/Redistribution? etc).Add further details here if required..........