Changeset 3267

2016-03-14T11:14:10+01:00 (8 years ago)

important bugfixes and updates:

  1. added many elsewhere statement to get rid of NaN and inf in IO.
  2. bugfix of WHERE statemtents in stomate_litter.f90
  1. changed how nutrients are added during a spinup; not only after the analytic spinup cycle, but any time when immob.GT.min_n_soil or min_p_soil
  2. during analytic_spinup BNF rates are forced to be read in from file
  3. bugfix for the calculation of running average of litter and SOM stoichiometry.
  1. use max_eau_var from sechiba for P uptake instead of internal parameter
  2. disabled flexibility in CN stoichiometry of SOM
  1. bugfix in mass conservation checks in case impose_CN=true

the code is yet not cleaned and might contain useless print statements


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