Changeset 5305 for perso

2018-06-25T16:39:18+02:00 (6 years ago)

Change: copy all variable mapping indices from histwrite to histdef.
Change: copy all history mapping indices to ioisplctrl
New: histdef has a new optional argument to mapidx
New: history variable mapping indices are now saved
New: missing histwrite GLUC calls moved to its 3D implementation (e.g: glcc_pftmtc_SF, ...)
New: subroutine histwrite_i1d_p manages INTEGER variables (previously only REAL). e.g: njsc

Todo: remove all unnecessary arguments from histwrite_p calls
Todo: make sure IOIPSL history is disabled when XIOS is enabled
Todo: delete history mapping indices outside ioipslctrl

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