
Model developments


Source Code

Reference Simulations

Group Activities & Contact

Wiki of ORCHIDEE model

This wiki aims at gathering information on ORCHIDEE model : code versions and documentation, configurations used by the model, evaluation, seminars...
Information is organized according different sections which are described below :

The official website for ORCHIDEE is available at

SectionDescriptionHighlights or short cuts to sub-sections
Model Developments In this section, you will find all the informations on the ongoing developments CMIP6
Documentation 'News', Scientific documentation, Information on the implementation of the code, Users guide/How To, Informations on the forcing UserGuide/How To
Source Code Where you will find the source code of the different versions, restricted access for some ongoing developments See the trunk here.
Reference Simulations All the information on evaluation protocol and reference simulation. Log in is needed to access this page.
Group Activities & ContactIncludes: ORCHIDEE-POLICY, ORCHIDEE-Strategic plan, meetings (weekly agenda and meeting reports, private access, you need to login), seminars, users list, contact, training courses Training courses

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Last modified 3 months ago Last modified on 2024-04-23T15:48:42+02:00