New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
ticket/1658/General (diff) – NEMO

Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of ticket/1658/General

2016-06-09T17:09:23+02:00 (8 years ago)



  • ticket/1658/General

    v10 v11  
    101101   OK so this fails to run - We need to enable l_oasis_obgc in the suite to ensure arrays are allocated to send/receive coupling variables. Doing that we then gat a reconfiguration failure as we need to include fields 0,197 in the UM start dump. Add this in the "Configure ancils and initialise dump files" section and initialise to zero. That gets through the reconfiguration again. But do we have a source for the incoming DMS beyond the recieved field. I'm not sure we do.... That's probably fine for now, for testing purposes, but where does it need to go ultimately?   
    103    Well that now runs OK. (Remember the atmosphere is merely recieveing the DMS field, it's not using it aywhere... that's for the code owner to figure out.) Checking the DMS coupling field using EXPOUT we see that at TS=1 we have uniform zero and non zero values evolve at subsequent coupling exchanges. However, looking at the incoming field to the atmos we see a column of an apparent steep gradient in the field below India. This is the point at which the orca grid begins and ends - i.e. this looks like a wrap around issue with the MEDUSA DMS field.  
     103   Well that now runs OK. (Remember the atmosphere is merely receiving the DMS field, it's not using it anywhere... that's for the code owner to figure out.) Checking the DMS coupling field using EXPOUT we see that at TS=1 we have uniform zero and non zero values evolve at subsequent coupling exchanges. However, looking at the incoming field to the atmos we see a column of an apparent steep gradient in the field below India. This is the point at which the orca grid begins and ends - i.e. this looks like a wrap around issue with the MEDUSA DMS field.  
     105  Sure enough, the outgoing DMS field from NEMO has zeros in the first and last columns! This is consistent with the loops in trcbio_medusa.F90 which only operate over columns 2 to 361 and rows 2 to 331. Is that deliberate? One presumes it must be otherwise MEDUSA runs would have bad things going on around the grid edges. If it is all ex3epected, then we probably need to add a halo update before coupling DMS (and CO2 flux).  