Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Branches/Driver_Improvements

2012-09-13T09:24:55+02:00 (12 years ago)



  • Branches/Driver_Improvements

    v1 v2  
    66== Reminder == 
    77The driver of ORCHIDEE is expected to read forcing files with a very specific temporal structure. 
    8 The fields read at a certain time step t in the NetCdf file correspond to: 
     8All time information are defined on UTC time. 
     9 The fields read at a certain time step t in the NetCdf file correspond to: 
    910the instantaneous value at t+1 for Temperature, Wind Speed, Air Pressure and Specific Humidity.  
    1011the mean value between t and t+1 for Long and Short Wave Incomming Radiation and the Precipitation.  
    12 Instantaneous fields and the LongWave Radiation are then linearly interpolated for each t:t+1 time period in order to calculate half-hourly value. 
    13 The Precipitation field is downscaled to half-hourly resolution using a step distribution function with one parameter (spread_prec).  
     13 * Interpolation 
     14  * Instantaneous fields and the Long-Wave Radiation are then linearly interpolated for each t:t+1 time period in order to calculate half-hourly value. 
     15  * The Precipitation field is downscaled to half-hourly resolution using a step distribution function with one parameter (nb_spread, that is the number of half-hourly time steps over which we spread the precipitation). nb_spread can vary from 1 (all precipitations over a forcing time period (3 ou 6 hours) are put on the first time step) to SPLIT_DT (number of integration time steps with a forcing time period, in that case, the precipitation are distributed uniformely). By default, nb_spread is set to 1.  
     16  * The Short-Wave radiation is interpolated using a function distribution that corresponds to the solar angle distribution over a forcing time period. 
     19== Add an explicit time information within the forcing files == 
     20As described above, the driver of ORCHIDEE is relatively rigid because it only assumes one temporal specification for the forcing files. At first, we do not expect to develop a more flexible driver but we would like to add explicit time information in the driver in order to avoid misuse. 
     21We suggest to add time_bounds attributes to the variables stored in the NetCdf forcing files. 