Changeset 4478 for perso

2017-06-29T18:35:59+02:00 (7 years ago)

Fix: write statements variables are out of bounds
Fix: properly declare soilcarbon_input_DOC dimensions (dimensions were switched) in littercalc
Fix: replace tau_carbon(scalar value) by fbact_npool(dimensions)
Fix: delete history write for netirrig and netirrig_alma because they are not used
Fix: frac_snow_veg and frac_snow_nobio are module scope variables. Delete local subroutine declaration.
Fix: stomatelpj requires moist_soil_dialy instead of moist_soil
Fix: irrig_netereq is not allocated. do_irrigation is not yet merged.
Fix: do not calculate total_lake_overflow/nb_coast_gridcells when coatal mask is zero. Otherwise there is a division by zero.
Clean: comment debugging value writes
Debug: add checks for different variables to make sure its values are consistent

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