Changeset 3476 for trunk

2016-05-27T18:23:19+02:00 (8 years ago)

Wilting point and field capacity depend now on soil texture.

We use the VG relationships to derive mcw and mcf depending on soil texture assuming that the matric potential for wilting point and field capacity is
-150m (permanent WP) and -3.3m respectively (-1m for FC for the three sandy soils following Richards, L.A. and Weaver, L.R. (1944).

Note that mcw remains GE mcr.
The max available water content becomes smaller (and more realistic) than when using the vamues of 0.1 and 0.32 for all soil textures.
As an adaptation, we increase pcent to a classical value of 80%, for the water stress to be effective on a wide enough range of soil moisture.

A Ducharne

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